19 research outputs found

    Usporedba stupnjevanja stenoze karotida CT angiografijom i Dopplerovim ultrazvukom: kako primijenjene statističke metode utječu na rezultat

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    In this study, we compared the measurement of carotid stenosis by computed tomography angiography (CTA) based on the narrowest diameter versus cross sectional area (CSA) with the measurement by color Doppler ultrasonography (CDUS) as a reference standard, and analyzed how the application of different statistical methods affected the result. On 113 carotid arteries with ā‰„50% stenosis, we quantified the level of correlation among the three measurements, sensitivity, specificity, and differences in the estimated stenosis level. Correlation between both CTA measurements was good with Pearsonā€™s Ļ between 0.87 and 0.91 (p<0.001). Correlation between CDUS and CTA measurements was only modest with Pearsonā€™s Ļ between 0.2 (p=0.075) and 0.4 (p=0,007) for CDUS CTA (CSA), and between 0.23 (p=0.062) and 0.39 (p=0.008) for CDUS CTA (diameter). Differences in stenosis between CTA (CSA) and CDUS were centered around 0%, and between CTA (diameter) and CDUS around 20%. Sensitivity and specificity for CTA (CSA) method were 81% and 77%, and for CTA (diameter) 23% and 100%, respectively. A good correlation between CSA and diameter measurement just means that these are two related features of stenosis, it does not mean good agreement. CTA (CSA) method better detected surgical stenoses, whereas CTA (diameter) systematically underestimated stenosis level. The study of differences between the measurements indicated agreement better than the calculation of correlation coefficients.U studiji smo usporedili mjerenje stenoze karotida CT angiografijom (CTA) bazirano na najužem promjeru ili povrÅ”ini presjeka žile s mjerenjem kolor dopler ultrazvukom (CDUS) kao referentnim standardom i analizirali kako primjena različitih statističkih metoda utječe na rezultat. Za 113 karotidnih arterija sa stenozom ā‰„50% odredili smo stupanj korelacije između tri načina mjerenja, osjetljivost, specifičnost te razlike u procijenjenom stupnju stenoze. Korelacija između oba CTA mjerenja bila je dobra s Pearsonovim Ļ između 0,87 i 0,91 (p<0,001). Korelacija između CDUS i CTA mjerenja bila je skromna s Pearsonovim Ļ između 0,2 (p=0,075) i 0,4 (p=0,007) za CDUS CTA (povrÅ”ina) te između 0,23 (p=0,062) i 0,39 (p=0,008) za CDUS CTA (promjer). Razlike u izmjerenoj stenozi između CTA (povrÅ”ina) i CDUS bile su centrirane oko 0%, između CTA (promjer) i CDUS oko 20%. Osjetljivost i specifičnost za metodu CTA (povrÅ”ina) bile su 81% i 77%, a za metodu CTA (promjer) 23% i 100%. Dobra korelacija između mjerenja baziranog na povrÅ”ini ili promjeru samo znači da su promjer i povrÅ”ina presjeka žile dvije povezane značajke stenoze, no ne znači i dobro slaganje među metodama. Metoda CTA (povrÅ”ina) je bolje otkrivala kirurÅ”ke stenoze, dok je metoda CTA (promjer) sustavno podcjenjivala stupanj stenoze. Studija razlika između stenoza dobivenih pojedinom metodom mjerenja bolje pokazuje slaganje među metodama nego izračun koeficijenata korelacije

    Written Expression: the Competences of Pupils with Developmental Disabilities in the First Four Grades

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    The goal of Jelena Stevanović, Emilija Lazarević and Jadranka MiloÅ”evićā€™s paper, Written Expression: the Competences of Pupils with Developmental Disabilities in the First Four Grades, was to research class teachersā€™ opinions on the inclusive education of children with developmental disabilities in the field of written expression, i.e. Serbian language classes. Those teachers believe that in the field of written expression pupils with disabilities should acquire knowledge and skills related to the basic level when considering the standards for the end of the first cycle of compulsory education in the Serbian language. However, experience from school practice shows that pupils with developmental disabilities cannot successfully and completely master the majority of competences which are predicted by prescribed achievement levels. The obtained findings suggest that during training on the implementation of inclusive education, class teachers should be given special training for the implementation of contents for the Serbian language, and that special programs which would focus on the improvement of the basic competences of pupils with developmental disabilities in the field of written expression should be designed.Naziv zbirke: Biblioteka "PedagoÅ”ka teorija i praksa

