232 research outputs found

    Topos “Karjala” in Bilingual Poetry by A. Volkov

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    The observations on the specifics of the Karjala topos in the works of the bilingual poet A. Volkov is for the first time presented in the article. It has been proved that in his mind “Karjala” is associated with “native land”, the memory of ancestors, native language, Livvik’s happiness itself. In Russian and Karelian-language poems, the recreated spaces of “Karjala” are semantically similar. This locus is open (the center of the universe) and closed  (the outskirts of Russia) at the same time. Like an archeologist, the author turns to the understanding of the mythological genealogy of “Karjala”, its ancestral homeland, proto-language, archetypes of national consciousness, totem signs. The authors found that the bilingual view of the universe allowed the poet to conceptualize in a new  way and reveal, in the context of world history and culture, the main concepts in the life of Livvik Karelians: native dialect, memory of tradition, Karelian genotype, Livvik happiness. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the  socalled semantic “transitions” from one ethnic picture of the world to another (remembering is transformed into crying, the genesis of the native language as a gift from God — into the path to God). In the poetic reconstruction of the Karjala topos by A. Volkov, the Karelian worldview is fundamental, the Russian language and literature is a guide in the formation of an original poetic tradition. For the first time, the original poems of A. Volkov and their auto-translations were introduced into scientific circulation

    Characteristic of Balneologically Active Components and Microflora under Extreme Conditions of Mineral Waters of the Mongolian People\u27s Republic

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    The distribution of amino acids is irregular in mineral waters. Their content is minimum in cold carbonate waters of hydrocarbonate composition, the highest amino acid concentration does not exceed 0.640 mg N/l. Hydrothermal solutions are enriched with amino-acids to the greatest extent, the amino contents coming up to 0.780 mg N/l in hydrotherms of sulfate-sodic composition. In thermal waters enriched with hydrosulfides. amino acids are present in quantities up to 1.710 mg N/l. Mineralwässer wichtige Bestandteile der Biogeosphäre. Die darin enthaltenen spezifischen Komponenten bedingen ihre Wirksamkeit in biologischen Prozessen. die die Entstehung und Lebenstätigkeit von der Mikroflora bis zu den höheren Organismen beeinflussen. Von den Autoren sind praktisch alle Lagerstätten und Erscheinungen der Mineralwässer der MVR untersucht worden. Gemeinsam mit weiteren charakteristischen Parametern und Komponenten wurden die wichtigsten biologisch aktiven Bestandteile Eisen, Silizium, organische Stoffe, Schwefelwasserstoff, Fluor, Brom, Jod, Arsen, Bor u. a. bestimmt und die Mikroflora studiert. Die vorhandenen Kriterien zum Gehalt von biologisch aktiven Komponenten in den Mineralgewässern stützen sich auf ihre physiologische Beeinflussung. Zur Vereinfachung ist die Charakteristik der obenerwähnten Komponenten für kohlensaures kaltes Wasser und Stickstoff-Hydrothermalwasser angegeben. Kohlensaures Mineralwasser: Die Mikroflora besteht aus einer geringen Menge von Saprophyten, phenoloxidierenden und dinitrifizierenden Bakterien. Das Wasser des Chalzan-uul-Brunnens weist einen gesteigerten Gehalt an sulphatreduzierenden Bakterien auf. Der Gehalt von biologisch aktiven Komponenten im kohlensauren Wasser liegt niedriger als die in der UdSSR bekannten Werte. Die mittlere Konzentration in mg/l beträgt: Bor -0,3-0,4; (im Chalzan- uul -136), Brom -0.4, Jod -0.08, Arsen -:0,01. Die gesteigerten und hohen Konzentrationen von Eisen -30 mg/l, Fluor -bis 2,2 mg/l. gelöster Kieselerde -bis 90 mg/I. verdienen besondere Aufmerksamkeit. Die hohen Konzentrationen von Eisen und Silizium erlauben es, eine gro6e Zahl der kohlensauren Wässer als eisenhaltig und kiEJselhaltig zu bezeichnen, wobei dieses Wasser höchst günstig ist bei der Heilung einer Reihe von inneren Erkrankungen. Nach dem Gehalt an biologisch aktiven Komponenten unterscheidet sich das stickstoffhaltige Thermalwasser stark von kohlensaurem Wasser. Es weist meistens Hydrosulphide bis zu 17 mg/I auf. der Borgehalt ist auf 1,5 mg/I gesteigert. Keine Quelle hat Jod aufgewiesen; die Bromkonzentration ist niedriger als in kohlensaurem Wasser. Nach der Kationenzusammensetzung des Thermalwassel\u27s ist der Kalziumionengehalt nicht 9r06. Die Anwesenheit von fluorhaItigen Gesteinsschichten, die hohe Wassertemperatur und die Abwesenheit antagonistischer Elemente begün\u27s tigen das Auftreten von Fluoriden, deren Konzentration 23 mg/l erreicht. Eine charakteristische Besonderheit der Thermalwässer ist der hohe Gehalt an gelöster Kieselerde (über 150 mg/l H4Si04). Die Mikroflora dieses Wassers ist reich an Saprophyten, phenoloxidierenden und zellulosezersetzenden Anaerobiern. Eine wichtige physiologische Wirkung auf den Organismus erfolgt durch gelöste organische Stoffe, insbesondere organische und freie Aminosäuren. Besonders reich an organischen Säuren sind kohlensaure Mineralwässer von einer Hydrokarbonat-Natrium·Zusammensetzung, stickstoffhaltige Sulphat-Natrium-und Chlorid-Natrium-Thermalwässer, aber auch schwefelwasserstoffhaltige Wässer. Die Verteilung von freien Aminosäuren in den Mineralwässern ist ungleichmä6ig. Im kohlensauren Hydrokarbonat-Magnesium-haltigen Wasser ist deren Gehalt minimal. im Hydrokarbonat- Natrium-haltigen maximal (durchschnittlich 0,640 mg N/l). Hydrothermalwässer enthalten auch bedeutende Konzentrationen freier Aminosäuren. die in Sulphat-Natrium-haltigen Wässern 0,780 mg N/l erreichen. In hydrosulphidhaltigen Wässern erreicht ihr Gehalt 1,710 mg N/l

