132 research outputs found

    Automatic Pain Assessment by Learning from Multiple Biopotentials

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    Kivun täsmällinen arviointi on tärkeää kivunhallinnassa, erityisesti sairaan- hoitoa vaativille ipupotilaille. Kipu on subjektiivista, sillä se ei ole pelkästään aistituntemus, vaan siihen saattaa liittyä myös tunnekokemuksia. Tällöin itsearviointiin perustuvat kipuasteikot ovat tärkein työkalu, niin auan kun potilas pystyy kokemuksensa arvioimaan. Arviointi on kuitenkin haasteellista potilailla, jotka eivät itse pysty kertomaan kivustaan. Kliinisessä hoito- työssä kipua pyritään objektiivisesti arvioimaan esimerkiksi havainnoimalla fysiologisia muuttujia kuten sykettä ja käyttäytymistä esimerkiksi potilaan kasvonilmeiden perusteella. Tutkimuksen päätavoitteena on automatisoida arviointiprosessi hyödyntämällä koneoppimismenetelmiä yhdessä biosignaalien prosessointnin kanssa. Tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi mitattiin autonomista keskushermoston toimintaa kuvastavia biopotentiaaleja: sydänsähkökäyrää, galvaanista ihoreaktiota ja kasvolihasliikkeitä mittaavaa lihassähkökäyrää. Mittaukset tehtiin terveillä vapaaehtoisilla, joille aiheutettiin kokeellista kipuärsykettä. Järestelmän kehittämiseen tarvittavaa tietokantaa varten rakennettiin biopotentiaaleja keräävä Internet of Things -pohjainen tallennusjärjestelmä. Koostetun tietokannan avulla kehitettiin biosignaaleille prosessointimenetelmä jatku- vaan kivun arviointiin. Signaaleista eroteltiin piirteitä sekuntitasoon mukautetuilla aikaikkunoilla. Piirteet visualisoitiin ja tarkasteltiin eri luokittelijoilla kivun ja kiputason tunnistamiseksi. Parhailla luokittelumenetelmillä saavutettiin kivuntunnistukseen 90% herkkyyskyky (sensitivity) ja 84% erottelukyky (specificity) ja kivun voimakkuuden arviointiin 62,5% tarkkuus (accuracy). Tulokset vahvistavat kyseisen käsittelytavan käyttökelpoisuuden erityis- esti tunnistettaessa kipua yksittäisessä arviointi-ikkunassa. Tutkimus vahvistaa biopotentiaalien avulla kehitettävän automatisoidun kivun arvioinnin toteutettavuuden kokeellisella kivulla, rohkaisten etenemään todellisen kivun tutkimiseen samoilla menetelmillä. Menetelmää kehitettäessä suoritettiin lisäksi vertailua ja yhteenvetoa automaattiseen kivuntunnistukseen kehitettyjen eri tutkimusten välisistä samankaltaisuuksista ja eroista. Tarkastelussa löytyi signaalien eroavaisuuksien lisäksi tutkimusmuotojen aiheuttamaa eroa arviointitavoitteisiin, mikä hankaloitti tutkimusten vertailua. Lisäksi pohdit- tiin mitkä perinteisten prosessointitapojen osiot rajoittavat tai edistävät ennustekykyä ja miten, sekä tuoko optimointi läpimurtoa järjestelmän näkökulmasta.Accurate pain assessment plays an important role in proper pain management, especially among hospitalized people experience acute pain. Pain is subjective in nature which is not only a sensory feeling but could also combine affective factors. Therefore self-report pain scales are the main assessment tools as long as patients are able to self-report. However, it remains a challenge to assess the pain from the patients who cannot self-report. In clinical practice, physiological parameters like heart rate and pain behaviors including facial expressions are observed as empirical references to infer pain objectively. The main aim of this study is to automate such process by leveraging machine learning methods and biosignal processing. To achieve this goal, biopotentials reflecting autonomic nervous system activities including electrocardiogram and galvanic skin response, and facial expressions measured with facial electromyograms were recorded from healthy volunteers undergoing experimental pain stimulus. IoT-enabled biopotential acquisition systems were developed to build the database aiming at providing compact and wearable solutions. Using the database, a biosignal processing flow was developed for continuous pain estimation. Signal features were extracted with customized time window lengths and updated every second. The extracted features were visualized and fed into multiple classifiers trained to estimate the presence of pain and pain intensity separately. Among the tested classifiers, the best pain presence estimating sensitivity achieved was 90% (specificity 84%) and the best pain intensity estimation accuracy achieved was 62.5%. The results show the validity of the proposed processing flow, especially in pain presence estimation at window level. This study adds one more piece of evidence on the feasibility of developing an automatic pain assessment tool from biopotentials, thus providing the confidence to move forward to real pain cases. In addition to the method development, the similarities and differences between automatic pain assessment studies were compared and summarized. It was found that in addition to the diversity of signals, the estimation goals also differed as a result of different study designs which made cross dataset comparison challenging. We also tried to discuss which parts in the classical processing flow would limit or boost the prediction performance and whether optimization can bring a breakthrough from the system’s perspective

    Automatic Pain Assessment by Learning from Multiple Biopotentials

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    Effects of Langmuir Kinetics of Two-Lane Totally Asymmetric Exclusion Processes in Protein Traffic

