20 research outputs found
Komodifikasi: Manipulasi Budaya dalam (Ajang) Pariwisata
Manipulasi budaya dalam ajang pariwisata mengangkat realitas lapangan yang empirik berkaitan dengan komodifikasi. Fenomena manifulasi budaya menjadikan budaya sebagai objek yang memiliki nilai tukar atau nilai jual melalui industri budaya dan jasa sebagai komoditas. Secara umum, gejala komodifikasi terperangkap dalam dialektika sakral ke profan, memunculkan atraksi kemunduran aspek ritual, kontestasi dan pertentangan konsep dan ideologi sehingga memunculkan mitos baru (mitos modern). Praktik tersebut memunculkan kriminal baru yang tidak terlepas dari peran kapitalis
Kebudayaan Lokal sebagai Potensi dalam Berkarya Komik
Komik adalah media bercerita melalui gambar-gambar yang disusun sedemikian rupa membentuk narasi. Dalam perkembangannya, komik sempat mendapat reaksi keras dari pemerintah Amerika karena dianggap membawa ideologi anti pemerintaah pada tahun 1954, sehingga komik-komik tersebut dibakar. Namun seiring perkembangan zaman, komik mendapat tempatnya sendiri di masyarakat, perkembangan komik pun semakin pesat, bukan hanya sebagai bacaan hiburan, tapi di dalamnya juga terdapat pesan-pesan yang menyusung nilai-nilai kebudayaan.Kebudayaan lokal yang ada di Nusantara memiliki potensi yang besar sebagai ide pembuatan komik. Dengan mengangkat kebudayaan lokal, baik secara tema maupun visual di dalam komik, maka melalui komik dapat ikut memperkenalkan kebudayaan bangsa kepada pembaca yang multikultural, serta memperkuat identitas bangsa Indonesia sebagai bangsa yang kaya akan kebudayaan tradisional
Fenomena Musik Kompang Kecamatan Bengkalis di Era Globalisasi
Musik Kompang merupakan seni pertunjukan yang bernafaskan Islam. Di Bengkalis hampir disetiap desa memiliki group kompang, yang ditampilkan dalam upacara perkawinan, khitanan, muharam, aqiqah dan sebagainya. Musik kompang adalah musik tradisi Melayu berupa nyanyian atau puji-pujian terhadap kebesaran Allah SWT dan Nabi Muhammad SAW diiringi kompang. Musik Kompang mempedomani dari kitab Berjanzi. Musik Kompang di era globalisasi saat ini masih tetap bertahan ditengah masyarakatnya, walaupun musik-musik modern yang popular cukup berkembang. Namun musik kompang tetap dapat bertahan ditengah-tengah menjamurnya pilihan-pilihan kesenian lainnya
Kompang Atraksi pada Masyarakat Bengkalis Riau
This paper is the result of research that aims to explain the different forms of performances Kompang Kompang commonly known in the community Bengkalis, the show is known as Kompang Kompang Attractions. In areas Meskom District of Bengkalis Kompang has become an integral part in every event of marriage, religious celebrations, circumcision, and other events. Kompang tradition commonly known as a game of musical instrument Kompang struck with a certain rhythm, accompanied by the singing of the Mawlid al-Barzanjī book which praises to Allah and the Prophet Muhammad. Using qualitative methods, combined with a form of performance art theory and the theory of functions, it can be concluded that the performance of motion Kompang Things attractions combine with traditional Kompang performances. The new form can be accepted by society because retaining the essence of the show Kompang good tradition of aspects and forms the essence of the show, which is a part of Islamic religious symbols in aesthetic offerings
Struktur Dramatik Serial TV Sengsara Membawa Nikmat Karya Agus Widjoyono
Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan struktur dramatik yang terdapat dalam Serial TV Sengsara Membawa Nikmat, karya Agus Widjoyono. Menggunakan pendekatan struktural dengan metode analisis deskriptif tulisan ini akan membuktikan bahwa serial TV mengandung unsur naratif dalam bentuk rangkaian peristiwa yang saling berhubungan satu sama lain dan terkait oleh logika sebab akibat (kausalitas) yang terjadi dalam ruang dan waktu. Rangkaian peristiwa ini memiliki struktur dramatik dan saling memelihara kesinambungan cerita dari awal hingga akhir. Serial TV Sengsara Membawa Nikmat memiliki struktur dramatik yang menyangkut perkembangan dan kaitan antar konflik dari awal hingga akhir cerita.Pendekatan strukturalisme yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui perkembangan cerita, tokoh/penokohan, klimaks dari permasalahan dan tahap akhir yang merupakan kesimpulan dari isi cerita yang menuturkan plot/alur dramatik
