18 research outputs found


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    Head and neck carcinoma arise from the mucosal lining of the upper aerodigestive tract, affecting more than half a million people worldwide each year. Although cancer tissue has many heterogeneous cells with different phenotypes, only a subset of these cancer cells proliferate extensively and have the potential to give rise to all other tumor cells. They are named carcinoma stem cells (CSC). CSCs can persist in tumors and cause relapse and metastasis by producing a new tumor. Head and neck carcinoma stem cells (HNCSC) share a common CD44+ phenotype. What drives a normal stem cell into a malignant stem cell is insufficiently understood. Many regulating pathways were analyzed, such as:Receptor Tyrosine Kinases, Sonic Hedgehog, Notch, Wnt, and Bmi1. Also, the miRNA ratio or epigenetic alteration pattern is potential subject of further studies. This would enable better therapy and survival rate in HNSCC

    Head and Neck Cancer Surgery in Elderly: Complications and Survival Rate

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    The number of aged patients with head and neck cancer is increasing. The aim of this study was to evaluate the outcome of elderly patients with head and neck cancer undergoing surgery. Retrospective analysis of a series of 1509 consecutive patients separated in two groups regarding their age: younger than 70 and older than 70 years, with head and neck tumors treated surgically was performed. Pre-existent comorbid conditions, immediate and long-term surgical and medical complications were analyzed. Postoperative surgical and medical complications were scored according to their severity. During the ten years period the group of patients older than 70 years comprised of 356 patients, or 23.6%. Primary site tumor distribution was similar in both patients groups. Cancer stage grouping was equally distributed between older patients and the other patients. We found the biggest incidence of postoperative complications for hypopharyngeal, than laryngeal, and oropharyngeal cancer. Swallowing difficulties were documented in 16.5% for hypopharyngeal, 10.0% for laryngeal, and 7.3% for oropharyngeal site. Aspiration was present in 3.1% to 1.8%, respectively. Survival rate was similar for different cancer locations, and was more influenced by the advancement of tumor. Postoperative complications are related to tumor location, and extent of the disease. According to the results of our study head and neck cancer in elderly should be treated by conventional protocols

    Effect of chemical composition on microstructure, hardness and electrical conductivity profiles of the Bi-Cu-Ga alloys at 100 °C

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    Theoretical calculation and experimental investigation of the isothermal section of a ternary Bi-Cu-Ga system at 100 oC are presented in this paper. Thermodynamic binary-based calculation of the isothermal section was performed using Pandat software. Experimental investigation included microstructural analysis carried out using light optical microscopy (LOM) and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), phase composition analysis using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Brinell and Vickers hardness testing and electrical conductivity measurements. In total, thirty alloy samples with compositions along three vertical sections Bi-CuGa, Cu-BiGa and Ga-BiCu were studied. The obtained experimental results support the calculated phase regions of the isothermal section at 100 oC. Hardness of individual phases as well as hardness and electrical conductivity of the studied alloys were measured. Based on the experimentally obtained results iso-lines of Brinell hardness and electrical conductivity along the whole compositional range were calculated by using appropriate mathematical models

    Effect of chemical composition on microstructure, hardness and electrical conductivity profiles of the Bi-Cu-Ga alloys at 100 °C

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    Theoretical calculation and experimental investigation of the isothermal section of a ternary Bi-Cu-Ga system at 100 oC are presented in this paper. Thermodynamic binary-based calculation of the isothermal section was performed using Pandat software. Experimental investigation included microstructural analysis carried out using light optical microscopy (LOM) and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), phase composition analysis using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Brinell and Vickers hardness testing and electrical conductivity measurements. In total, thirty alloy samples with compositions along three vertical sections Bi-CuGa, Cu-BiGa and Ga-BiCu were studied. The obtained experimental results support the calculated phase regions of the isothermal section at 100 oC. Hardness of individual phases as well as hardness and electrical conductivity of the studied alloys were measured. Based on the experimentally obtained results iso-lines of Brinell hardness and electrical conductivity along the whole compositional range were calculated by using appropriate mathematical models

    Effect of chemical composition on microstructure, hardness and electrical conductivity profiles of the Bi-Cu-Ga alloys at 100 °C

