252 research outputs found
Drugi nauÄni simpozijum Saveza farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije: Farmacija i priroda - kompleksne relacije i meÄusobni uticaji
From the idea of a pharmaceutical product, through the development of materials and technologies for their production, analysis, and control, application in different patient populations, to the proper disposal and destroying of pharmaceutical waste, everything is connected and has an impact on the soil, water, and air, as well as to all living beings on this planet. Intending to invite the colleagues to consider how their pharmacy practice, science, and education can impact nature and global environmental trends, Pharmaceutical Association of Serbia has organized the 2nd SFUS scientific symposium, entitled Pharmacy and the Nature - Complex Relations and Mutual Impacts on 28th October 2021, in the conference center of the Science and Technology Park Belgrade, with the presence of more than 60 participants. Within the Symposium, the introductory lecture was held by Prof. Dr. Nada KovaÄeviÄ, along with eight invited lectures, three oral presentations, and thirty-two poster presentations.Od ideje za farmaceutski proizvod, preko razvoja materijala i tehnologija za njihovu proizvodnju, analizu i kontrolu, primene kod razliÄitih populacija pacijenata, do pravilnog odlaganja i uniÅ”tavanja iskoriÅ”Äenog i neiskoriÅ”Äenog materijala i proizvoda, sve je povezano i ima uticaj na zemlju, vodu i vazduh, kao i na sva živa biÄa na ovoj planeti. Sa ciljem da se bolje razmotri na koji naÄin aktivnosti u okviru farmaceutske struke, nauke i obrazovanja mogu da utiÄu na prirodu i glabalna ekoloÅ”ka kretanja, održan je 2. nauÄni simpozijum pod naslovom Farmacija i priroda ā kompleksne relacije i meÄusobni uticaji. Simpozijum je organizovao Savez farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije i održan je 28. oktobra 2021. godine u konferencijskom centru NauÄno-tehnoloÅ”kog parka Beograd, uz prisutvo viÅ”e od 60 uÄesnika. U okviru Simpozijuma je održano jedno uvodno predavanje, osam predavanja po pozivu, tri usmena saopÅ”tenja i prikazane su trideset i dve poster prezentacije
SpecifiÄnosti farmakokinetike kod starijih pacijenata
Aging represents a very complex biological process that implies specific changes in body composition and physiological functions. Aging can affect drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion leading to significant changes in plasma drug concentrations, and consequently in drug efficacy and safety profile. Since usually elderly patients suffer from different diseases which require polypharmacy, clinically significant drug interactions are common. When considering setting up the initial or modified drug regimen, individual pharmacokinetic parameters' values are needed. In this article, the newest information regarding clinical pharmacokinetics of drugs in geriatric population of patients is presented.Starenje predstavlja složen bioloÅ”ki proces, koji podrazumeva specifiÄne promene u sastavu i fizioloÅ”kim funkcijama organizma. Starost može uticati na procese resorpcije, raspodele, metabolizma i izluÄivanja leka uslovljavajuÄi tako znaÄajne promene u koncentraciji leka, a samim tim i promene u efikasnosti i bezbednosti terapije. Kako su u populaciji starijih pacijenata Äesto prisutne pridružene bolesti, od kojih neke zahtevaju hroniÄnu terapiju, pacijenti su primorani na kombinovanu hroniÄnu terapiju, Å”to poveÄava rizik od kliniÄki znaÄajnih interakcija lekova. Pri razmatranju potrebe za postavljanjem ili korigovanjem režima doziranja lekova, neophodna je procena individualnih vrednosti farmakokinetiÄkih parametara kod pacijenta. U ovom radu su predstavljena dosadaÅ”nja saznanja u oblasti kliniÄke farmakokinetike u gerijatrijskoj populaciji pacijenata
