4 research outputs found

    Bias in memory of war in Croatia (1991-1995): psychological processes in the creation of historical narratives

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    Međuetnički sukobi nemaju za posledicu isključivo ljudske žrtve i materijalna stradanja, već i trvenja oko razumevanja njegovih uzroka i učesnika. U ovim situacijama, uverenje da je „naše” tumačenje istorije pravo tumačenje se manifestuje kroz različite pokušaje nametanja verzije prošlosti koja odgovara interesima sopstvene grupe – prošlost sada postaje „arena” u kojoj se nacije sukobe na simboličkom planu. U našem istraživanju, hteli smo da proverimo koliko su ovi stavovi izraženi prilikom analize dva postkonfliktna društva – Srbije i Hrvatske, na temu skorašnje istorije sukoba tj. rata u Hrvatskoj 1991-1995 godine. Osnovni cilj ovog rada jeste bila analiza pokazatelja pristrasnosti u istorijskim narativima o skorašnjoj istoriji sukoba i proučavanje psihičkih faktora koji pojedinca motivišu da zastupa jednostrane predstave prošlosti. Sproveli smo tri studije različite opštosti. Prva studija je podrazumevala sistematski pregled literature o udžbeničkim pristrasnostima na prostoru Srbije i Hrvatske, kao i analizu sadržaja testova znanja i nastavnih planova i programa. Pokazali smo kako se obrazovno institucionalizovani narativi u ove dve države nalaze u krugu međusobnog opovrgavanja, kroz delegitimizaciju suparničke etničke grupe i naglasku na sopstvena stradanja. Druga studija je zamišljena kao komparacija srpskog i hrvatskog uzorka kroz sistematizaciju postojećih nalaza o remetilačkom uticaju pojedinih antagonističkih uverenja. Pružili smo model koji se adekvatno pokazao na oba etnička poduzorka i ukazali smo na najznačajnije psihičke faktore koji stoje u osnovi zastupanja jednostranih istorijskih narativa. Na kraju, treću studiju smo sproveli kako bismo pružili kauzalnu potvrdu za naš model. Podaci su dosledno potvrdili uticaj sržnih elemenata modela na stepen prihvatanja informacija koje su u skladu sa uvreženim (i pristrasnim) istorijskim narativom. Na kraju, posebnu pažnju smo posvetili implikacijama nalaza za postojeću literaturu, ograničenjima našeg istraživanja i smernicama za buduće studije.Consequences of inter-ethnic conflicts are not constrained to human casualties and material suffering, but also include frictions regarding the understanding of its causes and participants. In these situations, the belief that "our" interpretation of history is the right interpretation manifests itself through various attempts to impose a version of the past that suits the interests of one's own group – the past becomes an "arena" in which nations clash on a symbolic level. In our research, we wanted to examine how much are these ideas present in our analysis of two post-conflict societies – Serbia and Croatia, regarding the recent conflict, i.e. war in Croatia (1991-1995). The main goal of this work was the analysis of indicators of bias in historical narratives about the recent history of the conflict and the study of psychological factors that motivate an individual to represent one-sided representations of the past. We conducted three studies of varying generality. The first study included a systematic review of the literature on textbook bias in Serbia and Croatia, as well as content analysis of graduation and entrance tests and curricula. We have shown how the educationally institutionalized narratives in these two countries are in a circle of mutual refutation, through the delegitimization of the rival ethnic group and the emphasis on in-group suffering. The second study was conceived as a comparison of the Serbian and Croatian samples through the systematization of existing findings regarding the disruptive influence of certain antagonistic beliefs. We provided a model that proved adequate for both ethnic sub-samples and we pointed out the most significant psychological factors underlying the level of acceptance of one-sided historical narratives. Finally, we conducted a third study to provide causal validation of our model. The data consistently confirmed the influence of the core model elements on the degree of acceptance of information that is consistent with the entrenched (and biased) historical narrative. Finally, we provided particular attention to the implications of the findings for the existing literature, limitations of our research and directions for future studies. Keywords: historical narratives, educational institutionalization of memories, moral exclusion, conflict ethos, FENC

    Bias in memory of war in Croatia (1991-1995): psychological processes in the creation of historical narratives

