125 research outputs found

    Protection fœtale croisée entre pestivirus des ruminants‎ : rôle de la réponse post-vaccinale en anticorps neutralisants

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    La maladie de la frontière est due à un pestivirus, le Border Disease Virus (BDV), majoritairement présent chez les ovins. Cette maladie entraine des troubles de la reproduction chez les brebis et de la mortalité chez les agneaux, avec des répercussions économiques importantes pour certaines filières. La gestion de cette maladie passe par l’élimination des agneaux infectés permanents immunotolérants, la mise en place de mesures de biosécurité et la vaccination pour une protection des fœtus lors d’infection des brebis gestantes. En l’absence de vaccins commercialisés contre le BDV, la vaccination repose sur l’utilisation de vaccins dirigés contre un pestivirus apparenté, le virus de la diarrhée virale bovine ou BVDV. Toutefois une étude expérimentale menée en 2016 a montré l’absence de protection fœtale post immunisation avec trois vaccins commerciaux BVDV lors d’une inoculation d’épreuve avec une souche de BDV de genotype 6. Ce travail a pour objectifs d’évaluer le niveau des anticorps séroneutralisants le BVDV et le BDV, induit par les trois vaccins et de déterminer si l’absence d’efficacité des vaccins BVDV est due à un défaut de réponse immunitaire humorale croisée entre les deux pestivirus. Les résultats obtenus sont discutés par rapport aux données scientifiques existantes et par rapport à la méthodologie utilisée

    Développement d’un modèle toxicocinétique pour évaluer l’exposition fœtale au bisphénol A et au bisphénol A-glucuronide

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    Le bisphénol A (BPA) est un composé très largement utilisé dans l’industrie du plastique. Pourtant, son rôle de perturbateur endocrinien reconnu soulève la question du risque lié à l’exposition prénatale. Dans notre étude toxicocinétique, nous avons utilisé le modèle du fœtus ovin pour évaluer l’exposition fœtale au BPA et à son principal métabolite, le BPA-glucuronide (BPAG). Nous avons ainsi pu montrer que 70 % de la quantité de BPA qui entre dans la circulation fœtale est rapidement éliminée avec une demi-vie très courte (20 minutes) via la clairance placentaire fœto-maternelle, le reste du BPA (30 %) étant glucuronoconjugué par le fœtus. Nous avons également montré que l’hydrolyse du BPAG piégé dans le compartiment fœtal augmente de 43 % l’exposition fœtale au BPA, ce qui signifie que même si le BPAG est inactif par lui-même, il constitue un déterminant de l’exposition fœtale au BPA

    Understanding and representation of organizational training programs and their evaluation