Climate change, as well as biotic and abiotic stress environmental factors and the exploitation of oak forests have the greatest impact in reducing the pedunculate oak areas. These factors on one side reduce the pedunculate oak living area, while on the other side they create unfavorable conditions for its renewal. In the last decades, there has been an attempt to change this situation, primarily by planting appropriate provenances and more resistant varieties. Knowledge of the phenological variability is one of the essential elements useful in separation of genotypes better adapted to changing environmental conditions.One of the phenological studies of the pedunculate oak implied the analysis of the pollination time as one of the intermediate phase of the flowering phenophase. Observations were carried out in two populations at two locations in the area of Belgrade (Serbia), "Ada Ciganlija" and "BojÄinska Å”uma", a total of 58 trees (29 trees per location) in three consecutive years (2004, 2005, 2006). According to the ANOVA results differences between locations and years were statistically significantly (all p <0.0001). Time of pollination in the location of "BojÄinska Å”uma" was earlier compared to location "Ada Ciganlija" in all three years of observation. The obtained time difference gives rise to the assumption that there are different varieties of the pedunculate oak: the "early" and the "late" one. According to the phenological pattern of population, the majority of trees maintain the same trend from year to year, i.e. remain in the same phenological group (labeled as "early", "average" and "late"), or change it for one phenological level, suggesting the genetic influence on the expression of this trait. Since those populations are located in similar environmental conditions, obtained differences between them can be regarded as a consequence of intraspecific variability of the pedunculate oak and of the genetic structure of population.U radu je analizirana individualna i populacijska varijabilnost polinacije kao meÄufaze fenofaze cvjetanja lužnjaka. Istraživanja su obavljena na 58 stabala u dvije populacije lužnjaka na dva lokaliteta na podruÄju Beograda (Srbija) tijekom tri uzastopne godine (2004, 2005, 2006). Populacije se nalaze u oblasti umjereno-kontinentalne klime, na staniÅ”tima koja odgovaraju lužnjaku, mjeÅ”ovite su strukture, raznodobne, vegetativnog i sjemenog porjekla, starosti 60ā120 g. Promatranje je vrÅ”eno jedanput tjedno u travnju/svibnju. Lužnjak na analiziranim lokalitetima, uzimajuÄi u obzir sva stabla i godine promatranja, poÄinje cvjetati najranije 7. travnja a najkasnije 2. svibnja. Cvjetanje na lokalitetu "BojÄinska Å”uma" dogaÄa se oko tjedan dana ranije u odnosu na lokalitet "Ada Ciganlija". StatistiÄkom obradom potvrÄen je znaÄajan uÄinak lokaliteta, godine i individue. Prema fenoloÅ”kom obrascu populacija i podeli u odnosu na vrijeme cvjetanja, veÄina stabala na lokalitetu "BojÄinska Å”uma" pripada fenoloÅ”koj grupi "rani" lužnjak, a na lokalitetu "Ada Ciganlija" grupi "kasni" lužnjak. Tijekom godina promatranja, najveÄi broj stabala ostajao je u istoj fenoloÅ”koj grupi ili se mijenjao samo za jednu razinu. S obzirom da se populacije nalaze u sliÄnim sredinama i staniÅ”nim uvjetima, dobivene razlike mogu se smatrati posljedicom unutarvrsne varijabilnosti lužnjaka i genetiÄke strukture populacije. GenetiÄka stabilnost fenofaze cvjetanja korisna je u odabiru "ranih" i "kasnih" formi lužnjaka u procesu individualne selekcije pod utjecajem promjene klimatskih Äimbenika
Farmakokinetika gastrointestinalnih lekova od znaÄaja za racionalnu farmakoterapiju
Although much progress in the pharmacotherapeutic treatment of gastrointestinal diseases has been made during recent years, a lot of research is still needed in order to elucidate exact disease mechanisms, and to develop corresponding drugs. From the treatmens of Helicobacter pylori infections which are still far from ideal, through pharmacotherapy of irritable bowel syndrome which is not satisfactory, to directon for recognition and integration of important factors in pharmacotherapy of inflammatory bowel disease (genetic, infectious, immunologic and inflammatory), there are many open questions. The pharmacotherapy research today goes towards development of new