77 research outputs found

    The neodymium stable isotope composition of the oceanic crust: Reconciling the mismatch between erupted mid-ocean ridge basalts and lower crustal gabbros

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    The trace element and isotopic compositions of mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) provide an important cornerstone for all studies seeking to understand mantle evolution. Globally there is a significant over-enrichment in the incompatible trace element concentrations of MORB relative to levels which should be generated by fractional crystallization. Thermal and geochemical constraints suggest that MORB require generation in open system magma chambers. However, the petrology of lower oceanic crustal rocks suggests instead that these enrichments maybe formed through reactive porous flow (RPF). Stable isotope compositions are process dependent and therefore provide an excellent mechanism to compare these contrasting models. This study presents the first neodymium (Nd) stable isotope compositions of Indian MORB and well characterized gabbroic rocks from the lower oceanic crust sampled at the Southwest Indian Ridge (Hole 735B). Indian MORB is extremely homogenous with a mean δ146Nd of −0.025 ±0.005‰ which is identical to the composition of Pacific MORB. Despite significant variability in the source composition of MORB globally (i.e. 143Nd/144Nd) their indistinguishable δ146Nd compositions suggests they were homogenized through the same process along the global ridge network. In stark contrast, oceanic gabbros have δ146Nd ranging from −0.026‰ to −0.127‰, doubling the natural variability in Nd stable isotopes observed in terrestrial rocks. Clinopyroxene separates possess variable δ146Nd but are isotopically heavier than the gabbroic whole rocks at the same major element compositions. These large variations in δ146Nd cannot be generated solely by the fractionation or accumulation of clinopyroxene and/or plagioclase. Hole 735B preserves widespread evidence of RPF which could induce kinetic isotopes fractionation during crystal growth. In clinopyroxene kinetic isotope fractionations will only induce ca. 0.02‰ variations therefore several cycles of dissolution and reprecipitation of isotopic signatures at grain boundaries are required to explain the range of δ146Nd observed in the gabbros. Given the large disconnect between the average composition of the lower crust (δ146Nd = −0.076‰) and MORB globally and the evidence of limited melt extraction into the upper crust at Hole 735B it is highly unlikely that the melts involved in RPF contributed in a substantial way to the Nd isotope composition of erupted MORB

    An inclusive risk assessment tool for travel and fieldwork

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    Travel and fieldwork are integral to the geosciences, and it is usual for students, academics and professionals to need to assess the risks and hazards of a planned trip in advance. In the UK, health and safety law focusses on the idea of a “risk assessment” - a process by which hazards are identified and mitigations are planned to reduce the overall risk of the activity. A recent review of our risk assessment procedures highlighted the need to better consider the needs of a diverse community, including those with “protected characteristics” in UK law. These are defined in the Equality Act 2010 as: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation. We present our improved risk assessment forms and suggest some approaches to considering hazards and appropriate mitigations that particularly affect those people with protected characteristics. These include the need to consider how laws and attitudes, such as those towards women, or LGBT+ people, may affect the safety of participants. It is particularly important to address this in the geosciences, where fieldwork is frequently an integral part of teaching and learning activities

    Mantle heterogeneity controls on small-volume basaltic volcanism: Reply

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    Artículo de publicación ISIEruptions of basaltic material in small-scale volcanic fields located in intraplate settings display a very diverse range in physical and chemical characteristics. Despite its relevance to the understanding of volcanic hazards, the relationship between physical properties of eruptions (explosivity, volume, location) and chemical composition of erupted products has, to date, not been investigated. Here we present a relationship between mantle heterogeneity and extents of partial melting, and both erupted volumes and eruptive style from the Auckland Volcanic Field (New Zealand), and we suggest that this provides a general model for small-scale "monogenetic" magmatic systems globally. Small volcanic centers consistently take the form of nephelinitic tuff rings and scoria cones, whereas larger centers are produced from effusive eruptions of less alkalic magmas. Nephelinitic melts are generated by melting of a deep, carbonated source, whereas less alkalic melts are the products of melting of a shallower, noncarbonated source. U-Th-Ra isotope data from eruptions closely paired in space and time show that mixing between magmas is extremely limited as a consequence of different ascent mechanisms due to differential segregation of melts from varying sources (early, carbonated melts ascending by higher porosity channels, and later, uncarbonated melts by a more diffusive regime). This suggests that extraction of melt is nearly instantaneous in these environments. Our results stress the importance of melting and magma dynamics in determining the size and style of eruptions in small volcanic fields, and suggest that mantle controls should be an important consideration in volcanic hazard assessment.Centro de Excelencia en Geotermia de los Andes (CEGA, Chile) by FONDAP (Fondo de Financiamiento de Centros de Investigacion en Areas Prioritarias) 1509001

