6,061 research outputs found
Integrating remote sensing datasets into ecological modelling: a Bayesian approach
Process-based models have been used to simulate 3-dimensional complexities of
forest ecosystems and their temporal changes, but their extensive data
requirement and complex parameterisation have often limited their use for
practical management applications. Increasingly, information retrieved using
remote sensing techniques can help in model parameterisation and data
collection by providing spatially and temporally resolved forest information. In
this paper, we illustrate the potential of Bayesian calibration for integrating such
data sources to simulate forest production. As an example, we use the 3-PG
model combined with hyperspectral, LiDAR, SAR and field-based data to
simulate the growth of UK Corsican pine stands. Hyperspectral, LiDAR and
SAR data are used to estimate LAI dynamics, tree height and above ground
biomass, respectively, while the Bayesian calibration provides estimates of
uncertainties to model parameters and outputs. The Bayesian calibration
contrasts with goodness-of-fit approaches, which do not provide uncertainties
to parameters and model outputs. Parameters and the data used in the
calibration process are presented in the form of probability distributions,
reflecting our degree of certainty about them. After the calibration, the
distributions are updated. To approximate posterior distributions (of outputs
and parameters), a Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling approach is used (25
000 steps). A sensitivity analysis is also conducted between parameters and
outputs. Overall, the results illustrate the potential of a Bayesian framework for
truly integrative work, both in the consideration of field-based and remotely
sensed datasets available and in estimating parameter and model output uncertainties
IC 4406: a radio-infrared view
IC 4406 is a large (about 100'' x 30'') southern bipolar planetary nebula,
composed of two elongated lobes extending from a bright central region, where
there is evidence for the presence of a large torus of gas and dust. We show
new observations of this source performed with IRAC (Spitzer Space Telescope)
and the Australia Telescope Compact Array. The radio maps show that the flux
from the ionized gas is concentrated in the bright central region and
originates in a clumpy structure previously observed in H_alpha, while in the
infrared images filaments and clumps can be seen in the extended nebular
envelope, the central region showing toroidal emission. Modeling of the
infrared emission leads to the conclusion that several dust components are
present in the nebula.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical
Journal; v.2 has changes in both figures and content; preprint forma
Summation and transformation formulas for elliptic hypergeometric series
Using matrix inversion and determinant evaluation techniques we prove several
summation and transformation formulas for terminating, balanced,
very-well-poised, elliptic hypergeometric series.Comment: 21 pages, AMS-LaTe
Radio Emission from the Composite Supernova Remnant G326.3-1.8 (MSH15-56)
High resolution radio observations of the composite supernova remnant (SNR)
G326.3-1.8 or MSH 15-56 with the Australia Telescope Compact Array show details
of both the shell and the bright plerion which is offset about 1/3 of the
distance from the center of the SNR to the shell. The shell appears to be
composed of thin filaments, typical of older shell SNRs. The central part of
the elongated plerion is composed of a bundle of parallel ridges which bulge
out at the ends and form a distinct ring structure on the northwestern end. The
magnetic field with a strength of order 45 microGauss, is directed along the
axis of the ridges but circles around the northwestern ring. This plerion is
large and bright in the radio but is not detected in x-ray or optical
wavelengths. There is, however, a faint hard x-ray feature closer to the shell
outside the plerion. Perhaps if the supernova explosion left a rapidly moving
magnetar with large energy input but initially rapid decay of both relativistic
particles and magnetic field, the observed differences with wavelength could be
explained.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, accepted by Ap
Bernoulli type polynomials on Umbral Algebra
The aim of this paper is to investigate generating functions for modification
of the Milne-Thomson's polynomials, which are related to the Bernoulli
polynomials and the Hermite polynomials. By applying the Umbral algebra to
these generating functions, we provide to deriving identities for these
Evidence of a Curved Synchrotron Spectrum in the Supernova Remnant SN 1006
A joint spectral analysis of some Chandra ACIS X-ray data and Molonglo
Observatory Synthesis Telescope radio data was performed for 13 small regions
along the bright northeastern rim of the supernova remnant SN 1006. These data
were fitted with a synchrotron radiation model. The nonthermal electron
spectrum used to compute the photon emission spectra is the traditional
exponentially cut off power law, with one notable difference: The power-law
index is not a constant. It is a linear function of the logarithm of the
momentum. This functional form enables us to show, for the first time, that the
synchrotron spectrum of SN 1006 seems to flatten with increasing energy. The
effective power-law index of the electron spectrum is 2.2 at 1 GeV (i.e., radio
synchrotron-emitting momenta) and 2.0 at about 10 TeV (i.e., X-ray
synchrotron-emitting momenta). This amount of change in the index is
qualitatively consistent with theoretical models of the amount of curvature in
the proton spectrum of the remnant. The evidence of spectral curvature implies
that cosmic rays are dynamically important instead of being "test" particles.
The spectral analysis also provides a means of determining the critical
frequency of the synchrotron spectrum associated with the highest-energy
electrons. The critical frequency seems to vary along the northeastern rim,
with a maximum value of 1.1e17 (0.6e17 - 2.1e17) Hz. This value implies that
the electron diffusion coefficient can be no larger than a factor of ~4.5-21
times the Bohm diffusion coefficient if the velocity of the forward shock is in
the range 2300-5000 km/s. Since the coefficient is close to the Bohm limit,
electrons are accelerated nearly as fast as possible in the regions where the
critical frequency is about 1.0e17 Hz.Comment: 41 pages, 8 figures, accepted by Ap
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