59 research outputs found

    Modulation of Ca2+ ion flux through mitochondrial membrane of the rat brain steam synaptosomes by 17β-estradiol

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    In the present study the modulation of Ca2+ ion flux in the synaptosomal mitochondria isolated from the ovariectyomized rat Brain Steam and the possible roll of membrane bound estradiol was examined. Physiological concentrations of 17β-estradiol binds specifically to isolated mitochondria (Vmax 3.37± 0.25 pmol/mg protein, Km 1.85± 0.06 nmol/l of free estradiol). Addition of 17β-estradiol (10 pmol/l - 1 nmol/ l) in vitro decreased mitochondrial calcium ion efflux significantly (25%) after 10 minutes. Modulation of calcium ion efflux and mitochondrial ion retention may be the way that 17β-estradiol (E2) exerts its role in the nerve cell homeostasis.Physical chemistry 2008 : 9th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 24-28 September 200

    Protection of copper ions induced inhibition of rat myometrial ecto-atpase activity by edta

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    The potential protective effects of ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) on the CuSO4 cell toxicity was examined on rat myometrial plasma membranes. Activity of plasma membrane ecto-ATPase, as modulator of purinergic signaling in the presence of increasing concentrations of copper salt and in the presence or absence of EDTA was studied. Our results show that 1mmol/l EDTA may exert protective effects on Cu2+-induced toxicity by increasing half-maximum inhibitory activities of this ion.Physical chemistry 2008 : 9th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 24-28 September 200

    Characterization of ectoenzymes that hydrolyze extracellular ATP and ADP in rat uterus and in vitro effects of cadmium, mercury and copper on enzyme activity

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    ATP i drugi purinski nukleotidi su parakrini signalni molekuli koji vezivanjemza purinske receptore (P1 i P2) na ćelijskoj membrani učestvuju u kontrolikontrakcija i modulaciji imunog odgovora u uterusu sisara. Poremećajikontraktilnosti uterusa mogu imati važnu ulogu u nastanku neplodnosti, dismenorejei prevremenog porođaja. U ovom radu ispitano je prisustvo i kinetičke osobineektoenzima koji hidrolizuju vanćelijski ATP i ADP u uterusu pacova (Wistar albino).Takođe, ispitan je in vitro uticaj teških metala (kadmijuma, žive i bakra) kao izaštitni efekat EDTA i L-cisteina na aktivnost ektoenzima u prisustvu jona metala.Rezultati ove studije pokazali su da hidrolizu vanćelijskog ATP i ADP uuterusu pacova katalizuju enzimi iz familije E-NTPDaza. To potvrđuju rezultati:neosetljivosti na inhibitore drugih membranskih ATPaza (oligomicin, ouabain,teofiln i levamisol); pH optimum za maksimalnu aktivnost enzima na alkalnom pH(8.0-8.5) za oba supstrata; zavisnost enzimske aktivnosti od dvovalentnih jona iinhibicija suraminom. Izmerana aktivnost E-NTPDaza u uterusu je veoma visoka uodnosu na ostala tkiva pacova, što se vidi iz dobijenih vrednosti kinetičkihparametara za hidrolizu ATP (Vmax(app)=3.973±0.280 μmol Pi/min/mg,Km(app)=0.506±0.062 mM), odnosno ADP (Vmax(app)=2.854±0.080 μmol Pi/min/mg,Km(app)=0.639±0.031 mM). Slične Km vrednosti za hidrolizu ATP i ADP, odnospočetnih brzina hidrolize ATP/ADP (1:0.57), Chevillard-ova kriva kompeticije ATPi ADP, kao i inhibicija milimolarnim koncentracijama natrijum-azida (5-10 mM)ukazuju da je E-NTPDaza 1 dominantni enzim koji hidrolizuje vanćelijskenukleotide u uterusu pacova. RT-PCR i Western blot analizom pokazana je genska iproteinska ekspresija NTPDaze 1 i 2 u uterusu pacova.U daljem toku istraživanja ispitan je efekat i mehanizma delovanjadvovalentnih jona kadmijuma, žive(II) i bakra(II) na aktivnost E-NTPDaza iz uterusa pacova...ATP and other purine nucleotides are paracrine signaling molecules. Acting viapurine receptors (P1 and P2) on the cell membrane, extracellular nucleotidesparticipate in the control of contraction and modulation of the immune response inmammalian uterus. Disorder of uterine contractility may play an important role in thedevelopment of infertility, dysmenorrhea and premature labor. In this study, weexamined the presence and kinetic properties of ectoenzymes that hydrolyzeextracellular ATP and ADP in rat uterus (Wistar albino). Also, effects of heavy metalions (cadmium, mercury, and copper) on the activity of ectoenzymes from rat uteruswere studied in vitro, in the absence and presence of EDTA and L-cysteine.This study showed that hydrolysis of extracellular ATP and ADP in rat uterusis catalyzed by enzymes classified as the E-NTPDase family. The following resultsconfirmed common properties characteristic for E-NTPDases: insensitivity toinhibitors of other membrane ATPase (oligomycin, ouabain, theophylline andlevamisole), an alkaline pH optimum for both substrates (8.0-8.5), divalent cationsdependence and significant inhibition by suramine. E-NTPDase activity in rat uterusappeared to be very high compared to other rat tissues. The apparent Km values were0.506±0.062 and 0.639±0.031 mM, with a calculated Vmax(app) of 3.973±0.280 and2.854±0.080 μmol Pi/min/mg for ATP and ADP, respectively. According to similarapparent Km values for both substrates, the ATP/ADP hydrolysis ratio (1:0:57),Chevillard competition plot, and inhibition by high milimolar concentrations ofsodium-azide (5-10 mM), E-NTPDase 1 is dominant ATP/ADP hydrolyzing enzymein uterine cell membranes. RT-PCR and Western blot analysis revealed gene andprotein expression of NTPDaze 1 and 2 in rat uterus.In the further course of research, the effects and mechanism of action ofdivalent ions (mercury, cadmium and copper) on the activity of E-NTPDases fromrat uterus were examined..

