65 research outputs found

    Hlor-dioksid kao dezinficijens za kontrolu Ralstonia solanacearum u vodi, skladiŔtu i opremi

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    Brown rot or bacterial wilt caused by bacterium Ralstonia solanacearum is the main limiting factor in potato production. Quarantine measures are necessary to avoid spread of disease to disease-free areas. R. solanacearum has been shown to contaminate watercourses from which crop irrigation is then prohibited causing further potential losses in yield and quality. The bacteria also spread via surfaces that diseased seed potatoes come into contact with. This study showed bactericidal activity of chlorine dioxide (CIO2) on R. solanacearum for disinfection of water, surface and equipment. The results showed that CIO2 solution at concentration of 2 ppm at 30 minutes of exposure time had bactericidal effect for disinfection of water. For surface and equipment disinfection, concentration of 50 ppm showed total efficacy at 30 min and 5 sec exposure time, respectively. Results suggest that use of CIO2 as a disinfectant has a potential for control of brown rot pathogen in water, storage and equipment.Mrka trulež ili bakteriozna uvelost krompira prozrokovana bakterijom Ralstonia solanacearum ograničavajući je faktor uspeÅ”ne proizvodnje krompira. Sprovođenje karantinskih mera zaÅ”tite je neophodno kako bi se izbeglo Å”irenje bakterije u regione u kojima bolest nije prisutna. S obzirom da R. solanacearum može kontaminirati vodene tokove i izvore koji služe za navodnjavanje useva, zabrana koriŔćenja dovodi do dodatnih potencijalnih gubitaka u prinosu i kvalitetu krompira. Bakterija takođe kontaminira povrÅ”ine sa kojima zaraženi semenski krompir dolazi u dodir. U ovom radu prikazana je baktericidna aktivnost hlor-dioksida (CIO2) na bakteriju R. solanacearum u cilju dezinfekcije vode, povrÅ”ine i opreme. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da CIO2 ispoljava baktericidni efekat za dezinfekciju vode u koncentraciji od 2 ppm nakon 30 minuta ekspozicije, za dezinfekciju povrÅ”ine u koncentraciji 50 ppm nakon 30 minuta ekspozicije i za dezinfekciju opreme u koncentraciji 50 ppm nakon 5 sekundi ekspozicije. Rezultati dobijeni u ovom radu ukazuju da CIO2 poseduje potencijal kao dezinficijens za kontrolu prouzrokovača mrke truleži krompira u vodi, skladiÅ”tu i opremi

    Inventory of meat industry polluters in Vojvodina region

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    Inventory of Polluters is the register of information and data on environmental polluters and represents a major starting point for identifying and monitoring of pollution sources. One of the objectives of the National project of the Ministry of Education and Science no 46009: Improvement and development of hygienic and technological procedures in production of animal originating foodstuffs with the aim of producing high-quality and safe products competitive on the global market, is to establish the Inventory of Polluters from the meat industry acquiring all the data required by the Serbian legislation. The meat industry sector emerges as one of the top two or three most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems, at every scale from local to global. Inventory of Polluters will include the information and data from polluters identified on the territory of AP Vojvodina from the meat industry sector. According to the obtained results, the total number of potential water pollutants within this sector totals up to 94 legal entities

