7 research outputs found

    Quantum theory of microworld and the reality

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    The mathematical model of orthodox quantum mechanics has been critically examined and some deficiencies have been summarized. The model based on the extended Hilbert space and free of these shortages has been proposed; parameters being until now denoted as "hidden" have been involved. Some earlier arguments against a hidden-variable theory have been shown to be false, too. In the known Einstein-Bohr controversy Einstein has been shown to be true. The extended model seems to be strongly supported also by the polarization experiments performed by us ten years ago.Comment: 30 pages, 1 figur

    Three-dimensional harmonic oscillator and time evolution in quantum mechanics

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    The problem of defining time (or phase) operator for three-dimensional harmonic oscillator has been analyzed. A new formula for this operator has been derived. The results have been used to demonstrate a possibility of representing quantum-mechanical time evolution in the framework of an extended Hilbert space structure. Physical interpretation of the extended structure has been discussed shortly, too.Comment: 14 pages; submitted to Phys Rev

    Physical theory of the twentieth century and contemporary philosophy

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    It has been shown that the criticism of Pauli as well as of Susskind and Glogover may be avoided if the standard quantum-mechanical mathematical model has been suitably extended. There is not more any reason for Einstein's citicism, either, if in addition to some new results concerning Bell's inequalities and Belifante's argument are taken into account. The ensemble interpretation of quantum mechanics (or the hidden-variable theory) should be preferred, which is also supported by the already published results of experiments with three polarizers. Greater space in the text has been devoted also to the discussion of epistemological problems and some philosophical consequences.Comment: 12 page

    11th German Conference on Chemoinformatics (GCC 2015)

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