4 research outputs found

    Model rešavanja sukoba korporativne i javne politike u izboru lokacije trgovinskih objekata

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    Predmet ovog istraživanja jeste izbor lokacije trgovinskih objekata posmatrano sa stanovišta zaštite konkurencije što se ispoljava kroz analizu različitih razvojnih strategija trgovinskih kompanija na jednoj strani i osnovnih ciljeva politike zaštite konkurencije na drugoj strani. Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je da se doprinese teorijskim saznanjima u oblasti maloprodaje kroz jasan i na naučnoj osnovi predstavljen uticaj koji propisi za zaštitu konkurencije mogu da imaju na izbor optimalne lokacije trgovinskih objekata. Sa druge strane cilj je da se ispita značaj metoda i tehnika iz oblasti teorije lokacije za definisanje geografskog relevantnog maloprodajnog tržišta. Takođe, cilj je i definisanje smernica i metodologije za određivanje relevantnog tržišta u maloprodaji, što će sa jedne strane koristiti regulatornim telima za zaštitu konkurencije, dok će, sa druge strane, omogućiti menadžmentu maloprodajnih kompanija da sa većom sigurnošću donosi strateške razvojne planove, pre svega po pitanju prostornog razvoja koji neće narušiti konkurenciju na maloprodajnom tržištu. U skladu s tim prva polazna hipoteza u okvuru ovog istraživanja je da u izboru lokacije prodajnih objekata postoje različiti interesi u realizaciji korporativne i javne trgovinske politike. Testiranje ove hipoteze sprovedeno je komparativnom analizom regulatornog okvira politike zaštite konkurencije i osnovnih razvojnih ciljeva maloprodajnih kompanija. Rezultati testiranja su pokazali da postoje jasni ciljevi korporativne i javne politike u lokaciji trgovinskih objekata. Svaki maloprodavac, kao nosilac korporativne politike, nastoji da zauzme što veći deo tržišta pozicionirajući svoje maloprodajne objekte na što atraktivnijim lokacijama. Na drugoj strani osnovni ciljevi politike zaštite konkurencije, odnosno javne politike, neposredno ukazuju na potrebu postojanja što većeg broja konkurenata na relevantnom tržištu. Sučeljavajući navedene stavove jasno proizilazi da postoje objektivno različiti interesi nosilaca korporativne i javne politike u izboru lokacije trgovinskih objekata čime se potvrđuje prva hipoteza ovog istraživanja. Kakav efekat ima efikasna primena politike zaštite konkurencije na razvoj trgovine na malo utvrđeno je testiranjem podhipoteze da efikasna primena politike zaštite konkurencije u tranzicionim zemljama pozitivno utiče na razvoj trgovine na malo.The subject of this research is related to appropriate selection of retail store location in terms of competition policy which is conducted by an analysis of different development strategies of retail companies, on one end, and basic goals of the competition policy, on the other end. The aim of this PhD dissertation is to improve theoretical knowledge in the field of retail through a clear and scientifically based effect which competition regulations may have on the selection of optimal location of retail stores. On the other hand, its aim is to discover the relevance of methods and techniques of the location theory for defining a geographically relevant market in the retail industry. In addition, its aim is also to define guidelines and methodologies in order to determine a relevant retail market which will be of use to regulatory bodies for competition protection and will enable the management of retail companies to prepare less risky strategic development plans, mainly those regarding a location development that will not negatively affect competition on the retail market. According to this, the first hypothesis of this research states that there are different interests in choosing a retail store location in terms of achieving a corporate and public trade policy. Testing of this hypothesis has been conducted by a comparative analysis of the regulatory framework of the competition policy and basic development goals of retail companies. The test results has shown that there are clear goals of corporate and public policy regarding the location of retail stores. Each retailer, as a carrier of corporate policy, tends to succeed on the market by positioning its retail stores at most attractive locations. On the other hand, the main goals of the competition policy and public policy are to directly point out the need for more competitors in the relevant market. By confronting the two hypotheses it is evident that there exist obviously different interests of the carriers of corporate and public policy in terms of choosing retail store locations by which the first hypothesis of this research is proved. A type of effects that result from an effective implementation of the competition policy in the development of retail trade has been determined by testing of a sub-hypothesis which claims that an efficient implementation of the competition policy in countries undergoing transition has got positive effects on the development of the retail trade

    Model rešavanja sukoba korporativne i javne politike u izboru lokacije trgovinskih objekata