    Deficits in social cognition in adults with temporal lobe epilepsy

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    Interesovanje za specifičnosti socijalne kognicije osoba sa epilepsijom postaje aktuelnije kako zbog viÅ”estrukog uticaja koji ovaj poremećaj ima na psihosocijalnu adaptaciju i kvalitet života pogođene osobe, uprkos sve naprednijem medicinskom tretmanu, tako i zbog toga Å”to sama epilepsija predstavlja pogodnu paradigmu za rasvetljavanje posebnih kognitivnih procesa koji se nalaze u pozadini socijalnog ponaÅ”anja. U radu je dat sažet prikaz istraživanja socijalne kognicije kod osoba sa ubedljivo najčeŔćom formom epilepsije kod odraslih ā€“ epilepsijom temporalnog režnja (temporalna epilepsija, TE), sa fokusom na komponentama ove funkcije koje danas privlače najveću pažnju. UopÅ”teno, pacijenti sa TE ispoljavaju poteÅ”koće mentalizacije postižući slabije rezultate na različitim za- dacima (afektivne i kognitivne) teorije uma. Zatim, za ovu populaciju su ka- rakteristični deficiti prepoznavanja emocija, naročito negativnih, kao i slabije razvijena kognitivna komponenta empatije. Nalazi koji u celini sugeriÅ”u veći ili manji stepen naruÅ”enosti socijalne kognicije kod osoba sa TE mogu doprineti dubljem razumevanju socioemocional- nih poteÅ”koća sa kojima se one suočavaju u svakodnevnom životu. U tom smis- lu, istraživanja socijalne kognicije daju vetar u jedra razvoju i poboljÅ”anju dosadaÅ”njih praksi lečenja epilepsije, ukazujući na neophodnost snažnijeg na- glaska na psihosocijalnim problemima, podjednako u dijagnostici kao i tret- manu, da bi se obezbedio holistički, sveobuhvatan tretman i zbrinjavanje pacijenata.There is a growing interest in the characteristics of social cognition in people with epilepsy, due to the multiple effects that epilepsy has on the psychosocial adaptation and quality of life of the patient, despite increasingly advanced medical treatment, and because epilepsy itself represents a suitable paradigm for elucidation of the cognitive processes underlying social behavior. The paper provides a brief overview of research on social cognition in people with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), the most prevalent type of epilepsy found in adults, with a focus on the components of this function that attract the most attention in the literature. In general, patients show deficits in various (affective and cognitive) Theory of Mind tasks. Emotion recognition deficits are common in patients with TLE and widespread across negative emotions, as well as deficits in cognitive empathy. Findings that overall suggest a certain degree of impairment of social cognition in patients with TLE can contribute to a deeper understanding of the socio-emotional difficulties they face in everyday life. In this sense, research on social cognition gives rise to the development and improvement of current epilepsy treatment practices, indicating the necessity of a stronger emphasis on psychosocial problems, in both diagnosis and treatment, in order to ensure holistic, comprehensive patient care

    Deficits in social cognition in adults with temporal lobe epilepsy

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    Interesovanje za specifičnosti socijalne kognicije osoba sa epilepsijom postaje aktuelnije kako zbog viÅ”estrukog uticaja koji ovaj poremećaj ima na psihosocijalnu adaptaciju i kvalitet života pogođene osobe, uprkos sve naprednijem medicinskom tretmanu, tako i zbog toga Å”to sama epilepsija predstavlja pogodnu paradigmu za rasvetljavanje posebnih kognitivnih procesa koji se nalaze u pozadini socijalnog ponaÅ”anja. U radu je dat sažet prikaz istraživanja socijalne kognicije kod osoba sa ubedljivo najčeŔćom formom epilepsije kod odraslih ā€“ epilepsijom temporalnog režnja (temporalna epilepsija, TE), sa fokusom na komponentama ove funkcije koje danas privlače najveću pažnju. UopÅ”teno, pacijenti sa TE ispoljavaju poteÅ”koće mentalizacije postižući slabije rezultate na različitim za- dacima (afektivne i kognitivne) teorije uma. Zatim, za ovu populaciju su ka- rakteristični deficiti prepoznavanja emocija, naročito negativnih, kao i slabije razvijena kognitivna komponenta empatije. Nalazi koji u celini sugeriÅ”u veći ili manji stepen naruÅ”enosti socijalne kognicije kod osoba sa TE mogu doprineti dubljem razumevanju socioemocional- nih poteÅ”koća sa kojima se one suočavaju u svakodnevnom životu. U tom smis- lu, istraživanja socijalne kognicije daju vetar u jedra razvoju i poboljÅ”anju dosadaÅ”njih praksi lečenja epilepsije, ukazujući na neophodnost snažnijeg na- glaska na psihosocijalnim problemima, podjednako u dijagnostici kao i tret- manu, da bi se obezbedio holistički, sveobuhvatan tretman i zbrinjavanje pacijenata.There is a growing interest in the characteristics of social cognition in people with epilepsy, due to the multiple effects that epilepsy has on the psychosocial adaptation and quality of life of the patient, despite increasingly advanced medical treatment, and because epilepsy itself represents a suitable paradigm for elucidation of the cognitive processes underlying social behavior. The paper provides a brief overview of research on social cognition in people with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), the most prevalent type of epilepsy found in adults, with a focus on the components of this function that attract the most attention in the literature. In general, patients show deficits in various (affective and cognitive) Theory of Mind tasks. Emotion recognition deficits are common in patients with TLE and widespread across negative emotions, as well as deficits in cognitive empathy. Findings that overall suggest a certain degree of impairment of social cognition in patients with TLE can contribute to a deeper understanding of the socio-emotional difficulties they face in everyday life. In this sense, research on social cognition gives rise to the development and improvement of current epilepsy treatment practices, indicating the necessity of a stronger emphasis on psychosocial problems, in both diagnosis and treatment, in order to ensure holistic, comprehensive patient care

