50 research outputs found
Erresberatrolaren hainbat efektu eta erabilera
24 p.Erresberatrola (3,5,4’-trihidroxistilbenoa), landareek estresari, infekzio fungikoei eta bestelako erasoei aurre egiteko ekoizten duten konposatu polifenoliko bat da.
Azken urteotan, zientzialarien aldetik arreta berezia jarri da konposatu honetan, osasunarentzat izan ditzakeen erabilpen ezberdinak aurkitzen joan diren einean. Hori dela eta, gaur egunean konposatu honi buruz ditugun ezagutzak zein diren eta noraino heltzen diren jakitea guztiz beharrezkoa da.
Helburu hau betetzeko asmoarekin egin da errebisio bibliografiko hau. Datu base nagusietatik bildutako artikulu zientifiko eta errebisio sistematikoak oinarritzat hartuta, erresberatrolak bete ditzakeen 4 funtzio jorratzen dira bertan. Lan honetan biltzen dena, erresberatrolaren inguruan idatzi/ikertu denaren zati txki batean oinarritzen den arren, nahikoa da ikusteko konposatu honek piztu duen interesa izugarria dela.
Gai honen inguruan dugun ezagutza noraino iristen den jakitea beharrezkoa da, konposatu honen erabilpen kliniko egoki bat egiteko, eta etorkizunean egin beharreko ikerketak bideratzeko
Current Knowledge on Beetroot Bioactive Compounds: Role of Nitrate and Betalains in Health and Disease
An increase in the prevalence of noncommunicable chronic diseases has been occurring in recent decades. Among the deaths resulting from these conditions, cardiovascular diseases (CVD) stand out as the main contributors. In this regard, dietary patterns featuring a high content of vegetables and fruits, such as the Mediterranean and the DASH diets, are considered beneficial, and thus have been extensively studied. This has resulted in growing interest in vegetable-derived ingredients and food-supplements that may have potential therapeutic properties. Among these supplements, beetroot juice, which is obtained from the root vegetable Beta vulgaris, has gained much attention. Although a significant part of the interest in beetroot juice is due to its nitrate (NO3−) content, which has demonstrated bioactivity in the cardiovascular system, other ingredients with potential beneficial properties such as polyphenols, pigments and organic acids are also present. In this context, the aim of this review article is to analyze the current knowledge regarding the benefits related to the consumption of beetroot and derived food-supplements. Therefore, this article focuses on nitrate and betalains, which are considered to be the major bioactive compounds present in beetroot, and thus in the derived dietary supplements.This research was funded by The Basque Government under Grant PA20/04, the University of the Basque Country under Grant GIU18-173 and CIBEROBN under Grant CB12/03/30007
Obesitatea eta hari lotutako gaixotasunen dietoterapia
109 p.Obesitatea gaixotasun metaboliko kronikoa da, zeinaren prebalentzia etengabe handitu baita azken hamarkadetan, xxi. mendeko epidemia izena emateraino. Gaixotasun horren ezaugarri nagusietako bat da harekin lotzen diren bestelako osasun-arazoak sortzeko arriskua handitzen duela. Hori dela eta, obesitatearen eta harekin lotzen diren osasun-arazoen tratamendu dietetikoa ondo ezagutzea ezinbestekoa da Giza Nutrizioa eta Dietetika Graduko ikasleentzat.
Horiek horrela, eskuliburu honek, Giza Nutrizioko eta Dietetikako Graduko 4. mailan ematen den Dietoterapia ikasgaiaren gaitegiko zenbait patologia bildu eta garatzen ditu. Zehazki, obesitatearen eta patologia horri maiz lotutako osasun-asalduren (gibel-esteatosia, intsulinarekiko erresistentzia eta 2 motako diabetesa, eta dislipemiak eta aterosklerosia) dietoterapia bildu da, horiek izaten direlako kontsulta dietetiko gehienen arrazoiak.
