78 research outputs found

    Художественная рефлексия над категорией времени в стихотворениях М.И. Цветаевой

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    The article analyzes ways of  linguistic representation of  idea of time in the poems of M.I. Tsvetaeva’s “The Minute” and “Praise of Time.” Both poems, first of all, are the result of the artist’s aesthetic reaction to the lexical meaning of the words time and minute, however the author of the article shows that in the “zone” of artistic reflection of Tsvetaeva includes not only lexical units, but also grammatical ones, amplifying semantic effects from the first.В статье проанализированы способы языкового представления идеи времени в стихотворениях М.И. Цветаевой «Минута» и «Хвала времени». Оба стихотворения, в первую очередь, являются результатом эстетической реакции художника слова на лексическое значение слов время и минута, однако автор статьи  показывает, что в «зону» художественной рефлексии Цветаевой  в этих стихотворениях попадают не только лексические единицы, но и грамматические, подкрепляющие и усиливающие смысловые эффекты от первых

    Metagenomics of bolidophyceae in plankton and ice of the White Sea

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    © 2017, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. The molecular diversity of poorly studied algae of Bolidophyceae class was first estimated by Illumina sequencing of V4 region of 18S rRNA gene in ice, under-ice water and summer water of the subarctic White Sea. We used two clustering thresholds–93 and 97%–and revealed 31 phylotypes of Bolidophyceae. Triparma pacifica and Т. strigata were identified to species level. The association of individual phylotypes to certain biotopes (ice or plankton) and stages of seasonal succession (under ice or summer plankton) has been established. Some phylotypes are found in different biotopes and over a wide temperature range. Due to changing their genetic composition, Bolidophyceae are a constant component of the photoautotrophic plankton and ice communities

    Нейропептиды галловых нематод: функциональное значение в локомоциях паразитов (краткий обзор)

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    The purpose of the research is to analyze the literature devoted to the study of the physiological role and functional significance of biologically active substances: FMRFamide-like neuropeptides in the locomotion of root-knot nematodes Meloidogyne incognita, M. minor, M. hapla and M. graminicola using immunological, phylogenetic, molecular and bioinformatic research methods.Results and discussion. The present work shows the importance of endogenous FMRFamide-like neuropeptides (FLPs) in such behavioral reactions of plant nematodes as locomotion, which ensures the vital activity of plant parasites; the functional significance of flp genes in the neurobiology of root-knot nematodes is discussed. It was especially noted that the main physiological and functional characteristics of endogenous FLP in root-knot nematodes were obtained as a result of studies of the functional role of the flp genes encoding these neuropeptides. In the nematodes M. incognita and M. graminicola, components of the peptidergic nervous system were identified in the nervous structures: FMRFamide-like positive immunoreactivity, FLP, flp genes encoding neuropeptides, and G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) activated by these neuropeptides. It was shown that the main functional characteristics of endogenous FLPs in nematodes were obtained using one of the methods of reverse genetics, i.e., flp genes knockdown in shadow by means of RNA-interference. It has been established that FLP cause two types of physiological effects on the somatic muscles of root-knot nematodes – stimulation of the locomotor activity of the muscles and its inhibition. In most works, the data obtained on the physiological effects of neuropeptides on the locomotor activity of phytonematodes are considered with a view to their possible use in the development of new targeted anthelmintic drugs.Цель исследований – анализ литературы, посвященной изучению физиологической роли и функциональному значению биологически активных веществ: FMRFамид-подобных нейропептидов в локомоциях галловых нематод Meloidogyne incognita, M. minor, M. hapla и M. graminicоla с помощью иммунологических, филогенетических, молекулярных и биоинформатических методов исследования.Результаты и обсуждение. Показано важное значение эндогенных FMRFамид-подобных нейропептидов (FLP) в таких поведенческих реакциях фитонематод, как локомоции, которые обеспечивают жизнедеятельность растительных паразитов; обсуждается функциональное значение flp генов в нейробиологии галловых нематод. Основные физиологические и функциональные характеристики эндогенных FLP у галловых нематод получены в результате исследований функциональной роли flp генов, кодирующих эти нейропептиды. У нематод M. incognita и M. graminicоla в нервных структурах идентифицированы компоненты пептидергической нервной системы: FMRFамид-подобная положительная иммунореактивность, FLP, flp гены, кодирующие нейропептиды, и G-протеин связанные рецепторы (GPCR), активируемые этими нейропептидами. Основные функциональные характеристики эндогенных FLP у нематод получены с помощью одного из методов обратной генетики – временного выключения flp генов посредством РНК-интерференции. Установлено, что FLP вызывают на соматической мускулатуре галловых нематод два вида физиологических эффектов – стимуляцию локомоторной активности мускулатуры и ее угнетение. В большинстве работ полученные данные, о физиологических эффектах нейропептидов на двигательную активность фитонематод рассматриваются с целью возможного использования при разработке новых антигельминтных препаратов направленного действия