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    Međuetnički sukobi nemaju za posledicu isključivo ljudske žrtve i materijalna stradanja, već i trvenja oko razumevanja njegovih uzroka i učesnika. U ovim situacijama, uverenje da je „naše” tumačenje istorije pravo tumačenje se manifestuje kroz različite pokušaje nametanja verzije prošlosti koja odgovara interesima sopstvene grupe – prošlost sada postaje „arena” u kojoj se nacije sukobe na simboličkom planu. U našem istraživanju, hteli smo da proverimo koliko su ovi stavovi izraženi prilikom analize dva postkonfliktna društva – Srbije i Hrvatske, na temu skorašnje istorije sukoba tj. rata u Hrvatskoj 1991-1995 godine. Osnovni cilj ovog rada jeste bila analiza pokazatelja pristrasnosti u istorijskim narativima o skorašnjoj istoriji sukoba i proučavanje psihičkih faktora koji pojedinca motivišu da zastupa jednostrane predstave prošlosti. Sproveli smo tri studije različite opštosti. Prva studija je podrazumevala sistematski pregled literature o udžbeničkim pristrasnostima na prostoru Srbije i Hrvatske, kao i analizu sadržaja testova znanja i nastavnih planova i programa. Pokazali smo kako se obrazovno institucionalizovani narativi u ove dve države nalaze u krugu međusobnog opovrgavanja, kroz delegitimizaciju suparničke etničke grupe i naglasku na sopstvena stradanja. Druga studija je zamišljena kao komparacija srpskog i hrvatskog uzorka kroz sistematizaciju postojećih nalaza o remetilačkom uticaju pojedinih antagonističkih uverenja. Pružili smo model koji se adekvatno pokazao na oba etnička poduzorka i ukazali smo na najznačajnije psihičke faktore koji stoje u osnovi zastupanja jednostranih istorijskih narativa. Na kraju, treću studiju smo sproveli kako bismo pružili kauzalnu potvrdu za naš model. Podaci su dosledno potvrdili uticaj sržnih elemenata modela na stepen prihvatanja informacija koje su u skladu sa uvreženim (i pristrasnim) istorijskim narativom. Na kraju, posebnu pažnju smo posvetili implikacijama nalaza za postojeću literaturu, ograničenjima našeg istraživanja i smernicama za buduće studije.Consequences of inter-ethnic conflicts are not constrained to human casualties and material suffering, but also include frictions regarding the understanding of its causes and participants. In these situations, the belief that "our" interpretation of history is the right interpretation manifests itself through various attempts to impose a version of the past that suits the interests of one's own group – the past becomes an "arena" in which nations clash on a symbolic level. In our research, we wanted to examine how much are these ideas present in our analysis of two post-conflict societies – Serbia and Croatia, regarding the recent conflict, i.e. war in Croatia (1991-1995). The main goal of this work was the analysis of indicators of bias in historical narratives about the recent history of the conflict and the study of psychological factors that motivate an individual to represent one-sided representations of the past. We conducted three studies of varying generality. The first study included a systematic review of the literature on textbook bias in Serbia and Croatia, as well as content analysis of graduation and entrance tests and curricula. We have shown how the educationally institutionalized narratives in these two countries are in a circle of mutual refutation, through the delegitimization of the rival ethnic group and the emphasis on in-group suffering. The second study was conceived as a comparison of the Serbian and Croatian samples through the systematization of existing findings regarding the disruptive influence of certain antagonistic beliefs. We provided a model that proved adequate for both ethnic sub-samples and we pointed out the most significant psychological factors underlying the level of acceptance of one-sided historical narratives. Finally, we conducted a third study to provide causal validation of our model. The data consistently confirmed the influence of the core model elements on the degree of acceptance of information that is consistent with the entrenched (and biased) historical narrative. Finally, we provided particular attention to the implications of the findings for the existing literature, limitations of our research and directions for future studies. Keywords: historical narratives, educational institutionalization of memories, moral exclusion, conflict ethos, FENC

    Application of SysML on a simplified model of an air surveillance radar / Применение языка SysML на упрощенной модели радиолокационного наблюдения / Primena SysML na pojednostavljen model osmatračkog radara

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    Systems Modeling Language (SysML) is a Unified Modeling Language (UML) profile intended for application in systems engineering. This text is inspired by lack of literature on SysML in Serbian language. Its goal is to introduce this interesting modeling language to the engineering and academic community, with a special emphasis on the differences from UML. An overview is given, using an original example – a simplified model of an air surveillance radar. A short analysis of practical aspects of SysML is made – its scope of acceptance, the prospects of its further application, etc. We concluded that SysML is a useful, accepted and promising modeling language. / Systems Modeling Language (SysML) представляет собой профиль Unified Modeling Language (UML), предназначенный для применения в системной инженерии. Недостаток литературы о SysML на сербском языке подтолкнул автора данной статьи к ее написанию, с целью представления этого интересного языка моделирования инженерному и академическому сообществу, при этом подчеркиваются различия между языками SysML и UML. Описание профиля приведено на основании конкретного примера – упрощенной модели радиолокационного наблюдения. Проведен краткий анализ практических аспектов SysML о его внедрении, перспективах дальнейшего применения и пр. В заключении приведены выводы о полезности применения языка SysML, его употребляемости и благоприятных перспективах в связи с его внедрением. / Systems Modeling Language (SysML) jeste profil Unified Modeling Language (UML) namenjen za upotrebu u sistemskom inženjerstvu. Ovaj tekst inspirisan je manjkom literature o SysML-u na srpskom jeziku, a ima za cilj upoznavanje inženjerske i akademske zajednice sa ovim interesantním jezikom za modelovanje, pri čemu su posebno naglašene razlike u odnosu na UML. Opis je dat kroz konkretan originalan primer - pojednostavljen model osmatračkog radara. Ukratko su analizirani praktični aspekti SysML-a - koliko je prihvaćen, kakva je perspektiva njegove dalje primene, itd. Može se zaključiti da je SysML koristan, prihvaćen i perspektivan jezik za modelovanje

    Controlling the thermal environment of underground power cables adjacent to heating pipeline using the pavement surface radiation properties

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    This paper shows how the pavement surface radiation properties can be used to control the thermal environment of 110 kV underground cables in order to increase their ampacity. It is assumed that the ampacity is additionally affected by the cable bedding size and an underground heating pipeline. Thanks to an experimental apparatus, some useful data were collected for the validation of two different finite element method based models that predict the effect of the pavement surface radiation properties on the cable ampacity. The first model corresponds to the experimental apparatus and actual indoor conditions, while the second one corresponds to the theoretical case and assumed outdoor conditions (taking into account the thermal effects of solar radiation, cable bedding size, and heating pipeline). This paper examines two possible cases of outdoor conditions, one corresponding to summer period (the most unfavorable ambient conditions) and another one corresponding to winter period (the most common winter conditions in Serbia). This proposed new method is based on the experimental data and generalized using the finite element method in COMSOL. It is found that the ampacity of the considered 110 kV cable line can be increased up to 25.4 % for the most unfavorable ambient conditions and up to 8 % for the most common winter conditions. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. TR33046