37 research outputs found

    Prinos sorti krompira različitih grupa zrenja gajenih na tri lokacije i kvalitet krtola tokom skladištenja

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    Two-year field trials (2001-2002) were conducted with aim to investigate the effect of growing site and maturity group of ten potato cultivars on yielding and changing of tuber quality during long-term storage. The biggest number of tubers per plant and highest mean tuber weight were obtained in Čačak, what gave the highest yields in both seasons; the lowest values were obtained in Guča. Favourable soil characteristics had more important role than weather conditions on potato field performance. Early cultivars gave the smallest number of tubers per plant and highest mean tuber weight, while opposite to this was recorded in mid-late to late cultivars (ML-L). The share of tubers >55 mm was consistently high in early cultivars. ML-L maturity group gave the highest yields at all sites and the highest initial tubers dry matter (DM), >20% in 2001 and >21% in 2002, while it was lt 20% in early cultivars overall experiment. Constant increase in DM content and decrease in starch content in tubers DM was recorded after two-month and seven-month storage under conditions with ventilation system without control of humidity. The effect of site on tuber DM was significant at mid-early to mid-late (ME-ML) and ML-L in 2002, when it was the highest in tubers originated from Sombre; there was no effect on starch content. Presented study showed that high yields can be achieved by growing potato cultivars of different maturity groups and Čačak has been shown to be the site with good agro ecological conditions; ME-ML (with exemption of cv. Condor) and ML-L groups gave the highest yields of tubers with DM content sufficient for processing for French fry and chips.Dvogodišnja istraživanja (2001-2002) su izvođena sa ciljem da se prouči uticaj lokacija (Sombor, Čačak, Guča) na kojima je gajen krompir i grupe ranostasnosti deset sorti na prinos i promene kvaliteta krtola tokom višemesečnog skladištenja. Najveći broj krtola po biljci i najveća prosečna masa krtola zabeleženi su u Čačku, što je dalo i najviše prinose u obe godine istraživanja, dok su najmanje vrednosti zabeležene u Guči. Povoljne osobine zemljišta u Čačku imale su značajniju ulogu nego klimatski uslovi na porast i prinosnost krompira. Ranostasne sorte su dale najmanji broj krtola po biljci i najveću prosečnu masu krtola, dok su suprotni rezultati zabeleženi kod srednje-kasnih do kasnih sorti. Najveći udeo krtola kod kojih je najveća dužina >55 mm bio je konzistentno visok kod ranostasnih sorti. Na sve tri lokacije najveći prinos zabeležen je kod srednje-kasnih do kasnih sorti, kao i sadržaj suve materije (SM) na početku skladištenja (>20% u 2001, >21% u 2002), dok je kod ranostasnih bila lt 20% na nivou celog eksperimenta. Nakon dva i sedam meseci skladištenja sa ventilacijom i bez kontrolisane vlažnosti, zabeleženo je kontinuirano povećanje SM i smanjenje sadržaja skroba u suvoj materiji krtole. Uticaj lokacije na kojoj je gajen krompir bio je značajan 2002. godine, u okviru srednje-ranih do srednje-kasnih i srednje-kasnih do kasnih sorti, kada je najveći sadržaj SM zabeležen kod krtola biljaka gajenih u Somboru; uticaj na sadržaj skroba nije bio značajan. Razultati prikazanih istraživanja pokazali su da se gajenjem sorti sa različitom dužinom vegetacionog perioda na različitim lokacijama mogu postići visoki prinosi, a među njima Čačak ima agroekološke uslove koji najviše pogodiju proizvodnji krompira. Gajenjem srednje-ranih do srednje kasnih sorti (sa izuzetkom sorte Kondor) i srednje-kasnih do kasnih sorti postižu se najveći prinosi sa odgovarajućim sadržajem SM potrebnom za preradu u pomfrit i čips

