151,049 research outputs found

    Widely tunable (PbSn)Te lasers using etched cavities for mass production

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    Lead salt diode lasers are being used increasingly as tunable sources of monochromatic infrared radiation in a variety of spectroscopic systems. These devices are particularly useful, both in the laboratory and in the field, because of their high spectral brightness (compared to thermal sources) and wide spectral coverage (compared to line-tunable gas lasers). While the primary commercial application of these lasers has been for ultrahigh resolution laboratory spectroscopy, there are numerous systems applications, including laser absorbtion pollution monitors and laser heterodyne radiometers, for which diode lasers have great potential utility. Problem areas related to the wider use of these components are identified. Among these are total tuning range, mode control, and high fabrication cost. A fabrication technique which specifically addresses the problems of tuning range and cost, and which also has potential application for mode control, is reported

    Band Symmetries and Singularities in Twisted Multilayer Graphene

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    The electronic spectra of rotationally faulted graphene bilayers are calculated using a continuum formulation for small fault angles that identifies two distinct electronic states of the coupled system. The low energy spectra of one state features a Fermi velocity reduction which ultimately leads to pairwise annihilation and regeneration of its low energy Dirac nodes. The physics in the complementary state is controlled by pseudospin selection rules that prevent a Fermi velocity renormalization and produce second generation symmetry-protected Dirac singularities in the spectrum. These results are compared with previous theoretical analyses and with experimental data.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Note on group distance magic graphs G[C4]G[C_4]

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    A \emph{group distance magic labeling} or a \gr-distance magic labeling of a graph G(V,E)G(V,E) with ∣V∣=n|V | = n is an injection ff from VV to an Abelian group \gr of order nn such that the weight w(x)=∑y∈NG(x)f(y)w(x)=\sum_{y\in N_G(x)}f(y) of every vertex x∈Vx \in V is equal to the same element \mu \in \gr, called the magic constant. In this paper we will show that if GG is a graph of order n=2p(2k+1)n=2^{p}(2k+1) for some natural numbers pp, kk such that \deg(v)\equiv c \imod {2^{p+1}} for some constant cc for any v∈V(G)v\in V(G), then there exists an \gr-distance magic labeling for any Abelian group \gr for the graph G[C4]G[C_4]. Moreover we prove that if \gr is an arbitrary Abelian group of order 4n4n such that \gr \cong \zet_2 \times\zet_2 \times \gA for some Abelian group \gA of order nn, then exists a \gr-distance magic labeling for any graph G[C4]G[C_4]

    In defence of global egalitarianism

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    This essay argues that David Miller's criticisms of global egalitarianism do not undermine the view where it is stated in one of its stronger, luck egalitarian forms. The claim that global egalitarianism cannot specify a metric of justice which is broad enough to exclude spurious claims for redistribution, but precise enough to appropriately value different kinds of advantage, implicitly assumes that cultural understandings are the only legitimate way of identifying what counts as advantage. But that is an assumption always or almost always rejected by global egalitarianism. The claim that global egalitarianism demands either too little redistribution, leaving the unborn and dissenters burdened with their societies' imprudent choices, or too much redistribution, creating perverse incentives by punishing prudent decisions, only presents a problem for global luck egalitarianism on the assumption that nations can legitimately inherit assets from earlier generations – again, an assumption very much at odds with global egalitarian assumptions

    Statistical aspects of carbon fiber risk assessment modeling

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    The probabilistic and statistical aspects of the carbon fiber risk assessment modeling of fire accidents involving commercial aircraft are examined. Three major sources of uncertainty in the modeling effort are identified. These are: (1) imprecise knowledge in establishing the model; (2) parameter estimation; and (3)Monte Carlo sampling error. All three sources of uncertainty are treated and statistical procedures are utilized and/or developed to control them wherever possible

    Experimental investigation of leading-edge thrust at supersonic speeds

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    Wings, designed for leading edge thrust at supersonic speeds, were investigated in the Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel at Mach numbers of 1.60, 1.80, 2.00, 2.16, and 2.36. Experimental data were obtained on a uncambered wing which had three interchangeable leading edges that varied from sharp to blunt. The leading edge thrust concept was evaluated. Results from the investigation showed that leading edge flow separation characteristics of all wings tested agree well with theoretical predictions. The experimental data showed that significant changes in wing leading edge bluntness did not affect the zero lift drag of the uncambered wings

    The effect of ionization on the infrared absorption spectra of PAHs: A preliminary report

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    The emission lines observed in many interstellar IR sources at 3.28, 6.2, 7.7, 8.7, and 11.3 microns are theorized to originate from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). These assignments are based on analyses of lab IR spectra of neutral PAHs. However, it is likely that in the interstellar medium that PAHs are ionized, i.e., are positively charged. Besides, as pointed out by Allamandola et al., although the IR emission band spectrum resembles what one might expect from a mixture of PAHs, it does not match in details such as frequency, band profile, or relative intensities predicted from the absorption spectra of any known PAH molecule. One source of more information to test the PAH theory is ab initio molecular orbital theory. It can be used to compute, from first principles, the geometries, vibrational frequencies, and vibrational intensities for model PAH compounds which are difficult to study in the lab. The Gaussian 86 computer program was used to determine the effect of ionization on the infrared absorption spectra of several small PAHs: naphthalene and anthracene. A preliminary report is presented of the results of these calculations
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