4 research outputs found

    Hand Held 3D Scanning for Cultural Heritage: Experimenting Low Cost Structure Sensor Scan.

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    In the last years 3D scanning has become an important resource in many fields, in particular it has played a key role in study and preservation of Cultural Heritage. Moreover today, thanks to the miniaturization of electronic components, it has been possible produce a new category of 3D scanners, also known as handheld scanners. Handheld scanners combine a relatively low cost with the advantage of the portability. The aim of this chapter is two-fold: first, a survey about the most recent 3D handheld scanners is presented. As second, a study about the possibility to employ the handheld scanners in the field of Cultural Heritage is conducted. In this investigation, a doorway of the Benedictine Monastery of Catania, has been used as study case for a comparison between stationary Time of Flight scanner, photogrammetry-based 3D reconstruction and handheld scanning. The study is completed by an evaluation of the meshes quality obtained with the three different kinds of technology and a 3D modeling reproduction of the case-study doorway

    Integrated three-dimensional models for noninvasive monitoring and valorization of the Morgantina silver treasure (Sicily)

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    The Morgantina silver treasure belonging to the Archaeological Museum of Aidone (Sicily) was involved in a three-dimensional (3-D) survey and diagnostics campaign for monitoring the collection over time in anticipation of their temporary transfer to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York for a period of 4 years. Using a multidisciplinary approach, a scientific and methodological protocol based on noninvasive techniques to achieve a complete and integrated knowledge of the precious items and their conservation state, as well as to increase their valorization, has been developed. All acquired data, i.e., 3-D models, ultraviolet fluorescence, x-ray images, and chemical information, will be made available, in an integrated way, within a web-oriented platform, which will present an in-progress tool to deepen existing archaeological knowledge and production technologies and to obtain referenced information of the conservation state before and after moving of the collection from its exposure site

    Un approccio multidisciplinare per lo studio del tesoro degli argenti di Morgantina

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    Lo studio si inserisce nell’ambito della tutela e della valorizzazione del patrimonio artistico culturale, mettendo a servizio di metodiche tradizionali già consolidate lo sviluppo di nuove Tecniche per l’Informazione e la Comunicazione (TIC) dei Beni Culturali. In questa sede si descrivono alcune delle fasi di indagini di un progetto scientifico di ricerca pluridisciplinare che ha come finalità la tutela, la conservazione e il monitoraggio nel tempo di un prezioso nucleo di reperti in argento del cosiddetto “Tesoro di Eupolemo”. La collezione appartenente al Museo archeologico di Aidone, rappresenta un’inestimabile testimonianza del ricco patrimonio della nostra cultura isolana, di età ellenistica (III sec. a.C.)

    Low Cost Handheld 3D Scanning for Architectural Elements Acquisition

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    3D scanning has gone a long way since its first appearance in cultural heritage digitization and modeling. In the recent years some new low cost, fast, accurate emerging technologies are flooding the market. Envisioning the massive use of these cheap and easy to use devices in the next years, it is crucial to explore the possible fields of application and to test their effectiveness in terms of easiness of 3D data collection, processing, mesh resolution and metric accuracy against the size and features of the objects. In this study we focus the attention on one emerging technology, the Structure Sensor device, in order to verify a 3D pipeline acquisition on an architectural element and its details. The methodological approach is thought to define a pipeline of 3D acquisition exploiting low cost and open source technologies and foresees the assessment of this procedure in comparison with data obtained by a Time of Flight device. Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]: Picture/Image Generation—Line and curve generatio