8,557 research outputs found

    Searching for annihilation radiation from SN 1006 with SPI on INTEGRAL

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    Historical Type Ia supernovae are a leading candidate for the source of positrons observed through their diffuse annihilation emission in the Galaxy. However, search for annihilation emission from individual Type Ia supernovae has not been possible before the improved sensitivity of \integral. The total 511 keV annihilation flux from individual SNe Ia, as well as their contribution to the overall diffuse emission, depends critically on the escape fraction of positrons produced in 56^{56}Co decays. Late optical light curves suggest that this fraction may be as high as 5%. We searched for positron annihilation radiation from the historical Type Ia supernova SN 1006 using the SPI instrument on \integral. We did not detect significant 511 keV line emission, with a 3σ\sigma flux upper limit of 0.59 x 10−4^{-4} ergs cm^-2 s^-1 for \wsim 1 Msec exposure time, assuming a FWHM of 2.5 keV. This upper limit corresponds to a 7.5% escape fraction, 50% higher than the expected 5% escape scenario, and rules out the possibility that Type Ia supernovae produce all of the positrons in the Galaxy (~ 12% escape fraction), if the mean positron lifetime is less than 105^{5} years. Future observations with \integral will provide stronger limits on the escape fraction of positrons, the mean positron lifetime, and the contribution of Type Ia supernovae to the overall positron content of the Galaxy.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Caring in Kent: Patterns and Profiles, Evidence from the Kent Health and Lifestyle Survey, 2005

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    The ‘Caring in Kent’ report draws on the results of a Kent wide ‘Health and Lifestyle Survey’ conducted in 2005; this included a module on caring. This enables a picture of caring to be reported including: a general profile of carers, levels and types of care-giving, carers’ health, and the level and types of support they receive. ‘Carers provide unpaid care by looking after an ill, frail or disabled family member, friend or partner’. The increasingly recognised importance of the role of the ‘informal carer’ is - in good part - due to the rising proportion of older people in the UK population. Not only do people live longer but many experience a number of chronic conditions; these require support from family members if the older person is to remain living in the community

    New Constraints on the Energetics, Progenitor Mass, and Age of the Supernova Remnant G292.0+1.8 Containing PSR J1124-5916

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    We present spatially resolved spectroscopy of the supernova remnant (SNR) G292.0+1.8 with the Chandra X-ray observatory. This SNR contains the 135 ms pulsar, J1124-5916. We apply non-equilibrium ionization (NEI) models to the data. By comparing the derived abundances with those predicted from nucleosynthesis models, we estimate a progenitor mass of 30-40 solar masses. We also derive the intrinsic parameters of the supernova explosion such as its energy, the age of the SNR, the blast wave velocity, and the swept-up mass. In the Sedov interpretation, our estimated SNR age of 2,600 years is close to the pulsar's characteristic age of 2,900 years. This confirms the pulsar/SNR association and relaxes the need for the pulsar to have a non-canonical value for the braking index, a large period at birth or a large transverse velocity. We discuss the properties of the pulsar wind nebula (PWN) in the light of the Kennel and Coroniti model and estimate the pulsar wind magnetization parameter. We also report the first evidence for steepening of the power law spectral index with increasing radius from the pulsar.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. To appear in ApJL, Feb 1 2003 (submitted Oct 9 2002, accepted Dec 19 2002

    Radiative Transfer on Perturbations in Protoplanetary Disks

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    We present a method for calculating the radiative tranfer on a protoplanetary disk perturbed by a protoplanet. We apply this method to determine the effect on the temperature structure within the photosphere of a passive circumstellar disk in the vicinity of a small protoplanet of up to 20 Earth masses. The gravitational potential of a protoplanet induces a compression of the disk material near it, resulting in a decrement in the density at the disk's surface. Thus, an isodensity contour at the height of the photosphere takes on the shape of a well. When such a well is illuminated by stellar irradiation at grazing incidence, it results in cooling in a shadowed region and heating in an exposed region. For typical stellar and disk parameters relevant to the epoch of planet formation, we find that the temperature variation due to a protoplanet at 1 AU separation from its parent star is about 4% (5 K) for a planet of 1 Earth mass, about 14% (19 K) for planet of 10 Earth masses, and about 18% (25 K) for planet of 20 Earth masses, We conclude that even such relatively small protoplanets can induce temperature variations in a passive disk. Therefore, many of the processes involved in planet formation should not be modeled with a locally isothermal equation of state.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures (including 3 color figs). Submitted to Ap

    Radio Emission from the Composite Supernova Remnant G326.3-1.8 (MSH15-56)

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    High resolution radio observations of the composite supernova remnant (SNR) G326.3-1.8 or MSH 15-56 with the Australia Telescope Compact Array show details of both the shell and the bright plerion which is offset about 1/3 of the distance from the center of the SNR to the shell. The shell appears to be composed of thin filaments, typical of older shell SNRs. The central part of the elongated plerion is composed of a bundle of parallel ridges which bulge out at the ends and form a distinct ring structure on the northwestern end. The magnetic field with a strength of order 45 microGauss, is directed along the axis of the ridges but circles around the northwestern ring. This plerion is large and bright in the radio but is not detected in x-ray or optical wavelengths. There is, however, a faint hard x-ray feature closer to the shell outside the plerion. Perhaps if the supernova explosion left a rapidly moving magnetar with large energy input but initially rapid decay of both relativistic particles and magnetic field, the observed differences with wavelength could be explained.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, accepted by Ap

    Far-flung Filaments of Ejecta in the Young Supernova Remnant G292.0+1.8

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    New optical images of the young SNR G292.0+1.8, obtained from the 0.9-m telescope at CTIO, show a more extensive network of filaments than had been known previously. Filaments emitting in [O III] are distributed throughout much of the 8 arcmin diameter shell seen in X-ray and radio images, including a few at the very outermost shell limits. We have also detected four small complexes of filaments that show [S II] emission along with [OIII]. In a single long-slit spectrum we find variations of almost an order of magnitude in the relative strengths of oxygen and sulfur lines, which must result from abundance variations. None of the filaments, with or without [S II], shows any evidence for hydrogen, so all appear to be fragments of pure SN ejecta. The [S II] filaments provide the first evidence for undiluted products of oxygen burning in the ejecta from the supernova that gave rise to G292.0+1.8. Some oxygen burning must have occurred, but the paucity of [S II]-emitting filaments suggests that either the oxygen burning was not extensive or that most of its products have yet to be excited. Most of the outer filaments exhibit radial, pencil-like morphologies that suggest an origin as Rayleigh-Taylor fingers of ejecta, perhaps formed during the explosion. Simulations of core-collapse supernovae predict such fingers, but these have never before been so clearly observed in a young SNR. The total flux from the SNR in [OIII] 5007 is 5.4 * 10**-12 ergs/cm**2/s. Using a distance of 6 kpc and an extinction correction corresponding to E(B-V) = 0.6 (lower than previous values but more consistent both with our data and radio and X-ray estimates of NH), this leads to a luminosity of 1.6 * 10**35 ergs/s in the 5007 Ang. line.Comment: 32 pages including 10 figures, and 3 tables, accepted for publication in AJ. Vol 132, July 2006. Higher resolution versions of the figures and a pdf of the manuscript can be found at http://www-int.stsci.edu/~long/papers/g292_optical
