6 research outputs found

    The perception of parental attitudes and styles to deal with stress among the young attending to athletic championship schools

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    Introduction and purpose of the work: Parental attitudes perceived by adolescents, and not only parental upbringing impacts, can significantly help young people playing sports developing their careers. In turn, sport itself can strengthen their self-esteem, and also shape their ability to cope with stress. Being an athlete-student exposes young people to experiencing various types of stressors related to training and competitions on the one hand, and the fulfillment of compulsory education on the other. The aim of the study was to check the links between the perception of parental attitudes and students’ styles of coping with stress attending the Athletic Championship Schools. Materials and method: The study involved 51 students aged 16 to 20, including 28 girls (55%) and 23 boys (45%) attending the Athletic Championship School (upper secondary stage). The mean age was 17.8 and the standard deviation was 1.12. To measure the perception of parental attitudes, the Parental Attitude Scale - 2 (SPR-2) by Plopy (2012) was used, which is a shortened version of the Parental Attitude Scale (SPR) for young people. In turn, stress management styles were measured using the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (CISS) by Endler and Parker in the polish adaptation of Szczepaniak, Strelau and Wrześniewski. Results: Obtained results revealed that there is a correlation between perceived negative mother attitudes (excessive demands, inconsistency) and emotion-focused style. Significant links between perceived negative father attitudes (excessive demands, inconsistency) and avoidance-focused style, were also found. It was proved that the intensity of positive attitudes of both father and mother was higher than negative attitudes among the surveyed youth attending AChS. Conclusions: It is significant to remember, when working with young people playing sports, about family contact, which is associated with coping styles, and that effectively managing stress is a key skill that every player should have. The obtained research results are an important contribution to expanding knowledge about the relationship between parental attitudes and styles of coping with stress, especially among young athletes, although they do not allow to formulate the final conclusions

    Style of coping with stress and hope for success among the youth attending the Athletic Sports Championships

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    Introduction and purpose of the work: In Lazarus and Folkman's transactional theory of stress and coping, stress is treated as a relationship between an individual and environment, which is perceived by a person as excessively demanding. It may lead to a loss of sense of well-being if it exceeds the resources available to the individual. One important personal resource for athletes is the hope for success. The aim of the study was to verify the relations between the style of coping with stress and hope for success among students of sports championship schools. Materials and method: The participants of the study were 51 students who do sports aged 16 to 20 years, including 30 women (59%). The mean age was 17.8 years and the standard deviation was 1.16. In this study, the Coping Inventory for Stresfull Situations (CISS) by Endler and Parker in the polish adaptation of Szczepaniak, Strelau and Wrześniewski and the Adult Hope Scale by Snyder in the polish adaptation of Łaguna, Trzebiński and Zięba were used. Results: The research revealed a significant positive correlation between task-oriented coping and the level of hope for success. Gender considerations revealed significant positive correlations between all styles of coping with stress and the level of hope for success in a group of girls, and this also correlated with task-oriented coping style in a group of boys. Conclusions: The obtained results do not allow to form any final conclusions, but they are an important contribution to improving the knowledge of the relations between styles of coping with stress and hope for success, especially among young athletes. An evaluation of the styles of coping with stress may be of great importance for researches and practitioners working with players


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    Job crafting is an employee's activity focused on improving one's own job designs to find meaning in work, which is associated with organizational commitment – an attitude desired by the organizations. The aim of the article is to determine whether individual (age, organizational tenure) and organizational factors of the work context (company type: public vs. private) and job crafting provide organizational commitment. The study used the Job CraftingQuestionnaire and the Organizational Commitment Scale, which were surveyed on by 201 employees. A hierarchical analysis of regression showed that job crafting, age and company type are important for organizational commitment. Finally, on the base of the obtained results, it turned out that job crafting provides organizational commitment.Key words: job crafting, organizational commitment, work and organizational psychologyJEL: D91, I31, L20Kształtowanie pracy jest aktywnością pracownika nastawioną na usprawnianie pracy własnej służącej odnajdywaniu sensu w pracy, co wiąże się z przywiązaniem do organizacji – postawą pożądaną przez organizację. Celem artykułu jest ustalenie, czy indywidualne czynniki kontekstu pracy (takie jak: wiek, staż pracy) oraz cechy środowiska organizacyjnego (typ firmy: publiczna vs. prywatna), a także kształtowanie pracy przewidują przywiązanie do organizacji.W badaniu wykorzystano Kwestionariusz Kształtowania Pracy oraz Skalę Przywiązania do Organizacji, którymi przebadano 201 pracowników. Przeprowadzona hierarchiczna analiza regresji wskazała, że kształtowanie pracy, wiek oraz typ firmy są istotne dla przywiązania do organizacji. Na podstawie wyników niniejszego badania okazało się, że kształtowanie pracy przewiduje przywiązanie do organizacji.Słowa kluczowe: kształtowanie pracy, przywiązania do organizacji, psychologia pracy i organizacj