    An assessment of emotion recognition in the prosodic characteristics of speech

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    Uvod: O emocionalnom stanju sagovornika može se zaključiti i na osnovu auditivne analize, odnosno, interpretacije specifičnih prozodijskih karakteristika govora. Iako manje istraženo u odnosu na sposobnost prepoznavanja emocija u izrazu lica, poteÅ”koće u obradi govorne prozodije mogu predstavljati značajnu prepreku za adekvatno socijalno funkcionisanje i biti jezgro disfunkcije pojedinih poremećaja u razvojnom i odraslom dobu. Cilj: Konstrukcija i provera osnovnih psihometrijskih karakteristika testa za procenu uspeÅ”nosti prepoznavanja emocija na osnovu prozodijskih karakteristika govora. Metode: U konstrukciji seta sadržinski neutralnih rečenica, izgovorenih specifičnim tonom, a karakterističnim za svaku od Å”est osnovnih emocija uz kontrolni/neutralni stimulus, učestvovalo je Å”est glumaca. Nakon prve faze istraživanja u kojoj je učestvovalo pet ispitanika, odabrano je 35 stimulusa sa najvećim procentom tačnih odgovora, nakon čega je druga faza istraživanja sprovedena na uzorku od 45 ispitanika ā€“ 34 sa naÅ”eg govornog područja i 11 kojima srpski jezik nije maternji. Na osnovu procenta tačnosti prepoznavanja, za finalni set su odabrana 3 stimulusa po emociji, ukupno 21. Rezultati: Pouzdanost finalnog seta je Ī± = 0,68. Empirijska distribucija mera značajno odstupa od modela normalne raspodele (W = 0,94, p = 0,02). Najveći procenat tačnosti prepoznavanja je zabeležen za emociju ljutnje (91,1%), dok se gađenje pokazalo kao najteže za prepoznati (53,3%). Nisu pronađene značajne razlike između ispitanika čiji se maternji jezici razlikuju (U = 135,00, p = 0,17). Postoji statistički značajna negativna povezanost između godina i ukupnog skora na testu (rs = -0,31, p = 0,04), dok se statistički značajne razlike između muÅ”karaca i žena nisu ispoljile (p = 0,49). Zaključak: Test procene govorne prozodije, kao mera sposobnosti prepoznavanja emocionalnog stanja drugog, pokazuje potencijal za dalje koriŔćenje i razvoj.Introduction: The emotional state of the interlocutor can be deduced by way of auditory analysis, that is, the interpretation of specific prosodic characteristics of speech. Despite being less researched than the ability to recognize emotions in facial expressions, difficulties in processing speech prosody can be a major obstacle to adequate social functioning and the core of the dysfunction of certain disorders both during development and in adulthood. Aim: To develop and examine basic psychometric characteristics of the test for evaluating the success of emotion recognition based on the prosodic characteristics of speech. Methods: Six actors participated in the construction of a set of content- neutral sentences, spoken in a specific tone and representative of each of the six basic emotions with a control/neutral stimulus. Following the first phase of the research, in which five subjects took part, 35 stimuli with the highest percentage of correct answers were selected, after which the second phase of the research was conducted on a sample of 45 participants ā€“ 34 native speakers and 11 non-native speakers of Serbian. Based on the percentage of recognition accuracy, 3 stimuli per emotion, or 21 in total, were selected for the final set. Results: The reliability of the final set is Ī±=.68. The empirical distribution of measures deviates significantly from the normal distribution model (W=0.94, p=.02). The highest percentage of recognition accuracy was recorded for anger (91.1%), while disgust showed to be the most difficult to recognize (53.3%). No significant differences were found among the participants who spoke different mother tongues (U=135.00, p=.17). There is a significant negative correlation between age and the total test score (rs= -.31, p=.04), while no significant differences between males and females were noticed (p=.49). Conclusion: As a measure of the ability to recognize the emotional state of another person, the speech prosody assessment test shows potential for further use and development

    Cytotoxic effects of different aromatic plants essential oils on oral squamous cell carcinoma: An in vitro study