    Viroze krompira

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    Over 30 plant viruses are known to cause potatoe diseases in their natural environment. The resulting crop damage can be economically signifi cant. The most widespread viruses are Potato virus Y (PVY), Potato leafroll virus (PLRV), Potato virus X (PVX), Potato virus A (PVA), Potato virus S (PVS) and Potato virus M (PVM). The presence of all these viruses has been confirmed in Serbia, however, the most important and economically damaging is PVY. Potato virus Y isolates from potato can be classified into the following three strain groups: PVYO - common, PVYN - necrotic, PVYC - stipple streak. Also present is a number of recombinant strains, among which PVYNTN - the causal agent of necrotic ringspot disease - is the most cited and economically important in the world, as well as in Serbia. The presence of these viruses manifests itselfas chlorosis, necrosis, colouring, leaf curling and ring necrosis of tubers. Potato virusesspread by using infected planting material or by aphids in a persistent or non-persistent manner. In order to control potato viruses integral measures need to be implemented, such as using virus-free tubers, destruction or avoidance of infection sources, crop rotation, elimination of internal infection sources, application of insecticides or mineral oils and a premature removal of vegetation.Krompir je domaćin više od 30 virusa, čije se prisustvo u biljkama ispoljava različitim simptomima. Štete koje virusi pričinjavaju krompiru su velike i zavise od vrste, soja virusa i njihove rasprostranjenosti. Ekonomski najštetniji virusi u našoj zemlji su Y virus (PVY) i virus uvijenosti lišča (PLRV). Osim ovih, potvrđeno je prisustvo i drugih, manje značajnih virusa kao što su: S virus (PVS), A virus (PVA), M virus (PVM) i X virus (PVX). Rezultati dosadašnjih istraživanja pokazuju da je u Srbiji najrašireniji i ekonomski najštetniji PVY odnosno nekrotični soj ovog virusa. U okviru ove vrste virusa opisane su tri soja: obični soj Y virusa (PVYO), nekrotični soj Y virusa (PVYN) i C soj (PVYC) i više rekombinantnih sojeva, od kojih je PVYNTN prouzrokovač prstenaste nekroze krtola krompira, najčešće pominjan, najrasprostranjeniji i ekonomski najštetniji u svetu, a i kod nas. Široko prisustvo PVY virusa u našim krompirištima daje opštu sliku simptoma. Tako se najčešći simtomi virusne zaraze ispoljavaju u vidu mozaika, šarenila lišća, crtičaste nekroze nervature lista. Združenom zarazom Y virusom i virusom uvijenosti lišća, simptomi se ispoljavaju uvijanjem liski krompira prema licu lista. Simptomi virusne zaraze se, uglavnom, ne javljaju na krtolama krompira osim simptoma koje prouzrokuje nekrotični soj Y virusa (PVYNTN) na krtolama nekih sorti. Važniji virusi krompira se prenose iz vegetacije u vegetaciju zaraženim sadnim materijalom (krtolama), a u toku vegetacije sa zaraženih na zdrave biljke vektorima, uglavnom biljnim vašima. Mere za suzbijanje viroza krompira zavise od namene proizvodnje krompira: konzumni ili semenski. Za suzbijanje viroza konzumnog krompra treba koristiti bezvirusan ili virusima zaražen sadni materijal u tolerantnim granicama. Suzbijanje viroza u proizvodnji semenskog krompira podrazumeva primenu kompleksa mera: sadnja bezvirusnih krtola, uništavanje ili izbegavanje izvora zaraze, plodored, uništavanje unutrašnjih izvora zaraze, primena insekticida i mineralnih ulja, prevremeni prekid vegetacije

    First record and morphological characteristics of the Balkan golden loach Sabanejewia balcanica (Cobitidae) in Montenegro

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    Background and Purpose: In June 2005 the Balkan golden loach Sabanejewia balcanica (Karaman, 1922) was found for the first time in Montenegro in the Lim river. Materials and Methods: Nine specimens were measured morphometrically and meristically. Seventeen morphometric characters were measured to the nearest 0.1mmwith callipers and four meristic characters were counted. Results: The habitats in which these specimens have been found belong to the barbell zone with clear water and gravel bottom (large stones, gravel and sand), and rarely below the roots of woody plants. In this locality, beside Balkan golden loach, 9 more species were found. Conclusions: This study is a contribution to dispersion and more detailed knowledge of morphological characteristics of Balkan golden loach

