386 research outputs found

    Local chemokine profiling in eosinophilic esophagitis: the Synthetic Absorptive Matrix test

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    We describe a novel method of sampling the esophageal lining fluid in children and show that levels of eotaxin-1 and MCP-4 differentiate those children with a histological diagnosis of EoE from those without. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Relative influence of shredders and fungi on leaf litter decomposition along a river altitudinal gradient

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    We compared autumn decomposition rates of European alder leaves at four sites along the Lasset–Hers River system, southern France, to test whether changes in litter decomposition rates from upstream (1,300 m elevation) to downstream (690 m) could be attributed to temperature-driven differences in microbial growth, shredder activity, or composition of the shredder community. Alder leaves lost 75–87% of original mass in 57 days, of which 46–67% could be attributed to microbial metabolism and 8–29% to shredder activity, with no trend along the river. Mass loss rates in both fine-mesh (excluding shredders) and coarse-mesh (including shredders) bags were faster at warm, downstream sites (mean daily temperature 7–8°C) than upstream (mean 1–2°C), but the differ- ence disappeared when rates were expressed in heat units to remove the temperature effect. Mycelial biomass did not correlate with mass loss rates. Faster mass loss rates upstream, after temperature correction, evidently arise from more efficient shredding by Nemourid stoneflies than by the Leuctra-dominated assemblage downstream. The influence of water temperature on decomposition rate is therefore expressed both directly, through microbial metabolism, and indirectly, through the structure of shredder commu- nities. These influences are evident even in cold water where temperature variation is small

    Regulatory role of CD8(+ )T lymphocytes in bone marrow eosinophilopoiesis

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    BACKGROUND: There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that CD8(+ )T lymphocytes contribute to local allergen-induced eosinophilic inflammation. Since bone marrow (BM) responses are intricately involved in the induction of airway eosinophilia, we hypothesized that CD8(+ )T lymphocytes, as well as CD4(+ )T lymphocytes, may be involved in this process. METHODS: Several approaches were utilized. Firstly, mice overexpressing interleukin-5 (IL-5) in CD3(+ )T lymphocytes (NJ.1638; CD3(IL-5+ )mice) were bred with gene knockout mice lacking either CD4(+ )T lymphocytes (CD4(-/-)) or CD8(+ )T lymphocytes (CD8(-/-)) to produce CD3(IL-5+ )knockout mice deficient in CD4(+ )T lymphocytes (CD3(IL-5+)/CD4(-/-)) and CD8(+ )T lymphocytes (CD3(IL-5+)/CD8(-/-)), respectively. Secondly, CD3(+), CD4(+ )and CD8(+ )T lymphocytes from naïve CD3(IL-5+ )and C57BL/6 mice were adoptively transferred to immunodeficient SCID-bg mice to determine their effect on BM eosinophilia. Thirdly, CD3(IL-5+), CD3(IL-5+)/CD8(-/- )and CD3(IL-5+)/CD4(-/- )mice were sensitized and allergen challenged. Bone marrow and blood samples were collected in all experiments. RESULTS: The number of BM eosinophils was significantly reduced in CD3(IL-5+)/CD8(-/- )mice compared to CD3(IL-5+ )mice and CD3(IL-5+)/CD4(-/- )mice. Serum IL-5 was significantly higher in CD3(IL-5+)/CD4(-/- )mice compared to CD3(IL-5+ )mice but there was no difference in serum IL-5 between CD3(IL-5+)/CD4(-/- )and CD3(IL-5+)/CD8(-/- )mice. Adoptive transfer of CD8(+), but not CD4(+ )T lymphocytes from naïve CD3(IL-5+ )and C57BL/6 mice restored BM eosinophilia in immunodeficient SCID-bg mice. Additionally, allergen challenged CD3(IL-5+)/CD8(-/- )mice developed lower numbers of BM eosinophils compared to CD3(IL-5+ )mice and CD3(IL-5+)/CD4(-/- )mice. CONCLUSION: This study shows that CD8(+ )T lymphocytes are intricately involved in the regulation of BM eosinophilopoiesis, both in non-sensitized as well as sensitized and allergen challenged mice

    Genome-Wide Analysis of GLD-1–Mediated mRNA Regulation Suggests a Role in mRNA Storage

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    Translational repression is often accompanied by mRNA degradation. In contrast, many mRNAs in germ cells and neurons are “stored" in the cytoplasm in a repressed but stable form. Unlike repression, the stabilization of these mRNAs is surprisingly little understood. A key player in Caenorhabditis elegans germ cell development is the STAR domain protein GLD-1. By genome-wide analysis of mRNA regulation in the germ line, we observed that GLD-1 has a widespread role in repressing translation but, importantly, also in stabilizing a sub-population of its mRNA targets. Additionally, these mRNAs appear to be stabilized by the DDX6-like RNA helicase CGH-1, which is a conserved component of germ granules and processing bodies. Because many GLD-1 and CGH-1 stabilized mRNAs encode factors important for the oocyte-to-embryo transition (OET), our findings suggest that the regulation by GLD-1 and CGH-1 serves two purposes. Firstly, GLD-1–dependent repression prevents precocious translation of OET–promoting mRNAs. Secondly, GLD-1– and CGH-1–dependent stabilization ensures that these mRNAs are sufficiently abundant for robust translation when activated during OET. In the absence of this protective mechanism, the accumulation of OET–promoting mRNAs, and consequently the oocyte-to-embryo transition, might be compromised

    Multiscale Drivers of Water Chemistry of Boreal Lakes and Streams

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    The variability in surface water chemistry within and between aquatic ecosystems is regulated by many factors operating at several spatial and temporal scales. The importance of geographic, regional-, and local-scale factors as drivers of the natural variability of three water chemistry variables representing buffering capacity and the importance of weathering (acid neutralizing capacity, ANC), nutrient concentration (total phosphorus, TP), and importance of allochthonous inputs (total organic carbon, TOC) were studied in boreal streams and lakes using a method of variance decomposition. Partial redundancy analysis (pRDA) of ANC, TP, and TOC and 38 environmental variables in 361 lakes and 390 streams showed the importance of the interaction between geographic position and regional-scale variables. Geographic position and regional-scale factors combined explained 15.3% (streams) and 10.6% (lakes) of the variation in ANC, TP, and TOC. The unique variance explained by geographic, regional, and local-scale variables alone was <10%. The largest amount of variance was explained by the pure effect of regional-scale variables (9.9% for streams and 7.8% for lakes), followed by local-scale variables (2.9% and 5.8%) and geographic position (1.8% and 3.7%). The combined effect of geographic position, regional-, and local-scale variables accounted for between 30.3% (lakes) and 39.9% (streams) of the variance in surface water chemistry. These findings lend support to the conjecture that lakes and streams are intimately linked to their catchments and have important implications regarding conservation and restoration (management) endeavors