314 research outputs found

    Renewal Redundant Systems Under the Marshall–Olkin Failure Model. A Probability Analysis

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    In this paper a two component redundant renewable system operating under the Marshall–Olkin failure model is considered. The purpose of the study is to find analytical expressions for the time dependent and the steady state characteristics of the system. The system cycle process characteristics are analyzed by the use of probability interpretation of the Laplace–Stieltjes transformations (LSTs), and of probability generating functions (PGFs). In this way the long mathematical analytic derivations are avoid. As results of the investigations, the main reliability characteristics of the system—the reliability function and the steady state probabilities—have been found in analytical form. Our approach can be used in the studies of various applications of systems with dependent failures between their elements

    Image of Present in Light of Local Patriotism Category: Analysis of Informational Balance of Communicative-Textual Environment of Volgograd Region

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    The article is devoted to the study of the information balance of the communicative and textual environment of regional media in the context of constructing the image of the present as a way of manifestation of local patriotism. Local patriotism is understood as the nature of the relationship between the subject and the object of patriotism formed as a result of social interaction. Information balance is considered as a parameter of ecological stability of given environment, balance of information content, completeness of reflection of events of reality by it. The following features of information balance are established: weak differentiation of regional mass media on the parameter “addressing” at the expressed distribution of editions on signs “volume of content of publications on the present” and “character of informing of a potential subject of patriotism on signs of object of patriotism.” The main types of communicative practices of formation of a positive image of the region are revealed. The variability of superstructure of a text performing the task of constructing the local patriotism of the present is shown, namely, the displacement of some of its content elements (location of the element “Comment / Verbal reaction” immediately after the “Main event” and the reflection of the “Verbal reaction” in the “Title”). There is a tendency to consolidate in superstructure of a text of the stable component “Perspective,” which actualizes in the mind of the addressee the reality of the movement from the present to the future. The variety of presentation of different types of facts (information, event, situation, phenomenon, process) in the regional media and the dynamism of the constructed image of the present are shown. It is concluded that the principle of information balance is observed in regional publications, which assures the ecolinguistic stability of the communicative and textual environment of the formation of local patriotism in the present

    Isometry invariance of exact correlation functions in various charts of Minkowski and de Sitter spaces

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    We consider quantum field theory with selfinteractions in various patches of Minkowski and de Sitter space-times. Namely, in Minkowski space-time we consider separately right (left) Rindler wedge, past wedge and future wedge. In de Sitter space-time we consider expanding Poincare patch, static patch, contracting Poincare patch and global de Sitter itself. In all cases we restrict our considerations to the isometry invariant states leading to maximally analytic propagators. We prove that loop corrections in right (left) Rindler wedge, in the past wedge (of Minkowski space-time), in the static patch and in the expanding Poincare patch (of de Sitter space-time) respect the corresponding isometries of the corresponding symmetric space-times. All these facts are related to the causality and analyticity properties of the propagators for the states that we consider. At the same time in the future wedge, in the contracting Poincare patch and in global de Sitter space-time infrared effects violate the isometries.Comment: 35 pages, 6 figures Additional references and minor clarifications added; version accepted to PR

    Global language: will the sun ever set on the empire of the English language?

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    AbstractThis research paper studies the phenomenon of the Global Language. The English language is commonly considered to be the only challenger for this status though some shift in the language hierarchy can currently be observed. In this article we will focus on the contradictions between traditional viewpoints and up-to-date tendencies and try to predict the future trends of the epoch of language globalization

    Соціальна сатира у повістях Е.Т.А. Гофмана "Володар бліх" та "Крихітка Цахес, на прізвисько Цинобер"

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    Творчість Е. Т. А. Гофмана давно стала предметом інтересу літературознавців, методистів, навіть письменників. Більшість із них звертають особливу увагу на творчу манеру письменника, виділяють теми та проблеми, які лежать на поверхні. Цікавим, на нашу думку, є оповідання німецької письменниці Анна Зегерс «Зустріч у дорозі», де вона представляє уявну розмову у празькому кафе Е. Т. А. Гофмана, Миколи Гоголя, Франца Кафки – письменників різних країн, як жили за різних часів і реально ніяк не могли зустрітися. Проте, вважає авторка, їх об’єднує той факт, що вони вводять до своїх творів фантастику. Соціальна сатира ж Е. Т. А. Гофмана майже залишається за увагою дослідників, особливо у таких значних творах, як повісті «Володар бліх» та «Крихітка Цахес, на прізвисько Цинобер»