drugs and vaccines based on the discovery of new receptors, appreciation of influence of important general and individual factors of diseases, as well as preventive and pharmacoeconomic treatment considerations. Pharmacokinetic principles considerations are necessary within all the pharmacotherapy ways, in order to develop drugs and drug products of better pharmacokinetics, and to provide individualized, effective and safe, as well as economic (rational) pharmacotherapy.Iako je tokom poslednjih godina uÄinjen veliki progres u farmakoterapiji gastrointestinalnih oboljenja, joÅ” uvek je potrebno mnogo istraživanja da bi se razjasnili egzaktni mehanizmi bolesti i razvili odgovarajuÄi lekovi. Od tretmana infekcije sa Helicobacter pylori, koji se joÅ” uvek smatraju daleko od idealnih, preko farmakoterapije iritabilnog sindroma creva koja je nezadovoljavajuÄa, do usmeravanja na uvažavanje faktora znaÄajnih za farmakoterapiju inflamatornog oboljenja creva (genetiÄki, infektivni, imunoloÅ”ki i inflamatorni), joÅ” je mnogo otvorenih pitanja. Farmakoterapijska istraživanja danas idu u pravcu razvoja novih lekova i vakcina zasnovanih na otkriÄu novih receptora, uvažavanju uticaja znaÄajnih opÅ”tih i individualnih faktora bolesti, kao i preventivnim i farmakoekonomskim razmatranjima leÄenja. Razmatranje farmakokinetiÄkih principa je potrebno u okviru svih farmakoterapijskih pravaca, u cilju iznalaženja lekova i preparata bolje farmakokinetike i sprovoÄenja individualizovane, efikasne i bezbedne, kao i ekonomiÄne (racionalne) farmakoterapije
Farmakokinetika inhalacionih kortikosteroida
The inhaled corticosteroids have improved asthma therapy significantly. The inhaled route allows the delivery of relatively small doses directly to the airway, providing a high local concentration and minimizing systemic adverse effects. Knowledge of pharmacokinetic properties of inhaled corticosteroids (deposition in respiratory system, rate of absorption, first-pass effect oral bioavailability, distribution and elimination) is a prerequisite for successful asthma therapy. Inhaled corticosteroids show various levels of oral bioavailability and significant differences in the rate of absorption. Rate of absorption is one of the most relevant properties of inhaled corticosteroids as it reflects pulmonary residence time and therefore duration of availability in the lungs. Significant hepatic first-pass metabolism of the swallowed dose of some corticosteroids (fluticasone propionate, budesonide) reduces oral bioavailability and systemic adverse effects. Pharmacokinetic properties could also be applied to predict and explain the systemic adverse effect profiles of inhaled corticosteroids. Taking into consideration the revealed differences in pharmacokinetic properties of inhaled corticosteroids enable individual therapeutic approach, better efficacy and safety of asthma treatment
Uloga farmaceuta u terapiji kardiovaskularnih bolesti
Sweeping changes continue to reshape the practice of pharmacy. The pharmacy professional needed today is a knowledgeable drug expert and skilled, persuasive communicator. Such pharmacist embraces a practice model-pharmacy care. Pharmacists play a major role in reducing the risk of vascular events via various interventions: promotion of health, prevention of disease, patient counseling for pharmacological and/or non-pharmacological treatment, support of adherence... Adherence to cardiovascular therapy is essential to optimal therapeutic outcomes. The common factors affecting adherence to cardiovascular therapy are: complexity of regimens, polypharmacy, frequent dosing times of some medicines, non-apparent effects on discontinuing medication, declined capability with increased age and patients health beliefs. The pivotal role of the pharmacist in optimizing adherence to cardiovascular therapy encompasses many actions: assessing the adherence problem, identifying predisposing factors, providing comprehensive counseling, and recommending specific adherence strategies targeted to the patient ,s needs
