747 research outputs found

    The mechanisms of pedestrian slip on flooring contaminated with solid particles

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    Statistics by the UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) suggest that slips, trips and falls account for up to one in three major workplace accidents. The vast majority of these accidents are the result of contaminant (fluid or solid) within the shoe-floor contact. Though the lubrication mechanisms for liquid contaminants within the contact are well understood, the same cannot be said for particulate contaminants. This paper considers the key parameters controlling friction in a shoe-floor contact contaminated with various particles of different diameters and shape factors and floors with different roughness values (Rz). Experiments were conducted using a Stanley Pendulum Tester, which is the floor friction tester recommended by the HSE. Results suggest that the adhesive friction is significantly affected by particulate contaminants, while the hysteretic component is not. Three lubrication mechanisms identified as sliding, shearing and rolling have been observed depending on floor roughness, particle size and shape factor and have been plotted in a simple map to predict behaviour

    Life beyond ritual? Preserving the shamanic performance arts in South Korea today.

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    An overview of the remaining topic teams: Innovative Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities, Campus Climate, and Faculty Roles and Structure

    An ultrasonic method for measuring fluid penetration rate into threaded contacts

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    Various methods have been employed to study the efficacy of multipurpose penetrating oils but these techniques do not investigate the rate which these oils penetrate surfaces. This paper outlines a novel, non-invasive ultrasonic method that provides a direct means of mapping fluid penetration in threaded systems. An apparatus with piezoelectric elements was developed to pulse ultrasonic waves into a nut specimen where the waves reflected from the threaded interface. The reflected signal amplitude shifted as fluid penetrated the thread, allowing the fluid to be mapped to provide a measure of ingress rate. The results for three fluid samples are presented. Measurements suggest the fluid tracks helically down the unloaded side of the thread and radially into the loaded thread surfaces

    Piezoelectric sensors to monitor lubricant film thickness at piston-cylinder contacts in a fired engine

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    The contact between the piston ring and cylinder liner is the most important sealing interface in an automotive engine. Understanding the contact interactions and lubricant film formation at this interface is crucial for the development of fuel-efficient and low emission engines. This article outlines the development of an ultrasonic approach to enable non-invasive measurement of the lubricant film thickness formed between piston and cylinder wall of a fired engine. The sensor system consisted of a series of small, low cost piezoelectric elements which were bonded to the external surface of a four-stroke, single-cylinder engine. Each element could be individually energised with a short duration voltage pulse and reflections from the cylinder inner bore recorded. By using high frequency pulsing and data capture it proved possible to image individual ring and skirt contacts at full engine speeds. These captured reflections were processed to give lubricant film thickness directly and without the need for independent calibration. The results show good repeatability between cycle sets at specific running conditions. The lubricant films at each of the ring contacts can be measured at sufficient resolution such that individual rails of the oil control ring can be monitored. In addition, the film generated at the skirt was measured, the results from which, suggest the occurrence of ‘piston slap’ and highlight the potential for this ultrasonic method to enable indirect measurements of piston secondary dynamics

    Non-invasive measurement of lubricating oil viscosity using an ultrasonic continuously repeated chirp shear wave

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    The ability to monitor the viscosity of lubricating oils within metallic products is of interest to many industries, these being the automotive, aerospace and food industries to name a few. Acoustic mismatch at the metallic-liquid interface restricts ultrasonic signal transmission and so limits applicability and sensitivity of the technique. In this work, we propose the use of a continuously repeated chirp (CRC) shear wave to amplify the measurable acoustic response to liquid viscosity. The technique enables multiple reflections to superimpose inside the component and form a quasi-static standing wave whose amplitude spectrum depends on the condition at the solid-liquid boundary. Bare element shear ultrasonic transducers of 5 MHz resonant frequency were bonded to the lower surface of an aluminium plate in a pitch-catch arrangement to measure liquid in contact with the upper surface. Transducers were pulsed using a continuously repeated frequency sweep, from 0.5 to 9.5 MHz over 10 ms. The amplitude spectrum of the resulting standing wave was observed for a series of standard viscosity oils, which served as a calibration procedure, from which the standing wave reflection coefficient (S), was obtained. Measurements of 17 blended oils ranging in viscosity from 1080 to 6.7 mPa s were made. The technique was also evaluated with the addition of a polyimide matching layer (ML) between the metallic and liquid interface. Ultrasonic viscosity measurement values were then compared to measurements made using a conventional laboratory viscometer. The CRC method was found to significantly improve the sensitivity of viscosity measurement at a metal-liquid interface when compared to a single frequency burst with the benefit of low cost signal generation and acquisition hardware requirements. The CRC method is also capable of instant rapid response measurements as the signal responds in real time without the need to wait for a returning pulse

    Non-contact measurement of the thickness of a surface film using a superimposed ultrasonic standing wave