    Novel miR390-Dependent Transacting siRNA Precursors in Plants Revealed by a PCR-Based Experimental Approach and Database Analysis

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    TAS loci in plant genomes encode transacting small interfering RNAs (ta-siRNAs) that regulate expression of a number of genes. The function of TAS3 precursor in Arabidopsis thaliana is controlled by two miR390 target sites flanking two ta-siARF sequences targeting mRNAs of ARF transcription factors. Cleavage of the 3′-miR390-site initiates ta-siRNAs biogenesis. Here we describe the new method for identification of plant ta-siRNA precursors based on PCR with oligodeoxyribonucleotide primers mimicking miR390. The method was found to be efficient for dicotiledonous plants, cycads, and mosses. Based on sequences of amplified loci and a database analysis, a novel type of miR390-dependent TAS sequences was identified in dicots. These TAS loci are characterized by a smaller distance between miR390 sites compared to TAS3, a single copy of ta-siARF, and a sequence conservation pattern pointing to the possibility that processing of novel TAS-like locus is initiated by cleavage of the 5′-terminal miR390 target site

    Evaluation of glycaemic profile variability as a basis for insulin therapy strategy in pregnant women with type 1 diabetes

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with any form of diabetes during pregnancy should achieve the target (close to physiological) values of glycaemia, the main condition for a safe course and outcomes of pregnancy. To accomplish this task, effective and safe methods of insulin therapy should be selected. AIM: To determine the glycaemic profile and pregnancy outcomes in women with type 1 diabetes treated with continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) and multiple insulin injections (MII). METHODS: A continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) of 100 pregnant women with type 1 diabetes treated with CSII and 100 women treated with MII was conducted to assess the effectiveness of these insulin therapy regimens in achieving target blood glucose values. RESULTS: HbA1c levels were significantly lower during the first, second, and third trimesters in patients treated with CSII than those treated with MII. Glucose variability has already improved since the second trimester of pregnancy in women treated with CSII, which was not observed in those treated with MII. The period of hyperglycaemia according to the results in pregnant women treated with CSII was 25 [13; 38] %, which was lower than those treated with MII, 41 [18; 54] %. No risk of obstetric and perinatal complications was observed with the duration of the hyperglycaemic state of <25% of the CGM time, whereas the risk of neonatal hypoglycaemia appeared with the duration of the hypoglycaemic state of a mother with type 1 diabetes of >0.2%. The relationship between glucose variability in terms of MAGE and MODD and the risk of developing macrosomia has been observed, and the dependence of glucose variability (MODD and CONGA) and the risk of neonatal hypoglycaemia and preeclampsia have also been confirmed. CONCLUSION: Comprehensive assessment of the glycaemic profile when using CSII, confirmed the advantages of using CSII in pregnant women with type 1 diabetes to achieve the target glycaemia values, to reduce glucose variability and duration of hypoglycaemic episodes, which led to decreased frequency of obstetric and perinatal complications

