3,488 research outputs found

    Postnatal β-catenin deletion from Dmp1-expressing osteocytes/osteoblasts reduces structural adaptation to loading, but not periosteal load-induced bone formation

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    Mechanical signal transduction in bone tissue begins with load-induced activation of several cellular pathways in the osteocyte population. A key pathway that participates in mechanotransduction is Wnt/Lrp5 signaling. A putative downstream mediator of activated Lrp5 is the nucleocytoplasmic shuttling protein β-catenin (βcat), which migrates to the nucleus where it functions as a transcriptional co-activator. We investigated whether osteocytic βcat participates in Wnt/Lrp5-mediated mechanotransduction by conducting ulnar loading experiments in mice with or without chemically induced βcat deletion in osteocytes. Mice harboring βcat floxed loss-of-function alleles (βcat(f/f)) were bred to the inducible osteocyte Cre transgenic (10)(kb)Dmp1-CreERt2. Adult male mice were induced to recombine the βcat alleles using tamoxifen, and intermittent ulnar loading sessions were applied over the following week. Although adult-onset deletion of βcat from Dmp1-expressing cells reduced skeletal mass, the bone tissue was responsive to mechanical stimulation as indicated by increased relative periosteal bone formation rates in recombined mice. However, load-induced improvements in cross sectional geometric properties were compromised in recombined mice. The collective results indicate that the osteoanabolic response to loading can occur on the periosteal surface when β-cat levels are significantly reduced in Dmp1-expressing cells, suggesting that either (i) only low levels of β-cat are required for mechanically induced bone formation on the periosteal surface, or (ii) other additional downstream mediators of Lrp5 might participate in transducing load-induced Wnt signaling

    Staphylococcal enterotoxin sensitization in a community-based population : a potential role in adult-onset asthma

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    Background: Recent studies suggest that Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin sensitization is a risk factor for asthma. However, there is a paucity of epidemiologic evidence on adult-onset asthma in community-based populations. Objective: We sought to evaluate the epidemiology and the clinical significance of staphylococcal enterotoxin sensitization in community-based adult populations. Methods: The present analyses were performed using the baseline data set of Korean adult population surveys, consisting of 1080 adults (mean age=60.2years) recruited from an urban and a rural community. Questionnaires, methacholine challenge tests, and allergen skin tests were performed for defining clinical phenotypes. Sera were analysed for total IgE and enterotoxin-specific IgE using ImmunoCAP. Results: Staphylococcal enterotoxin sensitization (0.35kU/L) had a prevalence of 27.0%. Risk factors were identified as male sex, current smoking, advanced age (61years), and inhalant allergen sensitization. Current asthma was mostly adult onset (18years old) and showed independent associations with high enterotoxin-specific IgE levels in multivariate logistic regression tests. In multivariate linear regressions, staphylococcal enterotoxin-specific IgE level was identified as the major determinant factor for total IgE level. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: Staphylococcal enterotoxin sensitization was independently associated with adult-onset asthma in adult community populations. Strong correlations between the enterotoxin-specific IgE and total IgE levels support the clinical significance. The present findings warrant further studies for the precise roles of staphylococcal enterotoxin sensitization in the asthma pathogenesis

    The role of social support and social networks in smoking behavior among middle and older aged people in rural areas of South Korea: A cross-sectional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although the number of studies on anti-smoking interventions has increased, studies focused on identifying social contextual factors in rural areas are scarce. The purpose of this study was to explore the role of social support and social networks in smoking behavior among middle and older aged people living in rural areas of South Korea.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study employed a cross-sectional design. Participants included 1,057 adults, with a mean age of 60.7 years, residing in rural areas. Information on participants' tobacco use, stress, social support, and social networks was collected using structured questionnaires. The chi-square test, the t-test, ANOVA, and logistic regression were used for data analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The overall smoking prevalence in the study was 17.4% (men, 38.8%; women, 5.1%). Overall, stress was high among women, and social support was high among men. Smokers had high levels of social support (t = -2.90, p = .0038) and social networks (t = -2.22, p = .0271), as compared to non- and former smokers. Those in the high social support group were likely to be smokers (AOR = 2.21, 95% CI 1.15-4.26). Women with moderate social ties were less likely to smoke (AOR = 0.18, 95% CI 0.05-0.61).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>There was a protective role of a moderate social network level among women, and a high level of social support was associated with smoking behaviors in rural areas. Findings suggest the need for a comprehensive understanding of the functions and characteristics of social contextual factors including social support and social networks in order to conduct more effective anti-smoking interventions in rural areas.</p

    Morphology and Molecular Phylogeny of Pseudouroleptus jejuensis nov. spec., a New Soil Ciliate (Ciliophora, Spirotrichea) from South Korea

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    A new soil ciliate, Pseudouroleptus jejuensis, was discovered from Jeju Island, South Korea and described based on live observation, protargol impregnation, and SSU rRNA gene sequence analyses. Pseudouroleptus jejuensis differs from other congeneric species mainly by number of dorsal kineties (5 vs. 4). Based on our observation of late dividers, we confirm that the dorsal kinety anlage 3 forms 3 kineties (i.e., dorsal kineties 3–5), and the dorsal kinety anlagen 1–3 form 3–5/1–2/0 caudal cirri, respectively. Our gene trees support the assignment of this new species in Pseudouroleptus to full supporting values

    Redescription of Two Urostylid Ciliates (Ciliophora: Urostylida), Anteholosticha pulchra and Metaurostylopsis struederkypkeae from Korea

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    Two urostylid ciliates, Anteholosticha pulchra (Kahl, 1932) Berger, 2003 and Metaurostylopsis struederkypkeae Shao et al., 2008, new to Korea, were collected from the Yellow Sea and the East Sea, Korea, respectively. They were identified based on live observation and protargol impregnation. Taxonomical characters of A. pulchra are as follows: 190-300×30-55 μm size in vivo; contractile vacuole located on the left side of the posterior 1/4 of the cell; spherical-reddish granules at cirral bases and around dorsal bristles, somewhat sparsely distributed throughout the cell surface; four frontal and two frontoterminal cirri; four dorsal kineties; caudal cirri absent. Metaurostylopsis struederkypkeae is characterized as follows: 80-110×40-50 μm size in vivo; caudal cirri absent; two types of cortical granules: type 1, yellow-green arranged along the ventral cirral rows and dorsal kineties; type 2, small and reddish, with an irregular arrangement; four frontal, four to eight frontoterminal, and two to six transverse cirri; five to seven left and three to five right marginal rows. Sequences of small subunit ribosomal DNA were determined from both species, and pairwise distances with their relatives were analyzed