218 research outputs found

    Ochratoxin A: In Utero Exposure in Mice Induces Adducts in Testicular DNA

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    Ochratoxin A (OTA) is a nephrotoxin and carcinogen that is associated with Balkan endemic nephropathy and urinary tract tumors. OTA crosses the placenta and causes adducts in the liver and kidney DNA of newborns. Because the testis and kidney develop from the same embryonic tissue, we reasoned that OTA also may cause adducts transplacentally in the testis. We tested the hypothesis that acute exposure to OTA, via food and via exposure in utero, causes adducts in testicular DNA and that these lesions are identical to those that can be produced in the kidney and testis by the consumption of OTA. Adult mice received a single dose of OTA (from 0–1,056 ”g/kg) by gavage. Pregnant mice received a single i.p. injection of OTA (2.5 mg/kg) at gestation day 17. DNA adducts were determined by 32P-postlabeling. Gavage-fed animals sacrificed after 48 hours accumulated OTA in kidney and testis and showed DNA adducts in kidney and testis. Some OTA metabolites isolated from the tissues were similar in both organs (kidney and testis). The litters of mice exposed prenatally to OTA showed no signs of overt toxicity. However, newborn and 1-month old males had DNA adducts in kidney and testis that were chromatographically similar to DNA adducts observed in the kidney and testis of gavage-fed adults. One adduct was identified previously as C8-dG-OTA adduct by LC MS/MS. No adducts were observed in males from dams not exposed to OTA. Our findings that in utero exposure to OTA causes adducts in the testicular DNA of male offspring support a possible role for OTA in testicular cancer

    Rising Tide 2015

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    Research and scholarship highlights from University of New England community members. This issue highlights in particular: student and faculty research and projects within UNE\u27s College of Arts and Sciences, College of Osteopathic Medicine, Westbrook College of Health Professions, and projects and research from UNE\u27s Centers for Excellence.https://dune.une.edu/risingtide/1004/thumbnail.jp

    Exploring the participation of young citizen scientists in scientific research: The case of iNaturalist

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    Online citizen science projects have broadened options for accessing science and enabled different forms of participation in scientific research for adult and young volunteers. Yet, little is known regarding participation patterns among youth participants. Quantitative approaches were used to investigate the contribution of 183 young volunteers to citizen science on the iNaturalist platform and the participation behaviour that relates to their contribution. The participants accessed and used iNaturalist as part of one-day field-based events (bioblitzes) facilitated by museums. Compared to the observation behaviour of all iNaturalist users, as documented on the platform, the young volunteers observe fewer plants and birds, and more molluscs, arachnids and insects. The average daily contributions of young volunteers were found to be positively associated with a large proportion of active days on iNaturalist and a systematic contribution behaviour, yet negatively related to a long duration on the platform. This study enhances our understanding of young volunteers’ contributions to citizen science and provides insights for research on participation in online citizen science. Our findings have implications on how museums design the field-based events to encourage follow-up systematic participation and maintain active contribution

    New investigations around CYP11A1 and its possible involvement in an androstenone QTL characterised in Large White pigs

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Previously, in boars with extreme androstenone levels, differential expression of the <it>CYP11A1 </it>gene in the testes has been characterised. <it>CYP11A1 </it>is located in a region where a QTL influencing boar fat androstenone levels has been detected in a Large White pig population. Clarifying the role of CYP11A1 in boar taint is important because it catalyses the initial step of androstenone synthesis and also of steroid synthesis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A genome-wide association study located <it>CYP11A1 </it>at approximately 1300 kb upstream from SNP H3GA0021967, defining the centre of the region containing the QTL for androstenone variation. In this study, we partially sequenced the <it>CYP11A1 </it>gene and identified several new single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) within it. Characterisation of one animal, heterozygous for <it>CYP11A1 </it>testicular expression but homozygous for a haplotype of a large region containing <it>CYP11A1</it>, revealed that variation of <it>CYP11A1 </it>expression is probably regulated by a mutation located downstream from the SNP H3GA0021967. We analysed <it>CYP11A1 </it>expression in LW families according to haplotypes of the QTL region's centre. Effects of haplotypes on <it>CYP11A1 </it>expression and on androstenone accumulation were not concordant.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study shows that testicular expression of <it>CYP11A1 </it>is not solely responsible for the QTL influencing boar fat androstenone levels. As a conclusion, we propose to refute the hypothesis that a single mutation located near the centre of the QTL region could control androstenone accumulation in fat by regulating the <it>CYP11A1 </it>expression.</p

