65,265 research outputs found

    Electrochemical behavior of 0.2 to 3 molar ferrous chloride-ferric chloride mixtures on edge-on pyrolytic graphite rotated disk electrodes

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    Potentiostatic determinations in various mixtures of FeCl2-FeCl3 with excess HCl show rest potentials that are 0.1 V less electropositive than the theoretical values from the formulated ratios of FeII to FeIII (probably as a result of complexing). The standard rate constant sub s. ranges between 0.0001 and 0.000 cm/sec. Tafel slopes b of roughly 0.12V per decade indicate single-electron exchange kinetics. No significant trend in either b or sub s was attributed to mixture composition. The higher sub s. values occurred with and edge-on pyrolytic graphite that had undergone a permanent surface change

    Role-Based Interface Automata

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    Bryophyte floras of tropical Pacific islands

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    A review of the status of bryological research in each of the nations, states or governmental units of southern Melanesia, Micronesia and tropical Polynesia shows the imperfect state of knowledge about the Pacific tropical islands. Best known overall are Hawaii and Micronesia with Wallis and Futuna, the Marquesas and the high mountains of Fiji seeming to be the least known potentially species rich areas. Involvement of residents from Pacific islands in botanical study and preservation of ecosystems should be encouraged by tropical bryologists

    A qualitative evaluation of a mentoring reading programme for 9-10 year olds in Northern Ireland

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    This paper discusses the qualitative evaluation of a mentoring reading programme for 9-10 year olds, which was part of a larger evaluation that used a mixed-methods approach including a Randomised Controlled Trial to determine whether there was evidence of improved outcomes for children participating in the scheme (Miller et al. 2009). The mentoring reading programme started in 1999 with 3 schools and by the time of this evaluation had more than 130 schools involved, with an emphasis on socially deprived areas. The programme consisted of volunteers from businesses in Northern Ireland, who were going one hour a week to schools to read books with children with the aim of improving the children’s reading skills and develop their enjoyment of reading. Each volunteer mentored two children for 30 minutes weekly, and stayed with the same children for the duration of the programme. This type of support scheme is perceived as very timely because the need to improve the children’s opportunities, particularly in socially deprived areas, where conditions are in part exacerbated due to recent historical events

    Digital image correlation techniques applied to LANDSAT multispectral imagery

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Automatic image registration and resampling techniques applied to LANDSAT data achieved accuracies, resulting in mean radial displacement errors of less than 0.2 pixel. The process method utilized recursive computational techniques and line-by-line updating on the basis of feedback error signals. Goodness of local feature matching was evaluated through the implementation of a correlation algorithm. An automatic restart allowed the system to derive control point coordinates over a portion of the image and to restart the process, utilizing this new control point information as initial estimates

    Opacification of high temperature fibrous insulation

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    A study was conducted to determine the merits of adding particulate materials to silica fiber felts to increase their resistance to the passage of thermal radiation. Laboratory samples containing 5, 10, and 15 percent of chromium oxide, silicon carbide, and titanium dioxide were prepared and evaluated in accordance with ASTM C-518 thermal conductivity test method at 425 C (800 F) mean temperature. The titania particles averaging 3-4 micrometers in diameter were found to be the most effective. This was followed by a short plant run, in order to confirm the initial results on the laboratory samples. These samples were tested according to ASTM C-201 High Temperature Calorimeter from 93 C to 760 C (200 F to 1400 F) mean temperature. The ten percent by weight of titania resulted in an optimum effectiveness, and reduced the conductivity over 20% at 760 C (1400 F)

    2. Establishment of the School

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    The formal establishment of the New York State School of Industrial and Labor relations grew out of the thoughtful and vigorous action of a unique group of practical politicians who firmly believed, as they stated in their first report, that “Though we may legislate to the end of time, there will never be industrial peace and harmony without good faith, integrity, a high degree of responsibility, and a real desire to cooperate on the part of all parties concerned.
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