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    Most methods used to measure the thickness of thin liquid or solid surface films and coatings need access to the coated surface. In this work reflected ultrasonic pulses were used to measure a coating thickness from a solid back face. Piezoelectric transducers on the solid back face emitted ultrasound waves and received the waves that bounced off the front face. The magnitude of the reflected wave was dependent on the film thickness at the front face. Most pulse-echo ultrasonic approaches use the time-of-flight through the surface layer to determine its thickness. However, as the film becomes thinner, the reflected echoes overlap and there is often an acoustic mismatch between the solid and the surface film that reduces the signal strength. In this work, we propose the use of an ultrasonic continuously repeated chirp longitudinal wave to amplify the effect of the surface film. Multiple reflections interfere within the solid to form a superimposed standing wave whose amplitude spectrum is highly dependent on the surface film thickness thus overcoming the acoustic mismatch problem. Two bare 10 MHz piezoelectric elements were bonded to a 10 mm thick aluminium solid in a pitch-catch arrangement such that one continuously sends repeating chirp ultrasound waves and the other acts as the receiver. The transmitter was set to send a repeating chirp wave of 4 ms duration corresponding to the bandwidth of the transducer in order to maximise signal amplitude. The incident and reflected waves constructively and destructively interfere to form a superimposed standing wave within the solid. The solid/surface film to solid/air boundary condition frequency spectra ratio showed the film resonant frequency modes as minima. Using this technique epoxy coatings ranging from 70 μm to 350 μm were measured and showed a good correlation with independent measurements using a surface profilometer

    Jury deliberation: An observation study.

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    In this article, the way that the jury works is considered from a group-analytic perspective. Observational fieldwork of simulated jury deliberations is presented. The data was gathered from a joint funded Home Office and Law Commission project at the Socio- Legal Studies Centre, Oxford in 1995. Inferences are drawn from the observations and the unconscious group processes are considered. The efficacy of the jury process is discussed

    On the application of population-based structural health monitoring in aerospace engineering

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    One of the major obstacles to the widespread uptake of data-based Structural Health Monitoring so far, has been the lack of damage-state data for the (mostly high-value) structures of interest. To address this issue, a methodology for sharing data and models between structures has been developed–Population-Based Structural Health Monitoring (PBSHM). PBSHM works on the principle that, if populations of structures are sufficiently similar, or share sections which can be considered similar, then data and models can be shared between them for use in diagnostic inference. The PBSHM methodology therefore relies on two key components: firstly, identifying whether structures are sufficiently similar for successful transfer of diagnostics; this is achieved by the use of an abstract representation of structures. Secondly, machine learning techniques are exploited to effectively transfer information between the structures in a way that improves damage detection and classification across the whole population. Although PBSHM has been conceived to deal with large and general classes of structures, much of the detailed developments presented so far have concerned bridges; the aim of this paper is to provide similarly detailed discussions in the aerospace context. The overview here will examine data transfer between aircraft components, as well as illustrating how one might construct an abstract representation of a full aircraft

    On the hierarchical Bayesian modelling of frequency response functions

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    Structural health monitoring (SHM) strategies seek to evaluate, predict, and maintain structural integrity, to improve the safety and design service life of structures in operation. Many of these strategies involve monitoring changes in structural dynamics, as damage can affect modal properties and present as changes in the characteristics of the resonance peaks of the frequency response function (FRF). While recent advances have improved the safety and reliability of structures, a number of challenges remain, impeding the practical implementation and generalisation of these systems. Like damage, benign variations, such as those caused by changes in temperature or other environmental fluctuations, can affect dynamic properties, making it difficult to distinguish between damage and normal operating conditions. In addition, newly-deployed structures can have insufficient data to describe the normal operating conditions (i.e., data scarcity), which can impair the development of data-based prediction models. Another common challenge is data loss (i.e., data sparsity), which may result from transmission issues, sensor failure, a sample-rate mismatch between sensors, and other causes. Missing data in the time domain will result in decreased resolution in the frequency domain, which can impair dynamic characterisation. For situations that may benefit from information sharing among datasets, e.g., population-based SHM of similar structures, the hierarchical Bayesian approach provides a useful modelling structure. Hierarchical Bayesian models learn statistical distributions at the population (or parent) and the domain levels simultaneously, to bolster statistical strength among the parameters. As a result, variance is reduced among the parameter estimates, particularly when data are limited. In this paper, a combined probabilistic FRF model is developed for a small population of nominally-identical helicopter blades, using a hierarchical Bayesian structure, to support information transfer in the context of sparse data. The modelling approach is also demonstrated in a traditional SHM context, for a single helicopter blade exposed to varying temperatures, to show how the inclusion of physics-based knowledge can improve generalisation beyond the training data, in the context of scarce data. These models address critical challenges in SHM, by accommodating benign variations that present as differences in the underlying dynamics, while also considering (and utilising), the similarities among the domains

    Modelling variability in vibration-based PBSHM via a generalised population form

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    Structural health monitoring (SHM) has been an active research area for the last three decades, and has accumulated a number of critical advances over that period, as can be seen in the literature. However, SHM is still facing challenges because of the paucity of damage-state data, operational and environmental fluctuations, repeatability issues, and changes in boundary conditions. These issues present as inconsistencies in the captured features and can have a huge impact on the practical implementation, but more critically, on the generalisation of the technology. Population-based SHM has been designed to address some of these concerns by modelling and transferring missing information using data collected from groups of similar structures. In this work, vibration data were collected from four healthy, nominally-identical, full-scale composite helicopter blades. Manufacturing differences (e.g., slight differences in geometry and/or material properties), among the blades presented as variability in their structural dynamics, which can be very problematic for SHM based on machine learning from vibration data. This work aims to address this variability by defining a general model for the frequency response functions of the blades, called a form, using mixtures of Gaussian processes
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