Kontuan izanik Dietoterapia ikasgaiak etorkizuneko dietista-nutrizionisten prestakuntzan duen garrantzia, eskuliburu honen helburua da ikasleari eguneratutako euskarri teorikoa ematea (idatzizko testu formatuan)
Usefulness of Probiotics in the Management of NAFLD: Evidence and Involved Mechanisms of Action from Preclinical and Human Models
The present review aims at analyzing the current evidence regarding probiotic administration for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) management. Additionally, the involved mechanisms of action modulated by probiotic administration, as well as the eventual limitations of this therapeutic approach and potential alternatives, are discussed. Preclinical studies have demonstrated that the administration of single-strain probiotics and probiotic mixtures effectively prevents diet-induced NAFLD. In both cases, the magnitude of the described effects, as well as the involved mechanisms of action, are comparable, including reduced liver lipid accumulation (due to lipogenesis downregulation and fatty acid oxidation upregulation), recovery of gut microbiota composition and enhanced intestinal integrity. Similar results have also been reported in clinical trials, where the administration of probiotics proved to be effective in the treatment of NAFLD in patients featuring this liver condition. In this case, information regarding the mechanisms of action underlying probiotics-mediated hepatoprotective effects is scarcer (mainly due to the difficulty of liver sample collection). Since probiotics administration represents an increased risk of infection in vulnerable subjects, much attention has been paid to parabiotics and postbiotics, which seem to be effective in the management of several metabolic diseases, and thus represent a suitable alternative to probiotic usage.This research was funded by CIBEROBN under Grant CB12/03/30007 and the Community of Madrid under Grant Y2020/BIO-6600
Effects of Resveratrol Administration in Liver Injury Prevention as Induced by an Obesogenic Diet: Role of Ruminococcaceae
Gut microbiota dysbiosis has been described in several metabolic disruptions, such as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Administration of resveratrol has been claimed to elicit benefits against NAFLD along with modulating gut microbiota composition. This investigation aims to study the putative mediating role of gut microbiota in the potential hepato-protective effects of resveratrol in a diet-induced NAFLD rat model. The involvement of bacteria from the Ruminococcaceae family in such effects was also addressed. Resveratrol administration resulted in lowered liver weight and serum total and non-HDL cholesterol concentrations, as well as in increased serum HDL cholesterol levels. The administration of this polyphenol also prevented obesogenic diet-induced serum transaminase increases. In addition, histopathological analysis revealed that resveratrol administration ameliorated the dietary-induced liver steatosis and hepatic inflammation. Gut microbiota sequencing showed an inverse relationship between some bacteria from the Ruminococcaceae family and the screened hepatic markers, whereas in other cases the opposite relationship was also found. Interestingly, an interaction was found between UBA-1819 abundance and resveratrol induced liver weight decrease, suggesting that for this marker resveratrol induced effects were greater when the abundance of this bacteria was high, while no actions were found when UBA-1819 abundance was low.This research was funded by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad-Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (grant number AGL-2015-65719-R MINECO/FEDER, UE), Instituto de Salud Carlos III CIBERobn (grant number CB12/03/30007); University of the Basque Country (grant number GIU 18/173) and Synergic R&D Projects in New and Emerging Scientific Areas on the Frontier of Science and Interdisciplinary Nature of The Community of Madrid (METAINFLAMATION-Y2020/BIO-6600)
Beneficial Effects of Viable and Heat-Inactivated Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG Administration on Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Diet-Induced NAFLD in Rats
Oxidative stress and inflammation are well-known triggers of NAFLD onset and progression. The aim of this study is to compare the potential benefits of a viable probiotic (Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG) and its parabiotic (heat-inactivated) on oxidative stress, inflammation, DNA damage and cell death pathways in the liver of rats featuring diet-induced NAFLD. The consumption of the steatotic diet led to increased final body and liver weights, higher hepatic triacylglycerol content, altered serum transaminase levels and enhanced oxidative and inflammatory status. Administration of the probiotic and the parabiotic partially prevented the body weight increase induced by the steatotic diet, whereas the probiotic caused more effective decreasing hepatic triglyceride content. Sharp but nonstatistically significant decreases