    Proizvodnja i potrebe za predosnovnim sadnim materijalom krompira u Republici Srbiji i Republici Srpskoj

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    Pre-basic seed potato material is used for basic seed (elite) and certified seed potato production. At this moment all basic seed material is imported into Republic of Serbia and Republic of Srpska, despite the fact that the method of in vitro tissue culture production of virus-free seed potato has been developed in both countries and there is a continuous demand for pre-basic and basic seed potato. Current total production is significantly lower than actual requirements. In the 80s and 90s of the previous century two modern facilities for production of virus-free seed potato and certified seed were built in Sokolac (Republic of Srpska) and Guča (Republic of Serbia). Although facilities were well-equipped, seed potato production was permanently ceased in 2000. The presence of high infection pressure dominated by potato virus Y is shown in the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Srpska. This paper gives an overview of pre-basic seed potato material production in both countries over the last two decades.Predosnovni sadni materijal su zdrave krtole koje služe za proizvodnju osnovnog sadnog materijala krompira (elita), a na bazi toga i certifikovanog sadnog materijala krompira. Iako u Republici Srbiji i Republici Srpskoj postoje stalne potrebe za pred-osnovnim i osnovnim semenskim krompirom, kao i dva centra za njegovu proizvodnju, osnovni sadni materijal (elita) se uvozi iz Holandije i drugih zemalja zapadne Evrope. Potrebe za pred-osnovnim odnosno osnovnim sadnim materijalom (elita) su znatno veće nego što je trenutna potrošnja. Osamdesetih i devedesetih godina prošlog veka osnovana su dva savremena centra u Sokolcu (Republika Srpska) i u Guči (Republika Srbija) sa ciljem proizvodnje pred-osnovnog semenskog krompira, odnosno elite i certifikovanog sadnog materijala. Iako su oba centra bila dobro opremljena, proizvodnja bezvirusnog krompira je trajno obustavljena. U radu je dat pregled dosadašnjih istraživanja o proizvodnji pred-osnovnog sadnog materijala krompira, uz pokušaj pronalaženja odgovora na pitanje zašto je proizvodnja u ovim zemljama ugašena

    Comparison of Aeroponics and Conventional Production System of Virus-free Potato Mini Tubers in Serbia

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    Virus free mini tubers are starting materials for the production of seed potatoes without the diseases. Conventionally, mini-tubers are produced from in vitro plants in various solid media. The aeroponics system refers to the process of growing plants in the air or in the fog environment without the use of soil or any other substrate. The aim of this study is to assess the application of aeroponics and conventional production system of virus-free potato mini tubers in Serbia. The experiment included three varieties of potatoes: Cleopatra, Kennebec and Agria. All three varieties were cultivated within two systems: aeroponics and conventional rooting in the substrate. In the aeroponics system, with all three varieties, an average of 17.87 mini tubers was obtained, which is 5.39 times more than in the conventional substrate. This ratio was the highest in the variety Kenebec (6.46), followed by Agria (5.71) and the lowest in Cleopatra (4.01). The average weight of mini tubers produced in the conventional substrate was higher by 3.49 g compared to the aeroponics system. The aeroponics system offers a potential opportunity to improve the production of mini potato tubers in Serbia

