1,338 research outputs found

    The Emerging U.S. Market for Covered Bonds

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    The Emerging U.S. Market for Covered Bonds

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    Selected Consumers\u27 Evaluations of Genetically Modified Food Labels

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    Genetically modified (GM) organisms are commonplace in modern agricultural practice. However, polls and surveys have indicated a lack of consumer acceptance of GM ingredients and a desire to see such products identified through the use of labels. In this study, three focus groups composed of consumers in two northwest Arkansas counties evaluated and discussed four genetically modified food labels developed through the use of the Elaboration Likelihood Model, a persuasive communication theory. Findings revealed that participants want labels on food containing GM ingredients. Participants agreed on two features that a GM food label should have: contact information and an identifying symbol. They felt that this label should appear on the front of the package or near the nutrition information. Participants also wanted more consumer education about GM foods and indicated that any label adopted in the future should identify them as such. Further qualitative and quantitative research on consumer preferences regarding GM food labels and the design of such labels is needed

    A Website Content Analysis of Corporate Animal Welfare Messaging

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    The purpose of this study was to identify and describe the nature of corporate positions on animal welfare available on the websites of five meat producing companies in the U.S. The results of the content analysis illustrated that there were common topics among the dialogs the companies were willing to open related to their animal welfare positions. The companies typically took a general approach to animal welfare topics, commonly focusing on their corporate policy and their commitment to animal welfare. While each company focused on a unique combination of topics, companies commonly avoided mentioning more specific and possibly controversial topics and instead chose to focus on big-picture topics such as a commitment to sound animal welfarepractices. Each company used a particular set of frames to couch individual animal welfare messages for consumers. The most common frame led was that the company is an industry leader in animal welfare. Eighteen thematic terms related to livestock production and handling emerged through the content analysis. Of those, animal handling and humane were clearly the most commonly used terms. Future research should include matching these content analysis results with the existing communication strategies of each company, conducting more content analyses on animal protein companies’ other media outlets, as well as further exploring the presence of frames, topics, and terminology in news coverage in comparison to the online messages of animal protein companies

    Communications Training Needs in Arkansas\u27 Agritourism Industry

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    Agritourism has emerged globally as a tool to diversify farm income, and the need for non-formal educational programming in this area has become obvious. In Arkansas, Cooperative Extension educators have lacked empirical data to guide program development. One clear need, according to literature, is for operators to improve marketing communications skills. Researchers surveyed agritourism operators in Arkansas to describe demographics, educational needs (especially related to marketing communications), and educational delivery preferences. Results indicated that operators were typically older than 50 and that 60% had been in operation for longer than 10 years. Key issues and educational needs related to marketing communications included promotion and marketing, advertising, media relations, and signage. Communications tactics commonly used by the respondents included word-of-mouth (WOM); websites; print, radio, and television advertising; and local media relations. Preferred delivery methods for educational programming related to agritourism included periodic newsletters, regional workshops, and news releases

    Communicating Biotechnology: Relationships Between Tone, Issues, and Terminology in U.S. Print Media Coverage

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    As part of a nationwide study on the public acceptability of agricultural biotechnology, researchers performed a content analysis on two years of print news coverage of biotechnology (2000-2002). Qualitative analysis methods included examining text from selected national newspapers, regional newspapers, and trade publications for common issues, tone, and terminology. A team of three coders, trained to an acceptable level of agreement (Cohen’s K = .80), examined and coded the articles. The relationship between the tone of the article and the terminology used in reference to biotechnology (e.g., “genetically engineered,” “genetically modified,” or “biotechnology”) has practical applications for both public relations practitioners and communication researchers. “Biotechnology” was associated with the largest percentage of articles with positive tones. “Genetically modified” was associated with more neutral articles. “Genetically engineered” was the term of choice for authors of physical science articles, which were mostly positive. Understanding these relationships may help communication practitioners choose their terminology to achieve their communication goals, as well as opinion researchers, who, in developing survey instruments, may wish to choose a term that carries the least amount of bias

    Landowners\u27 Perceptions of Conservation Easements: Implications for Effective Persuasive Communication

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    Conservation easements (CEs) are one of the most popular voluntary, legally binding programs that allow individual landowners to use their property to protect the environment. There is a definite need for educational and persuasive messaging targeted towards landowners regarding adopting conservation easements. Based on previous studies, and confirmed by this study, communication efforts that are led by conservation experts who are also community members are most likely to be well received by landowners in a region. There is currently little to no existing region-specific literature specifically related to the attitudes and behaviors landowners possess towards conservation easements. Additionally, more literature is needed regarding landowners’ communications preferences for learning about CEs; the existing literature focuses broadly on environmental communication. This study aimed to fill a gap in literature by conducting a quantitative survey and qualitative phone interview with landowners in Northwest Arkansas and Northeast Oklahoma. Participants were asked to identify their awareness level knowledge about conservation easements, as well as rank incentivizing and disincentivizing factors that would influence their decision to adopt conservation easements. Researchers identified that there is a strong need for regional easement organizations to increase their awareness-level educational communications efforts. In addition, participants noted a strong desire for more personalized and in-person communications methods to be used by easement organizations

    Finding the Five R\u27s in Exemplary Agricultural Publication Capstone Courses

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    This study sought to characterize three exemplary agricultural communications magazine capstone courses at three different universities. The purpose of the research was to describe the characteristics leading to the courses’ success. Following a qualitative research approach, the investigator conducted personal interviews with students and instructors in each course, made field observations, and examined syllabi. The interviews were crafted after Andreasen’s (2004) Five R’s model for quality capstone courses. Important characteristics of the three exemplary magazine capstone courses included (1) student responsibility for the entire magazine production process, (2) high-quality standards that were comparable to those expected in industry, (3) interaction with professionals in the publication and printing industry, and (4) the revisiting of previously fragmented knowledge through refresher lessons. Further, because capstone courses often serve as a rigorous “rite of passage” for agricultural communications students as they transition to their professional careers, students need positive reinforcement to make it through key moments in the course. These moments of positive reinforcement helped students gain conf idence in their skills as professionals. The researchers concluded that providing students with a real-world experience and positive reinforcement was essential to the success of these courses. Students felt expectations for deadlines, quality of work, and attendance was similar to what they would expect in the workforce. In turn, they thought this would help them prepare to enter into their careers. Recommendations for practice include integrating these characteristics into new and existing magazine capstone courses. In addition to these practical recommendations, the results also lead to the recommendation of modifications to Andreasen’s (2004) Five R’s model with changes focusing on noise and feedback
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