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    Predmet ovog istraživanja jeste izbor lokacije trgovinskih objekata posmatrano sa stanovišta zaštite konkurencije što se ispoljava kroz analizu različitih razvojnih strategija trgovinskih kompanija na jednoj strani i osnovnih ciljeva politike zaštite konkurencije na drugoj strani. Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je da se doprinese teorijskim saznanjima u oblasti maloprodaje kroz jasan i na naučnoj osnovi predstavljen uticaj koji propisi za zaštitu konkurencije mogu da imaju na izbor optimalne lokacije trgovinskih objekata. Sa druge strane cilj je da se ispita značaj metoda i tehnika iz oblasti teorije lokacije za definisanje geografskog relevantnog maloprodajnog tržišta. Takođe, cilj je i definisanje smernica i metodologije za određivanje relevantnog tržišta u maloprodaji, što će sa jedne strane koristiti regulatornim telima za zaštitu konkurencije, dok će, sa druge strane, omogućiti menadžmentu maloprodajnih kompanija da sa većom sigurnošću donosi strateške razvojne planove, pre svega po pitanju prostornog razvoja koji neće narušiti konkurenciju na maloprodajnom tržištu. U skladu s tim prva polazna hipoteza u okvuru ovog istraživanja je da u izboru lokacije prodajnih objekata postoje različiti interesi u realizaciji korporativne i javne trgovinske politike. Testiranje ove hipoteze sprovedeno je komparativnom analizom regulatornog okvira politike zaštite konkurencije i osnovnih razvojnih ciljeva maloprodajnih kompanija. Rezultati testiranja su pokazali da postoje jasni ciljevi korporativne i javne politike u lokaciji trgovinskih objekata. Svaki maloprodavac, kao nosilac korporativne politike, nastoji da zauzme što veći deo tržišta pozicionirajući svoje maloprodajne objekte na što atraktivnijim lokacijama. Na drugoj strani osnovni ciljevi politike zaštite konkurencije, odnosno javne politike, neposredno ukazuju na potrebu postojanja što većeg broja konkurenata na relevantnom tržištu. Sučeljavajući navedene stavove jasno proizilazi da postoje objektivno različiti interesi nosilaca korporativne i javne politike u izboru lokacije trgovinskih objekata čime se potvrđuje prva hipoteza ovog istraživanja. Kakav efekat ima efikasna primena politike zaštite konkurencije na razvoj trgovine na malo utvrđeno je testiranjem podhipoteze da efikasna primena politike zaštite konkurencije u tranzicionim zemljama pozitivno utiče na razvoj trgovine na malo.The subject of this research is related to appropriate selection of retail store location in terms of competition policy which is conducted by an analysis of different development strategies of retail companies, on one end, and basic goals of the competition policy, on the other end. The aim of this PhD dissertation is to improve theoretical knowledge in the field of retail through a clear and scientifically based effect which competition regulations may have on the selection of optimal location of retail stores. On the other hand, its aim is to discover the relevance of methods and techniques of the location theory for defining a geographically relevant market in the retail industry. In addition, its aim is also to define guidelines and methodologies in order to determine a relevant retail market which will be of use to regulatory bodies for competition protection and will enable the management of retail companies to prepare less risky strategic development plans, mainly those regarding a location development that will not negatively affect competition on the retail market. According to this, the first hypothesis of this research states that there are different interests in choosing a retail store location in terms of achieving a corporate and public trade policy. Testing of this hypothesis has been conducted by a comparative analysis of the regulatory framework of the competition policy and basic development goals of retail companies. The test results has shown that there are clear goals of corporate and public policy regarding the location of retail stores. Each retailer, as a carrier of corporate policy, tends to succeed on the market by positioning its retail stores at most attractive locations. On the other hand, the main goals of the competition policy and public policy are to directly point out the need for more competitors in the relevant market. By confronting the two hypotheses it is evident that there exist obviously different interests of the carriers of corporate and public policy in terms of choosing retail store locations by which the first hypothesis of this research is proved. A type of effects that result from an effective implementation of the competition policy in the development of retail trade has been determined by testing of a sub-hypothesis which claims that an efficient implementation of the competition policy in countries undergoing transition has got positive effects on the development of the retail trade

    Quantitative analysis of the change in neuronal numerical density of the human nucleus dentatus within development

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    Background/Aim. The role of the dentate nucleus is to coordinate input information coming from the lower olivary complex and various parts of the brainstem of the spinal marrow with the output information from the cerebellar cortex. To better understand functions and relations of the dentate nucleus it is highly important to study its development process. The aim of this study was to determine a possible mathematical model of decrease in neuronal numerical density of the human nucleus dentatus at different stages of development. Methods. This study included 25 fetal brains of different age (12.5-31 weeks of gestational age and one brain of a 6-day-old newborn). The brains were fixed in 10% formalin-alcohol solution and embedded in paraffin. Sections were cut at a thickness of 6, 15, and 30 μm and stained with cresyl violet. Each fifth section was analyzed using a light microscope, and numerical density of dentate nucleus neurons was established using the M42 Weibel's grid system. Results. The obtained results revealed a constant decrease in numerical density value. The changes of numerical densities at different stages of development correspond with Boltzmann function principles. The first, almost perpendicular part of Boltzmann function corresponds with the development of the dorsomedial lamina and the appearance of ventrolateral lamina primordium. The second, more or less horizontal part of Boltzmann function corresponds with the development of both laminae. Conclusion. The obtained results indicate that Boltzmann function can be considered a mathematical model of change in neuronal numerical density of dentate nucleus at different stage of development

    The importance of antibody dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) for breast cancer response to trastuzumab - Herceptin

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    In this work we investigated the direct or indirect (through ADCC) cytotoxic action of Herceptin, to two breast carcinoma cell lines: to MDA-MB 361, for HER-2, IHC score (3+) and to MDA-MB 453, IHC score (<2+). Cytotoxic action of Herceptin, of PBMC and of their combination (ADCC) was determined 48h later, indirectly, through the determination of target cell survival by MTT test. Preliminary results indicate that direct cytotoxicity of Herceptin against investigated breast carcinoma cells was very low, probably due to their high duplication time. However, the cytotoxic action of PBMC mediated through Herceptin as ADCC, was noted in investigation of cytotoxicity of some persons' PBMC