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    [EN] The evaluation of the organizational training is a necessary strategy to guarantee the quality of the training activities in organizations. This research had as an initial objective the development of the first phase of a project funded by the EIT Raw Materials in the “Call for KAVA Education projects”. It officially started on January 2019. The main aim of this research was to define a training program for workers of a specific industrial sector and to evaluate the impact of the skill acquisition of workers through the training program. This paper presents the initial part of the project, the authors were part of the team at that stage. This phase was helpful to obtain the resulting conceptual model from the analysis of the variables involved in an effective learning process. The research tool used for variable identification were three Group Model Building (GMB) sessions with the partners of the project. The resulting model of this paper was helpful to represent through Systems Thinking the phases of a learning process and its evaluation.Ruiz, M.; Igartua, J.; Mindeguia, M.; Orobengoa, M. (2020). Understanding and representation of organizational training programs and their evaluation. International Journal of Production Management and Engineering. 8(2):99-109. https://doi.org/10.4995/ijpme.2020.122719910982Agnaia, A.A. (1996). Assessment of Management Training Needs and Selection for Training: The Case of Libyan Companies. International Journal of Manpower, 17(3), 31-52. https://doi.org/10.1108/01437729610119504Al-Khayyat, R. (1998). Training and Development Needs Assessment: A Practical Model for Partner Institutes. Journal of European Industrial Training, 22(1), 18-28. https://doi.org/10.1108/03090599810197658Alliger, G.M., Tannenbaum, S.I., Bennett, W., Traver, H., Shotland, A. (1997). A Meta- Analysis of the Relations among Training Criteria. Personnel Psychology, 50, 341-58. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1744-6570.1997.tb00911.xAlsina, M.I.B., Rodriguez, F.A.C. (2001). Estrategias de evaluación de los aprendizajes centradas en el proceso. Revista española de pedagogía ,25-48.Alvarez, K., Salas, E., Garofano, C.M. (2004). An integrated model of training evaluation and effectiveness. Human resource development Review, 3(4), 385-416. https://doi.org/10.1177/1534484304270820Aragón-Sánchez, A., Barba-Aragón, I., Sanz-Valle, R. (2003). Effects of training on business results. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 14(6), 956-980. https://doi.org/10.1080/0958519032000106164Arnold, R.D., Wade, J.P. (2015). A definition of systems thinking: A systems approach. Procedia Computer Science, 44(2015), 669-678. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2015.03.050Bassi, L.J., Ludwig, J., McMurrer, D.P., Van Buren, M. (2002). Profiting from learning: firm-level effects of training investments and market implications. Singapore Management Review, 24(3), 61-80.Bee, F., Bee, R. (1997). Training Needs Analysis and Evaluation. London: Institute of Personnel and Development.Brown, K.G., Gerhardt, M.W. (2002). Formative evaluation: An integrative practice model and case study. Personnel Psychology, 55, 951-983. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1744-6570.2002.tb00137.xBuckley, R., Caple, J. (1991). La formación: Teoría and práctica. Madrid: Díaz de Santos.del Valle, I.D., Castillo, M.Á.S. (2005). Problemas y propuestas de medición de la formación en la empresa/Problems and measuring proposals for company training. Cuadernos de estudios empresariales, 15, 27.Desimone, R.L., Werner, J.M., Harris, D.M. (2002). Human resource development. Cincinnati, OH: South Western.Dickenson, P., Blundell, B. (2000). Transferring Quality Management Experience to the Russian Aerospace Industry. Total Quality Management, 11(3), 319-27. https://doi.org/10.1080/0954412006838Foot, M., Hook, C. (1996). Introducing Human Resource Management. Singapore: Longman.Frazis, H., Gittleman, M., Horrigan, M., Joyce, M. (1998). Results from the 1995 Survey of Employer-Provided Training. Monthly Labor Review, 121(6), 3-13.Gasalla, J.M. (2003). Marketing de la formación de directivos: el nuevo directivo en la cultura del aprendizaje. Madrid: Pirámide.Goldstein, I.L. (1993). Training in Organizations. