78 research outputs found

    Development of SimCells as a novel chassis for functional biosensors

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    This work serves as a proof-of-concept for bacterially derived SimCells (Simple Cells), which contain the cell machinery from bacteria and designed DNA (or potentially a simplified genome) to instruct the cell to carry out novel, specific tasks. SimCells represent a reprogrammable chassis without a native chromosome, which can host designed DNA to perform defined functions. In this paper, the use of Escherichia coli MC1000 ∆minD minicells as a non-reproducing chassis for SimCells was explored, as demonstrated by their ability to act as sensitive biosensors for small molecules. Highly purified minicells derived from E. coli strains containing gene circuits for biosensing were able to transduce the input signals from several small molecules (glucarate, acrylate and arabinose) into the production of green fluorescent protein (GFP). A mathematical model was developed to fit the experimental data for induction of gene expression in SimCells. The intracellular ATP level was shown to be important for SimCell function. A purification and storage protocol was developed to prepare SimCells which could retain their functions for an extended period of time. This study demonstrates that SimCells are able to perform as 'smart bioparticles' controlled by designed gene circuits

    The consequences of head-on replication-transcription conflicts on replication restart and genomic instability in Bacillus subtilis

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2015Concurrent bacterial replication and transcription lead to conflicts between the two machineries. These encounters, which impede replication and destabilize genomes, are especially detrimental when the replisome and RNA polymerase encounter each other head-on, on the lagging strand. Despite the negative consequences of conflicts, 26% of genes remain in the lagging strand orientation in Bacillus subtilis. My thesis research aimed to uncover the coping mechanisms activated and consequences experienced by cells in the event of head-on collisions between replication and transcription. The work herein first describes a mechanism required for replication restart in the immediate aftermath of collisions with transcription in B. subtilis. Subsequent chapters investigate the role of conflicts in shaping the B. subtilis genome over evolutionary time. We found that lagging strand genes experienced increased mutation rates compared to those on the leading strand, and experimentally demonstrated that transcription asymmetrically increases mutation rates for head-on genes. I then identified a cellular factor, the Y-family polymerase PolY1, that is required for asymmetric mutagenesis at conflict regions. PolY1 acts to promote mutagenesis at head-on genes through participation in transcription-coupled nucleotide excision repair, suggesting that conflicts may locally increase the susceptibility of the DNA to bulky lesions. Consistent with this model, I determined that transcription asymmetrically promotes pyrimidine dimer formation in head-on oriented genes. Overall the work presented in this dissertation provides new insight into mechanisms of genome maintenance and stability in B. subtilis, as well as the diverse effects of lagging strand transcription on DNA replication

    Mechanisms of plasmid segregation: have multicopy plasmids been overlooked?

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    Plasmids are self-replicating pieces of DNA typically bearing non-essential genes. Given that plasmids represent a metabolic burden to the host, mechanisms ensuring plasmid transmission to daughter cells are critical for their stable maintenance in the population. Here we review these mechanisms, focusing on two active partition strategies common to low-copy plasmids: par systems type I and type II. Both involve three components: an adaptor protein, a motor protein, and a centromere, which is a sequence area in the plasmid that is recognized by the adaptor protein. The centromere-bound adaptor nucleates polymerization of the motor, leading to filament formation, which can pull plasmids apart (par I) or push them towards opposite poles of the cell (par II). No such active partition mechanisms are known to occur in high copy number plasmids. In this case, vertical transmission is generally considered stochastic, due to the random distribution of plasmids in the cytoplasm. We discuss conceptual and experimental lines of evidence questioning the random distribution model and posit the existence of a mechanism for segregation in high copy number plasmids that moves plasmids to cell poles to facilitate transmission to daughter cells. This mechanism would involve chromosomally-encoded proteins and the plasmid origin of replication. Modulation of this proposed mechanism of segregation could provide new ways to enhance plasmid stability in the context of recombinant gene expression, which is limiting for large-scale protein production and for bioremediation