1,321 research outputs found

    The sutures in dentistry

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    In oral surgery, the last phase of a surgical operation is represented by the tissues suture, that allows the wound lips edges approximation and their stabilization, to promote haemostasis, to avoid the alimentary residues accumulation on the incision line and allow the first intention healing. A good suture avoids that the displacing forces generated by the muscular insertions, functional movements and by the external agents destabilize or cause the surgical wound deiscence. The purpose of this study was to re-examine the suture threads characteristics, properties and biological interactions evaluating the different studies published in literature results and conclusions. In conclusion, the authors recommended the use of the different suture threads on the dependence of the oral surgery operation type that must be performed, of the patient compliance and of the various suture materials physical and biocompatibility characteristics

    Bi-photon propagation control with optimized wavefront by means of Adaptive Optics

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    We present an efficient method to control the spatial modes of entangled photons produced through SPDC process. Bi-photon beam propagation is controlled by a deformable mirror, that shapes a 404nm CW diode laser pump interacting with a nonlinear BBO type-I crystal. Thanks to adaptive optical system, the propagation of 808nm SPDC light produced is optimized over a distance of 2m. The whole system optimization is carried out by a feedback between deformable mirror action and entangled photon coincidence counts. We also demonstrated the improvement of the two-photon coupling into single mode fibers

    Triple negative breast cancer: new perspectives for targeted therapies

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    Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease, encompassing a large number of entities showing different morphological features and having clinical behaviors. It has became apparent that this diversity may be justified by distinct patterns of genetic, epigenetic, and transcriptomic aberrations. The identification of gene-expression microarray-based characteristics has led to the identification of at least five breast cancer subgroups: luminal A, luminal B, normal breast-like, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2, and basal-like. Triple-negative breast cancer is a complex disease diagnosed by immunohistochemistry, and it is characterized by malignant cells not expressing estrogen receptors or progesterone receptors at all, and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2. Along with this knowledge, recent data show that triple-negative breast cancer has specific molecular features that could be possible targets for new biological targeted drugs. The aim of this article is to explore the use of new drugs in this particular setting, which is still associated with poor prognosis and high risk of distant recurrence and death

    Dental health in adults and subadults from the 16th-century plague cemetery of Alghero (Sardinia, Italy)

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    Objective: The aim of this study is to examine a set of dental health indicators, including caries, periodontal disease, abscesses, ante-mortem tooth loss, calculus, and tooth wear of a 16th-century population from the city of Alghero, Sardinia (Italy), in order to evaluate the state of dental health and the diet. Design: The cemetery is referable to the plague outbreak that ravaged the city in 1582-1583. A total of 160 individuals (81 adults and 79 subadults) were suitable for dental examination. Results: The oral conditions of the urban population of Alghero are characterised by high frequency of carious lesions, periodontal disease, ante mortem tooth loss, and calculus, but a low prevalence of abscesses and moderate tooth wear are recorded. In general, no statistically significant sexual differences are observed, suggesting a uniform scenario for diet access and oral health. The subadult subsample shows moderate rates of caries and is affected by calculus. The results suggest that the diet was rich in soft and refined food, with a prevalence of carbohydrates and cariogenic aliments; the effects of the diet are associated with a lack of oral hygiene. Conclusions: The patterns of dental health observed in the Alghero population fit with the data observed in other Modern Age samples, reflecting increased prevalence of dentoalveolar diseases resulting from a less abrasive diet and an increase in carbohydrate consumption, as documented during the transition from the Middle Ages to the Modern period

    Breast metastasis and lung large-cell neuroendocrine carcinoma: first clinical observation

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    The lung Large-cell neuroendocrine carcinoma (LCNEC) is a very rare aggressive neuroendocrine tumor with a high propensy to metastasize and very poor prognosis. We report an atypical presentation of lung large-cell neuroendocrine carcinoma was diagnosed from a metastatic nodule on the breast. Our patient is a 59 years-old woman that presented in March 2014 non productive cough. A CT scan showed multiple brain, lung, adrenal gland and liver secondary lesions; moreover, it revealed a breast right nodule near the chest measuring 1.8 cm. The breast nodule and a lung lesions were biopsied and their histology and molecular diagnosis were LCNEC of the lung. To our knowledge, this is the first documented case of breast metastasis from LCNEC of the lung. Furthermore, breast metastasis from extramammary malignancy is uncommon and its diagnosis is difficult but important for proper management and prediction of prognosis. Therefore, a careful clinical history with a thorough clinical examination is needed to make the correct diagnosis. Moreover, metastasis to the breast should be considered in any patient with a known primary malignant tumor history who presents with a breast lump. Anyhow, pathological examination should be performed to differentiate the primary breast cancer from metastatic tumor. Therefore, an accurate diagnosis of breast metastases may not only avoid unnecessary breast resection, more importantly it is crucial to determine an appropriate and systemic treatment

