1,226 research outputs found

    X-ray emission from star-forming galaxies - I. High-mass X-ray binaries

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    Based on a homogeneous set of X-ray, infrared and ultraviolet observations from Chandra, Spitzer, GALEX and 2MASS archives, we study populations of high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs) in a sample of 29 nearby star-forming galaxies and their relation with the star formation rate (SFR). In agreement with previous results, we find that HMXBs are a good tracer of the recent star formation activity in the host galaxy and their collective luminosity and number scale with the SFR, in particular, Lx~2.6 10^{39} SFR. However, the scaling relations still bear a rather large dispersion of ~0.4 dex, which we believe is of a physical origin. We present the catalog of 1057 X-ray sources detected within the D25D25 ellipse for galaxies of our sample and construct the average X-ray luminosity function (XLF) of HMXBs with substantially improved statistical accuracy and better control of systematic effects than achieved in previous studies. The XLF follows a power law with slope of 1.6 in the logLx~35-40 luminosity range with a moderately significant evidence for a break or cut-off at Lx~10^{40} erg/s. As before, we did not find any features at the Eddington limit for a neutron star or a stellar mass black hole. We discuss implications of our results for the theory of binary evolution. In particular we estimate the fraction of compact objects that once upon their lifetime experienced an X-ray active phase powered by accretion from a high mass companion and obtain a rather large number, fx~0.2 (0.1 Myr/tau_x) (tau_x is the life time of the X-ray active phase). This is ~4 orders of magnitude more frequent than in LMXBs. We also derive constrains on the mass distribution of the secondary star in HMXBs.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures, 5 tables, MNRAS - Accepted 2011 September 2

    The optical to gamma-ray emission of the Crab pulsar: a multicomponent model

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    We present a multicomponent model to explain the features of the pulsed emission and spectrum of the Crab Pulsar, on the basis of X and gamma-ray observations obtained with BeppoSAX, INTEGRAL and CGRO. This model explains the evolution of the pulse shape and of the phase-resolved spectra, ranging from the optical/UV to the GeV energy band, on the assumption that the observed emission is due to more components. The first component, C_O, is assumed to have the pulsed double-peaked profile observed at the optical frequencies, while the second component, C_X, is dominant in the interpeak and second peak phase regions. The spectra of these components are modelled with log-parabolic laws and their spectral energy distributions have peak energies at 12.2 and 178 keV, respectively. To explain the properties of the pulsed emission in the MeV-GeV band, we introduce two more components, C_Ogamma and C_Xgamma, with phase distributions similar to those of C_O and C_X and log-parabolic spectra with the same curvature but peak energies at about 300 MeV and 2 GeV. This multicomponent model is able to reproduce both the broadband phase-resolved spectral behaviour and the changes of the pulse shape with energy. We also propose some possible physical interpretations in which C_O and C_X are emitted by secondary pairs via a synchrotron mechanism while C_Ogamma and C_Xgamma can originate either from Compton scattered or primary curvature photons.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figures; accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    X-ray spectroscopy of the ADC source X1822-371 with Chandra and XMM-Newton

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    The eclipsing low-mass X-ray binary X1822-371 is the prototype of the accretion disc corona (ADC) sources. We analyse two Chandra observations and one XMM-Newton observation to study the discrete features and their variation as a function of the orbital phase, deriving constraints on the temperature, density, and location of the plasma responsible for emission lines. The HETGS and XMM/Epic-pn observed X1822-371 for 140 and 50 ks, respectively. We extracted an averaged spectrum and five spectra from five selected orbital-phase intervals that are 0.04-0.25, 0.25-0.50, 0.50-0.75, 0.75-0.95, and, finally, 0.95-1.04; the orbital phase zero corresponds to the eclipse time. All spectra cover the energy band between 0.35 and 12 keV. We confirm the presence of local neutral matter that partially covers the X-ray emitting region; the equivalent hydrogen column is 5×10225 \times 10^{22} cm−2 ^{-2} and the covered fraction is about 60-65%. We identify emission lines from highly ionised elements, and a prominent fluorescence iron line associated with a blending of FeI-FeXV resonant transitions. The transitions of He-like ions show that the intercombination dominates over the forbidden and resonance lines. The line fluxes are the highest during the orbital phases between 0.04 and 0.75. We discuss the presence of an extended, optically thin corona with optical depth of about 0.01 that scatters the X-ray photons from the innermost region into the line of sight. The photoionised plasma producing most of the observed lines is placed in the bulge at the outer radius of the disc distant from the central source of 6×10106 \times 10^{10} cm. The OVII and the fluorescence iron line are probably produced in the photoionised surface of the disc at inner radii. (Abridged)Comment: 18 pages including 12 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the mental models deployed by undergraduate students in explaining thermally activated phenomena