    Proizvodnja mini krtola krompira u aeroponik sistemu gajenja

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    At the micropropagation laboratory of the Potato Research Centre in Gucha, the following five virus-free in vitro potato cultivars are produced: 'Desiree', 'Kennebec', 'Agria', 'Cleopatra' and 'Sinora'. Acclimatized and rooted plants were transplanted and grown in the three production systems: 1) the aeroponic system, 2) the substrate system, and 3) a combination of the substrate and aeroponic systems. The results obtained indicate that the cultivation system exerts a significant effect on the number and the total yield of potato mini-tubers. In the aeroponic production system, 4.08 times as many mini-tubers were produced compared to the number of mini-tubers produced in the substrate system, whereas 1.29 times as many mini-tubers were produced compared to the number of mini-tubers produced in the combined production system (substrate + aeroponics). The aeroponic mini-tuber production system offers an opportunity to improve the production of seed potatoes in Serbia..Proizvodnja bezvirusnog semenskog krompira danas se odvija preko metode poznate kao kultura tkiva (mikropropagacija in vitro), čija je suština da se za relativno kratko vreme, i u kontrolisanim uslovima, dobije veliki broj bezvirusnih mini ili mikro krtola. U laboratoriji za mikropropagaciju Centru za krompir u Guči proizvedene su bezvirusne biljke in vitro pet sorti krompira: Desiree, Kennebec, Agria, Cleopatra i Sinora. Aklimatizovane i ožiljene biljke presađene su i gajene u tri sistema proizvodnje: 1) aeroponik, 2) u supstratu i 3) kombinaciji dva sistema gajenja (supstrat+aeroponik). Cilj rada je bio da se izvrši poređenje aeroponik sistema gajenja sa druga dva sistema proizvodnje mini krtola. Mini krtole u aeroponik sistemu posle 40-45 dana gajenja sukcesivno su ubirane u četiri roka berbe u intervalima od 10-15 dana. U ostala dva sistemima gajenja mini krtole su vađene na kraju vegetacionog perioda. Analiziran je broj mini krtola po m2, prosečna masa krtola i ukupan prinos. Najveći prosečan broj mini krtola utvrđen je kod sorte Desiree, dok je najmanji broj mini krtola zabeležen kod sorte Sinora i Cleopatra. Kod sorte Agria konstatovan je najveći prosečnan prinos mini krtola, a zatim kod sorte Kennebec. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da sistem gajenja značajno utiče broj mini krtola i ukupan prinos. Kod aeroponik sistema proizvodnje postignut je 4,08 puta veći broj mini krtola, u odnosu na broj mini krtola dobijen u supstratu, odnosno 1,29 puta veći broj mini krtola, u odnosu na kobinovani način proizvodnje (supstrata+aeroponik). Aeroponik sistem proizvodnje mini krtola nudi potencijalnu mogućnost za poboljšanje proizvodnje semenskog krompira u Srbiji

    Mikrobiološka aktivnost - indikator uticaja nikla na biogenost zemljišta

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    Our study showed that the Ni concentration of 2,0 mg Ni kg-1 soil significantly reduced the total number of microorganisms and the numbers of ammonifiers, actinomycetes and fungi. The number of Azotobacter was increased in the presence of Ni. The Ni concentration of 2,0 mg Ni kg-1 soil was decreased dehydrogenase activity in soil under the wheat, the sugerbeet and soyabean. DHA was increased in the presence of Ni in soil under the corn and the sunflower.Nikal u količini 2,0 mg Ni kg-1 zemljišta uticao je značajno na smanjenje ukupnog broja mikroorganizama, brojnost amonifikatora, gljiva i aktinomiceta u zemljištu pod svim ispitivanim biljnim vrstama. Međutim, nikal je uticao je pozitivno na brojnost Azotobacter-a, sem u zemljištu pod šećernom repom. Prisustvo nikla uticalo je na samanjenje DHA u zemljištu pod pšenicom, šećernom repom i sojom, ali u zemljištu pod kukuruzom i suncokretom aktivnost ovog enzima je povećana