    Lyophilization as a method for pathogens long term preservation

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    Lyophilization (freeze-drying) is one of the most suitable methods used for a long term preservation of pathogens. The aim of this paper was the application of lyophilization for storage of three significant plant pathogens: Fusarium graminearum, Helminthosporium gramineum, and Pseudomonas syringae pv. gylicinea, respectively. The plant material was collected continuously (during a four year period 2002-2006), depending on a plant development stage, from different localities in Vojvodina. Pathogens were isolated from diseased parts with characteristic symptoms, and placed on nutritive media specific for a certain pathogen, using standard phytopathological methods. Lyophilization was carried out in marked and coded ampoules by freezing and drying of pathogen suspension and nutritive medium. Revitalization of lyophilized isolates was done after four days. High percentage of revitalization was characteristic for all studied isolates, and it ranged from 85-92%, confirming that lyophilized pathogens would be capable of keeping viability for a long time in the collection. Besides above mentioned pathogens, there were 200 isolates in the collection, originating mostly from field and vegetable crops. Each isolate that was put into the Collection, was followed by all the necessary data such as: name of the pathogen, number of isolates, locality, host plant year of isolation, name of the researcher and other relevant data


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    The diversity of species of Cotesia Cameron, 1891 for the territory of Serbia is given as a faunistic survey. The paper presents the results of research in the period from 1902 to 2021. Literature, databases and new, unpublished records were combined for a comprehensive list of species, with notes on localities, dates, number and sexes of individuals. In total, 35 species are presented, of which 11 were registered in Serbia for the first time. The species most often collected were Cotesia ofella and C. tibialis


