73 research outputs found

    Enterprise performance measurement systems

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    Performance measurement systems are an extremely important part of the control and management actions, because in this way a company can determine its business potential, its market power, potential and current level of business efficiency. The significance of measurement consists in influencing the relationship between the results of reproduction (total volume of production, value of production, total revenue and profit) and investments to achieve these results (factors of production spending and hiring capital) in order to achieve the highest possible quality of the economy. (The relationship between the results of reproduction and investment to achieve them quantitatively determines economic success as the quality of the economy.) Measuring performance allows the identification of the economic resources the company has, so looking at the key factors that affect its performance can help to determine the appropriate course of action

    Enterprise performance measurement systems

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    Performance measurement systems are an extremely important part of the control and management actions, because in this way a company can determine its business potential, its market power, potential and current level of business efficiency. The significance of measurement consists in influencing the relationship between the results of reproduction (total volume of production, value of production, total revenue and profit) and investments to achieve these results (factors of production spending and hiring capital) in order to achieve the highest possible quality of the economy. (The relationship between the results of reproduction and investment to achieve them quantitatively determines economic success as the quality of the economy.) Measuring performance allows the identification of the economic resources the company has, so looking at the key factors that affect its performance can help to determine the appropriate course of action

    Modelling in the area of static and dynamic scattering in biomedicine and in diagnostic purposes

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    Razmotreni su neki prilazi rasejanju putem angularne raspodele. Date su osnovne postavke raspodele čestica. Razmotrene su osetljivosti detektora, u odnosu na sastav atmosfere, pri raznim ubrzanjima vozila i nadmorskim visinama.Some approaches to the angular laser scattering distribution are performed. The principal features of particles distributions are presented. The sensitivity of detectors are discussed comparing the acceleration vehicles states as well as with atmospheric contents with -height dependences

    Modelling in the area of static and dynamic scattering in biomedicine and in diagnostic purposes

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    Razmotreni su neki prilazi rasejanju putem angularne raspodele. Date su osnovne postavke raspodele čestica. Razmotrene su osetljivosti detektora, u odnosu na sastav atmosfere, pri raznim ubrzanjima vozila i nadmorskim visinama.Some approaches to the angular laser scattering distribution are performed. The principal features of particles distributions are presented. The sensitivity of detectors are discussed comparing the acceleration vehicles states as well as with atmospheric contents with -height dependences

    Scaling analysis of time series of stock market indices of transitional economies in the Western Balkans

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    In this paper we have analyzed scaling properties of time series of stock market indices (SMIs) of developing economies of Western Balkans, and have compared the results we have obtained with the results from more developed economies. We have used three different techniques of data analysis to obtain and verify our findings: Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) method, Detrended Moving Average (DMA) method, and Wavelet Transformation (WT) analysis. Following extensive research in the area of econophysics of national and international stock markets, we were interested to contribute to this body of knowledge by analyzing the dynamics of market behavior of transitional economies in the Western Balkans, and to compare data from these emerging economies with data from more economically developed countries. Analyzes of stock market behavior of the emerging economies of South America, or the developing Asian or African markets have shown that the values of scaling exponents, calculated from the time series of stock market indices, could be used to estimate the efficiency of markets in question. With that in mind, by applying the theoretical approach of statistical physics, we aim to offer a new perspective on stock market dynamics in the Western Balkans and contribute to better understanding of the development process in the region's economies. We have found scaling behavior in all SMI data sets that we have analyzed. Scaling of SMI series changes from long-range correlated to slightly anti-correlated behavior, i.e. the appropriate scaling exponents decrease in value with the increase in growth and/or maturity of the economy the stock market is embedded in. Scaling exponents Ī±, H, and Ī², corresponding to the DFA, DMA, and WT technique, all cross the 0.5 (and zero) line, marking this alteration. We also report the presence of effects of potential periodic-like influences on the SMI data that we have analyzed. One such influence is visible in all our SMI series, and appears at a period Tp ā‰ˆ 90 days. We propose that the existence of various periodic-like influences on SMI data may partially explain the observed difference in types of correlated behavior of corresponding scaling functions. The application of time-dependent scaling analysis (tdDMA) proved that these influences are of a complex type, that is, they can not be easily distinguished from a local correlations profile