    Primena klaster analize za ocenu selekcione vrednosti F1 sejanaca krompira

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    Possibilities of the application of the cluster analysis in selection of potato were analyzed in this paper. Experiments were conducted in a contemporary net house of the Potato Research Center at Guča during two years, 1999 and 2000. The population of 150 genotypes obtained after crosses between two Dutch varieties (Cosmos and Van Gogh) was used as a material for investigations. Values of six traits (leaf number per plant, total leaf area of plant, mean leaf area, chlorophyll content in leaves, yield index and tuber yield per plant) were measured in F1 seedlings. The hierachical cluster analysis was applied for the estimation of phenotipic diversity among seedlings. Seedlings were grouped in four clusters (A, B, C and D). The smallest cluster A contained two superior genotypes with the highest values of investigated traits. The tuber yield of clones from A-seedlings (507,07 g) overcame a mean tuber yield in the population of clones (144,27) about 3.5 times. The cluster analysis was proved to be a useful method for estimating selection values of F1 seedlings in early selection of potato. .Oplemenjivači biljaka odabiraju superiorne genotipove iz jedne generacije za zasnivanje naredne generacije na osnovu ocene fenotipskih vrednosti većeg broja poželjnih osobina. Pri odabiranju se javlja problem zato što biljke za neke poželjne osobine imaju dobre fenotipske vrednosti, a za druge imaju loše. Broj biljaka i sastav genotipova u odabranoj grupi sa kojom se nastavlja rad često zavisi od subjektivnog pristupa oplemenjivača. Međutim, oplemenjivačima stoji na raspolaganju klaster analiza koja omogućava objektivno grupisanje biljaka po vrednostima većeg broja osobina. U ovom radu postavljena je hipoteza da primena klaster analize omogućava oplemenjivačima izdvajanje grupe superiornih genotipova po željenim osobinama koje treba odabrati za dalji rad, kao i grupe slabih genotipova koje treba odbaciti. Za formiranje grupa genotipova po vrednostima šest poželjnih osobina korišćena je populacija F1 sejanaca krompira, a provera hipoteze izvršena u njihovom klonskom potomstvu na osnovu prinosa krtola. Utvrđeno je da su se sejanci krompira razdvojili u četiri klastera (A, B, C i D) čija su klonska potomstva imala vrlo različit prinos krtola. Da su potomstva različitih grupa imala sličan prinos krota, hipoteza bi bila odbačena. Zaključeno je da primena klaster analize pomaže oplemenjivačima da odaberu superiorne genotipove po željenim osobinama i da odrede kvantitet materijala koji ima vrednost za selekciju.

    Biološka fiksacija azota imperativ u sistemu održivosti

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    The information on the biological nitrogen fixation has been having an increasing application within the system of organic food production. The application of inoculates with certain groups of diazotrophs results in saving expensive mineral fertilizers, preserving soil biogeny, reducing financial inputs, which represents one of the major principles of sustainable agriculture. Bacterisation was performed with the liquid seed inoculum of the maize hybrid ZP SC 704 and the wheat variety Leda. The inoculum consisted of a mixture of selected diazotrophos and their highly effective strains. The following variants of mineral N fertilizers were used in the trial: control K, N1 - 80 kg ha-1, N2 - 120 kg ha-1. Values of parameters of soil biogeny (total number, abundance of diazotrophs, ammonifier, enzymic activities), were higher under bacterisation conditions in both plant species, and were accompanied with higher grain yields. There were no significant differences in value increases of investigated parameters between fertilizing variants N1 and N2 hence it can be concluded that the application of bacterisation can rationalize the utilization of mineral fertilizers, what is of a significance for sustainable agriculture.Koncept održive poljoprivrede podrazumeva proizvodnju biološki ispravne hrane uz očuvanje agroekološke ravnoteže, gde pored uloge i značaja agrotehničkih mera, sve veći značaj imaju i mikroorganizmi. U proizvodnji zdravstevno bezbedne hrane sve se više primenjuju i saznanja o biološkoj fiksaciji azota. U istraživanjima je obavljena bakterizacija tečnim inokulumom semena kukuruza ZP SC 677. U inokulumu se nalazila smeša odabranih vrsta diazotrofa i njihovih visikoefektivnih sojeva: -Azotobacter chroococcum soj 84; 2-Azospirillum lipoferum soj 2; 3-Klebsiella planticola soj 4; 4 -1 + 2 + 3 + Bacillus megaterium + Azotobacter vinelandi + Bacillus subtilis; 5 - 1 + 3 + Bacillus megaterium + Azotobacter vineland i+ Bacillus subtilis. U ogledu je obavljeno đubrenje mineralnim azotnim đubrivima: bez đubrenja - kontrola K, N1-30, N2-60, N3-80 i N4-80 kg N.ha-1. Vrednosti pokazatelja biogenosti zemljišta (ukupan broj, brojnost Azotobactera, bakterija iz ciklusa kruženja fosfora), u uslovima bakterizacije zavisile su od doza primenjenog mineralnog azota, kao što je zavisila i visina prinosa zrna. Najveće vrednosti ispitivanih parametara utvrđene su pri đubrenju sa 60 i 90 kg N.ha-1,te se može zaključiti da bi se primenom bakterizacije mogla racionisati upotreba azotnih mineralnih đubriva, što je svakako značajno s gledišta održive poljoprivrede