    Type 2 cytokines sensitize human sensory neurons to itch-associated stimuli

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    IntroductionChronic itch is a central symptom of atopic dermatitis. Cutaneous afferent neurons express receptors interleukins (IL)-4, IL-13, and IL-33, which are type 2 cytokines that are elevated in atopic dermatitis. These neuronal cytokine receptors were found to be required in several murine models of itch. Prior exposure of neurons to either IL-4 or IL-33 increased their response to subsequent chemical pruritogens in mice but has not been previously examined in humans. The objective of the present study was to determine if type 2 cytokine stimulation sensitizes sensory neurons to future itch stimuli in a fully human ex vivo system.MethodsWe measured calcium flux from human dorsal root ganglia cultures from cadaveric donors in response to pruritogens following transient exposure to type 2 cytokines. We also measured their effect on neuronal calcium flux and changes in gene expression by RNA sequencing.ResultsType 2 cytokines (IL-4, IL-13, and IL-33) were capable of sensitizing human dorsal root ganglia neurons to both histaminergic and nonhistaminergic itch stimuli. Sensitization was observed after only 2 h of pruritogen incubation. We observed rapid neuronal calcium flux in a small subset of neurons directly in response to IL-4 and to IL-13, which was dependent on the presence of extracellular calcium. IL-4 and IL-13 induced a common signature of upregulated genes after 24 h of exposure that was unique from IL-33 and non-type 2 inflammatory stimuli.DiscussionThis study provides evidence of peripheral neuron sensitization by type 2 cytokines as well as broad transcriptomic effects in human sensory ganglia. These studies identify both unique and overlapping roles of these cytokines in sensory neurons

    Selective Whole-Genome Amplification Is a Robust Method That Enables Scalable Whole-Genome Sequencing of Plasmodium vivax from Unprocessed Clinical Samples.

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    Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) of microbial pathogens from clinical samples is a highly sensitive tool used to gain a deeper understanding of the biology, epidemiology, and drug resistance mechanisms of many infections. However, WGS of organisms which exhibit low densities in their hosts is challenging due to high levels of host genomic DNA (gDNA), which leads to very low coverage of the microbial genome. WGS of Plasmodium vivax, the most widely distributed form of malaria, is especially difficult because of low parasite densities and the lack of an ex vivo culture system. Current techniques used to enrich P. vivax DNA from clinical samples require significant resources or are not consistently effective. Here, we demonstrate that selective whole-genome amplification (SWGA) can enrich P. vivax gDNA from unprocessed human blood samples and dried blood spots for high-quality WGS, allowing genetic characterization of isolates that would otherwise have been prohibitively expensive or impossible to sequence. We achieved an average genome coverage of 24×, with up to 95% of the P. vivax core genome covered by ≄5 reads. The single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) characteristics and drug resistance mutations seen were consistent with those of other P. vivax sequences from a similar region in Peru, demonstrating that SWGA produces high-quality sequences for downstream analysis. SWGA is a robust tool that will enable efficient, cost-effective WGS of P. vivax isolates from clinical samples that can be applied to other neglected microbial pathogens. IMPORTANCE: Malaria is a disease caused by Plasmodium parasites that caused 214 million symptomatic cases and 438,000 deaths in 2015. Plasmodium vivax is the most widely distributed species, causing the majority of malaria infections outside sub-Saharan Africa. Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) of Plasmodium parasites from clinical samples has revealed important insights into the epidemiology and mechanisms of drug resistance of malaria. However, WGS of P. vivax is challenging due to low parasite levels in humans and the lack of a routine system to culture the parasites. Selective whole-genome amplification (SWGA) preferentially amplifies the genomes of pathogens from mixtures of target and host gDNA. Here, we demonstrate that SWGA is a simple, robust method that can be used to enrich P. vivax genomic DNA (gDNA) from unprocessed human blood samples and dried blood spots for cost-effective, high-quality WGS

    How Do Young Community and Citizen Science Volunteers Support Scientific Research on Biodiversity? The Case of iNaturalist

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    Online community and citizen science (CCS) projects have broadened access to scientific research and enabled different forms of participation in biodiversity research; however, little is known about whether and how such opportunities are taken up by young people (aged 5–19). Furthermore, when they do participate, there is little research on whether their online activity makes a tangible contribution to scientific research. We addressed these knowledge gaps using quantitative analytical approaches and visualisations to investigate 249 youths’ contributions to CCS on the iNaturalist platform, and the potential for the scientific use of their contributions. We found that nearly all the young volunteers’ observations were ‘verifiable’ (included a photo, location, and date/time) and therefore potentially useful to biodiversity research. Furthermore, more than half were designated as ‘Research Grade’, with a community agreed-upon identification, making them more valuable and accessible to biodiversity science researchers. Our findings show that young volunteers with lasting participation on the platform and those aged 16–19 years are more likely to have a higher proportion of Research Grade observations than younger, or more ephemeral participants. This study enhances our understanding of young volunteers’ contributions to biodiversity research, as well as the important role professional scientists and data users can play in helping verify youths’ contributions to make them more accessible for biodiversity research