    Levels of Pb-210 and Po-210 in the food chain cow-milk-cheese

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    Kretanje prirodnih radionuklida iz niza urana u prehrambenom lancu nedovoljno je ispitano uopće, a kod nas gotovo nije niti načeto. Ispitivanja su vrÅ”ena na teritoriji BiH, kako bi se moglo predvidjeti kretanje Pb-210 i Po-210 u prehrambenom lancu na područjima s poviÅ”enim prirodnim fonom.The levels of natural radioactivity in the food chain have hardly been touched. These levels were investigated in some parts of Bosnia. The levels of Pb-210 in beef vary from 0,1-6.2 pCi/kg and Po-210 from 0-5.2 pCi/kg. The radioactivity in milk is lower so that Po-210 lies between 0.15-2.45 pCi/l and Pb-210 from 0.20-1.90 pCi/l. The highest radioactivity was determined in cheese i.e. 60 pCi/kg of pb-210. Po-210 is as low as 1.30-3.75 pCi/kg of cheese

    Spatial profile of ankrd1a activation during regeneration of zebrafish heart

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    Introduction: In contrast to humans, zebrafish have a remarkable ability to regenerate injured heart through a complex and highly orchestrated processinvolving all cardiac structures. The majorsource of new myocardial cells are resident cardiomyocytes, which dedifferentiate and reinitiate proliferation, invading the area of injury to replace the lost myocardium. The response of the myocardium and coronary vasculature is preceded by activation of epi- and endocardium, which form active scaffolds to guide regeneration. The aim of thisstudy wasto identify cardiac structuresin which ankrd1a gene is activated during zebrafish heart regeneration. Methods: We crossed several zebrafish reporter lines: TgBAC(ankrd1a:EGFP) (to identify cells expressing ankrd1a), Tg(myl7:nls-dsRedExpress) (for labeling cardiomyocyte nuclei) and Tg(kdrl:RAS-mCherry) (for labeling endocardial/endothelial cells). Zebrafish hearts were cryoinjured and left to regenerate for 3 and 7 days. Dedifferentiating cardiomyocytes and epicardial cells were immunostained with anti-MYH7 and anti-caveolin1 antibody, respectively. Cells labeled with transgenes and immunostaining were visualized on tissue cryosections by fluorescent microscopy. Results: Zebrafish ankrd1a was activated in the injury border zone cardiomyocytes, located between the injured and remote myocardium. Its expression preceded that of a dedifferentiation marker, MYH7. The TgBAC(ankrd1a:EGFP) transgene was not detected in epicardial or endocardial cells of regenerating zebrafish heart. Conclusion: Activation of ankrd1a during regeneration of zebrafish heart is restricted to borderzone cardiomyocytes, implicating this gene in dedifferentiation and proliferation of cardiomyocytes. The absence of ankrd1a expression in epicardium and endocardium indicatesthat this gene does not contribute to the regeneration process occuring in these layers of the heart

    Expression profile of ankrd1a during repair of injured zebrafish skeletal muscle

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    In our previous work, using transgenic zebrafish line TgBAC(ankrd1a:EGFP), we showed activation of the zebrafish ankrd1a gene in border zone cardiomyocytes of cryoinjured heart and in close proximity of needle-stab wounds in skeletal muscle, indicating its involvement in muscle regeneration. Our results implicated ankrd1a in zebrafish skeletal muscle tissue repair and remodeling, as a sensor of stressed muscle. Here we take a closer look at the spatio-temporal expression profile of the ankrd1a gene in injured zebrafish skeletal muscle by analyzing cryosections prepared from wounded tissue of TgBAC(ankrd1a:EGFP) adults at 1, 3, 5, 7 and 10 days post-injury (dpi). The expression of the fluorescent reporter was observed from 3 dpi and remained until 10 dpi. At 3dpi, new GFP-positive muscle cells emerged inside the injury zone, at the site of needle entry, while in the later days (5, 7 and 10 dpi), newly formed GFP-positive myofibers were visible in the deeper tissue layers within the injury, indicating active repair of the injured tissue. To identify cells in which ankrd1a is activated after injury, we stained the sections for markers of satellite-like cells, undifferentiated and differentiated muscle cells, and mature myofibers. Since the reporter was detected both in the newly formed myofibers that invade the wound and in the apparently uninjured tissue surrounding the injury, we hypothesize that ankrd1a is not only involved in satellite celldependent tissue repair, but its expression might be a hallmark of adaptive process in undamaged myofibers surrounding the physical injury.EZM2023 Abstract Book: 12th European Zebrafish Meeting July 9-13, 2023 Krakow, Polan

    Violacein enhances the cytotoxic effect of commonly used chemotherapeutics on rhabdomyosarcoma cells

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    Investigati on of natural compounds showing specific toxicity to tumor cells aims to improve the efficacy of available therapies. Our previous research demonstrated the cytotoxic acti vity of the bacterial pigment violacein against rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) cell lines. RMS is the most common soft tissue malignancy in children. In this study, we evaluated the cytotoxicity of violacein on RMS cells in combinati on with conventi onal chemotherapeutics doxorubicin, irinotecan, and vinflunine

