51 research outputs found

    Ground-state multiquantum vortices in rotating two-species superfluids

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    We show numerically that a rotating, harmonically trapped mixture of two Bose-Einstein-condensed superfluids can, contrary to its single-species counterpart, contain a multiply quantized vortex in the ground state of the system. This giant vortex can occur without any accompanying single-quantum vortices, may either be coreless or have an empty core, and can be realized in a 87^{87}Rb-41^{41}K Bose-Einstein condensate. Our results not only provide a rare example of a stable, solitary multiquantum vortex but also reveal exotic physics stemming from the coexistence of multiple, compositionally distinct condensates in one system.Comment: 6 pages, 4 color figures; identical in content to the published articl

    Skyrmionic vortex lattices in coherently coupled three-component Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We show numerically that a harmonically trapped and coherently Rabi-coupled three-component Bose-Einstein condensate can host unconventional vortex lattices in its rotating ground state. The discovered lattices incorporate square and zig-zag patterns, vortex dimers and chains, and doubly quantized vortices, and they can be quantitatively classified in terms of a skyrmionic topological index, which takes into account the multicomponent nature of the system. The exotic ground-state lattices arise due to the intricate interplay of the repulsive density-density interactions and the Rabi couplings as well as the ubiquitous phase frustration between the components. In the frustrated state, domain walls in the relative phases can persist between some components even at strong Rabi coupling, while vanishing between others. Consequently, in this limit the three-component condensate effectively approaches a two-component condensate with only density-density interactions. At intermediate Rabi coupling strengths, however, we face unique vortex physics that occurs neither in the two-component counterpart nor in the purely density-density-coupled three-component system.Comment: 13 pages, 16 color figures; v2 is identical in content to the published articl

    Emergent phenomena in multicomponent superconductivity: an introduction to the focus issue

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    Multicomponent superconductivity is a novel quantum phenomenon in many different superconducting materials, such as multiband ones in which different superconducting gaps open in different Fermi surfaces, films engineered at the atomic scale to enter the quantum confined regime, multilayers, two-dimensional electron gases at the oxide interfaces, and complex materials in which different electronic orbitals or different carriers participate in the formation of the superconducting condensate. In all these systems the increased number of degrees of freedom of the multicomponent superconducting wave-function allows for emergent quantum effects that are otherwise unattainable in single-component superconductors. In this editorial paper we introduce the present focus issue, exploring the complex but fascinating physics of multicomponent superconductivity

    Effects of spatially engineered Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in ferromagnetic films

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    The Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) is a chiral interaction that favors formation of domain walls. Recent experiments and ab initio calculations show that there are multiple ways to modify the strength of the interfacially induced DMI in thin ferromagnetic films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. In this paper we reveal theoretically the effects of spatially varied DMI on the magnetic state in thin films. In such heterochiral 2D structures we report several emergent phenomena, ranging from the equilibrium spin canting at the interface between regions with different DMI, over particularly strong confinement of domain walls and skyrmions within high-DMI tracks, to advanced applications such as domain tailoring nearly at will, design of magnonic waveguides, and much improved skyrmion racetrack memory

    Paths to collapse for isolated skyrmions in few-monolayer ferromagnetic films

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    Magnetic skyrmions are topological spin configurations in materials with chiral Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI), that are potentially useful for storing or processing information. To date, DMI has been found in few bulk materials, but can also be induced in atomically thin magnetic films in contact with surfaces with large spin-orbit interactions. Recent experiments have reported that isolated magnetic skyrmions can be stabilized even near room temperature in few-atom thick magnetic layers sandwiched between materials that provide asymmetric spin-orbit coupling. Here we present the minimum-energy path analysis of three distinct mechanisms for the skyrmion collapse, based on ab initio input and the performed atomic-spin simulations. We focus on the stability of a skyrmion in three atomic layers of Co, either epitaxial on the Pt(111) surface, or within a hybrid multilayer where DMI nontrivially varies per monolayer due to competition between different symmetry-breaking from two sides of the Co film. In laterally finite systems, their constrained geometry causes poor thermal stability of the skyrmion toward collapse at the boundary, which we show to be resolved by designing the high-DMI structure within an extended film with lower or no DMI

    Deflection of (anti)ferromagnetic skyrmions at heterochiral interfaces

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    Devising magnetic nanostructures with spatially heterogeneous Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) is a promising pathway towards advanced confinement and control of magnetic skyrmions in potential devices. Here we discuss theoretically how a skyrmion interacts with a heterochiral interface using micromagnetic simulations and analytic arguments. We show that a heterochiral interface deflects the trajectory of ferromagnetic (FM) skyrmions, and that the extent of such deflection is tuned by the applied spin-polarized current and the difference in DMI across the interface. Further, we show that this deflection is characteristic for the FM skyrmion, and is completely absent in the antiferromagnetic (AFM) case. In turn, we reveal that the AFM skyrmion achieves much higher velocities than its FM counterpart, yet experiences far stronger confinement in nanoengineered heterochiral tracks, which reinforces AFM skyrmions as a favorable choice for skyrmion-based devices

    Manipulation of Magnetic Skyrmions by Superconducting Vortices in Ferromagnet-Superconductor Heterostructures

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    Dynamics of magnetic skyrmions in hybrid ferromagnetic films harbors novel physical phenomena and holds promise for technological applications. In this work, we discuss the behavior of magnetic skyrmions when coupled to superconducting vortices in a ferromagnet-superconductor heterostructure. We use numerical simulations and analytic arguments to reveal broader possibilities for manipulating the skyrmion-vortex dynamic correlations in the hybrid system, that are not possible in its separated constituents. We explore the thresholds of particular dynamic phases, and quantify the phase diagram as a function of the relevant material parameters, applied current and induced magnetic torques. Finally, we demonstrate the broad and precise tunability of the skyrmion Hall-angle in presence of vortices, with respect to currents applied to either or both the superconductor and the ferromagnet within the heterostructure

    Spin textures in chiral magnetic monolayers with suppressed nearest-neighbor exchange

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    High tunability of two dimensional magnetic materials (by strain, gating, heterostructuring or otherwise) provides unique conditions for studying versatile magnetic properties and controlling emergent magnetic phases. Expanding the scope of achievable magnetic phenomena in such materials is important for both fundamental and technological advances. Here we perform atomistic spin-dynamics simulations to explore the (chiral) magnetic phases of atomic monolayers in the limit of suppressed first-neighbors exchange interaction. We report the rich phase diagram of exotic magnetic configurations, obtained for both square and honeycomb lattice symmetries, comprising coexistence of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic spin-cycloids, as well as multiple types of magnetic skyrmions. We perform a minimum-energy path analysis for the skyrmion collapse to evaluate the stability of such topological objects, and reveal that magnetic monolayers could be good candidates to host the antiferromagnetic skyrmions that are experimentally evasive to date