    Safety of bazedoxifene in a randomized, double-blind, placebo- and active-controlled phase 3 study of postmenopausal women with osteoporosis

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    Background. We report the safety findings from a 3-year phase 3 study (NCT00205777) of bazedoxifene, a novel selective estrogen receptor modulator under development for the prevention and treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Methods. Healthy postmenopausal osteoporotic women (N = 7,492; mean age, 66.4 years) were randomized to daily doses of bazedoxifene 20 or 40 mg, raloxifene 60 mg, or placebo for 3 years. Safety and tolerability were assessed by adverse event (AE) reporting and routine physical, gynecologic, and breast examination. Results. Overall, the incidence of AEs, serious AEs, and discontinuations due to AEs in the bazedoxifene groups was not different from that seen in the placebo group. The incidence of hot flushes and leg cramps was higher with bazedoxifene or raloxifene compared with placebo. The rates of cardiac disorders and cerebrovascular events were low and evenly distributed among groups. Venous thromboembolic events, primarily deep vein thromboses, were more frequently reported in the active treatment groups compared with the placebo group; rates were similar with bazedoxifene and raloxifene. Bazedoxifene showed a neutral effect on the breast and an excellent endometrial safety profile. The incidence of fibrocystic breast disease was lower with bazedoxifene 20 and 40 mg versus raloxifene or placebo. Reductions in total and low-density lipoprotein levels and increases in high-density lipoprotein levels were seen with bazedoxifene versus placebo; similar results were seen with raloxifene. Triglyceride levels were similar among groups. Conclusion. Bazedoxifene showed a favorable safety and tolerability profile in women with postmenopausal osteoporosis. © 2010 Christiansen et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Accuracy and reliability of diffusion imaging models

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    Diffusion imaging aims to non-invasively characterize the anatomy and integrity of the brain\u27s white matter fibers. We evaluated the accuracy and reliability of commonly used diffusion imaging methods as a function of data quantity and analysis method, using both simulations and highly sampled individual-specific data (927-1442 diffusion weighted images [DWIs] per individual). Diffusion imaging methods that allow for crossing fibers (FSL\u27s BedpostX [BPX], DSI Studio\u27s Constant Solid Angle Q-Ball Imaging [CSA-QBI], MRtrix3\u27s Constrained Spherical Deconvolution [CSD]) estimated excess fibers when insufficient data were present and/or when the data did not match the model priors. To reduce such overfitting, we developed a novel Bayesian Multi-tensor Model-selection (BaMM) method and applied it to the popular ball-and-stick model used in BedpostX within the FSL software package. BaMM was robust to overfitting and showed high reliability and the relatively best crossing-fiber accuracy with increasing amounts of diffusion data. Thus, sufficient data and an overfitting resistant analysis method enhance precision diffusion imaging. For potential clinical applications of diffusion imaging, such as neurosurgical planning and deep brain stimulation (DBS), the quantities of data required to achieve diffusion imaging reliability are lower than those needed for functional MRI

    Analysis of nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the exhaled breath condensate (EBC) of subjects with asthma as a complement to exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) measurements: a cross-sectional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The study of pulmonary biomarkers with noninvasive methods, such as the analysis of exhaled breath condensate (EBC), provides a useful approach to the pathophysiology of asthma. Although many recent publications have applied such methods, numerous methodological pitfalls remain. The first stage of our study consisted of validating methods for the collection, storage and analysis of EBC; we next sought to clarify the utility of analysing nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the EBC of asthmatics, as a complement to measuring exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This hospital-based cross-sectional study included 23 controls matched with 23 asthmatics. EBC and FeNO were performed and respiratory function measured. Intra-assay and intra-subject reproducibility were assessed for the analysis of NOx in the EBC of 10 healthy subjects.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was excellent for intra-assay reproducibility and was moderate for intra-subject reproducibility (Fermanian's classification). NOx was significantly higher in asthmatics (geometric mean [IQR] 14.4 ÎŒM [10.4 - 19.7] vs controls 9.9 ÎŒM [7.5 - 15.0]), as was FeNO (29.9 ppb [17.9 - 52.4] vs controls 9.6 ppb [8.4 - 14.2]). FeNO also increased significantly with asthma severity.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We validated the procedures for NOx analysis in EBC and confirmed the need for assays of other biomarkers to further our knowledge of the pathophysiologic processes of asthma and improve its treatment and control.</p