    Os isotopic constraints on crustal contamination in Auckland Volcanic Field basalts, New Zealand

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    The Auckland Volcanic Field (AVF) represents the youngest and northernmost of three subjacent Quaternary intraplate basaltic volcanic fields in the North Island, New Zealand. Previous studies on AVF eruptive products suggested that their major- and trace-element, and Sr-, Nd- and Pb-isotopic signatures primarily reflect their derivation from the underlying asthenospheric and lithospheric mantle. All AVF lavas however ascend through a ca. 20–30 km thick continental crust, and some do carry crustal xenoliths, posing the question whether or not crustal contamination plays a role in their formation. Here we present new Os and Pb isotopic data, and Os and Re concentrations for 15 rock samples from 7 AVF volcanic centres to investigate mantle and crustal petrogenetic processes. The samples include the most primitive lavas from the field (Mg# 59–69) and span a range of eruption sizes, ages, locations, and geochemical signatures. The data show a large range in Os concentrations (6–579 ppt) and 187Os/188Os isotope ratios from mantle-like (0.123) to highly radiogenic (0.547). Highly radiogenic Os signatures together with relatively low Os contents in most samples suggest that ascending melts experienced contamination primarily from metasedimentary crustal rocks with high 187Os/188Os ratios (e.g., greywacke). We further demonstrate that < 1% metasedimentary crustal input into the ascending melt can produce the radiogenic Os isotope signatures observed in the AVF data. This low level of crustal contamination has no measurable effect on the corresponding trace element ratios and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic compositions. In addition, high Os contents (195–578 ppt) at slightly elevated but mantle-like Os isotopic compositions (187Os/188Os = 0.1374–0.1377) in some samples suggest accumulation of xenocrystic olivine-hosted mantle sulphides from the Permian-Triassic ultramafic Dun Mountain Ophiolite Belt, which traverses the crust beneath the Auckland Volcanic Field. We therefore infer that the AVF Os isotopic compositions and Os contents reflect contamination from varying proportions of heterogeneous crustal components, composed of Waipapa and Murihiku terrane metasediments, and ultramafic rocks of the Dun Mountain Ophiolite Belt. This demonstrates, contrary to previous models that primitive lavas from the Auckland Volcanic Field do show evidence for variable interaction with the crust

    Titanium isotope evidence for the high topography of Nuna and Gondwana - Implications for Earth’s redox and biological evolution

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    Titanium isotopes recorded in glacial diamictites with depositional ages between 2.9 and 0.3 Ga show that the upper continental crust became significantly more felsic relative to the present-day crust during the amalgamation of the Paleoproterozoic Nuna and the Neoproterozoic Gondwana supercontinents. This can be attributed to the continental collisions involved in the assembly of Nuna and Gondwana. The resulting high topographic relief of Nuna and Gondwana orogens must have resulted in an enhanced erosional supply from the continents to oceans. The step changes in the development of organismal complexity from prokaryotes to eukaryotes, and eventually metazoans, appear to be temporally correlated to instances where collisional mountain-building sustained an elevated nutrient supply from the continents to oceans. The nutrient surge associated with the rise of the Gondwana mountains likely provided the necessary impetus for the Neoproterozoic ecological expansion of eukaryotes and the eventual radiation of metazoans. A similar link between the enhanced nutrient supply from Nuna mountains and the radiation of early eukaryotes is plausible, although its mechanistic underpinnings remain unclear. The termination of Nuna orogeny and its transition to Rodinia without significant breakup and subsequent collisional orogenesis corresponds to the long lull in Earth's redox and biological evolution in its middle age

    Reliability of detrital marine sediments as proxy for continental crust composition: the effects of hydrodynamic sorting on Ti and Zr isotope systematics

