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    The goal of this paper is to analyse the relationships and differences among volleyball teams, participants of the 2018 World Cup in Japan, divided into three categories by their final standings (1st to 4th place, 5th to 8th place and others), based on the elements of situation-based efficiency. For the purposes of this paper, information from the official match reports (p 2 report) related to the way of winning points in the match was used, and these data were analysed using the program Volleyball Information System (VIS). The data obtained were analysed in relation to the team category and the outcome of the match. The data were obtained using descriptive and comparative statistical procedures. The survey sample includes all the women’s volleyball championship games played in Japan in 2018. Based on the final standings, the teams were divided into three groups: 1) the teams who reached the 3rd stage of the tournament (6 teams, from 1st to 6th place); 2) the teams that finished the competition in phase 2 (10 national teams, ranking 7th to 16th); 3) national teams that finished the competition in phase 1 (8 national teams, ranking 17th to 24th). The results obtained indicate that the teams had an equally good performance of the block and serve game elements; statistically these were not significant for the match outcome, but they rather serve as an aid for the overall game and for the final outcome of the match. The results of this research also highlight the spike as the key element affecting the positive end result of the match. It is important to emphasize that the opponent errors are a factor that depends exclusively on the opponent, but they also determine the overall score of the winning team


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    The aim of this survey was to discover to what degree parental non-formal education is present within the function of responsible parenting. The questionnaire research method was used in the survey. For the purpose of this research a questionnaire of 13 questions was constructed relating to the forms of non-formal education, and another questionnaire of 10 questions relating to the parents’ expectations of non-formal education. The sample included 198 parents. Examination of the scores concerning the presence of certain forms of parental non-formal education realized in cooperation with the school leads to the conclusion that the parents possess a positive attitude towards non-formal education. The analysis showed that the parents’ expectations were not on a satisfactory level. According to the results, the fathers displayed a greater interest towards non-formal education (7.72±1.35) than the mothers (6.93±1.85), (p<0.05). Unemployed parents had a greater score (7.85±1.30) than the employed parents (7.22±1.71), (p<0.05). A difference in the acceptance of non-formal education in accordance with the level of formal education was also noticeable (p<0.001). Respondents with a high school degree displayed the highest level of acceptance (7.97±0.78), while the lowest interest was seen in respondents with an associate degree (6.41±2.29). Univariate linear regression analysis showed that statistically important predictors were: gender (OR: -0.23 (-1.24 – -0.33), p< 0.001), work status (OR: -0.14 (-1.24 – -0.01), < 0.05) and the level of formal education (OR: -0.33 (-0.81 – -0.34), p< 0.001). The final results lead to the conclusion that parental non-formal education supports the concept of lifelong education

    Non-formal education within the function of responsible parenting

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    The aim of this survey was to discover to what degree parental non-formal education is present within the function of responsible parenting. The questionnaire research method was used in the survey. For the purpose of this research a questionnaire of 13 questions was constructed relating to the forms of non-formal education, and another questionnaire of 10 questions relating to the parents’ expectations of non-formal education. The sample included 198 parents. Examination of the scores concerning the presence of certain forms of parental non-formal education realized in cooperation with the school leads to the conclusion that the parents possess a positive attitude towards non-formal education. The analysis showed that the parents’ expectations were not on a satisfactory level. According to the results, the fathers displayed a greater interest towards non-formal education (7.72±1.35) than the mothers (6.93±1.85), (p<0.05). Unemployed parents had a greater score (7.85±1.30) than the employed parents (7.22±1.71), (p<0.05). A difference in the acceptance of non-formal education in accordance with the level of formal education was also noticeable (p<0.001). Respondents with a high school degree displayed the highest level of acceptance (7.97±0.78), while the lowest interest was seen in respondents with an associate degree (6.41±2.29). Univariate linear regression analysis showed that statistically important predictors were: gender (OR: -0.23 (-1.24 – -0.33), p< 0.001), work status (OR: -0.14 (-1.24 – -0.01), < 0.05) and the level of formal education (OR: -0.33 (-0.81 – -0.34), p< 0.001). The final results lead to the conclusion that parental non-formal education supports the concept of lifelong education