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.Gray, G.R., Hall, M.E. (1997).Training Practices in State Government Agencies. Public Personnel Management, 26(2), 187-203. https://doi.org/10.1177/009102609702600203Hamblin, A.C. (1974). Evaluation and Control of Training. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill.Hannum,W., Hansen, C. (1989). Instructional systems development in large organizations. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications.Herrero, P.P. (2000). Evaluación del impacto de la formación de las organizaciones. Educar, (27), 119-133.Holton, E.F. (2000). Large-scale Performance-Driven Training Needs Assessment. Public Personnel Management, 29(2), 249-67. https://doi.org/10.1177/009102600002900207Hoppenbrouwers, S., Rouwette, E. (2012). A dialogue game for analysing group model building: framing collaborative modelling and its facilitation. International Journal of Organisational Design and Engineering, 2(1), 19-40. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJODE.2012.045905Kaufman, R., Keller, J.M. (1994). Levels of Evaluation: Beyond Kirkpatrick. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 5(4), 371-80. https://doi.org/10.1002/hrdq.3920050408Kenney, J., Donnelly, P. (1976). Manpower Training and Development. Londres: Harrap.Kirkpatrick, D. (1997). Revisando las Grandes Ideas. Training & Development Digest, September: 28-36.Kirkpatrick, J.D., Kirkpatrick, W.K. (2016). Kirkpatrick's four levels of training evaluation. Association for Talent Development.Kraiger, K., Ford, J.K., Salas, E. (1993). Application of cognitive, skill-based, and affective theories of learning outcomes to new methods of training evaluation. Journal of Applied Psychology, 78, 311-328. https://doi.org/10.1037/0021-9010.78.2.311Legare, T.L. (1999). Defining Training Roles and Responsibilities at Partners Healthcare System. National Productivity Review, 19(1), 5-13. https://doi.org/10.1002/npr.4040190103McGehee, R., Thayere, J. (1961) Training in Business and Industry. New York: John Wiley.Moller, L., Mallin, P. (1996). Evaluation practices of instructional designers and organizational support or barriers. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 9(4), 82-92. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1937-8327.1996.tb00740.xNadler, Z., Nadler, L. (2012). Designing training programs. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780080503974Oberman, G. (1996). An Approach for Measuring Safety Training Effectiveness. Occupational Health & Safety, 65(12), 48-58.O'Neill, M. (1998). Cómo enfocar la evaluación de la formación. Info-line (American Society for Training and Development), 1(special issue), 1-18.Phillips, J.J. (2012). Return on investment in training and performance improvement programs. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780080516257Phillips, J.J., Phillips, P.P. (2016). Handbook of training evaluation and measurement methods. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315757230Pineda, P. (1998). El reto de evaluar la formación en la empresa: Herramientas and soluciones. Capital Humano, 111, 32-6.Plant, R.A., Ryan, R.J. (1992).Training Evaluation: A Procedure for Validating an Organizations Investment in Training. Journal of European Industrial Training, 16(10), 22-38. https://doi.org/10.1108/03090599210021720Sarramona, J., Colom, A, Vázquez, G (1994). Estrategias de formación en la empresa. Narcea.Selmer, J. (2000). A Quantitative Needs Assessment Technique for Cross-Cultural Work Adjustment Training. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 11(3), 269-282. https://doi.org/10.1002/1532-1096(200023)11:3%3C269::AID-HRDQ5%3E3.0.CO;2-6Spitzer, D.R. (1999). Embracing evaluation. Training, 36(6), 42-47.Swanson, R.A. (2005). Evaluation, a state of mind. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 7(1), 16-21. https://doi.org/10.1177/1523422304272078Tannenbaum, S.I., Woods, S.B. (1992). Determining a Strategy for Evaluating Training: Operating within Organizational Constraints. Human Resource Planning, 15(2), 63-82.Wang, G.G., Wilcox, D. (2006). Training evaluation: knowing more than is practiced. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 8(4), 528-539. https://doi.org/10.1177/152342230629300