    Formation of media competence in Russian language lessons is one of the components of the language portrait of a modern junior student

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    Современное преобразование системы начального образования требует изменений в содержании языкового образования младших школьников, так как уже в 2012 году в Федеральный закон "Об образовании" были внесены изменения, отразившие особенности применения электронного обучения при реализации образовательных программ, что способствовало внедрению в образовательное пространство медиасредств и области медиа в целом. Поэтому данная статья посвящена проблеме формирования нового языкового портрета младшего школьника: он должен быть способен ориентироваться в области медиапространства, уметь применять знания, полученные по предмету "Русский язык" при виртуальной коммуникации, создавать простейшие правильные поисковые запросы, грамотно работать с учебным планшетом, соблюдая языковые нормы, следовать правилам речевого этикета при работе с электронной почтой, системой "Сетевой город. Образование" и т.д.The modern transformation of the primary education system requires changes in the content of the language education of junior schoolchildren, since already in 2012 the Federal Law "On Education" was amended to reflect the specifics of the use of e-learning in the implementation of educational programs, which facilitated the introduction of media resources and the field in the educational space media in general. Therefore, this article is devoted to the problem of forming a new language portrait of a junior schoolboy: he must be able to navigate in the field of media space, be able to apply knowledge gained in the subject "Russian language" in virtual communication, create simple right search queries, competently work with the training tablet, norms, follow the rules of speech etiquette when working with e-mail, the system "Network City. Education ", etc

    Original Russian Text ©

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    In eukaryotes, rRNA genes form multigenic families consisting of tandemly located repeated units strongly varying in number (from several hundreds to several thousands). A repeated unit includes the genes of 18S, 5.8S, and 26S rRNAs separated by transcribed spacers (ITS) 1 and 2 and by the intergenic spacer (IGS). Depending on localization of the 5S rRNA genes, two types of ribosomal operon organization are described In the present work, we studied specific features of the IGS1 structure of the ribosomal operon from acrocarpous mosses of the Schistidium genus for which we studied earlier the ITS1 structure, as well as the phylogeny of the genus based on the ITS1-2 sequences and regions of the chloroplast genome MATERIALS AND METHODS Thirty-three sequences of IGS1 from 12 species of Schistidium were determined. Below the species are listed, ISSN 0006-2979, Biochemistry (Moscow), 2015, Vol. 80, No. 11, pp. 1485-1491. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2015. Original Russian Text © I. A. Milyutina, E. A. Ignatova, M. S. Ignatov, D. V. Goryunov, A. V. Troitsky, 2015, published in Biokhimiya, 2015, Vol. 80, No. 11, pp. 1707-1714 On-Line Papers in Press, as Manuscript BM15-232, September 27, 2015. 1485 Abbreviations: bp, nucleotide base pair; IGS1, intergenic spacer 1. * To whom correspondence should be addressed. Sciences, 127276 Moscow, Russia; E-mail: [email protected] Received July 8, 2015 Structure of Intergenic Abstract-The structure of the intergenic spacer 1 (IGS1) of the ribosomal operon from 12 species of Schistidium mosses was studied. In the IGS1 sequences of these species, three conserved regions and two areas of GC-and A-enriched repeats were identified. All of the studied mosses have a conserved pyrimidine-enriched motif at the 5′-end of IGS1. Species-specific nucleotide substitutions and insertions were found in the conserved areas. The repeated units contain single nucleotide substitutions that make unique the majority of repeated units. The positions of such repeats in IGS1 are species-specific, but their number can vary within the species and among operons of the same specimen. The comparison of IGS1 sequences from the Schistidium species and from representatives of ten other moss genera revealed the presence of common conserved motifs with similar localization. Presumably, these motifs are elements of termination of the pre-rRNA transcription and processing of rRNA