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    Starting from the fact that primary school is a very important factor for the education of young people, we were interested in how senior primary school students see school as an educational environment, which is the goal of our research. The research was conducted on a sample of 309 eighth grade primary school students in ten cities in the Republic of Serbia. In this research, a descriptive method was used, and the Questionnaire for assessing the educational function of school from the perspective of senior primary school students was designed and used as the instrument. Statistical procedures such as frequencies and percentages, mean with corresponding standard deviation were used. Differences were tested with the Student's t-test. The obtained research results show a more complete picture of the educational role of school from the perspective of senior primary school students in the Republic of Serbia. The research findings can be used for a deeper observation of this very important pedagogical problem, in order to work on greater engagement, involvement in creating and maintaining a more positive attitude of students towards the school environment.Polazeći od toga da osnovna škola predstavlja veoma bitan činilac za vaspitanje i obrazovanje mladih, zanimalo nas je kako učenici starijeg školskog uzrasta vide školu kao vaspitnu sredinu, što je i cilj našeg istraživanja. Istraživanje je realizovano na uzorku od 309 učenika osmog razreda osnovne škole u deset gradova republike Srbije. U ovom istraživanju primenjena je deskriptivna metoda, a od instrumenata konstruisan je Upitnik za procenu vaspitne funkcije škole iz perspektive učenika starijeg školskog uzrasta. Od statističkih postupaka korišćeni su frekvencije i procenti, aritmetička sredina sa pripadajućom standardnom devijacijom. Razlike su testirane Studentovim t-test. Dobijeni rezultati istraživanja doprinose potpunijoj slici vaspitne uloge škole iz perspektive učenika starijeg školskog uzrasta u osnovnoj školi u Republici Srbiji. Nalazi istraživanja mogu poslužiti za dublju opservaciju ovog veoma značajnog pedagoškog pitanja


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    Family as a complex, multidimensional phenomenon cannot be treated as a simple sum of its individuals. That family is a unique system is indicated by the fact that it is based on multiplied contexture of interaction and communication with the environment. In this state it has a tendency towards morphogenesis i.e. the processes of constant change, as well as in morphostasis i.e. establishing balance especially in situations where it is disturbed. Prerequisite to effective education are healthy relationships of individuals within a family as a system. When it comes to adolescents, family is a key concept. This paper focuses on the empirical approach to this issue. The aim of this research is evaluation of parental educational actions from the adolescent perspective. The sample consisted of 297 questionees (99 pupils (adolescents) and their parents – 99 mothers and 99 fathers). The descriptive method was used in this research. For the sake of this research a five-level Likert scale was constructed. This scale contains 30 items that represent various parental educational styles (authoritarian-warm, authoritarian-cold, liberal-warm, liberal-cold and democratic). After analyzing the descriptive indicators, as well as the distribution regularity measures, factorization of the questionnaire was conducted. The Alpha-Factoring method was used with promax rotation. As ameasure of representativeness the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) test was used. The paper proves that it isn’t enough to focus on the educational styles from the parent perspective,but to get the whole pedagogical picture we also have to take into account the child/adolescent perspective.Porodica kao složen i višedimenzionalan fenomen ne može se posmatrati kao jednostavan zbir individua koje je čine. Da je reč o jedinstvenom sistemu ukazuje nam činjenica da se porodica bazira na multiplikovanom spletu interakcija i  komunikacija sa okruženjem. Ona kao takva teži morfogenezi, odnosno procesima stalnih promena, kao i morfostazi, to jest uspostavljanju balansa naročito u situacijama njenog narušavanja. Preduslov efikasnog vaspitanja u porodici predstavljaju skladni odnosi u okviru porodice kao sistema. Kada su u pitanju adolescenti porodica je ključni kontekst. Ovaj rad je fokusiran na empirijskom pristupu navedenom problemu. Cilj istraživanja je procena vaspitnih postupaka roditelja iz perspektive adolescenata. Uzorak je obuhvatio 297 ispitanika (99 učenika (adolescenata) i njihovi roditelji - 99 majki i 99 očeva). U ovom istraživanju  primenjena je deskriptivna  metoda. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja konstruisana je petostepena skala Likertovog tipa. Ova skala sadrži 30 ajtema koje odražavaju različite vaspitne stilove roditelja (autoritarno-topli, autoritarno-hladni, liberalno-topli, liberalno-hladni i demokratski). Nakon analize deskriptivnih pokazatelja, kao i mera normalnosti distribucije, urađena je faktorizacija upitnika. Korišćena je metoda Alpha-Factoring sa promax rotacijom. Za meru reprezentativnosti testa korišćen je Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) test. U radu je argumentovano da nije dovoljno baviti se pitanjima vaspitnih stilova samo iz ugla roditelja, vec se potpuna pedagoska slika dobija kada je to pitanje u fokusu i iz perspektive deteta/adolescenata