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    [EN] Paul-Marie Letarouilly copied the geometry of a drawing of Francesco Panini, but he omitted the shadows that had the drawing. He did it because he believed that the architect’s drawing did not need them, as Alberti, Durand and, afterwards also, Quatremère de Quincy affirmed. This article analyses this decision: why he did it and what he lost or won with that[ES] Paul-Marie Letarouilly copió la geometría de un dibujo de Francesco Panini pero prescindió de las sombras que el dibujo tenía. Lo hizo porque consideraba que el dibujo del arquitecto no las necesitaba, como afi rmaban Alberti y Durand, y después también Quatremère de Quincy. Este artículo analiza esta decisión: por qué lo hizo y qué perdió o ganó con elloMartínez Mindeguia, F. (2013). Las sombras que Letarouilly no copió. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 18(22):80-87. doi:10.4995/ega.2013.1684.SWORD80871822Weil, M. S. (1974). The Devotion of the Forty Hours and Roman Baroque Illusions. Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 37, 218. doi:10.2307/75084

    Notre-Dame de Paris as a validation case to improve fire safety modelling in historic buildings

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    The analysis of the thermal damages in Notre-Dame de Paris is necessary to estimate the impact of the dramatic 2019 fire on the remaining structure prior to reconstruction. In doing so, the large amount of data being generated creates a benchmark environment to test the relevance of numerical fire models in the unconventional configuration of a medieval roof. While being an uncontrolled and complex configuration, it can provide insights regarding the relevance of numerical tools for fire risk assessment in historic buildings. Analysing the thermal degradation of the Lutetian limestone in a vault of the choir, experimental techniques are developed to track the in-depth maximum temperature profile reached during the fire. Numerical simulations of the fire development in the roof space then aim at replicating the observations through the evaluation of the heat flux impinging the vaults during the fire. These simulations are carried out using Fire Dynamic Simulator, which requires a large range of assumptions prior to any simulation regarding materials, geometry, meshing and scale. These assumptions are described and pave the way to a future sensitivity analysis to confront the upcoming outcomes of the simulations with the experimental observations

    Fire spalling sensitivity of concrete made with recycled concrete aggregates (RCA)

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    The fire spalling of concrete is a complex phenomenon, which can affect the integrity of the structures during a fire. This thermal instability is associated with a complex coupled chemo-thermo-hydro-mechanical mechanism and it can be influenced by many factors, related to material (e.g. per- meability, porosity and water content), geometry (e.g. shape and size) and environmental parameters (e.g. mechanical load and heating rate). Concrete made with recycled concrete aggregates presents higher porosity, higher water content and different interfaces between aggregates and mortar. All these aspects can lead to a different behaviour under fire exposure, including the spalling risk of these sustainable concretes. The main objective of this paper is to analyse the influence of the use of recycled concrete aggregates on the spalling risk of concrete. In this paper, concrete prisms with different replacement rates of recycled coarse aggregates (0 up to 100%) were exposed to a standard fire curve (ISO 834-1) with a constant uniaxial compression load. After heating, samples surfaces were evaluated by means of digital photogrammetry. Results showed that concrete with RCA is sensitive to explosive spalling. All replacement rates presented higher degree of spalling than concrete made with natural aggregates

    “L’inganno degli occhi”. Borromini’s perspectival niche for the Casa dei Filippini in Rome

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    The RCIN 905602 sheet of the Royal Collection, Windsor contains an orthogonal projection presentation drawing made by Francesco Borromini in 1627 and showing one of Gianlorenzo Bernini's proposals for the Tomb of Urban VIII. The apsidal frame rendered in perspective can be related to the perspective niche that Borromini himself placed above the fictitious entrance in the center of the facade of the Casa dei Filippini in Rome a few years later. The sheet is studied here in the context of the influence that the diffusion of representation methods and practices has had on the forms of architecture as well as their visual perception. After discussing the reason for the construction of such a perspective device, its representation in the design documents and its reception in the images of the square after its construction, the authors present the results of a geometric analysis and reconstruction after photo-modeling ot the niche itself, aimed at determining the position of the ideal observer on the square considered in designing the device, and they discuss the relationship between this spatial stratagem and the graphic trick atopted in the tomb design

    Simulation of an experimental fire in an underground limestone quarry for the study of Paleolithic fires

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    International audienceNumerous fire marks occur on the walls of the Chauvet-Pont d’Arc cave. Dating indicated that some of the fires were contemporary to the Aurignacian. Violent thermal shocks were observed in surprisingly narrow areas of the cave. This raises numerous archaeological questions about the function of the fires; the answers depend on the location of the hearths, and the intensity of the fires. Numerical simulation was used here to provide information about the behaviour of fires in such confined spaces. An underground non-archaeological site, in a limestone quarry, was equipped to monitor fires in an environment similar to that of the Megaceros gallery of the Chauvet-Pont d’Arc cave. The fire and the movement of heat and smoke in the quarry were simulated by the open source code “Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS)”. Results were validated on wall temperatures recorded behind and above the fire. The thermo-mechanical impact of the fire on the rock was simulated with CAST3M software, providing the most probable zones for limestone spalling due to thermal gradients. The validated approach will, in a forthcoming study, be applied to the Chauvet-Pont d’Arc cave, in which coupled simulations in the air and in the rock should indicate the location of the hearths and the intensity of the fires that generated the marks