    The methodology of MMF calculation in magnetic circuit of induction motor by "ANSYS Maxwell"

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    In the paper the methodology of MMF calculation in magnetic circuit of induction motor by "ANSYS Maxwell"is considered. The calculation is based on the use of the total current law. The magnetic circuit of the induction motor is divided into several sections: stator tooth, rotor tooth, air gap, stator yoke and rotor yoke. Each section of the circuit is analyzed separately. The calculation result obtained using "ANSYS Maxwell"is compared with the results of the classical methodology. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Decoupling of a Neutron Interferometer from Temperature Gradients

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    Neutron interferometry enables precision measurements that are typically operated within elaborate, multi-layered facilities which provide substantial shielding from environmental noise. These facilities are necessary to maintain the coherence requirements in a perfect crystal neutron interferometer which is extremely sensitive to local environmental conditions such as temperature gradients across the interferometer, external vibrations, and acoustic waves. The ease of operation and breadth of applications of perfect crystal neutron interferometry would greatly benefit from a mode of operation which relaxes these stringent isolation requirements. Here, the INDEX Collaboration and National Institute of Standards and Technology demonstrates the functionality of a neutron interferometer in vacuum and characterize the use of a compact vacuum chamber enclosure as a means to isolate the interferometer from spatial temperature gradients and time-dependent temperature fluctuations. The vacuum chamber is found to have no depreciable effect on the performance of the interferometer (contrast) while improving system stability, thereby showing that it is feasible to replace large temperature isolation and control systems with a compact vacuum enclosure for perfect crystal neutron interferometry

    Instrument ofthe work breakdown accounting in the high-tech production

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    At present, in mechanical engineering there is a tendency of small-scale production due to the peculiarities and requirements of the market. At the same time, machine-building enterprises have to account the costs of produced products accurately (both for the state defense order and for the open market). The problem of the product labor intensity calculation becomes urgent, as it is used as a basis for of the product full cost calculation. Taking into account the technology changes, equipment, peculiarities of production program formation (small or medium series), using the existing approaches, work norms manuals becomes impossible. The investigation presents an improved algorithm for the work norm calculating using for the main workers in the high-tech production. A feature of the proposed approach is taking into account the share of passive observation during the technological operations in conditions of small-scale production in the conditions of the high-tech production. The article presents the results of the proposed method testing. The approbation was realized at the industrial enterprise in the conditions of the small-scale production. Proposed algorithm for work norms calculation can be used in automation of labor rationing at the industrial enterprise. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Improve business process efficiency by value engineering