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    The water lily aphid is a cosmopolitan species that feeds on various plants. Its primary hosts are Prunus species from which they migrate to their secondary hosts – aquatic and semi-aquatic plants. So far, in Serbia, Rhopalosiphum nymphaeae is recorded to attack only three plant species as secondary hosts. In our study, conducted in September 2020, we have researched the association of water lily aphid with secondary hosts in wetland habitats. A total of 44 samples were collected from 16 localities. In addition to the plant species previously reported, in this study 11 secondary hosts are documented for the first time in Serbia. The most common trophic association of R. nymphaeae was with Salvinia natans which was registered in 13 localities. There is a high possibility of finding new records of secondary hosts, therefore, more research is needed to complete the information about the water lily aphid and its hosts in Serbia


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    Ichneumonid Agrypon polyxenae is a solitary larval-pupal endoparasitoid developing within the caterpillars of the genus Zerynthia and distributed in the western Palearctic. Z. polyxena is the most common host, with its caterpillars feeding on highly poisonous Aristolochia species. Here we report A. polyxenae parasitising Z. polyxena for the first time in Serbia and provide a short species description. This parasitoid has also been recorded on Z. rumina in Spain. We suggest some evidence for its presence  in the newly described Z. cassandra in Italy

    Interplay between stress and cancer—A focus on inflammation

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    Stress is an integral part of life. While acute responses to stress are generally regarded as beneficial in dealing with immediate threats, chronic exposure to threatening stimuli exerts deleterious effects and can be either a contributing or an aggravating factor for many chronic diseases including cancer. Chronic psychological stress has been identified as a significant factor contributing to the development and progression of cancer, but the mechanisms that link chronic stress to cancer remain incompletely understood. Psychological stressors initiate multiple physiological responses that result in the activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, sympathetic nervous system, and the subsequent changes in immune function. Chronic stress exposure disrupts the homeostatic communication between the neuroendocrine and immune systems, shifting immune signaling toward a proinflammatory state. Stress-induced chronic low-grade inflammation and a decline in immune surveillance are both implicated in cancer development and progression. Conversely, tumor-induced inflammatory cytokines, apart from driving a tumor-supportive inflammatory microenvironment, can also exert their biological actions distantly via circulation and therefore adversely affect the stress response. In this minireview, we summarize the current findings on the relationship between stress and cancer, focusing on the role of inflammation in stress-induced neuroendocrine-immune crosstalk. We also discuss the underlying mechanisms and their potential for cancer treatment and prevention

    Radiation-mediated induction of apoptotic cell death in rat hippocampus

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    Ionizing radiation is commonly used in the treatment of brain tumors but it can impair cognitive functions, such as learning and memory. Since cognitive dysfunctions are predominantly result of cell death by apoptosis in hippocampal cells, in this study we analyzed acute effects of cranial gamma-irradiation (10 Gy) on expression of proapoptotic molecules (p53, Bax) and antiapoptotic molecule Bcl-2, as well as caspase-3 activation and cytochrome c redistribution in the hippocampus of young rats. The selected regimen of irradiation resembles the established animal model for childhood prophylactic cranial radiotherapy. Our results demonstrated that p53 mRNA expression was unchanged after irradiation, while induction of p53 protein was rapid. In parallel, Bax mRNA and protein levels were also increased following irradiation, whereas Bcl-2 expression was not changed during the examined post-irradiation period. These changes were accompanied with early hallmarks of apoptosis, such as increased cytochrome c release and stimulated activation of caspase-3. Overall, this study demonstrates that cranial irradiation is associated with the augmented apoptotic pathway in the rat hippocampus, which could be related to the cognitive decline observed in patients after prophylactic cranial radiotherapy, but also opens perspective in finding radioprotectors that can mitigate radiation injury of normal brain tissue.Jonizujuće zračenje se često koristi u tretmanu tumora mozga ali ono može da ošteti kognitivne funkcije, kao što su učenje i pamćenje. Pošto je smanjenje kognitivnih funkcija većinom rezultat ćelijske smrti putem apoptoze u hipokampalnim ćelijama u ovoj studiji su analizirani efekti kranijalnog gama-zračenja (10 Gy) na ekspresiju proapoptotskih (p53, Bax) i antiapoptotskih molekula (Bcl-2), kao i na aktivaciju kaspaze-3 i redistribuciju citohroma c u hipokampusu mladih pacova. Odabrani režim zračenja odgovara uspostavljenom životinjskom modelu za dečiju profilaktičku kranijalnu radioterapiju. Naši rezultati pokazuju da je ekspresija p53 i RNK nepromenjena nakon zračenja, dok je indukcija p53 proteina veoma brza. Istovremeno Bax iRNK i protein su povećani nakon zračenja, dok je ekspresija Bcl-2 nepromenjena tokom ispitivanog perioda. Ove promene su praćene ranim znacima apoptoze, kao što su povećano oslobađanje citohroma c i aktivacija kaspaze-3. Generalno, ova studija pokazuje da je kranijalno zračenje povezano sa stimulisanim apoptotskim putem u hipokampusu pacova, što se može povezati sa kognitivnim oštećenjima uočenih kod pacijenata nakon profilaktičke kranijalne radioterapije, ali takođe otvara perspektive u pronalaženju radioprotektora koji smanjuju oštećenje normalnog nervnog tkiva nakon zračenja.nul