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    The isotopic composition of the detrital sediment record harbours a valuable proxy for estimating the composition of the erodible upper crust since the Archaean. Refractory elements such as titanium (Ti) and zirconium (Zr) can display systematic variations in their isotopic composition as a result of magmatic differentiation. Hence, for such elements, the isotope composition of detrital sediments could potentially be used to infer the average composition (e.g., SiO₂ content) of their source region, even when elemental systematics are obfuscated by weathering and diagenetic processes. A key premise of this approach is that the isotopic composition of sediments remains unbiased relative to their protolith. To what extent isotopic fractionation can occur during sedimentary processes, notably the hydrodynamic sorting of heavy mineral assemblages with contrasting isotopic compositions, remains poorly understood. We investigate the effects of such processes on the Ti and Zr isotope composition of a suite of detrital sediments from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea (EMS). These sediments are binary mixtures of two main provenance components, Saharan dust and Nile sediment, with strongly contrasting mineralogical and geochemical signatures. The EMS sediments display clear evidence for hydrodynamic sorting of zircon, expressed as a large variation in Zr/Al₂O₃ and deviation of εHf relative to the terrestrial εNd-εHf array. Our new data, however, do not show pronounced Zr isotope variation resulting from either hydrodynamic sorting of zircon or sediment provenance. Although this agrees with theoretical models that predict negligible equilibrium zircon-melt Zr isotope fractionation, it contrasts with recent observations suggesting that kinetic Zr isotope fractionation might be a common feature in igneous rocks. For the EMS sediments, the negligible shift in Zr isotope composition through hydrodynamic sorting means that fine-grained samples accurately reflect the composition of their source. The nearly overlapping Zr isotope compositions of Sahara- and Nile-derived sediment, however, means that Zr isotopes, in this case, have insufficient resolution to be a useful provenance proxy. Titanium behaves differently. A small but resolvable, systematic difference in Ti isotope composition is observed between the Sahara and Nile provenance components. Samples with a strong Saharan dust signature show some Ti isotope evidence for hydrodynamic sorting of oxides in tandem with zircon, but a much stronger effect is inferred for Nile sediment. Regression of the EMS sediment samples shows that the Ti isotope composition of the Nile-derived component is strongly fractionated compared to its protolith, the Ethiopian flood basalts. Whereas Ti in Nile sediment is carried in essentially unmodified concentration, and by inference isotope composition, from its sources to the delta, large-scale hydrodynamic sorting of Fe-Ti oxides occurs in the delta. This process decreases TiO₂/Al₂O₃ of the residual fine-grained sediment fraction and shifts its Ti isotope composition to heavier compositions. The potential of such an “oxide effect” in detrital sediments has implications for crustal evolution models that use Ti isotopes as a proxy for the proportion of felsic crust and can account for the observed scatter in the shale record

    New age constraints on metamorphism, metasomatism and gold mineralisation at Plutonic Gold Mine, Marymia Inlier, Western Australia

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    The Plutonic Well Greenstone Belt (PWGB) is located in the Marymia Inlier between the Yilgarn and Pilbara cratons in Western Australia, and hosts a series of major Au deposits. The main episode of Au mineralisation in the PWGB was previously interpreted to have either accompanied, or shortly followed, peak metamorphism in the late Archean at ca 2650 Ma with a later, minor, event associated with the Capricorn Orogeny. Here we present new Pb isotope model ages for sulfides and Rb–Sr ages for mica, as well as a new 207Pb–206Pb age for titanite for samples from the Plutonic Gold Mine (Plutonic) at the southern end of the PWGB. The majority of the sulfides record Proterozoic Pb isotope model ages (2300–2100 Ma), constraining a significant Au mineralising event at Plutonic that occurred >300 Myr later than previously thought. A Rb–Sr age of 2296 ± 99 Ma from muscovite in an Au-bearing sample records resetting or closure of the Rb–Sr system in muscovite at about the same time. A younger Rb–Sr age of 1779 ± 46 Ma from biotite from the same sample may record further cooling, or resetting during a late-stage episode of metasomatism in the PWGB. This could have been associated with the 1820–1770 Ma Capricorn Orogeny, or a late-stage hydrothermal event potentially constrained by a new 207Pb–206Pb age of 1725 ± 26 Ma for titanite in a chlorite–carbonate vein. This titanite age correlates with a pre-existing age for a metasomatic event dated at 1719 ± 14 Ma by U–Pb ages of zircon overgrowths in a sample from the Marymia Deposit. Based on the Pb-isotope data presented here, Au mineralising events in the PWGB are inferred to have occurred at ca 2630, 2300–2100 Ma, during the Glenburgh and Capricorn orogenies, and 1730–1660 Ma. The 2300–2100 Ma event, which appears to have been significant based on the amount of sulfide of this age, correlates with the inferred age for rifting of the Marymia Inlier from the northern margin of the Yilgarn Craton. The texturally-later visible Au may have been deposited during the Glenburgh and Capricorn orogenies

    Melt chemistry and redox conditions control titanium isotope fractionation during magmatic differentiation