FarmakokinetiÄki aspekti doziranja lekova u pedijatriji
Clinical trials in paediatric patients are limited due to certain practical, ethical and regulatory aspects. Accordingly, after performing pharmacokinetic (PK) and efficacy/safety clinical trials in adults, clinical trials in paediatrics might be carried on by taking into consideration physiological characteristics of neonates, infants, children and adolescents. Physiological changes are reflected in maturation of functional organs and they change PK processes in quantitatively and/or qualitatively manner in comparison to adults that affect drug dosing regimen. The major differences in PK are observed in neonates and infants, while PK in children and adolescents are approaching those in adults and they are easier to predict. When defining dosing regimen both PK characteristics of drug and specific pharmacodynamic features has to be considered. Values of PK parameters, as well as doses are usually based on age, body weight and body surface area. In clinical practice it is recognised concomitant use of age and body weight based dosing regimens. However, clinical practice revealed an evidence for the need to individually adjust dosing regimen to each patient according to his physiological and disease characteristics.OdreÄena praktiÄna, etiÄka i regulatorna ograniÄenja postoje kada su u pitanju kliniÄke studije koje ukljuÄuju pedijatrijsku populaciju pacijenata. Zbog toga se studije uobiÄajeno sprovode nakon ispitane farmakokinetike (FK) i efikasnosti/bezbednosti leka u odraslih uz razmatranje fizioloÅ”kih karakteristika novoroÄenÄadi, odojÄadi, dece i/ili adolescenata u zavisnosti od podgrupe pacijenata kojoj je lek namenjen. FizioloÅ”ki procesi koji obuhvataju sazrevanje funkcionalnih organa utiÄu na FK procese i njihov uticaj može biti kvantitativno i kvalitativno razliÄit u odnosu na odrasle, utiÄuÄi tako na režim doziranja leka. NajveÄe razlike u FK procesima u odnosu na odrasle pacijente uoÄene su kod novoroÄenih beba i odojÄadi, dok se kod dece FK procesi približavaju procesima kod adolescenata i odraslih, i lakÅ”e ih je predvideti. SpecifiÄnosti u FK leka neophodno je uzeti u obzir prilikom definisanja optimalnog režima doziranja leka, uz razmatranje eventualnih specifiÄnosti u farmakodinamici leka kod pedijatrijskih pacijenata. Vrednosti FK parametara i režimi doziranja se najÄeÅ”Äe definiÅ”u na osnovu godina, telesne mase ili povrÅ”ine tela. U kliniÄkoj praksi se pri definisanju poÄetnih režima doziranja leka koriste godine i telesna masa. MeÄutim, prepoznata je potreba da se pacijent prati i da se režim doziranja individualno prilagodi svakom pacijentu prema njegovim fizioloÅ”kim i karakteristikama bolesti
Gojaznost kao faktor farmakokinetiÄke varijabilnosti
Increased prevalence of obesity of the population in the recent years suggests that health professionals will be, in the near future, in a position to provide daily health care services to the obese patients. This population of patients represents a major challenge for health systems, because obese patients are, unfortunately, often excluded from the clinical trials during drug development, and the data on the pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD) of drugs in this population of patients are scarce and incomplete. Since different degrees of obesity may qualitatively and/or quantitatively change the PK of drug, clearly there is a need for the descriptors of size of the organism that best describes the changes in the composition of the organism in obese patients. It is also necessary to define the scalar descriptor that gave the best prediction values of the key PK parameters dosage regimen. This paper provides an overview of the different ways to assess the degree of obesity that are legitimate from the aspects of the PK, then physiological changes that are reflected on the PK processes, and finally this paper gives the examples of individualization of dosage regimen of certain drugs in the obese patients.PoveÄana prevalenca gojaznosti stanovniÅ”tva poslednjih godina ukazuje