40 research outputs found

    Complete Genome Sequence of Nisin-Producing Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis N8

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    We report here the genome sequence of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis N8, a nisin producer isolated in the 1960s from a dairy product in Finland. The genome consists of a 2.42-Mb chromosome and two plasmids of 80.3 and 71.3 kb.Peer reviewe

    Restructured Lactococcus lactis strains with emergent properties constructed by a novel highly efficient screening system

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    Background After 2.83% genome reduction in Lactococcus lactis NZ9000, a good candidate host for proteins production was obtained in our previous work. However, the gene deletion process was time consuming and laborious. Here, we proposed a convenient gene deletion method suitable for large-scale genome reduction in L. lactis NZ9000. Results Plasmid pNZ5417 containing a visually selectable marker P-nisZ-lacZ was constructed, which allowed more efficient and convenient screening of gene deletion mutants. Using this plasmid, two large nonessential DNA regions, L-4A and L-5A, accounting for 1.25% of the chromosome were deleted stepwise in L. lactis 9k-3. When compared with the parent strain, the mutant L. lactis 9k-5A showed better growth characteristics, transformability, carbon metabolic capacity, and amino acids biosynthesis. Conclusions Thus, this study provides a convenient and efficient system for large-scale genome deletion in L. lactis through application of visually selectable marker, which could be helpful for rapid genome streamlining and generation of restructured L. lactis strains that can be used as cell factories.Peer reviewe

    Engineering Lactococcus lactis as a multi-stress tolerant biosynthetic chassis by deleting the prophage-related fragment

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    Background In bioengineering, growth of microorganisms is limited because of environmental and industrial stresses during fermentation. This study aimed to construct a nisin-producing chassis Lactococcus lactis strain with genome-streamlined, low metabolic burden, and multi-stress tolerance characteristics. Results The Cre-loxP recombination system was applied to reduce the genome and obtain the target chassis strain. A prophage-related fragment (PRF; 19,739 bp) in the L. lactis N8 genome was deleted, and the mutant strain L. lactis N8-1 was chosen for multi-stress tolerance studies. Nisin immunity of L. lactis N8-1 was increased to 6500 IU/mL, which was 44.44% higher than that of the wild-type L. lactis N8 (4500 IU/mL). The survival rates of L. lactis N8-1 treated with lysozyme for 2 h and lactic acid for 1 h were 1000- and 10,000-fold higher than that of the wild-type strain, respectively. At 39 celcius, the L. lactis N8-1 could still maintain its growth, whereas the growth of the wild-type strain dramatically dropped. Scanning electron microscopy showed that the cell wall integrity of L. lactis N8-1 was well maintained after lysozyme treatment. Tandem mass tags labeled quantitative proteomics revealed that 33 and 9 proteins were significantly upregulated and downregulated, respectively, in L. lactis N8-1. These differential proteins were involved in carbohydrate and energy transport/metabolism, biosynthesis of cell wall and cell surface proteins. Conclusions PRF deletion was proven to be an efficient strategy to achieve multi-stress tolerance and nisin immunity in L. lactis, thereby providing a new perspective for industrially obtaining engineered strains with multi-stress tolerance and expanding the application of lactic acid bacteria in biotechnology and synthetic biology. Besides, the importance of PRF, which can confer vital phenotypes to bacteria, was established.Peer reviewe

    Restructured Lactococcus lactis strains with emergent properties constructed by a novel highly efficient screening system

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    Background After 2.83% genome reduction in Lactococcus lactis NZ9000, a good candidate host for proteins production was obtained in our previous work. However, the gene deletion process was time consuming and laborious. Here, we proposed a convenient gene deletion method suitable for large-scale genome reduction in L. lactis NZ9000. Results Plasmid pNZ5417 containing a visually selectable marker P-nisZ-lacZ was constructed, which allowed more efficient and convenient screening of gene deletion mutants. Using this plasmid, two large nonessential DNA regions, L-4A and L-5A, accounting for 1.25% of the chromosome were deleted stepwise in L. lactis 9k-3. When compared with the parent strain, the mutant L. lactis 9k-5A showed better growth characteristics, transformability, carbon metabolic capacity, and amino acids biosynthesis. Conclusions Thus, this study provides a convenient and efficient system for large-scale genome deletion in L. lactis through application of visually selectable marker, which could be helpful for rapid genome streamlining and generation of restructured L. lactis strains that can be used as cell factories.Peer reviewe

    Genomic Features and Construction of Streamlined Genome Chassis of Nisin Z Producer Lactococcus lactis N8

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    Lactococcus lactis is a commonly used fermenting bacteria in cheese, beverages and meat products. Due to the lack of simplified chassis strains, it has not been widely used in the fields of synthetic biology. Thus, the construction of lactic acid bacteria chassis strains becomes more and more important. In this study, we performed whole genome sequencing, annotation and analysis of L. lactis N8. Based on the genome analysis, we found that L. lactis N8 contains two large plasmids, and the function prediction of the plasmids shows that some regions are related to carbohydrate transport/metabolism, multi-stress resistance and amino acid uptake. L. lactis N8 contains a total of seven prophage-related fragments and twelve genomic islands. A gene cluster encoding a hybrid NRPS–PKS system that was found in L. lactis N8 reveals that the strain has the potential to synthesize novel secondary metabolites. Furthermore, we have constructed a simplified genome chassis of L. lactis N8 and achieved the largest amount of deletion of L. lactis so far. Taken together, the present study offers further insights into the function and potential role of L. lactis N8 as a model strain of lactic acid bacteria and lays the foundation for its application in the field of synthetic biology