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    Titanium offers a burgeoning isotope system that has shown significant promise as a tracer of magmatic processes. Recent studies have shown that Ti isotopes display significant mass-dependent variations linked to the crystallisation of Fe-Ti oxides during magma differentiation. We present a comprehensive set of Ti isotope data for a range of differentiation suites from alkaline (Ascension Island, Afar and Heard Island), calc-alkaline (Santorini) and tholeiitic (Monowai seamount and Alarcon Rise) magma series to further explore the mechanics of Ti isotope fractionation in magmas. Whilst all suites display an increase in δ49/47Ti (deviation in 49Ti/47Ti of a sample relative to the OL-Ti reference material) during magma differentiation relative to indices such as increasing SiO2 and decreasing Mg#, our data reveal that each of the three magma series have contrasting δ49/47Ti fractionation patterns over comparable ranges of SiO2 and Mg#. Alkaline differentiation suites from intraplate settings display the most substantial range of variation (δ49/47Ti = +0.01 to +2.32‰), followed by tholeiites (−0.01 to +1.06‰) and calc-alkaline magmas (+0.06 to +0.64‰). Alkaline magmas possess high initial melt TiO2 contents which enables early saturation of ilmenite + titanomagnetite and a substantial degree of oxide crystallisation, whereas tholeiitic and calc-alkaline suites crystallise fewer oxides and have titanomagnetite as the dominant oxide phase. Positive slopes of FeO*/TiO2 vs. SiO2 during magma differentiation are related to high degrees of crystallisation of Ti-rich oxides (i.e. ilmenite). Bulk solid-melt Ti isotope fractionation factors co-vary with the magnitude of the slope of FeO*/TiO2 vs. SiO2 during magma differentiation.This indicates that the modal abundance and composition of the Fe-Ti oxide phase assemblage, itself is controlled by melt composition, governs Ti isotope fractionation during magma differentiation. In addition to this overall control, hydrous, oxidised calc-alkaline suites display a resolvable increase in δ49/47Ti at higher Mg# relative to drier and more reduced tholeiitic arc suites. These subparallel Ti isotope fractionation patterns are best explained by the earlier onset of oxide segregation in arc magmas with a higher oxidation state and H2O content. This indicates the potential of Ti isotopes to be utilised as proxies for geodynamic settings of magma generation

    Diversity aboard a Tudor warship: investigating the origins of the Mary Rose crew using multi-isotope analysis

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    The great Tudor warship, the Mary Rose, which sank tragically in the Solent in 1545 AD, presents a rare archaeological opportunity to research individuals for whom the precise timing and nature of death are known. A long-standing question surrounds the composition of the Tudor navy and whether the crew were largely British or had more diverse origins. This study takes a multi-isotope approach, combining strontium (87Sr/86Sr), oxygen (δ18O), sulfur (δ34S), carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope analysis of dental samples to reconstruct the childhood diet and origins of eight of the Mary Rose crew. Forensic ancestry estimation was also employed on a subsample. Provenancing isotope data tentatively suggests as many as three of the crew may have originated from warmer, more southerly climates than Britain. Five have isotope values indicative of childhoods spent in western Britain, one of which had cranial morphology suggestive of African ancestry. The general trend of relatively high δ15N and low δ13C values suggests a broadly comparable diet to contemporaneous British and European communities. This multi-isotope approach and the nature of the archaeological context has allowed the reconstruction of the biographies of eight Tudor individuals to a higher resolution than is usually possible

    Earth’s evolving geodynamic regime recorded by titanium isotopes

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    Earth’s mantle has a two-layered structure, with the upper and lower mantle domains separated by a seismic discontinuity at about 660 km (refs.). The extent of mass transfer between these mantle domains throughout Earth’s history is, however, poorly understood. Continental crust extraction results in Ti-stable isotopic fractionation, producing isotopically light melting residues. Mantle recycling of these components can impart Ti isotope variability that is trackable in deep time. We report ultrahigh-precision ⁴⁹Ti/⁴⁷Ti ratios for chondrites, ancient terrestrial mantle-derived lavas ranging from 3.8 to 2.0 billion years ago (Ga) and modern ocean island basalts (OIBs). Our new Ti bulk silicate Earth (BSE) estimate based on chondrites is 0.052 ± 0.006‰ heavier than the modern upper mantle sampled by normal mid-ocean ridge basalts (N-MORBs). The ⁴⁹Ti/⁴⁷Ti ratio of Earth’s upper mantle was chondritic before 3.5 Ga and evolved to a N-MORB-like composition between approximately 3.5 and 2.7 Ga, establishing that more continental crust was extracted during this epoch. The +0.052 ± 0.006‰ offset between BSE and N-MORBs requires that <30% of Earth’s mantle equilibrated with recycled crustal material, implying limited mass exchange between the upper and lower mantle and, therefore, preservation of a primordial lower-mantle reservoir for most of Earth’s geologic history. Modern OIBs record variable ⁴⁹Ti/⁴⁷Ti ratios ranging from chondritic to N-MORBs compositions, indicating continuing disruption of Earth’s primordial mantle. Thus, modern-style plate tectonics with high mass transfer between the upper and lower mantle only represents a recent feature of Earth’s history.ISSN:0028-0836ISSN:1476-468