    Samoprijavljene alergije na lijekove kod kirurŔkih bolesnika u Srbiji

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    History of drug allergy is of major concern during perioperative period. Medical records usually lack documents confirming the stated allergy. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of self-reported drug allergies and their characteristics in adult Serbian surgical population, and to analyze their influence on drug prescription during perioperative period. The study enrolled patients scheduled for general surgery during a one-year period at a tertiary care hospital. They were questioned using a structured questionnaire about the existence of drug allergy and its nature. Medical records were examined after discharge to assess medical prescription during hospitalization. Of 1126 patients evaluated during the study period, 434 (38.5%) reported a total of 635 drug reactions. The most common allergy claim was to antibiotics (68%), nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (16.4%) and iodine (3.9%). Women, urban residents and herbal drug consumers were more likely to state an allergy. The majority of reported reactions were cutaneous (72%) and respiratory (34%), while anaphylaxis was reported by 3.2% of patients. Only 38 (8.7%) patients had previously undergone any allergology testing. Retrospective chart review revealed that 26 (6%) patients were administered the drug to which they had reported allergic reaction in the past, with no adverse effects. Drug allergies are frequently self-reported in surgical population in Serbia, which is in contrast to a very low rate of explored and documented allergies. In order not to deny an effective treatment or postpone a surgery, health care practitioners should pay more attention to an accurate classification of adverse drug reactions.Podatak o alergiji na lijekove je od velikog značenja u perioperacijskom razdoblju, a medicinska dokumentacija obično ne sadrži dokumente koji potvrđuju prijavljenu alergiju. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je ispitati učestalost i značajke samoprijavljenih alergija na lijekove od strane odraslih kirurÅ”kih bolesnika u Srbiji i analizirati utjecaj takvog anamnestičkog podatka na propisivanje lijekova u perioperacijskom razdoblju. Studija je obuhvatila bolesnike podvrgnute elektivnim kirurÅ”kim intervencijama iz područja opće kirurgije tijekom jednogodiÅ”njeg razdoblja u tercijarnoj zdravstvenoj ustanovi. Oni su ispitivani primjenom strukturiranog upitnika o postojanju alergija i njihovoj naravi. Medicinska dokumentacija je pregledana nakon otpusta iz bolnice kako bi se ispitalo propisivanje lijekova tijekom hospitalizacije. Od 1126 bolesnika evaluiranih tijekom studije, 434 (38,5%) ih je prijavilo ukupno 635 reakcija na lijekove. NajčeŔće samoprijavljene alergijske reakcije su bile na antibiotike (68%), nesteroidne protuupalne lijekove (16,4%) i jodni kontrast (3,9%). Samoprijavljivanje alergija je bilo čeŔće kod žena, stanovnika urbanih područja i korisnika biljnih lijekova. Većinu prijavljenih reakcija su činile kožne (72%) i respiracijske (34%), dok je anafilaksu prijavilo 3,2% bolesnika. Samo 38 (8,7%) bolesnika je nakon reakcije podvrgnuto nekom alergoloÅ”kom testiranju. Pregled povijesti bolesti je pokazao da je 26 (6%) bolesnika tijekom hospitalizacije primilo lijek na koji su prijavili alergijsku reakciju u proÅ”losti, Å”to nije bilo praćeno neželjenim učincima. Samoprijavljivanje alergija na lijekove je veoma često kod kirurÅ”kih bolesnika u Srbiji, Å”to je u suprotnosti s niskom stopom ispitanih i dokumentiranih alergija. Kako se bolesnicima ne bi uskratila učinkovita terapija ili odlagala operacija, zdravstveni radnici bi trebali viÅ”e pozornosti posvetiti preciznoj klasifikaciji neželjenih reakcija na lijekove