    Développement et application des photocatalyseurs à base de cuivre en catalyse homogène et enzymatique

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    Le développement de réactions catalytiques est sans cesse en expansion et s’aligne fortement aux principes de la chimie vert. La photocatalyse est devenue un outil de synthèse omniprésent en synthèse organique. Elle est une alternative de choix pour accéder à de nouvelles réactivités qui ne sont pas accessibles thermiquement. Le choix des photocatalyseurs a une importance primordiale pour obtenir la réactivité désirée et la synthèse de nouveaux photocatalyseurs est essentiel pour la découverte de nouvelles réactivités. La biocatalyse est une alternative sans conteste qui permet d’obtenir des composés énantiopures. Dans cette thèse ces deux types de catalyse seront utilisés pour la conversion d’alcool en halogénure correspondant, pour la formation de cyclophanes chiraux planaires, et pour le développement d’une réaction cinétique dynamique par voie photocatalytique. Les chapitres 1 et 2 ont pour but d’introduire les concepts de photochimies, photocatalyse, chimie en débit continu et les photocatalyseurs à base de cuivre(I) pour la bonne compréhension des chapitres 4 et 8. Les résultats du premier projet de cette thèse sont présentés dans le chapitre 4 et portent sur le développement d’une réaction de type Appel via un système photocatalytique en chimie en débit continu. En premier lieu il a été criblé une libraire de 50 photocatalyseurs à base de cuivre, le complexe [Cu(tmp)(BINAP)]BF4 a été identifié comme le meilleure pour cette transformation. Une dizaine de substrats ont été évalué et les rendements varient de 80 % à 99 % en chimie traditionnelle. L’utilisation de la chimie en débit continu a permis de diminuer le temps de réaction à 4 h (contre 24 h) pour des rendements similaires. Le deuxième projet de cette thèse porte sur la tentative de synthèse de cyclophanes chiraux planaires (Chapitre 6) et est précédé d’introductions sur les procédés de biocatalyse et les cyclophanes (Chapitre 5). Les résultats présentés dans ce chapitre montrent les efforts sur la synthèse de précurseurs macrocyclique et les tentatives de macrocyclisation pour l’obtentions de macrocycles énantioenrichis. Les versions racémiques de certains composés ont été obtenus avec des rendements compris en 19 et 25 % et a permis de réaliser une étude de variation de température. 4 Précédé d’une introduction sur le concept des procédés de transfert d’atomes d’hydrogène (Chapitre 7), le chapitre 8 présente les résultats sur le développement d’une résolution cinétique dynamique impliquant un système photocatalytique à base de cuivre(I). Premièrement un criblage de 60 photocatalyseurs a été réaliser et le [Cu(dtbbpy)(DPEPhos)]BF4 a été identifié comme le meilleur pour un processus de HAT sur un alcool secondaire. Deuxièmement, la combinaison de la photocatalyse et la catalyse enzymatique a permis d’obtenir des esters et des amides hautement énantioenrichis avec des rendements compris entre 62 % et 99% avec des excès énantiomériques allant de 75 % ee à 99 % ee.The development of catalytic reactions is constantly expanding and aligns with the principles of green chemistry. Photocatalysis has become omnipresent as a synthesic tool in organic chemistry. The choice of photocatalyst is of paramount importance to obtaining desired reactivities and thus the synthesis of new photocatalysts is essential. Biocatalysis is a efficient route to obtain enantiopure compounds. In the thesis, the two types of catalysis will be used for the conversion of alcohols to the corresponding halides, for the formation of planar chiral cyclophanes and for the development of photocatalytic a dynamic kinetic resolution. Chapters 1 and 2 are intended to introduce the concepts of photochemistry, photocatalysis, continuous flow chemistry and copper(I)-based photocatalysts for the proper understanding of chapters 4 and 8. The results of the first project of the thesis are presented in chapter 4 and focus on the development of a photocatalytic Appel reaction in continuous flow. First, a library of 50 copper-based photocatalysts was screened and the [Cu(tmp)(BINAP)]BF4 complex was identified as the best for the transformation. About ten substrates were evaluated and the yields varied from 80 % to 99 % in batch. The use of continuous flow chemistry decreases the reaction time to 4 h (vs 24 h) for similar yields. The second project of the thesis deals with the attempted synthesis of planar chiral cyclophanes (Chapter 6) and is preceeded by introductions to biocatalytic processes and cyclophanes (Chapter 5). The results presented in the chapter decribe the efforts toward the synthesis of macrocyclic precursors and the attempts at macrocyclization thereof to obtain enantioenriched macrocycles. The racemic version of some compounds were obtained in 19-25 % yields and variable temperature NMR stuies identified racemization barriers. Proceeded by an introduction on the concept of hydrogen atom transfer processes (Chapter 7), chapter 8 presents the results of the development of a dynamic kinetic resolution involving a copper-based photocatalytic system. First, a screening of 60 photocatalysts was performed and [Cu(dtbbpy)(DPEPhos)]BF4 was identified as the best for a HAT process on secondary alcohols. Second, the combination of photocatalysis and enzymatic catalysis provided highly enantioenriched esters and amides in yields between 68 and 99 % with enantiomeric excesses ranging from 75 % ee to 99% ee

