3 research outputs found

    Consumo de algas marinas: su influencia en el valor nutritivo de la dieta y en diversos parámetros fisiológicos

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    En general, las algas marinas son una buena fuente de fibra al mismo tiempo que proporcionan vitaminas, minerales y nutracéuticos de interés para la alimentación humana. Por ello, en este estudio se analiza cómo influye la ingesta de las algas marinas Porphyra purpurea, Undaria pinnatifida, Himanthalia elongata, Ulva rigida y Codium tomentosum en la calidad nutritiva del alimento y en diversos parámetros hemáticos. Debido a que las enzimas implicadas en los procesos digestivos se adaptan a la dieta, se analiza el efecto del consumo de un alga verde, una parda y una roja en la actividad de las enzimas disacaridasas: maltasa, sacarasa y lactasa; así como en la actividad enzimática leucino aminopeptidasa y gamma-glutamil transpeptidasa en mucosa intestinal, hígado y riñón, órganos fundamentales en el metabolismo. Teniendo en cuenta que la composición de las algas incluidas en la dieta puede modular la producción de radicales libres, se valora, en los órganos antes mencionados, su influencia sobre la peroxidación lipídica y sobre la actividad de enzimas antioxidantes tales como superóxido dismutasa, catalasa y glutatión peroxidasa, como mecanismo endógeno que protege del daño oxidativo

    3D printed carboxymethyl cellulose scaffolds for autologous growth factors delivery in wound healing

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    This work aims to use carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) as main structural and functional component of 3D printed scaffolds for healing of diabetic wounds. Differently from previous inks involving small contents in CMC, herein sterile (steam-heated) concentrated CMC solely dispersions (10–20%w/v) were screened regarding printability and fidelity properties. CMC (15%w/v)-citric acid inks showed excellent self-healing rheological properties and stability during storage. CMC scaffolds loaded with platelet rich plasma (PRP) sustained the release of relevant growth factors. CMC scaffolds both with and without PRP promoted angiogenesis in ovo, stem cell migration in vitro, and wound healing in a diabetic model in vivo. Transparent CMC scaffolds allowed direct monitoring of bilateral full-thickness wounds created in rat dorsum. CMC scaffolds facilitated re-epithelialization, granulation, and angiogenesis in full-thickness skin defects, and the performance was improved when combined with PRP. Overall, CMC is pointed out as outstanding component of active dressings for diabetic woundsS

    Sargassum muticum hydrothermal extract: effects on serum parameters and antioxidant activity in rats

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    Sargassum muticum was processed by hydrothermal extraction under previously optimized non-isothermal conditions (up to 187 °C). The alginate free crude hydrolysate was further concentrated by ultrafiltration, operating in diafiltration mode to produce an extract (SmE) enriched in the fucoidan and the phlorotannin fractions and with low mineral content and antiradical capacity equivalent to that of Trolox. In order to explore the potential of this concentrated product for food or feed additive, the in vivo antioxidant potential was assessed. Male Sprague–Dawley rats were fed SmE dissolved in distilled water at doses of 0.5, 1.0 or 2.0 g kg−1, administered via an intragastric tube daily for three weeks. The weight and organ gain was not significantly affected in the different groups in relation to the control group fed a standard diet. Serum glucose was significantly lowered in the groups receiving the higher SmE doses, liver GPx levels were reduced and liver TBARS levels decreased in rats administered the extract, but no effect on SOD activity in either liver or erythrocytes was observedThis research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, grants number CTM2009-12664 and CTM2012-38095, partially funded by FEDER-European fundsS