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    In this paper, we study a two-lane totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP) coupled with random attachment and detachment of particles (Langmuir kinetics) in both lanes under open boundary conditions. Our model can describe the directed motion of molecular motors, attachment and detachment of motors, and free inter-lane transition of motors between filaments. In this paper, we focus on some finite-size effects of the system because normally the sizes of most real systems are finite and small (e.g., size 10,000\leq 10,000). A special finite-size effect of the two-lane system has been observed, which is that the density wall moves left first and then move towards the right with the increase of the lane-changing rate. We called it the jumping effect. We find that increasing attachment and detachment rates will weaken the jumping effect. We also confirmed that when the size of the two-lane system is large enough, the jumping effect disappears, and the two-lane system has a similar density profile to a single-lane TASEP coupled with Langmuir kinetics. Increasing lane-changing rates has little effect on density and current after the density reaches maximum. Also, lane-changing rate has no effect on density profiles of a two-lane TASEP coupled with Langmuir kinetics at a large attachment/detachment rate and/or a large system size. Mean-field approximation is presented and it agrees with our Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures. To be published in IJMP

    Carbon Nanotube and Cellulose Nanocrystal Hybrid Films

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    The use of cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) in high performance coatings is attractive for micro-scale structures or device fabrication due to the anisotropic geometry, however CNC are insulating materials. Carbon nanotubes (CNT) are also rod-shaped nanomaterials that display high mechanical strength and electrical conductivity. The hydrophobic regions of surface-modified CNC can interact with hydrophobic CNT and aid in association between the two anisotropic nanomaterials. The long-range electrostatic repulsion of CNC plays a role in forming a stable CNT and CNC mixture dispersion in water, which is integral to forming a uniform hybrid film. At concentrations favorable for film formation, the multiwalled nanotubes + CNC mixture dispersion shows cellular network formation, indicating local phase separation, while the single-walled nanotube + CNC mixture dispersion shows schlieren texture, indicating liquid crystal mixture formation. Conductive CNT + CNC hybrid films (5–20 μm thick) were cast on glass microscope slides with and without shear by blade coating. The CNT + CNC hybrid films electrical conductivity increased with increasing CNT loadings and some anisotropy was observed with the sheared hybrid films, although to a lesser extent than what was anticipated. Percolation models were applied to model the hybrid film conductivity and correlate with the hybrid film microstructure

    Finding emergence in data by maximizing effective information

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    Quantifying emergence and modeling emergent dynamics in a data-driven manner for complex dynamical systems is challenging due to the lack of direct observations at the micro-level. Thus, it's crucial to develop a framework to identify emergent phenomena and capture emergent dynamics at the macro-level using available data. Inspired by the theory of causal emergence (CE), this paper introduces a machine learning framework to learn macro-dynamics in an emergent latent space and quantify the degree of CE. The framework maximizes effective information, resulting in a macro-dynamics model with enhanced causal effects. Experimental results on simulated and real data demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework. It quantifies degrees of CE effectively under various conditions and reveals distinct influences of different noise types. It can learn a one-dimensional coarse-grained macro-state from fMRI data, to represent complex neural activities during movie clip viewing. Furthermore, improved generalization to different test environments is observed across all simulation data

    System Information Decomposition

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    In order to characterize complex higher-order interactions among variables in a system, we introduce a new framework for decomposing the information entropy of variables in a system, termed System Information Decomposition (SID). Diverging from Partial Information Decomposition (PID) correlation methods, which quantify the interaction between a single target variable and a collection of source variables, SID extends those approaches by equally examining the interactions among all system variables. Specifically, we establish the robustness of the SID framework by proving all the information atoms are symmetric, which detaches the unique, redundant, and synergistic information from the specific target variable, empowering them to describe the relationship among variables. Additionally, we analyze the relationship between SID and existing information measures and propose several properties that SID quantitative methods should follow. Furthermore, by employing an illustrative example, we demonstrate that SID uncovers a higher-order interaction relationships among variables that cannot be captured by current measures of probability and information and provide two approximate calculation methods verified by this case. This advance in higher-order measures enables SID to explain why Holism posits that some systems cannot be decomposed without loss of characteristics under existing measures, and offers a potential quantitative framework for higher-order relationships across a broad spectrum of disciplines

    DeepFuzzer: Accelerated Deep Greybox Fuzzing

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    Fuzzing is one of the most effective vulnerability detection techniques, widely used in practice. However, the performance of fuzzers may be limited by their inability to pass complicated checks, inappropriate mutation frequency, arbitrary mutation strategy, or the variability of the environment. In this paper, we present DeepFuzzer, an enhanced greybox fuzzer with qualified seed generation, balanced seed selection, and hybrid seed mutation. First, we use symbolic execution in a lightweight approach to generate qualified initial seeds which then guide the fuzzer through complex checks. Second, we apply a statistical seed selection algorithm to balance the mutation frequency between different seeds. Further, we develop a hybrid mutation strategy. The random and restricted mutation strategies are combined to maintain a dynamic balance between global exploration and deep search. We evaluate DeepFuzzer on the widely used benchmark Google fuzzer-test-suite which consists of real-world programs. Compared with AFL, AFLFast, FairFuzz, QSYM, and MOPT in the 24-hour experiment, DeepFuzzer discovers 30%, 240%, 102%, 147%, and 257% more unique crashes, executes 40%, 36%, 36%, 98%, and 15% more paths, and covers 37%, 34%, 34%, 101%, and 11% more branches, respectively. Furthermore, we present the practice of fuzzing a message middleware from Huawei with DeepFuzzer, and 9 new vulnerabilities are reported