143 research outputs found

    Therapeutic Strategies Targeting Urokinase and Its Receptor in Cancer

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    Several studies have ascertained that uPA and uPAR do participate in tumor progression and metastasis and are involved in cell adhesion, migration, invasion and survival, as well as angiogenesis. Increased levels of uPA and uPAR in tumor tissues, stroma and biological fluids correlate with adverse clinic–pathologic features and poor patient outcomes. After binding to uPAR, uPA activates plasminogen to plasmin, a broad-spectrum matrix-and fibrin-degrading enzyme able to facilitate tumor cell invasion and dissemination to distant sites. Moreover, uPAR activated by uPA regulates most cancer cell activities by interacting with a broad range of cell membrane receptors. These findings make uPA and uPAR not only promising diagnostic and prognostic markers but also attractive targets for developing anticancer therapies. In this review, we debate the uPA/uPAR structure–function relationship as well as give an update on the molecules that interfere with or inhibit uPA/uPAR functions. Additionally, the possible clinical development of these compounds is discussed

    . New ground-based lidar enables volcanic CO2 flux measurements

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    There have been substantial advances in the ability to monitor the activity of hazardous volcanoes in recent decades. However, obtaining early warning of eruptions remains challenging, because the patterns and consequences of volcanic unrests are both complex and nonlinear. Measuring volcanic gases has long been a key aspect of volcano monitoring since these mobile fluids should reach the surface long before the magma. There has been considerable progress in methods for remote and in-situ gas sensing, but measuring the flux of volcanic CO2—the most reliable gas precursor to an eruption—has remained a challenge. Here we report on the first direct quantitative measurements of the volcanic CO2 flux using a newly designed differential absorption lidar (DIAL), which were performed at the restless Campi Flegrei volcano. We show that DIAL makes it possible to remotely obtain volcanic CO2 flux time series with a high temporal resolution (tens of minutes) and accuracy (<30%). The ability of this lidar to remotely sense volcanic CO2 represents a major step forward in volcano monitoring, and will contribute improved volcanic CO2 flux inventories. Our results also demonstrate the unusually strong degassing behavior of Campi Flegrei fumaroles in the current ongoing state of unrest

    Colorimetric Test for Fast Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in Nasal and Throat Swabs

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    Mass testing is fundamental to face the pandemic caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 discovered at the end of 2019. To this aim, it is necessary to establish reliable, fast, and cheap tools to detect viral particles in biological material so to identify the people capable of spreading the infection. We demonstrate that a colorimetric biosensor based on gold nanoparticle (AuNP) interaction induced by SARS-CoV-2 lends itself as an outstanding tool for detecting viral particles in nasal and throat swabs. The extinction spectrum of a colloidal solution of multiple viral-target gold nanoparticles-AuNPs functionalized with antibodies targeting three surface proteins of SARS-CoV-2 (spike, envelope, and membrane)-is red-shifted in few minutes when mixed with a solution containing the viral particle. The optical density of the mixed solution measured at 560 nm was compared to the threshold cycle (Ct) of a real-time PCR (gold standard for detecting the presence of viruses) finding that the colorimetric method is able to detect very low viral load with a detection limit approaching that of the real-time PCR. Since the method is sensitive to the infecting viral particle rather than to its RNA, the achievements reported here open a new perspective not only in the context of the current and possible future pandemics, but also in microbiology, as the biosensor proves itself to be a powerful though simple tool for measuring the viral particle concentration

    Long term variations at Campi Flegrei (Italy) volcanic system highlighted by the monitoring of hydrothermal activity

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    Long time-series of chemical composition of fumaroles and of soil CO2 flux reveal that important variations in the activity of Solfatara fumarolic field, the most important hydrothermal site of Campi Flegrei, occurred in the 2000- 2008 period. A continuous increase of the CO2 concentration and a general decrease of the CH4 concentration are interpreted as the consequence of the increment of the relative amount of magmatic fluids, rich in CO2 and poor in CH4, hosted by the hydrothermal system. Contemporaneously the H2O-CO2-He-N2 gas system shows remarkable compositional variations in the samples collected after July 2000 with respect to the previous ones, indicating the progressive arrival at the surface of a magmatic component different from that involved in the 1983-84 bradyseism. The change starts in 2000 concurrently with the occurrence of relatively deep long periods seismic events which, in our interpretation, were the indicator of the opening of an easy pathway for the transfer of magmatic fluids towards the shallower, brittle domain hosting the hydrothermal system. Since 2000 this magmatic gas source is active and causes ground deformations, seismicity as well as the expansion of the area interested by diffuse soil degassing of deeply derived CO2

    Inclusion of a degron reduces levelsof undesired inteins after AAV-mediated proteintrans-splicing in the retina

