2 research outputs found

    The importance of cell-free HPV DNA detection

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    Human papillomaviruses (HPV) are small, nonenveloped DNA viruses that are abundant in the population. They are sexually transmitted or spread by close contact with mucosa and skin. Papillomaviruses can cause lesions and warts on the skin and mucosa. In addition, high-risk HPV types, especially HPV 16 and 18, are associated with squamous cell carcinomas such as cervical cancer, oropharyngeal cancer and carcinomas of the vulva, anus, penis and vagina. Early detection and the right evaluation of the risk of recurrence are crucial for effective treatment. Cell-free DNA released from cells into body fluids has potential in cancer diagnosis. Cell-free circulating HPV DNA, in the blood of patients with HPV-associated cancers is a promising and highly sensitive biomarker, useful for monitoring treatment efficiency, early detection of the disease and estimation of recurrence risk. Key words: HPV, carcinogenesis, cfDNA, cfHPV DNA, significance of detection, cervical cancer, oropharyngeal cancerLidské papilomaviry (HPV) jsou malé, neobalené DNA viry hojně se vyskytující v populaci. Přenáší se sexuálním nebo jiným blízkým kontaktem sliznic a kůže. Papilomaviry mohou vyvolávat vznik bradavic a lézí na kůži a sliznicích. Vysoce-rizikové typy HPV, především HPV 16 a 18, jsou navíc asociované s karcinomy dlaždicových buněk jako je karcinom děložního hrdla, orofaryngeální karcinom a karcinomy vulvy, anu, penisu a vaginy. Včasná detekce a správný odhad rizika rekurencí onemocnění jsou klíčové pro účinnou léčbu. Potenciál v nádorové diagnostice má volná cirkulující DNA, která se z buněk uvolňuje do tělních tekutin. Právě volná cirkulující HPV DNA v krvi pacientů s nádory asociovanými s HPV se v současnosti ukazuje jako slibný a velmi citlivý biomarker, vhodný především pro sledování účinnosti léčby a včasné odhalení rizika rekurence. Klíčová slova: HPV, karcinogeneze, cfDNA, cfHPV DNA, význam detekce, karcinom děložního hrdla, orofaryngeální karcinomKatedra genetiky a mikrobiologieDepartment of Genetics and MicrobiologyFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    The importance of cell-free HPV DNA detection

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    Human papillomaviruses (HPV) are small, nonenveloped DNA viruses that are abundant in the population. They are sexually transmitted or spread by close contact with mucosa and skin. Papillomaviruses can cause lesions and warts on the skin and mucosa. In addition, high-risk HPV types, especially HPV 16 and 18, are associated with squamous cell carcinomas such as cervical cancer, oropharyngeal cancer and carcinomas of the vulva, anus, penis and vagina. Early detection and the right evaluation of the risk of recurrence are crucial for effective treatment. Cell-free DNA released from cells into body fluids has potential in cancer diagnosis. Cell-free circulating HPV DNA, in the blood of patients with HPV-associated cancers is a promising and highly sensitive biomarker, useful for monitoring treatment efficiency, early detection of the disease and estimation of recurrence risk. Key words: HPV, carcinogenesis, cfDNA, cfHPV DNA, significance of detection, cervical cancer, oropharyngeal cance