14 research outputs found

    U naučnoj kritici

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    Pušti niz vodu, čekaj uz vodu

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    Predstavljena je knjiga Govor Kopaonika: etnogeografski in kulturološki pristop Prvoslava Radića, ki jo je leta 2010 izdal Etnografski inštitut Srbske akademije znanosti in umetnosti v Beogradu. To je interdisciplinarna monografija področja Kopaonika v Srbiji in o njegovem prebivalstvu, ki jo odlikujejo dialektološki, pa tudi etnoantropološki in folkloristični podatki in ki vsebuje tudi štirideset strani narečnih besedil.This article presents Prvoslav Radić’s book Govor Kopaonika: etnogeografski in kulturološki pristop (The Local Dialect of Kopaonik: An Ethnogeographical and Cultural Studies Approach), published in 2010 by the Institute of Ethnography at the Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences in Belgrade. This is an interdisciplinary volume covering the Kopaonik area in Serbia and the people living there. The volume contains information on the dialect, as well as ethnic anthropology and folklore, and also contains forty pages of dialect texts.Приказ књиге: Prvoslav Radić, Kopaonički govor: etnogeografski i kulturološki pristup, Beograd: SANU, Etnografski institut, 2010 (Posebna izdanja 70), 365 str. (cirilica

    »Puščaj po vodi, čakaj ob vodi«

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    This article presents Prvoslav Radić’s book Govor Kopaonika: etnogeografski in kulturološki pristop (The Local Dialect of Kopaonik: An Ethnogeographical and Cultural Studies Approach), published in 2010 by the Institute of Ethnography at the Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences in Belgrade. This is an interdisciplinary volume covering the Kopaonik area in Serbia and the people living there. The volume contains information on the dialect, as well as ethnic anthropology and folklore, and also contains forty pages of dialect texts.Predstavljena je knjiga Govor Kopaonika: etnogeografski in kulturološki pristop Prvoslava Radića, ki jo je leta 2010 izdal Etnografski inštitut Srbske akademije znanosti in umetnosti v Beogradu. To je interdisciplinarna monografija področja Kopaonika v Srbiji in o njegovem prebivalstvu, ki jo odlikujejo dialektološki, pa tudi etnoantropološki in folkloristični podatki in ki vsebuje tudi štirideset strani narečnih besedil

    Expressing possessiveness with the preposition od in serbian vernaculars

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    Kada je reč o analitizmu, u srpskom dijalekatskom »organizmu«, posmatranom kao jedinstvena celina, u sadašnjem trenutku prepoznaju se nasleđa prošlosti, ali i buduće razvojne tendencije. I aktuelno jezičko stanje ı aktivne razvojne tendencije, tj. njihove posledice, svedoci su stepena zahvaćenosti srpskih narodnih govora procesima analitizacije. Usmeravanje ka analitičkom načinu izražavanja ispoljava se u širokom dijapazonu pojava.Tendencies towards analyticity are also reflected in the use of the prepositional genitive construction instead of the genitive form without a preposition with the possessive meaning. As for the generalization about the construction with the preposition od ( of ) for the expression of possessive meanings - including the cases where the standard language has a typical genitive without the preposition or the possessive adjective - particular expansion was noted in the periphery of the Serbian dialect area ( certain Zeta-Sjenica vernaculars, the vernacular of the jekavians from Lika ), that is in the area where a stronger influence of the existing related structures is possible because of the contact with non- Slavic languages. We are here discussing the vernaculars which otherwise preserve the synthetic way of expressing cases. On the other hand, the expansion of the sphere with the use of this construction in the Kosovo-Resavski vernaculars represents a result of the impact of analytic constructions which came and are coming from the south-east direction, from the territory of the highly balkanized Serbian vernaculars. Still, the complete and more realistic insight into the situation related to the analytic phenomena in the Serbian vernaculars, including the situation of the analyzed phenomenon from the aspect of language analyticity, could be expected only in the future - when the list of syntactic characteristics of our vernaculars is far more complete

    Analytismus in serbischen Dialekten

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    In diesem Beitrag wird eine Übersicht über den sprachlichen Analytismus in den Dialekten des Serbischen gegeben. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Beschreibung zweier ausgewählter analytischer Phänomene

    Development of Modular Compliant Anthropomorphic Robot Hand

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    The chapter presents the development of a modular compliant robotic hand characterized by the anthropomorphic structure and functionality. The prototype is made based on experience in development of contemporary advanced artificial hands and taking into account the complementary aspects of human bio-mechanics. The robot hand developed in the Institute Mihailo Pupin is called “Pupin hand”. The Pupin hand is developed for research purposes as well as for implementation with service and medical robot devices as an advance robot end-effector. Mechanical design, system identification, modeling and simulation and acquisition of the biological skill of grasping adopted from humans are considered in the chapter. Mechanical structure of the tendon-driven, multi-finger, 23 degrees of freedom compliant robot hand is presented in the chapter. Model of the hand is represented by corresponding multi-body rigid system with the complementary structural elasticity inserted between the particular finger modules. Some characteristic simulation results are given in the chapter in order to validate the chosen design concept. For the purpose of motion capture of human grasping skill, an appropriate experimental setup is prepared. It includes an infrared Kinect camera that combines visual and depth information about objects from the environment. The aim of using the Kinect sensor is to acquire human grasping skill and to map this natural motion to the robotic device. The novelties of the robot hand prototyping beyond to the state-of-the-art are stressed out in the conclusion

    Vrode razvernutoj v prostranstve diahronii

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    (francuski) Dans le travail ci-présent on démontre, sur les exemples de quelques parlers populaires serbes, que la situation synchronique dans les dialectes serbes présente une certaine sorte de réinterprétation du développement historique des manières d'exprimer la possession dans les constructions substantives. Cet article met en relief l'importance de l'étude de la syntaxe dialectale pour la déduction des conclusions valables dans le domaine de la dialectologie historique, étant donné que l'aire des différentes formes d'exprimer la vraie possession (kuća moga oca // mome ocu kuća // na mojega oca kuća) ainsi que la possession appelée existentielle (sestra moga oca // mome ocu sestra // na mojega oca sestra) représente d'après le corpus formé à la base de quatre dialectes serbes (le dialecte de Šumadija et Vojvodine, celui de Smederevo et Vršac, celui de Kosovo et Resava et le dialecte de Prizren et Timok), la réinterprétation du développement historique des manières d'exprimer cette catégorie sémantique, reflétant des procès analogues dans l'histoire des langues slaves des Balkans

    Youth music jargon: The cases of Belgrade and Moscow, Russia

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    The first part of this paper presents a mini-lexicon of music jargon used among younger population in Belgrade. A brief sketch of some basic parameters is also presented: formation of lexical jargon units and motivations. In brief, it appears that nouns make up more than two-thirds of the collected material. Furthermore, one-third appear as being borrowed from English language or adopted into new forms, while there are also German and other language influences. Within the derivative words, which number almost double than non-derivative, the greatest number of jargon used words originated as suffix. In addition, the biggest number of music jargon terms originated within metaphorical transfer. The basis of the motivated words is made of verbs and nouns