    Il sistema di controllo glucosio-insulina e pancreas artificiale

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    I pazienti affetti da diabete di tipo 1 vengono trattati con iniezioni di insulina: i tempi e le quantità di insulina somministrate vengono normalmente aggiustate sulla base di alcune misurazioni della glicemia durante la giornata. Il fatto di poter disporre di un numero limitato di misure limita di molto l’efficacia di questa rudimentale azione di feedback in cui la variabile misurata è la glicemia (che si vorrebbe mantenere prossima al valore basale) e la variabile di controllo è l’ingresso di insulina. Pertanto fin dal 1960 sono stati studiati dei sistemi a catena chiusa che usano un monitoraggio a tempo continuo del glucosio. Questo problema viene analizzato utilizzando un modello del sistema di regolazione glucosio-insulina progettando per esso il controllore. Viene dapprima presentato il modello per un soggetto sano, successivamente modificato con l’aggiunta del modello di assorbimento dell’insulina per simulare il comportamento di un soggetto diabetico. Adottando per i parametri del modello dei valori standard presi dalla letteratura sono stati riprodotti gli andamenti della concentrazione plasmatica di glucosio e insulina dopo un pasto. È stato poi progettato un controllore di tipo PID per il sistema e successivamente esaminato il suo comportamento durante le 24 ore. I profili temporali, i parametri del controllore e la quantità di insulina somministrata sono in buon accordo con quanto pubblicato di recente sia in studi di simulazione che su pazienti realiope

    Restoration and preservation of the anatomical specimens of the Museum of Pathological Anatomy at the University of Pisa

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    The recent establishment of the University Museum System, whose aim is to promote and enhance the University collections, encouraged the rearrangement of the Museum of Pathological Anatomy, currently not operating, because its precious pieces are stored in a warehouse. The economic support of the “Fondazione Pisa” permitted, in the last year, to begin the recovery and restoration of a part of the specimens. The collection consists in 1500 human and animal pathological specimens of great scientific relevance, some of which dated back to the Granducal period. The remains consist in pathological changes and congenital anomalies detected on human and animal bodies and organs, preserved in formaldehyde or dry. In particular, the Museum includes: a collection of 50 human bladder stones dating back to the first half of the 19th century; a collection of malformed human newborns documenting 25 rare congenital malformations, dating back to the end of 19th and the beginning of 20th century; a collection of animal teratology; a collection of helminthic parasitology. In the last 30 years, the Museum was then enriched with a collection of pieces from pathological autopsies, such as lung, cardio-vascular, renal, and brain diseases. The recovery was initially addressed to restore the wet preparations preserved in formaldehyde that required an urgent emergency. In fact, in many cases the evaporation of the liquid has determined the deterioration of the specimens; moreover, formalin was replaced with alcohol because it has been declared toxic and the new Museum dispositions require impose the substitution with not dangerous preserving liquids. In the GiPaleo Meeting a selection from over 100 artifacts restored will be exhibited