in serum transaminase levels were also observed for both treatments. The reduction in antioxidant enzyme activities found in the nontreated animals fed the steatotic diet was partially prevented by both treatments (GPx activity). Similarly, the reductions in nonenzymatic antioxidant protection (GSH content) and total antioxidant capacity (ORAC) found in the nontreated rats were restored by the administration of both treatments. These results show that both viable and heat-inactivated Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG administration partially prevent steatotic diet-induced liver oxidative stress and inflammation induced in rats.This study was supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CIBERobn) under Grant CB12/03/30007, The Basque Government under Grant IT1482-22 and Synergic R&D Projects in New and Emerging Scientific Areas on the Frontier of Science and Interdisciplinary Nature of The Community of Madrid (METAINFLAMATIONY2020/BIO-6600). Laura Isabel Arellano-García is a recipient of a doctoral fellowship from the Gobierno Vasco
The influence of dietary conditions in the effects of resveratrol on hepatic steatosis
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is considered the major cause for the development of chronic liver alterations. Hepatic steatosis is the most benign and common form of NAFLD, although its potential to evolve into more detrimental liver alterations makes its treatment necessary. In this regard, much attention has been paid to polyphenols, with resveratrol being one of the most studied ones. This review is aimed at studying the effects induced by resveratrol on hepatic steatosis in both preclinical studies conducted under different feeding conditions (overfeeding, normal feeding and caloric restriction), and in clinical trials. The vast majority of studies have been conducted by administering the polyphenol at the same time as an obesogenic diet. Under these experimental conditions, resveratrol has shown effectiveness improving diet-induced excessive liver lipid accumulation. Data are scarce for studies carried out by administering resveratrol under standard or energy-restricted feeding conditions. In this regard, while resveratrol retains its effectiveness, ameliorating hepatic steatosis under standard feeding conditions, such an effect has not been reported for the administration of the polyphenol under energy restriction. With regard to clinical trials, in the majority of them, resveratrol did not show its effectiveness in improving hepatic steatosis. This lack of effect could be due to significant differences in the experimental procedures (mainly the length of the experimental period). The relevance of liver fat content at the baseline should also be considered. Altogether, there is no sufficient scientific support so far for proposing resveratrol as a tool for hepatic steatosis treatment.This study has been supported by grants from Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad-Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, under grant AGL-2015-65719-R MINECO/FEDER, (UE), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CIBERobn) under Grant CB12/03/30007 and University of the Basque Country, under Grant GIU18-173
Adipogenesia, osasunaren etsai edo lagun?
The white adipose tissue (WAT), which is made up of adipocytes, is the main energy storage in the body. Depending on its distribution within the body, subcutaneous WAT (SWAT) and visceral WAT (VWAT) can be differentiated. With regard to adipocytes, those in the VWAT are metabolically more active than those from the SWAT, which tend to be bigger and have greater capacity to bind lipids. Obesity induces WAT expansion in two ways: increasing the amount of adipocytes, or increasing their size (hyperplasia and hypertrophy, respectively).These changes can affect the adequate functioning of this tissue. In this context, the WAT expansion driven by hypertrophy tend to be associated with obesity and related metabolic alterations. In order to highlight the importance of adipocyte hyperplasia and hypertrophy in the development of obesity related comorbidities, the terms "metabolically healthy obese" and "false slim" have been proposed. The first one refers to those subjects who don’t present metabolic alterations other than obesity itself. By contrast, the latter tend to have higher pro-inflammatory cytokine blood levels even though their body weight is normal. Altogether, it is clear the necessity of more research devoted to characterizing both, the expansion of adipose tissue in obese subjects and methods to identify "metabolically healthy obese" and "false slim" subjects.; Gantz-ehun zuria (GEZ) gorputzeko energia-biltegia da eta adipozito izena duten zelulez osaturik dago. Giza gorputzean duen kokalekuaren arabera, larruazalpeko GEZ (LGEZ) eta erraietako GEZ (EGEZ) bereizten dira. Adipozitoei dagokienez, EGEZko adipozitoak LGEZkoak baino aktiboagoak dira metabolikoki; azken horiek, berriz, tamaina handiagoa eta lipidoak hartzeko gaitasun handiagoa dute. Obesitateak