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    TThe aim of this paper was to examine the differences in the motor skills of soccer players aged 16-18 years who play in different competition levels (National League and Regional League), as well as players who play in different positions in the team. The standard testing battery for the motor skills assessment of soccer players was used to evaluate the motor skills. As for the evaluation of the differences between the different playing positions, a two-factor ANOVA with the factor Competition Level (National and Regional Level) and the factor Position (forward, midfielder, side defender, central defender) was used. A two-factor ANOVA with the factor Competition Level (National and Regional Level) and the factor Age (16, 17 and 18 years of age) was used to evaluate the differences between the different quality levels. The study included 126 male soccer players 16 to 18 years of age (N16=45, N17=41, N18=40) divided into 4 positions on the team: forwards (N=37, BH=179.2±5.0, BM=70.1±6.6), midfielders (N=48, BH=177.9±6.3, BM=69.6±7.9), side defenders (N=22, BH=176.6±5.4, BM=67.5±5.7) and central defenders (N=19, BH=184.0±4.3, BM=72.3±6.6). Because of significantly different activities in the field, the goalkeeper position was excluded from this study. The results indicate that motor skills do not differentiate players of different competition levels, and that there is a gap between players aged 18 years in aerobic endurance which is the basis of success in soccer.  Also, the obtained results suggest that motor skills could differentiate players at certain positions. However, it was specifically found that only alactic capabilities type of speed and agility, differentiate forwards from other positions, especially from midfielders.Cilj rada je da se ispitaju razlike u motoričkim sposobnostima fudbalera uzrasta 16 – 18 godina koji igraju u različitim nivoima takmičenja (Lige Srbije i Lige Beograda), kao i fudbalera koji igraju na različitim pozicijama u fudbalskom timu. Za procenu motoričkih sposobnosti korišćena je standardna baterija testova za procenu motoričkih sposobnosti fudbalera. Za procenu razlika između pojedinih pozicija u timu korišćena je dvofaktorska analiza varijanse sa faktorima rang takmičenja (Savezni i Regionalni rang) i pozicije u timu (napadač, vezni, spoljni i odbrambeni). Za procenu razlika između različitih kvalitativnih nivoa primenjena je dvofaktorska analiza varijanse sa faktorima rang takmičenja (Savezni i Regionalni rang) i uzrast (16, 17 i 18 godina). Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 126 momaka, uzrasta od 16 do 18 godina (N16=45, N17=41, N18=40), podeljenih na 4 pozicije: napadač (N=37, VT=179.2±5.0, MT=70.1±6.6), vezni (N=48, VT=177.9±6.3, MT=69.6±7.9), spoljni (N=22, VT=176.6±5.4, MT=67.5±5.7) i odbrambeni igrači (N=19, VT=184.0±4.3, MT=72.3±6.6). Kako se aktivnosti golmana u osnovi značajno razlikuju od ostalih igrača, pozicija golmana je isključena. Rezultati istraživanja navode da motoričke sposobnosti ne diferenciraju igrače prema rangu takmičenja, kao i da postoji razika u uzrastu 18 godina u aerobnoj izdržljivosti koja je osnova uspešnosti u fudbalu. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da se može tvrditi da motoričke sposobnosti diferenciraju igrače na pojedinim pozicijama. Međutim, pojedinačno gledano jedino se pokazalo da alaktatne sposobnosti tipa brzine i agilnosti, diferenciraju napadače od ostalih pozicija, naročito od veznih igrača u fudbalskoj igri

    Parental Involvement in Education and Collaboration with School

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    This paper presents the results of the research which was aimed to examine the connection between the collaboration between family and school, and parental involvement in education. The sample included 198 parents of senior primary school students in South-Eastern Serbia. For the purposes of the research, a Questionnaire was designed which consisted of 30 items, grouped into two parts: the first part deals with forms of family and school cooperation, and the second focuses on parents’ perception of educational techniques. Chi-square test shows that the most common form of parental cooperation with school is parent meeting, and that mothers are more engaged than fathers when it comes to parent meetings and lectures for parents. Based on parents’ assessments of education techniques, understanding and support is the education technique that dominates parental involvement in children’s education, while high level of control had a lower score. There were differences observed in parents’ assessments of education techniques analysed by t-test, where more withdrawal from children, as well as less control in are shown more by fathers than by mothers. Examination of the predictive properties of independent variables was tested using linear regression. The obtained research results on the impact of certain forms of cooperation with school on parental involvement in education have shown that lectures for parents and conversations at the initiative of the class teacher are predictors in creating desirable patterns of parental behaviour by granting children the right to their opinion. Gaining empirical insight into the mentioned relations benefits future research and practice of education efforts of the family and school