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    This article is devoted to the problems of business processes optimization by value engineering (FCA) method. The business processes analysis is particularly relevant in modern conditions. The purpose the investigation is to adapt the value engineering to the business process. The FCA is a universal and highly efficient method of parameters optimization and other structural, technological, organizational, economic characteristics of a product, work or services. The hypothesis of the applying a value engineering to a business process possibility is considered. The article discusses FCA tools as an example of a metal rolling business delivery process. A business process model is being constructed as an object structural element model. The functions decomposition is carried out. Functions are classified into basic and auxiliary on the basis of the level. In the article the significance and functional costs are determined. A functional-cost diagram is constructed to identify the functions with the most deviations needing improvement. The FCA stages are accompanied by graphical illustrations, tables that illustrate the logic of applying the method to the business process. As a result, an optimal business-process concept with the lowest cost is being developed. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    The role of fatty acids and lipid inflammatory mediators in the development of small airway dysfunction in asthma complicated with obesity

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    Background. Small airway involvement is important in determining the phenotypes of bronchial asthma. Establishing the mechanisms of dysfunction of small airways will make it possible to predict the course and control bronchial asthma.The aim. To study the relationship between the modification of the composition of fatty acids, lipid inflammatory mediators (eicosanoids, plasmalogens) and the functional state of small airways and to identify lipid biomarkers for the development of small airway dysfunction in bronchial asthma associated with obesity.Materials and methods. The study included 85 patients with mild, partially controlled asthma. Of these, 39 patients with normal body weight (Group 1) and 46 patients with grade 1–2 obesity (Group 2). The control group consisted of 30 healthy volunteers. The function of the small airways was assessed according to spirometry and body plethysmography. The composition of fatty acids and plasmalogens in blood plasma was assessed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. In the blood serum, the content of thromboxane B2 and leukotriene B4 was determined. Statistical processing was performed using the Statistica 6.1 program (StatSoft Inc., USA). Relationships between pairs of traits were examined using the Spearman correlation test (r). Differences were considered statistically significant at p < 0.05.Results. In the combined course of asthma and obesity, dysfunction of the small airways develops against the background of generalized bronchial obstruction. A violation of lipid metabolism was revealed, manifested by an increase in the levels of saturated, monoenoic, n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids against the background of a deficiency of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and phospholipids with an alkenyl bond – plasmalogens. It has been shown that bronchial asthma, aggravated by obesity, occurs against the background of increased synthesis of inflammatory lipid mediators – eicosanoids (thromboxane B2 and leukotriene B4). Evaluation of the correlation relationships between the studied lipids and the function of small airways revealed a high degree of relationship between their participants.Conclusion. An important pathogenetic link in the formation of small airway dysfunction in bronchial asthma aggravated by obesity is a violation of fatty acid metabolism and plasmalogen synthesis, an increase in the formation of inflammatory lipid mediators

    Medium Modifications of Hadron Properties and Partonic Processes

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    Chiral symmetry is one of the most fundamental symmetries in QCD. It is closely connected to hadron properties in the nuclear medium via the reduction of the quark condensate , manifesting the partial restoration of chiral symmetry. To better understand this important issue, a number of Jefferson Lab experiments over the past decade have focused on understanding properties of mesons and nucleons in the nuclear medium, often benefiting from the high polarization and luminosity of the CEBAF accelerator. In particular, a novel, accurate, polarization transfer measurement technique revealed for the first time a strong indication that the bound proton electromagnetic form factors in 4He may be modified compared to those in the vacuum. Second, the photoproduction of vector mesons on various nuclei has been measured via their decay to e+e- to study possible in-medium effects on the properties of the rho meson. In this experiment, no significant mass shift and some broadening consistent with expected collisional broadening for the rho meson has been observed, providing tight constraints on model calculations. Finally, processes involving in-medium parton propagation have been studied. The medium modifications of the quark fragmentation functions have been extracted with much higher statistical accuracy than previously possible.Comment: to appear in J. Phys.: Conf. Proc. "New Insights into the Structure of Matter: The First Decade of Science at Jefferson Lab", eds. D. Higinbotham, W. Melnitchouk, A. Thomas; added reference