da Äe zdravstveni radnici u skoroj buduÄnosti biti u situaciji da svakodnevno pružaju usluge zdravstvene zaÅ”tite gojaznim pacijentima. Ova populacija pacijenata predstavlja veliki izazov za zdravstveni sistem, jer su nažalost gojazni pacijenti Äesto iskljuÄeni iz kliniÄkih studija tokom razvoja leka, te su podaci o farmakokinetici (FK) i farmakodinamici (FD) lekova u ovoj populaciji pacijenata malobrojni i nepotpuni. ImajuÄi u vidu Äinjenicu da razliÄit stepen gojaznosti može na kvalitativno i/ili kvantitativno drugaÄiji naÄin da utiÄe na FK karakteristike lekova, jasno se javlja potreba za poznavanjem deskriptora veliÄine organizma koji na najbolji naÄin opisuje promene u sastavu organizma u gojaznih pacijenata. TakoÄe je neophodno poznavati koji bi skalarni deskriptor dao najbolje predviÄanje vrednosti kljuÄnih FK parametara režima doziranja. U ovom radu dat je osvrt na razliÄite naÄine procene stepena gojaznosti koje su sa FK aspekta opravdane, potom patofizioloÅ”ke promene kao rezultat gojaznosti koje se odražavaju na FK procese i na kraju rada su dati primeri individualizacije režima doziranja pojedinih lekova u gojaznih pacijenata
Farmaceutska zdravstvena zaŔtita kod starijih
Stariji pacijenti (ā„65 godina starosti) primenjuju oko polovinu ukupno propisanih lekova. U ovoj populaciji je Äesta polipragmazija koja se definiÅ”e istovremenom primenom viÅ”e od Äetiri leka ili primenom viÅ”e lekova nego Å”to je kliniÄki opravdano. Kao posledica polipragmazije, neretko se javljaju problemi u farmakoterapiji poput niskog stepena adherence, poveÄane uÄestalosti neželjenih reakcija na lek i interakcija meÄu lekovima. Pružanjem usluga zdravstvene zaÅ”tite, farmaceuti u znaÄajnoj meri mogu pomoÄi gerijatrijskoj populaciji. Kvalitetna farmaceutska zdravstvena zaÅ”tita podrazumeva proveru indikacija za svaki lek koji pacijent primenjuje (odnosi se na propisane lekove i one koji se izdaju bez recepta), proveru potencijalnih interakcija, otkrivanje neželjenih reakcija i drugih problema koje pacijent može iskusiti. Otklanjanje navedenih problema i edukacija pacijenta o koristi, naÄinu primene, potencijalnim neželjenim reakcijama na lekove i prevenciji njihovih posledica znaÄajno doprinosi poboljÅ”anju ishoda terapije i kvaliteta života pacijenata
Pollen viability in Quercus robur L.
The variability of viability (germination rate and the length of pollen tubes) of fresh pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) pollen grains was studied in vitro on a medium containing 15% sucrose. Spatial variability was studied by sampling fresh pollen grains from a total of thirteen trees at four different sites in the area of Belgrade (KoŔutnjak, Banovo Brdo, Ada Ciganlija and Bojcin Forest) in a single year (2011). In order to assess temporal variability and determine the effects of climate change on a small time scale, we studied the viability of the pollen grains collected from one tree at the Banovo Brdo site in six different years (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2011 and 2012). Interindividual variability was tested on the pollen grains sampled from eight trees at Ada Ciganlija in 2004. The percentage values of the pollen grain germination rate and the pollen tube length showed no statistically significant differences between the sites. However, the studied characteristics of the pollen grain viability (germination rate and pollen tube length) showed statistically significant differences in both temporal (between the pollen collection years) and interindividual variability. This type of research makes a valuable contribution to pedunculate oak breeding programs through the identification of trees with stable production and a good quality of pollen. Furthermore, it can be important in defining the patterns of spatial, temporal and individual variability of pollen grain viability under the influence of climate factors, which are showing compelling changing trends from year to year.Archives of Biological Sciences (2017), 69(1): 111-11
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