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    Textiles are unique due to their structure and formability properties. In order to predict the behaviour and properties of textile materials, standard investigation methods are not always sufficient. In this paper, a more detailed study is performed and additional results were obtained when the 3D Digital Image Correlation (DIC) method was adjusted to the standard test method. The digital image analysis method is one of the newly proposed methods used to determine textile deformation behaviour. It is possible to capture the formation of localized deformation zone, besides capturing the deformation of the woven fabric. The procedure of digital video camera recording is simple, but preparation and processing on a computer are relatively demanding concerning processing time and data preparation for analysis. The processing time for displacement calculation depends on the image resolution, number of images, chosen area sizes on images for analysis, number of facet centers and characteristics of the computer used for results processing. Obtained results are adequate and satisfy the requirements of accuracy applied to material science. Therefore, the application of the image analysis method for the investigation of deformed textile materials is possible


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    Textiles are unique due to their structure and formability properties. In order to predict the behaviour and properties of textile materials, standard investigation methods are not always sufficient. In this paper, a more detailed study is performed and additional results were obtained when the 3D Digital Image Correlation (DIC) method was adjusted to the standard test method. The digital image analysis method is one of the newly proposed methods used to determine textile deformation behaviour. It is possible to capture the formation of localized deformation zone, besides capturing the deformation of the woven fabric. The procedure of digital video camera recording is simple, but preparation and processing on a computer are relatively demanding concerning processing time and data preparation for analysis. The processing time for displacement calculation depends on the image resolution, number of images, chosen area sizes on images for analysis, number of facet centers and characteristics of the computer used for results processing. Obtained results are adequate and satisfy the requirements of accuracy applied to material science. Therefore, the application of the image analysis method for the investigation of deformed textile materials is possible

    Still not ready for EOSC? Experiences from one co-creation activity

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    A delay in open and FAIR data policies and practices created a significant gap in the uptake of EOSC between the EU and non-EU Western Balkans countries (Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and North Macedonia), which can be observed in the lack of infrastructure, policies, incentives, and professional data stewards or librarians with suitable competencies and skills. This lightning talk will present the results of a small team of professionals from the University of Belgrade (Serbia) on the co-creation activity funded by the EOSC Secretariat under the title ā€œBoosting EOSC readiness: Creating a scalable model for capacity building in RDMā€. The objective was to create a model for local capacity building in research data management adjusted to the needs of South-Slavic-speaking countries of non-EU Western Balkans countries. The model is applicable in any similar environment struggling with limited financial and human resources. Activities included designing a web portal with guidelines and tutorials about research data management, setting up and localizing an interoperable and scalable Dataverse data repository, devising data management procedures, designing and testing trainings for local communities, and devising research data policy recommendations at various levels. The main results of this Co-creation activity are the web portal with guidelines and training materials, a demo Dataverse data repository SERDAR (SErbian Research DAta Repository), localized (translated in Serbian) software application Argos for creating machine-actionable Data Management Plans, and a proposal for RDM-related amendments to existing national, institutional, and journal policies on Open Science, providing an input for the activities of the national Team for Open Science (established in 2020). Due to similarities between languages in the Western Balkans, all the results, which are freely available under the Creative Commons Attribution license, can be adapted to local needs and reused. This activity contributed to the overall EOSC awareness and readiness in non-EU Western Balkans countries by founding a firm ground for cultural change related to the scientific practices in the research community. This approach can be of great value to the universities and research institutions in countries that do not have already established infrastructure and policies for research data management and sharing. In Serbia, the project will have both a formal and an informal follow-up. All team members are also members of the official national Team for Open Science and they will advocate for policy changes, infrastructure development and the introduction of formal training for data stewards along the lines defined in the project. On the other hand, the same team has recently established the Open Science Community Serbia, which will provide an informal framework for actions aimed at building an Open Science community and culture in Serbia.Conference presentation: [https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5541147]Video recording: [https://youtu.be/bWkcnXTyl0c?t=2342
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