    Genomic Features and Construction of Streamlined Genome Chassis of Nisin Z Producer Lactococcus lactis N8

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    Lactococcus lactis is a commonly used fermenting bacteria in cheese, beverages and meat products. Due to the lack of simplified chassis strains, it has not been widely used in the fields of synthetic biology. Thus, the construction of lactic acid bacteria chassis strains becomes more and more important. In this study, we performed whole genome sequencing, annotation and analysis of L. lactis N8. Based on the genome analysis, we found that L. lactis N8 contains two large plasmids, and the function prediction of the plasmids shows that some regions are related to carbohydrate transport/metabolism, multi-stress resistance and amino acid uptake. L. lactis N8 contains a total of seven prophage-related fragments and twelve genomic islands. A gene cluster encoding a hybrid NRPS–PKS system that was found in L. lactis N8 reveals that the strain has the potential to synthesize novel secondary metabolites. Furthermore, we have constructed a simplified genome chassis of L. lactis N8 and achieved the largest amount of deletion of L. lactis so far. Taken together, the present study offers further insights into the function and potential role of L. lactis N8 as a model strain of lactic acid bacteria and lays the foundation for its application in the field of synthetic biology

    Enhanced heterologous protein productivity by genome reduction in Lactococcus lactis NZ9000

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    Background: The implementation of novel chassis organisms to be used as microbial cell factories in industrial applications is an intensive research field. Lactococcus lactis, which is one of the most extensively studied model organisms, exhibits superior ability to be used as engineered host for fermentation of desirable products. However, few studies have reported about genome reduction of L. lactis as a clean background for functional genomic studies and a model chassis for desirable product fermentation. Results: Four large nonessential DNA regions accounting for 2.83% in L. lactis NZ9000 (L. lactis 9 k) genome (2,530,294 bp) were deleted using the Cre-loxP deletion system as the first steps toward a minimized genome in this study. The mutants were compared with the parental strain in several physiological traits and evaluated as microbial cell factories for heterologous protein production (intracellular and secretory expression) with the red fluorescent protein (RFP) and the bacteriocin leucocin C (LecC) as reporters. The four mutants grew faster, yielded enhanced biomass, achieved increased adenosine triphosphate content, and diminished maintenance demands compared with the wild strain in the two media tested. In particular, L. lactis 9 k-4 with the largest deletion was identified as the optimum candidate host for recombinant protein production. With nisin induction, not only the transcriptional efficiency but also the production levels of the expressed reporters were approximately three-to fourfold improved compared with the wild strain. The expression of lecC gene controlled with strong constitutive promoters P5 and P8 in L. lactis 9 k-4 was also improved significantly. Conclusions: The genome-streamlined L. lactis 9 k-4 outcompeted the parental strain in several physiological traits assessed. Moreover, L. lactis 9 k-4 exhibited good properties as platform organism for protein production. In future works, the genome of L. lactis will be maximally reduced by using our specific design to provide an even more clean background for functional genomics studies than L. lactis 9 k-4 constructed in this study. Furthermore, an improved background will be potentially available for use in biotechology.Peer reviewe

    Heterologous signal peptides-directing secretion of Streptomyces mobaraensis transglutaminase by Bacillus subtilis

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    Microbial transglutaminase (MTG) from Streptomyces mobaraensis has been widely used for crosslinking proteins in order to acquire products with improved properties. To improve the yield and enable a facile and efficient purification process, recombinant vectors, harboring various heterologous signal peptide-encoding fragments fused to the mtg gene, were constructed in Escherichia coli and then expressed in Bacillus subtilis. Signal peptides of both WapA and AmyQ (SP wapA and SP amyQ ) were able to direct the secretion of pre-pro-MTG into the medium. A constitutive promoter (P hpaII ) was used for the expression of SP wapA -mtg, while an inducible promoter (P lac ) was used for SP amyQ -mtg. After purification from the supernatant of the culture by immobilized metal affinity chromatography and proteolysis by trypsin, 63.0 ± 0.6 mg/L mature MTG was released, demonstrated to have 29.6 ± 0.9 U/mg enzymatic activity and shown to crosslink soy protein properly. This is the first report on secretion of S. mobaraensis MTG from B. subtilis, with similar enzymatic activities and yields to that produced from Escherichia coli, but enabling a much easier purification process

    Efficient Insertion Mutagenesis Strategy for Bacterial Genomes Involving Electroporation of In Vitro-Assembled DNA Transposition Complexes of Bacteriophage Mu

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    An efficient insertion mutagenesis strategy for bacterial genomes based on the phage Mu DNA transposition reaction was developed. Incubation of MuA transposase protein with artificial mini-Mu transposon DNA in the absence of divalent cations in vitro resulted in stable but inactive Mu DNA transposition complexes, or transpososomes. Following delivery into bacterial cells by electroporation, the complexes were activated for DNA transposition chemistry after encountering divalent metal ions within the cells. Mini-Mu transposons were integrated into bacterial chromosomes with efficiencies ranging from 10(4) to 10(6) CFU/μg of input transposon DNA in the four species tested, i.e., Escherichia coli, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, Erwinia carotovora, and Yersinia enterocolitica. Efficiency of integration was influenced mostly by the competence status of a given strain or batch of bacteria. An accurate 5-bp target site duplication flanking the transposon, a hallmark of Mu transposition, was generated upon mini-Mu integration into the genome, indicating that a genuine DNA transposition reaction was reproduced within the cells of the bacteria studied. This insertion mutagenesis strategy for microbial genomes may be applicable to a variety of organisms provided that a means to introduce DNA into their cells is available