    First Report of Pseudomonas syringae pv. coriandricola Causing Bacterial Leaf Spot on Carrot, Parsley, and Parsnip in Serbia

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    During the spring of 2014, a severe leaf spot disease was observed on carrot (Daucus carota), parsley (Petroselinum crispum), and parsnip (Pastinaca sativa) on a 0.5-ha vegetable farm in Vojvodina Province, Serbia. The disease appeared under wet and cool conditions with 5 to 25% of plants infected for each of the three crops. Symptoms were characterized as brown angular leaf spots, ~2 mm in diameter, often limited by veins. Collected symptomatic leaves were rinsed and dried at room temperature, and leaf sections taken from the margin of necrotic tissue were macerated in sterile phosphate buffer and streaked onto nutrient agar with 5% (w/v) sucrose (NAS). After isolation, whitish, circular, dome-shaped, Levan-positive colonies consistently formed. Five strains from each host (carrot, parsley, and parsnip) were used for further study. Strains were gram-negative, aerobic, and positive for catalase and tobacco hypersensitive reaction but negative for oxidase, rot of potato slices, and arginine dihydrolase. These reactions corresponded to LOPAT group Ia, which includes Pseudomonas syringae pathovars (3). Repetitive extragenic palindromic sequence (Rep)-PCR fingerprint profiles using the REP, ERIC, and BOX primers (4) were identical for all strains. Sequence typing of the housekeeping genes gyrB and rpoD (1) was performed for three representative strains (one from each host). Sequences were deposited in the NCBI GenBank database as accessions KM979434 to KM979436 (strains from carrot, parsnip, and parsley, respectively) for the gyrB gene and KM979437 to KM979439 (strains from parsnip, parsley and carrot, respectively) for the rpoD gene. Sequences were compared with pathotype strain Pseudomonas syringae pv. coriandricola ICMP12471 deposited in the Plant Associated and Environmental Microbes Database (http://genome.ppws.vt.edu/cgi-bin/MLST/home.pl). BLAST analysis revealed 100% homology for gyrB and 99% homology for rpoD. Pathogenicity was tested with five representative strains from each host on four-week-old plants of carrot (cv. Nantes), parsley (cv. NS Molski), and parsnip (cv. Dugi beli glatki) using two methods: spraying the bacterial suspension (108 CFU ml−1) on the leaves until runoff (5) and injecting the bacterial suspension into leaves with a hypodermic syringe (2). Four plants were used per strain and method. Sterile distilled water was applied as a negative control treatment for each plant species. All plants were kept in a mist room with 100% humidity for 4 h, then transferred to a greenhouse at 25°C and 80% relative humidity and examined for symptom development over a period of three weeks. For all strains, inoculated leaves first developed water-soaked lesions on the leaves 5 to 7 days after inoculation (DAI); 14 DAI lesions became dark brown, often surrounded by haloes. No symptoms were observed on control plants inoculated with sterile distilled water. For fulfillment of Koch's postulates, re-isolations were done onto NAS. Re-isolated bacteria were obtained from each inoculated host and confirmed to be identical to the original isolates using the LOPAT tests and Rep-PCR fingerprinting profiles. Based on the pathogenicity test accompanied by completion of Koch's postulates, sequence analysis, and bacteriological tests, the strains were identified as P. s. pv. coriandricola. To our knowledge, this is the first report of bacterial leaf spot of carrot, parsley, and parsnip in Serbia. It may present a threat to production due to quality requirements for fresh market