    Synthèse, caractérisation et application de photocatalyseurs à base de cuivre

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    Dans ce mémoire il est présenté la synthèse rapide et efficace d’une bibliothèque de 50 complexes de cuivre photoactifs comportant des ligands bisphosphines et diamines. Il a été différencié les complexes homoleptiques qui sont composés seulement du même ligand diamine, et les complexes hétéroleptiques, qui sont composés d’un ligand diamine et un ligand bisphosphine. Afin de prévoir la réactivité de ces complexes, ils ont été soumis à des analyses photophysiques. Les spectres d’absorbances ont été enregistrés sur la majorité des complexes de cuivre. Les spectres d’émissions et les mesures de potentiels redox ont été enregistrés sur une série de diamines et une série de bisphosphines dans le but de comparer l’influence de la diamine ou la bisphosphine sur le complexe de cuivre. L’efficacité de ces photocatalyseurs a pu être mis en évidence en les faisant performer dans cinq transformations différentes ayant des mécanismes distincts, tels que des mécanismes de photorédox, de transfert d’énergie et de transfert de protons et d’électrons couplés. Enfin, après avoir effectué une évaluation de tous les catalyseurs dans chaque transformation, la relation entre les rendements obtenus et les potentiels redox a été établie. Il a été observé que le ligand bisphosphine BINAP, s’avère être le plus efficace pour des réactions de photocatalyse au cuivre.The thesis describes the rapid and efficient synthesis of a library of 50 copper complexes based upon bisphosphine and diamine ligands. Both homoleptic complexes which are composed of two diamine ligands, and the heteroleptic complexes, which are composed of a diamine ligand and a bisphosphine ligand, have been prepared. In order to predict the reactivity of the complexes in synthetic photochemistry, they were subjected to an analysis of their photophysical properties. Absorbance spectra were performed on all copper complexes. Emission spectra and redox potential measurements were performed on a series of complexes with varying diamines and a second series with varying bisphosphines, to compare the influence of diamine or bisphosphine on the complexes properties. The efficiency of the photocatalysts was demonstrated by testing them in five different photochemical transformations with distinct mechanisms: photoredox, energy transfer or proton-coupled electron transfer. Finally, after carrying out an evaluation of all the catalysts in each transformation, a comparison was made between the trend of the yields obtained, and the photophysical properties. In general, complexes bearing the BINAP ligand were found to be most effective for the different photocatalytic reactions

    CLIL Funerary Archaeology courses for first-cycle and second-cycle degree students

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    This paper reports on the differences between two specialized funerary archaeology courses conducted by a native language teacher from the Institute for Computational Linguistics of the National Research Council in Pisa and a subject specialist in paleopathology and funerary archaeology from the Division of Palaeopathology, Department of Translational Research on New Technologies in Medicine and Surgery of Pisa University. Lessons addressed to first cycle three-year Bachelor's degree undergraduates who were studying archaeology, art history, natural and environmental sciences took place in the second semester of the year 2012-2013. Classes in the same discipline and addressed to students from the same faculties had been held a year earlier for a second cycle twoyear Master's degree course. The classes were delivered in English using CLIL (exploitation of a vehicular foreign language to teach a special subject) associated with blended learning methodology (combination of face-to-face instructor-led training with web-based technology). Appropriate teaching materials selected by the two teachers covered a wide range of topics, from the study of death to ancient burials, rites, and dynamics of human settlements, as well as evidence of past human societies recovered by excavations. In particular, ancient Roman funerary customs (inhumation, cremation) and Medieval mortuary practices and burials were studied, alongside artifacts such as weapons, jewellery, and pottery vessels recovered from archaeological sites both in Italy and in Britain. Collaboration between language teacher and subject specialist was crucial for the selection of the reading and listening materials, for the correction of the oral and written work assigned to the students, and for the intervention on the part of the subject teacher to clarify points that had been raised, to assist the students during the individual presentations, pairwork or group discussions, and to encourage their work. Two researchers collaborating with the subject specialist also contributed to the lessons by presenting studies they had performed in their area of expertise and by assisting the students during the discussions. These student-centred tasks were aimed at accomplishing important educational goals such as student motivation, improved cognitive and academic performance, enhanced access to online learning resources, peer learning and collaboration. The 2012-2013 course proved to be much more interactive and challenging than the previous one, owing to the major emphasis given to the more practical aspects, in preparation for the fieldwork in archaeology and bioarchaeology, which was carried out in the summer of 2013, working with their peers from Ohio State University and other Universities in the USA, Canada and Australia. Particular attention was devoted to the language of funerary archaeology, and the trainees extracted definitions from the texts they were using to enrich an ongoing English-Italian glossary of funerary archaeology terms. The most important items and sentence structures of the English language were studied and revised, and an English grammar containing contextualized examples drawn from specialized works in that domain was enriched with new material. Student exchanges under different European and international programmes have emphasized on the need for specialist knowledge in specific thematic areas, alongside an oral and written command of a foreign language
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