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    Background/Aim: Current approaches in therapy of head and neck cancers are surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. However, recurrence, development of multidrug resistance, side effects, and high costs of therapy are significant problems which point to the need for more efficient and less toxic drugs and interventions. Material and Methods: Eight essential oils obtained from Thymus serpyllum, Mentha piperita, Juniperus communis, Rosmarinus officinalis, Melissa officinalis, Achillea millefolium, Zingiber officinale, and Helichrysum arenarium were tested for their anti-proliferative on oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) culture and SCC-25 cell line. Cytotoxicity assays (MTT and Neutral red) were used to detect the effect of the mentioned essential oils. Results: T. serpyllum, M. piperita, J. communis, and R. officinalis essential oils exhibited the best anti-proliferative effect, on both types of cells. M. piperita had the greatest effect on SCC-25 cell line (4,5% of viable cells) and OSCC cells (7,2% of viable cells). Overall, cytotoxicity was higher in OSCC than in SCC-25 cell line. Conclusions: This study showed a clear anti-proliferative effect of four essential oils, in vitro making them novel potential antineoplastic agents

    Response of different beans against common bacterial blight disease caused by xanthomonas axonopodis pv. Phaseoli

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    Common bacterial blight (CBB) in beans, caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli (Xap), is an economically important disease worldwide which reduces crop yields and seed quality. Since there is no satisfactory chemical control for the disease, the use of resistant cultivars is an important management strategy. Sources of immunity are not yet recognized, but tolerance has been reported in several genetic stocks. The main objective of this study was to determine resistance to CBB on twenty-two local and foreign beans grown in Serbia. Two inoculation methods with Xap (spraying and multiple needles) as well as naturally infected plants in field conditions were taken for evaluation. The experiments were conducted in randomized complete blocks with three replications. Reaction to Xap was assessed as a diseased leaf area and the disease severity index was calculated. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) for disease ratings of leaf reactions indicated significant interactions between cultivars and lines. Results indicate that none of evaluated beans was immune and was found to be resistant to CBB. HR 45, Oreol and XAN 159, -208, -273 were weakly susceptible; Biser, Dobrudzanski rani, KB 100, -101, Medijana, Naya Nayahit, Panonski gradistanac, Panonski tetovac, and Sremac were susceptible while Balkan, Belko, Dobrudzanski rani 7, Dvadesetica, Galeb, Maksa, Slavonski zutozeleni, and Zlatko were highly susceptible cultivars and lines. The five weakly susceptible can be identified and recommend as possible sources of tolerance in plant breeding program

    Trainer system appliances in early treatment of malocclusions

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    Orthodontics is dental specialty focused on preventing and treating morphological and functional irregularities of orofacial system in order to establish adequate function of mastication apparatus, good occlusion and pleasant facial appearance. It has been shown that early treatment of orthodontic anomalies during the period of childrenā€™s growth is very important. The purpose of early orthodontic treatment is to eliminate or modify deviant skeletal growth and to stimulate adequate dentoalveolar and skeletal development. As known, the treatment of malocclusions should begin in primary or early mixed dentition, since the status of primary dentition has profound effect on the development of permanent dentition. Functional orthodontic appliances are most commonly used in early orthodontic treatment. The aim of this study was to describe a new prefabricated polyurethane myo-functional appliance clinically proved to be very effective

    Novel insights to the anti-proliferative activity of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) co-treatment

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    The aim of this study was to characterize volatile and non-volatile compounds of rosemary from the North Adriatic region and to determine its antiproliferative activity, alone or in combination with radiomimetic bleomycin (BLM) on three malignant and one non-transformed human cell lines. Chemi-cal analysis of the volatile compounds revealed the presence of monoterpenes (93.8%), among which 1.8-cineol (32.9%) and camphor (15.5%) were the dominant compounds. Also, obtained results showed that the major polyphenolic constituents in rosemary extract were phenolic acids (rosmarinic acid and its derivatives up to 69.2 mg 100 g -1), as well as flavones and flavonols in the following order: lute-olin>isorhamnetin>quercetin>kaempferol>apigenin. Cell growth tests showed that rosemary extract alone exerted moderate antiproliferative activity, as well as a synergistic antiproliferative effect with bleomycin (EC 50 344.3-461.5 Āµg mL -1 and 58.6-292 Āµg mL -1 , respectively). The anti-tumor effect of rosemary extract in combination with BLM was much stronger, compared to BLM itself on the breast cancer cells. Through its proposed sensitizing effect, rosemary extract, in combination with the standard chemotherapeutics, could be used for the investigations of possible therapeutic modalities
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