    Features of immune response in different phenotypes of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is considered a heterogeneous disorder exhibiting different phenotypes. Chronic systemic inflammation is an important link in the COPD pathogenesis. The studies of immune response in the context of clinical and functional phenotypes seems relevant. Objective of our work was to study the features of immune response in clinical and functional phenotypes of COPD.Eighty-three COPD patients of different severity grade and 22 apparently healthy volunteers were examined. After determining the COPD phenotype by clinical and functional signs, the patients were divided in two groups, i.e., 38 subjects with bronchitis, and 45 patients with emphysematous phenotype. Clinical, functional and laboratory research was carried out in standard mode. Static lung volumes and respiratory capacities were investigated, i.e., functional residual capacity, residual lung volume, total lung capacity, bronchial resistance on inspiration and expiration to assess phenotype of the disease. Subpopulations of Th1 and Th17 lymphocytes were determined by the level of blood serum cytokines, tumor necrosis factor (TNFá), interleukins (IL) IL-4, IL-10, IL-17A, IFNã).Different features of immune response were revealed in bronchitic and emphysematous phenotypes of the COPD patients. Activation of inflammatory process with differentiation of naive T lymphocytes along the Th1-dependent pathway was found in 68% of cases with bronchitis and 16% of patients with emphysematous phenotypes. As compared with control group, the patients showed a statistically significant increase in the level of TNFá, IFNã, along with decrease in IL-4. Development of immune response by the Th17 type was found in 32% of cases with bronchitis, and 84% of cases with emphysematous phenotypes. Its emergence was associated with increased IL-17A and IL-10 levels, and a decrease in IFNã/IL-17A compared to the control. Differentiation of T helper cells towards Th1 pathway of immune response has been shown to predominate in bronchitic phenotype and at early stages of the disease. The Th17 type of immune response prevailed with increasing severity of the disorder. In emphysematous phenotype of COPD, the Th17-pathway of immune response develops at early stages of the disease. Some relationships are revealed between the systemic inflammation indexes and functional parameters of external respiration. An inverse relationship between TNFá and the OOL/OEL ratio in Th1 type of immune response has been shown. A direct correlation was found between the level of IL-17A and the parameters of external respiration function (FEV1, FEV1/FVC), as well as between IFNã/IL-17A and functional residual capacity in Th17 type of immune response.The type of immune response is associated with severity of the disease, as well with clinical and functional phenotype of COPD. Progression of the disease, broncho-obstructive disorders and hyperinflation are associated with increased levels of cytokines that provide cell polarization along the Th17 pathway. Determination of COPD phenotype and the type of immune response already at an early stage of the disease will enable prediction of its course and justify the choice of phenotype-oriented therapy


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    Combination of bronchial asthma (BA) and obesity is a difficult-to-control phenotype. Studies of inflammatory process with respect to severity of the disease are important for understanding the potential influence of obesity on the BA clinical course. The objective of this study was to determine cytokine profile in patients with mild BA combined with obesity. The study involved fifty-three patients with partially controlled mild BA. The patients were recruited as volunteers and signed an informed consent. The first observation group consisted of 27 asthma patients with normal body weight, the second observation group consisted of 26 patients with BA combined with obesity. A control group included 25 healthy volunteers. All the patients underwent clinical and laboratory examination in accordance with clinical standards for BA and obesity. The levels of TNFα, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10 were evaluated in blood serum by means of flow cytometry. The ratios of proand anti-inflammatory cytokines (TNFα/IL-4, TNFα/IL-10, IL-6/IL-4, IL-6/IL-10) were calculated. Asthma patients with obesity (the 2nd group) had elevated levels of IL-2 over control group and group 1, by 38% and 44% respectively(p < 0.05). The concentration of proinflammatory cytokines TNFα and IL-6 was significanty increased in the both patient groups. Mean TNFα level was increased 2.5 times (p < 0.05), and IL-6 levels were increased by 30% (p < 0.05) in the 1st group as compared to the controls. TNFα and IL-6 concentrations showed a 3-fold increase over control values (p < 0.05) in the 2nd group. The level of antiinflammatory cytokine IL-4 was increased in patients with BA, independently of body mass. It should be noted that the concentration of this cytokine in obese patients was higher by 29% than in patients with normal body weight. IL-10 levels in patients from the 2nd group were reduced more than 2 times than in the 1st group. The patients of the 1st group showed a decrease in the IL-6/IL-10 index, in comparison with control parameters, thus indicative of an imbalance due to the elevation of the anti-inflammatory IL-10 cytokine. Among BA patients with obesity (group 2) the TNFα/IL-10 and IL-6/IL-10 indexes were higher than those of the control group (2.3- and 5.5-fold, respectively) and the group 1 (2.6- and 2.5-fold, respectively). Dynamics of these indexes confirms the systemic nature of inflammation and a predominance of non-atopic  inflammation in asthma patients with obesity. Thus, features of the cytokine profile in BA with obesity consist of a significant increase in pro-inflammatory IL-2, IL-6, TNFα cytokines, and a relative decrease in anti-inflammatory IL- 10 cytokine. The development of BA with obesity, even in mild-severity BA, is accompanied by development of a cytokine disbalance, which is typical for a mixed-type inflammation, with a prevalence of neutrophil inflammation