Bentuk Dan Fungsi Rumah Adat Raja Pamusuk Mandailing
As the chief (king) custom, he is the leader of the indigenous peoples in the region. Authority board chairman and chairman of the village's land is specialized in the field of government, while the indigenous affairs retained and carried out by those who are entitled according to the customs of indigenous peoples concerned. That is why to this day remains traditional ceremonies led by the king of custom pamusuk.menurut. Chairman of the country has never been recognized as a king sitting Mandailaing community customs. King and his descendants to this day still recognized as king of indigenous peoples in traditional ceremonies, and they called the king of custom. So the king pamusuk in symbolized as banyan tree beneath always protect the public, because people always take shelter beneath it
Fenomena Pertunjukan Lukah Gilo pada Masyarakat Sabak Auh, Siak
The show originated from a game fish trap fish trap Gilo Gilo, in the district of Sabak Auh, Siak, a traditional game community, which has become an art show. The purpose of this study is to reveal the form of fish trap Gilo performances from rural communities in the District Sabak Auh. The method used is qualitative. Theories in use as a basic framework in thinking to analyze this phenomenon, among others: the aesthetics of Darsono theory, and the theory Semiotik of Charles S. Pierce.The findings of this study reveal the shape of the show fish trap fish trap Performing Gilo and Gilo phenomenon in society Sabak Auh, Siak, and the efforts made by the people experiencing Performing ketermaginalan fish trap amid Gilo Community Sabak Auh, Siak. Efforts ketermaginalan Performing Gilo fish trap that is due to the efforts because of the creativity of artists in realizing conservation area, then the presence of government and community identity politics in solidifying a traditional art Siak area, as well as of generations in an effort to maintain the artistic traditions of the local culture. Impact ketermaginalan show Gilo fish trap in the community Sabak Auh Siak, in the case of the fading art of dance traditions because there is the influence of globalization and modernization
Estetika Musik Zapin sebagai Budaya Populer di Pekanbaru
Music Zapin in Pekanbaru as popular culture is a phenomenon of shifting concept, form, function, aesthetics and meaning to community supporters. Pendekonstruksian certain patterns (traditions to uniformity, standardization, imaging, capitalism, creativity and innovation of artists. Practically it is a form of creativity and innovation in the work of artists, both regard the development or preservation of Malay culture and art. Zapin music as popular culture has a postmodern aesthetic, including: parody, pastiche, parody, kitsch, camp, and schizophrenia. Zapin music performances shifting values keteradisiannya (traditional aesthetic concept ) to the modern aesthetic and even postmodern. The shift is due to social change Pekanbaru. Openness and homogenitasan, both ethnic and cultural openness menciptakaan Zapin space for musical performances to adapt to the space and the needs of society. Therefore, musical performances Zapin as popular culture (aesthetic profane)
Tari Olang-olang dalam Ritual Pengobatan Suku Sakai di Kecamatan Minas, Kabupaten Siak
Dance - Olang Olang is a reflection of the identity of rural communities Sakai tribe contained in District Minas , Siak . Olang - Olang dance is a dance for the treatment of Sakai tribe . Sakai people still believe that the human disease caused by interference spirits. Treatment system to perform the ceremony in the treatment process are dance - Olang Olang . Olang - Olang dance forms in Sakai tribal life can be seen from the form of movement , musical accompaniment and property as well as clothing that can be seen from the form covers all aspects that can be captured by the five senses . Meaning contained in Olang - Olang dance in ritual treatment Sakai people in District Minas is a ritual significance , aesthetic meaning , the meaning of cultural representation and preservation of cultural significance . Dance - Olang Olang describe the spirit of Soli , which is the ancestral spirits Sakai tribe who during his lifetime was also a Bomo . Olang - Olang has meaning flying birds . Movement of Dance - Olang Olang describe symbolize communication between Bomo with Soli spirit in healing the sick