    Hope for success and life satisfaction among sport referees

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    The article will present the results of research on the relationship between hope for success and life satisfaction in volleyball and football referees. The study involved 214 referees (104 from volleyball and 110 from football). In the presented study, the Hope for Success Questionnaire (KNS; Łaguna, Trzebiński, Zięba, 2005) and the Life Satisfaction Scale (SWLS; Juczyński, 2009) were used. The results of this study indicated that there are positive correlations between hope for success and life satisfaction in both group of volleyball and football referees. Additional analyzes also showed that there was a positive relationship between hope for success, willpower and life satisfaction in the group of female referees. Similarly, in the group of men, positive correlations were found between hope for success, the ability to find solutions, and willpower, and life satisfaction. The results of the research indicate the role of hope for success in the sense of life satisfaction. In the study group - sports referees, this topic seems to be particularly important and deserves further analysis.</p

    Job crafting among managers. The mediation role of autonomy at work

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    Job crafting is an employees activity aimed to change and improve own work which serves to find the meaning in job. Activities related to job crafting usually occur beyond the superiors’ knowledge so the feeling of autonomy of a worker may hinder or encourage them to craft job. The study aimed to determine the correlations between organizational rank and job crafting with respect to a mediating role of autonomy and organizational tenure as a moderator. Study 1 (N = 102) showed that people having managerial positions undertake task crafting more often than non-managers. Managers and non-managers are no different with regards to cognitive and relational crafting. Autonomy mediated the relationship between organizational rank and task crafting. Most of the results in study 2 (N = 99) was a replication of the results of study 1. The differences are probably related to a various length of organizational tenure for a current organization. The results of the presented studies indicate the role of autonomy in undertaking job crafting, what is being discussed in the literature worldwide and Polish studies

    Stress level and life satisfaction among academic athletes

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    Wstęp. Stres jest nieodłącznym elementem życia, a jego długotrwałe doświadczanie może mieć negatywny wpływ na zdrowie fizyczne i psychiczne człowieka. Sportowcy akademiccy mogą być szczególnie narażeni na stres ze względu na konieczność łączenia treningów z obowiązkami akademickimi. Celem badań było ustalenie powiązań pomiędzy poziomem odczuwanego stresu a poczuciem satysfakcji z życia u sportowców akademickich z uwzględnieniem płci i rodzaju uprawianej dyscypliny. Założono, że wyższy poziom stresu wiąże się z niższym poziomem satysfakcji z życia. Materiał i metody. Badaniem objętych zostało 209 sportowców akademickich (153 mężczyzn i 56 kobiet), uprawiających różne dyscypliny indywidualne i zespołowe. Wykorzystano Skalę Odczuwanego Stresu (PSS-10) oraz Skalę Satysfakcji z Życia (SWLS). Dodatkowo, za pośrednictwem ankiety, zebrano informacje na temat uprawianej dyscypliny sportu. Wyniki. Niższy poziom odczuwanego stresu wiąże się z wyższym poziomem satysfakcji z życia w grupie sportowców akademickich (zarówno wśród kobiet, jak i mężczyzn, a także po uwzględnieniu podziału na typ uprawianej dyscypliny sportowej tj. indywidualna vs zespołowa). Satysfakcja z życia kobiet, biorących udział w badaniu własnym, była wyższa w porównaniu z mężczyznami, natomiast pod względem poziomu odczuwanego stresu nie wystąpiły pomiędzy nimi istotne różnice. Rodzaj uprawianej dyscypliny nie różnicował wyników w zakresie poziomu odczuwanego stresu i satysfakcji życiowej. Wnioski. Wyniki badań wskazują na rolę jaką w poczuciu satysfakcji z życia ogrywa poziom odczuwanego stresu. W badanej grupie – sportowców akademickich, temat ten wydaje się być szczególnie ważny i zasługuje na dalsze analizy.Background. While stress is an integral part of human life, being exposed to it for a more extended period can have a negative impact on a person’s physical and mental health. Academic athletes may be particularly exposed to stress due to the need to combine sports training with academic duties. The study aimed to establish the connections between the level of stress and life satisfaction among academic athletes, with regard to their gender and the type of discipline practised. It was assumed that a higher level of stress is associated with a lower level of life satisfaction. Material and methods. The study included 209 academic athletes (153 men and 56 women), practising various individual and team sports. The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10) and the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) were used. Additionally, the information about the sports being practised was collected via the survey. Results. The lower level of the perceived stress is associated with a higher level of life satisfaction in the group of academic athletes (both among women and men, and also taking into account the division into the type of sport practised, i.e. individual vs team one). Life satisfaction among women who took part in the study was higher than among men; however, in terms of the level of the perceived stress, there were no significant differences between the two groups. The type of discipline practised did not differentiate the results of the level of the perceived stress and the life satisfaction. Conclusions. The results of the research indicate the role that the level of the perceived stress has for the sense of satisfaction with one’s life. This issue seems to be particularly relevant in the surveyed group, i.e. academic athletes, that deserves further analysis