GEZren hazkunde edo hedapena eragiten du, bi modutan: adipozitoen kopurua edo tamaina handituz (hiperplasia eta hipertrofia, hurrenez hurren). GEZn gertatzen diren aldaketa horiek, ehun honen funtzionamendu egokian eragin dezakete. Horrela, hipertrofia bidez gertatzen den GEZren hedapena obesitatearekin eta hari lotutako gaixotasun metabolikoekin erlazio- natzen da. Adipozitoen hipertrofiak eta hiperplasiak obesitatearekin lotutako komorbilitateetan duten garrantziaz jabetzeko, "metabolikoki osasuntsuak diren obesoak" eta "argal faltsuak" terminoak aipatu behar dira. Lehenengoen kasuan, obesitateaz gain ez da gainerako asaldura metabolikorik izango. Bigarrengoen kasuan, berriz, pisu egokia izan arren zitokina hantura-eragileen maila handiagoak izaten dituzte odolean. Etorkizunari begira, argi geratzen da pertsona obesoen gantz-gordailuen hedapena ezaugarritu eta "metabolikoki osasuntsuak diren obesoak" zein "argal faltsuak" identifikatzea ahalbidetuko duten ikerketa gehiagoren beharra
Fruktosaren kontsumoak eragin ditzakeen osasun arazoak: konponbidea arazo bihurtzen denean
Obesity is considered a major health problem, reaching epidemic magnitude and being one of the main causes of early deaths worldwide. Among the main features of this chronic-metabolic disease is its relationship with other metabolic conditions, being type 2 diabetes one of the most important ones. As for obesity, caloric-restriction is commonly used as therapeutic approach for diabetes. Nevertheless, since such treatments tend to reach low success, further interventions as sucrose replacement by fructose are widely used for these patients. Indeed, insulin is not necessary for fructose metabolism (unlike glucose), which occurs without changes in plasma glucose levels. Nevertheless, since the recent increase in fructose consumption occurred concomitantly with the prevalence increase of different metabolic disorders, much attention has been paid to this sugar, now considered the problem rather than the solution. For instance, excessive and/or chronic fructose consumption has been linked to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), mainly due to de novo lipogenesis activation, hepatic fatty-acid (FA) oxidation reduction, and gut microbiota composition and intestinal permeability impairments. Paradoxically excessive fructose consumption has also been related to insulin resistance (IR), being enhanced pancreatic insulin secretion and hepatic IR as the main underlying mechanisms. Finally, according to different studies, excessive and/or chronic fructose consumption can also induce excessive visceral adipose tissue (VAT) accumulation and dyslipidemia. Altogether, although once fructose consumption was considered healthy and the “solution” for different health alterations, its inadequate consumption also involves some risks. Therefore, administrations´ intervention is necessary to develop laws to reduce or regulate fructose consumption.; Obesitatea lehen mailako osasun-arazotzat hartzen da, epidemia baten tamaina hartuz eta mundu-mailan heriotza goiztiarren eragile nagusietakoa bihurtuz. Gaixotasun metaboliko kroniko honen ezaugarri nagusietako bat berarekin lotzen diren osasun-arazoak dira, eta horien artean 2 motako diabetesa nabarmentzen da. Obesitatearen kasuan bezala, diabetesaren tratamendurako ere murrizketa kalorikoan oinarritutako dietak erabili ohi dira. Hala ere, tratamendu mota horrek arrakasta baxua lortu ohi duenez, bestelako esku-hartzeak ere beharrezkoak dira, eta horien artean sakarosa fruktosarekin ordezkatzea sarritan preskribatzen da paziente horientzat. Izan ere, glukosarekin ez bezala, fruktosaren metabolismorako ez da intsulinarik behar, eta ondorioz, ez da odoleko glukosa-mailen handipenik gertatzen. Hala ere, azken urteetan izan den fruktosaren kontsumoaren handipena gaixotasun metaboliko ezberdinen prebalentziaren handipenarekin batera gertatu denez, arreta handia jarri zaio fruktosari, konponbidea izan beharrean arazoa izan daitekeela uste delako. Esaterako, ikusi da fruktosaren gehiegizko kontsumoak edo kontsumo kronikoak gibel gantzatsu ez-alkoholikoa (GGEA) sortzen duela, de novo lipogenesia aktibatuz, gibeleko gantz-azidoen (GA) oxidazioa murriztuz eta hesteko mikrobiotaren konposizioa aldatu eta iragazkortasuna handituz, besteak beste. Horretaz gain, paradoxikoki fruktosaren gehiegizko kontsumoa intsulinaren erresistentziarekin (IR) ere lotu da. Kasu horretan, pankreako intsulina-jario handiagotua eta gibeleko IR deskribatu dira mekanismo eragile nagusitzat. Azkenik, fruktosaren gehiegizko kontsumoak edo kontsumo kronikoak erraietako gantz-ehunaren (EGE) gehiegizko metaketa eta dislipemiak ere eragin ditzakeela deskribatu da ikerlan ezberdinetan. Horiek horrela, nahiz eta hasiera batean fruktosaren kontsumoa osasungarritzat eta zenbait osasun-asalduraren "konponbidetzat" jo, argi geratzen da haren kontsumo desegokiak zenbait arrisku ere badituela. Ondorioz, beharrezkotzat jotzen da administrazioaren esku-hartzea fruktosaren kontsumoa murrizten edota erregulatzen lagunduko duten arauen garapenerako