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    In this contribution we describe a research aimed at pointing out the quality of mental models undergraduate engineering students deploy when asked to create explanations for phenomena/processes and/or use a given model in the same context. Student responses to a specially designed written questionnaire are initially analyzed using researcher-generated categories of reasoning, based on the Physics Education Research literature on student understanding of the relevant physics content. The inferred students\u2019 mental models about the analyzed phenomena are categorized as practical, descriptive, or explanatory, based on an analysis of student responses to the questionnaire. A qualitative analysis of interviews conducted with students after the questionnaire administration is also used to deepen some aspects which emerged from the quantitative analysis and validate the results obtained

    Rapidly quantifying the relative distention of a human bladder

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    A device and method was developed to rapidly quantify the relative distention of the bladder of a human subject. An ultrasonic transducer is positioned on the human subject near the bladder. A microprocessor controlled pulser excites the transducer by sending an acoustic wave into the human subject. This wave interacts with the bladder walls and is reflected back to the ultrasonic transducer where it is received, amplified, and processed by the receiver. The resulting signal is digitized by an analog to digital converter, controlled by the microprocessor again, and is stored in data memory. The software in the microprocessor determines the relative distention of the bladder as a function of the propagated ultrasonic energy. Based on programmed scientific measurements and the human subject's past history as contained in program memory, the microprocessor sends out a signal to turn on any or all of the available alarms. The alarm system includes and audible alarm, the visible alarm, the tactile alarm, and the remote wireless alarm

    X-ray emission from star-forming galaxies - II. Hot interstellar medium

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    We study the emission from the hot interstellar medium in a sample of nearby late type galaxies defined in Paper I. Our sample covers a broad range of star formation rates, from ~0.1 Msun/yr to ~17 Msun/yr and stellar masses, from ~3x10^8 Msun to ~6x10^10 Msun. We take special care of systematic effects and contamination from bright and faint compact sources. We find that in all galaxies at least one optically thin thermal emission component is present in the unresolved emission, with the average temperature of = 0.24 keV. In about ~1/3 of galaxies, a second, higher temperature component is required, with the = 0.71 keV. Although statistically significant variations in temperature between galaxies are present, we did not find any meaningful trends with the stellar mass or star formation rate of the host galaxy. The apparent luminosity of the diffuse emission in the 0.5-2 keV band linearly correlates with the star formation rate with the scale factor of Lx/SFR\approx 8.3x10^38 erg/s per Msun/yr, of which in average ~30-40% is likely produced by faint compact sources of various types. We attempt to estimate the bolometric luminosity of the gas and and obtained results differing by an order of magnitude, log(Lbol/SFR)\sim39-40, depending on whether intrinsic absorption in star-forming galaxies was allowed or not. Our theoretically most accurate, but in practice the most model dependent result for the intrinsic bolometric luminosity of ISM is Lbol/SFR\sim 1.5x10^40 erg/s per Msun/yr. Assuming that core collapse supernovae are the main source of energy, it implies that \epsilon_SN\sim5x10^-2 (E_SN/10^51)^-1 of mechanical energy of supernovae is converted into thermal energy of ISM.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables - Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Rapidly quantifying the relative distention of a human bladder

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    A device and method of rapidly quantifying the relative distention of the bladder in a human subject are disclosed. The ultrasonic transducer which is positioned on the subject in proximity to the bladder is excited by a pulser under the command of a microprocessor to launch an acoustic wave into the patient. This wave interacts with the bladder walls and is reflected back to the ultrasonic transducer, when it is received, amplified and processed by the receiver. The resulting signal is digitized by an analog-to-digital converter under the command of the microprocessor and is stored in the data memory. The software in the microprocessor determines the relative distention of the bladder as a function of the propagated ultrasonic energy; and based on programmed scientific measurements and individual, anatomical, and behavioral characterists of the specific subject as contained in the program memory, sends out a signal to turn on any or all of the audible alarm, the visible alarm, the tactile alarm, and the remote wireless alarm

    Mechanical models of amplitude and frequency modulation

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    This paper presents some mechanical models for amplitude and frequency modulation. The equations governing both modulations are deduced alongside some necessary approximations. Computer simulations of the models are carried out by using available educational software. Amplitude modulation is achieved by using a system of two weakly coupled pendulums, whereas the frequency modulation is obtained by using a pendulum of variable length. Under suitable conditions (small oscillations, appropriate initial conditions, etc) both types of modulation result in significantly accurate and visualized simulations
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