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    Split intein-mediated protein trans-splicing expands AAV transfer capacity, thus overcoming the limited AAV cargo. However, non-mammalian inteins persist as trans-splicing by-products, and this could raise safety concerns for AAV intein clinical applications. In this study, we tested the ability of several degrons to selectively decrease levels of inteins after protein trans-splicing and found that a version of E. coli dihydrofolate reductase, which we have shortened to better fit into the AAV vector, is the most effective. We show that subretinal administration of AAV intein armed with this short degron is both safe and effective in a mouse model of Stargardt disease (STGD1), which is the most common form of inherited macular degeneration in humans. This supports the use of optimized AAV intein for gene therapy of both STGD1 and other conditions that require transfer of large genes

    Level of carbon dioxide diffuse degassing from the ground of Vesuvio: comparison between extensive surveys and inferences on the gas source

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    An extensive campaign of diffuse CO2 soil flux was carried out at the cone of Vesuvio in October 2006 with two main objectives: 1) to provide an estimation of CO2 diffusely discharged through the soils in the summit area and 2) to evidence those sectors of the volcano where structural and morphological conditions could favour the gas output. The survey consisted of 502 measurements of soil CO2 flux homogenously distributed over an area of about 1.8 km2. Results of this survey were compared with those obtained during a similar campaign carried out by Frondini et al. in 2000, from which we have taken and reinterpreted a subset of data belonging to the common investigated area. Graphical statistical analysis showed three overlapping populations in both surveys, evidencing the contribution of three different sources feeding the soil CO2 degassing process. The overall CO2 emission pattern of 2006 is coherent with that observed in 2000 and suggests that a value between 120 and 140 t/day of CO2 is representative of the total CO2 discharged by diffuse degassing from the summit area of Vesuvio. The preferential exhaling area lies in the inner crater, whose contribution resulted in 45.3% of the total CO2 emission in 2006 (with 62.8 t/day) and in 57.4% (with 70.3 t/day) in 2000, although its extension is only 13% of the investigated area. This highly emissive area correlated closely with the structural discontinuities of Vesuvio cone, mainly suggesting that the NW-SE trending tectonic line is actually an active fault leaking deep gas to the bottom of the crater. The drainage action of the fault could be enhanced by the “aspiration” effect of the volcanic conduit

    Ultrasound prediction of adverse outcome and perinatal complications at diagnosis of late-onset fetal growth restriction: a cohort study

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    Background: Abnormal umbilical, cerebral and uterine artery Doppler findings and fetal biometry below the 3rd percentile have been proposed as risk factors for perinatal complications in late-onset fetal growth restriction (FGR). Recent evidence has allowed to reach a consensus on the clinical use of Doppler ultrasound for the monitoring and timing of delivery in early-onset FGR, however there is limited data on the relationship between abnormal Doppler and severity of the growth restriction and adverse outcome when a diagnosis of late-onset FGR is made. Objective: To evaluate the relationship between the ultrasound parameters measured at diagnosis and perinatal adverse outcome within a cohort of late-onset FGR fetuses. Methods: This is a multicentre retrospective study between 2014 and 2019 including non-anomalous singleton pregnancies complicated by late-onset FGR, which was defined either by abdominal circumference (AC), estimated fetal weight (EFW) &lt;10th percentile for the gestation or by a reduction of the longitudinal growth of the AC by over 50 percentiles compared to an ultrasound scan performed between 18 and 32 weeks of gestation. Sonographic findings at diagnosis were compared between fetuses with and without adverse outcomes including stillbirth, obstetric intervention due to intrapartum distress, neonatal acidaemia, transfer to neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and composite adverse perinatal outcome (CAO), which was defined by either stillbirth or the combination of at least two adverse perinatal outcomes. Results: Overall, 468 cases with full biometry and umbilical, middle cerebral, and uterine artery (UtA) Doppler data were included, among whom CAO was recorded in 53 (11.3%). At logistic regression analysis, only the EFW percentile proved to be independently associated with CAO (p=0.01) and NICU admission (p&lt;0.01), while the mean UtA pulsatility index (PI) MoM &gt;95th percentile at diagnosis proved to be independently associated with obstetric intervention due to intrapartum distress (p&lt;0.01). The model including baseline pregnancy characteristics and the EFW percentile was associated with an area under the curve of 0.889, 95%CI (0.813-0.966), p&lt;0.001 for CAO. A cut-off value corresponding to the 3.95th percentile was found to better discriminate between cases with and without CAO yielding a 58.5% sensitivity [95% confidence interval (CI) (44.1-71.9)], a 69.6% specificity [95%CI (65.0-74.0)], a 19.8% positive predictive value [95%CI (13.8-26.8)], and a 92.9% negative predictive value [95%CI (89.5-95.5)]. Conclusions: Retrospective data on a large cohort of late-onset FGR fetuses shows that at diagnosis the EFW is the only sonographic parameter independently associated with the occurrence of adverse perinatal outcomes, while a mean UtA PI MoM &gt;95th percentile at diagnosis is independently associated with intrapartum distress leading to obstetric intervention. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved
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