    Expression profiling of ANKRD1 in rhabdomyosarcoma cell lines

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    Introduction: Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is the most common soft tissue malignancy in children and adolescents. Respecting the age of the patients and the tumor aggressiveness, investigation of the molecular mechanisms of RMS tumorigenesis is essential, most notably due to the possible identification of novel therapeutic targets. To contribute to a better understanding of the molecular pathology of RMS, we investigated ANKRD1 (ankyrin repeat domain 1) gene, considered a potential RMS diagnostic marker. The changes in its expression are related to carcinogenesis and resistance to chemotherapy in several types of tumors.EACR 2023: Innovative Cancer Science, 12-15 June 2023, Torino, Ital

    Factors associated with involuntary hospitalization

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    In clinical practice, involuntary hospitalization in psychiatry is a procedure that patients with severe mental disorders are subject to due to the inability to make rational treatment decisions.. The prevalence of involuntary hospitalizations varies widely within and between countries. Involuntary admission to a hospital for psychiatric treatment can be life-saving and may be considered beneficial to some people in the long run. However, the experience of involuntary treatment can be traumatic, intimidating, stigmatizing, and lead to long-term avoidance of mental health services and an increased risk of rehospitalization. In this paper, we have considered the risk factors for involuntary hospitalizations and their frequency in the region and Europe

    Determination of muscle fiber types expressing ANKRD2

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    Introduction: Ankyrin Repeat Domain 2 (ANKRD2) is expressed in skeletal muscle, where plays a role inmuscle development, differentiation and adaptation to stress. Human skeletal muscle consists of threemajor fiber types: type 1 (slow-twitch, oxidative), type 2A (fast-twitch, oxidative) and type 2X (fast-twitch,glycolytic). ANKRD2 is reported to be primarily expressed in type 1 myofibers. However, recent findingson human single myofibers and our study of chicken muscles have shown that this protein may also beexpressed in type 2A fibers. Hence, our objective was to examine whether ANKRD2 is present in humanfast, type 2A muscle fibers using immunohistochemistry.Methods: Samples of large leg musclessoleus, gastrocnemius, vastusintermedius and vastuslateralis wereobtained from human cadaveric tissue. Serial cryosections were independently stained with anti-ANKRD2and antibodies for different myosin heavy chain isoforms (6H1 for type 2X, BF35 for type 1 and 2A, antiMHCs for type 1 and anti-MHCf for type 2A and 2X fibers). Immunostained tissues were analyzed by fluorescent microscopy.Results: In addition to slow, type 1, ANKRD2 wasfound expressed in fast, type 2A myofibers, which bothhave oxidative metabolism. Further, we did not observe ANDRD2 expression in glycolytic, type 2Xmyiofibers. This pattern of ANKRD2 expression was consistent across all examined muscles.Conclusion: Our resultsimplicate that the regulatory mechanism of ANKRD2 expression in human skeletal muscle is associated with oxidative metabolism, rather than muscle contraction speed

    Determination of muscle fiber types expressing ANKRD2

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    Introduction: Ankyrin Repeat Domain 2 (ANKRD2) is expressed in skeletal muscle, where plays a role in muscle development, differentiation and adaptation to stress. Human skeletal muscle consists of three major fiber types: type 1 (slow-twitch, oxidative), type 2A (fast-twitch, oxidative) and type 2X (fast-twitch, glycolytic). ANKRD2 is reported to be primarily expressed in type 1 myofibers. However, recent findings on human single myofibers and our study of chicken muscles have shown that this protein may also be expressed in type 2A fibers. Hence, our objective was to examine whether ANKRD2 is present in human fast, type 2A muscle fibers using immunohistochemistry. Methods: Samples of large leg musclessoleus, gastrocnemius, vastusintermedius and vastuslateralis were obtained from human cadaveric tissue. Serial cryosections were independently stained with anti-ANKRD2 and antibodies for different myosin heavy chain isoforms (6H1 for type 2X, BF35 for type 1 and 2A, antiMHCs for type 1 and anti-MHCf for type 2A and 2X fibers). Immunostained tissues were analyzed by fluorescent microscopy. Results: In addition to slow, type 1, ANKRD2 wasfound expressed in fast, type 2A myofibers, which both have oxidative metabolism. Further, we did not observe ANDRD2 expression in glycolytic, type 2X myiofibers. This pattern of ANKRD2 expression was consistent across all examined muscles. Conclusion: Our resultsimplicate that the regulatory mechanism of ANKRD2 expression in human skeletal muscle is associated with oxidative metabolism, rather than muscle contraction speed