    Radiation-mediated induction of apoptotic cell death in rat hippocampus

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    Ionizing radiation is commonly used in the treatment of brain tumors but it can impair cognitive functions, such as learning and memory. Since cognitive dysfunctions are predominantly result of cell death by apoptosis in hippocampal cells, in this study we analyzed acute effects of cranial gamma-irradiation (10 Gy) on expression of proapoptotic molecules (p53, Bax) and antiapoptotic molecule Bcl-2, as well as caspase-3 activation and cytochrome c redistribution in the hippocampus of young rats. The selected regimen of irradiation resembles the established animal model for childhood prophylactic cranial radiotherapy. Our results demonstrated that p53 mRNA expression was unchanged after irradiation, while induction of p53 protein was rapid. In parallel, Bax mRNA and protein levels were also increased following irradiation, whereas Bcl-2 expression was not changed during the examined post-irradiation period. These changes were accompanied with early hallmarks of apoptosis, such as increased cytochrome c release and stimulated activation of caspase-3. Overall, this study demonstrates that cranial irradiation is associated with the augmented apoptotic pathway in the rat hippocampus, which could be related to the cognitive decline observed in patients after prophylactic cranial radiotherapy, but also opens perspective in finding radioprotectors that can mitigate radiation injury of normal brain tissue.Jonizujuće zračenje se često koristi u tretmanu tumora mozga ali ono može da ošteti kognitivne funkcije, kao što su učenje i pamćenje. Pošto je smanjenje kognitivnih funkcija većinom rezultat ćelijske smrti putem apoptoze u hipokampalnim ćelijama u ovoj studiji su analizirani efekti kranijalnog gama-zračenja (10 Gy) na ekspresiju proapoptotskih (p53, Bax) i antiapoptotskih molekula (Bcl-2), kao i na aktivaciju kaspaze-3 i redistribuciju citohroma c u hipokampusu mladih pacova. Odabrani režim zračenja odgovara uspostavljenom životinjskom modelu za dečiju profilaktičku kranijalnu radioterapiju. Naši rezultati pokazuju da je ekspresija p53 i RNK nepromenjena nakon zračenja, dok je indukcija p53 proteina veoma brza. Istovremeno Bax iRNK i protein su povećani nakon zračenja, dok je ekspresija Bcl-2 nepromenjena tokom ispitivanog perioda. Ove promene su praćene ranim znacima apoptoze, kao što su povećano oslobađanje citohroma c i aktivacija kaspaze-3. Generalno, ova studija pokazuje da je kranijalno zračenje povezano sa stimulisanim apoptotskim putem u hipokampusu pacova, što se može povezati sa kognitivnim oštećenjima uočenih kod pacijenata nakon profilaktičke kranijalne radioterapije, ali takođe otvara perspektive u pronalaženju radioprotektora koji smanjuju oštećenje normalnog nervnog tkiva nakon zračenja.nul