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    Theoretical calculation and experimental investigation of the isothermal section of a ternary Bi-Cu-Ga system at 100 oC are presented in this paper. Thermodynamic binary-based calculation of the isothermal section was performed using Pandat software. Experimental investigation included microstructural analysis carried out using light optical microscopy (LOM) and scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), phase composition analysis using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Brinell and Vickers hardness testing and electrical conductivity measurements. In total, thirty alloy samples with compositions along three vertical sections Bi-CuGa, Cu-BiGa and Ga-BiCu were studied. The obtained experimental results support the calculated phase regions of the isothermal section at 100 oC. Hardness of individual phases as well as hardness and electrical conductivity of the studied alloys were measured. Based on the experimentally obtained results iso-lines of Brinell hardness and electrical conductivity along the whole compositional range were calculated by using appropriate mathematical models


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    The incidence of hearing loss in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and the treatment have been differently reported. The aims of this study were to establish the presence and to differentiate the type of hearing loss in patients with RA, and to investigate the results of corticosteroid and methotrexate treatment on hearing loss in RA. Longitudinal, prospective study included 87 patients aged between 18 and 70 years diagnosed with RA. Disease Activity Score (DAS 28 Se) and Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) were measured. 38 Patients were treated with prednisone; intratympanic appliction was used in 11 persons, and in case of weak or absent improvement after steroids methotrexate was applied for further treatment. Predominantly sensorineural hearing loss was present in 56.3% of the patients, without correlation with the duration of disease and clinical activity of RA. Corticosteroid therapy, both peroral or intratympanic contributed to hearing improvement in 60.0%. Audiometric tests are recommended in patients who suffer from RA in order to control hearing in rheumatoid arthritis and analyze the effect of proposed therapeutic procedures

    Influential Factors, Complications and Survival Rate of Primary and Salvage Total Laryngectomy for Advanced Laryngeal Cancer

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    This is a retrospective review of patients with advanced malignant neoplasms of the larynx treated with total laryngectomy. 387 total laryngectomies for advanced squamous cell carcinoma of larynx performed in the period between 1995 and 2007 were analyzed. Primary total laryngectomy (PRT) was performed in 316 patients, while initial radiotherapy radiotherapy (60–70 Gy) and concomitant chemotherapy (cisplatin-5 fluorouracil) with radiotherapy were applied in totally 71 patients who later received salvage total laryngectomy (STL). All the laryngectomies were performed by four surgeons, using the same routine surgical technique. Postoperative clinical examination was made every three months during five years. We documented the occurrence of: local and general complications, survival rate, residual and recurrent disease, lymph node metastasis, and other changes. Salvage total laryngectomy after previous radiotherapy (STL-pRT) and after chemoradiotherapy (STL-pCTRT) caused more frequent local complications than primary total laryngectomy (PTL). TNM stage and localization of primary laryngeal tumor had significant influence on five year survival rate. It amounted: 61.4% for PTL, 52.6% for STL-pCTRT, and 48.5% for STL-pRT. Incomplete response to initial treatment produced low survival rate. Salvage total laryngectomy caused more frequent local complications, especially after chemoradiotherapy whan compared to primary laryngectomy. Survival rate was increased when chemotherapy is added to radiotherapy. Five year survival rate depended on TNM stage and localization of primary tumor

    The influence of chemical composition on microstructure, hardness and electrical conductivity of Ag-Bi-In alloys at 100 °C

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    Considering possible applications and scarceness of literature data, Ag-Bi-In system was investigated in terms of microstructure, mechanical and electrical properties of ternary alloys from an isothermal section at 100oC. Based on the experimentally obtained results hardness and electrical conductivity of all ternary alloys from the ternary Ag-Bi-In system at 100oC were predicted. In addition, the selected isothermal section was further thermodynamically assessed and experimentally studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) analysis and light optical microscopy (LOM). Phase transition temperatures of alloys with overall compositions along vertical sections x(Ag)=0.5 as well as liquidus temperatures were experimentally determined by DTA. The experimentally obtained results were compared with literature data and with the results of thermodynamic calculation of phase equilibria based on CALPHAD method and corrected data for Ag-In binary system. Calculated liquidus projection, invariant equilibria and phase diagram of the Ag-Bi-In ternary system are presented as well

    Oral manifestations in patients infected with Covid-19

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    Uvod:Kod pacijenata obolelih od KOVID 19, se pored karakteristične kliničke slike respiratorne infekcije, mogu se dijagnostikovati i oralne manifestacije. Cilj: Cilj rada je bio da se pregledom savremene literature sagleda zastupljenost promena u usnoj duplji odnosno prisustvo oralnih simptoma kod obolelih od KOVID-19, kako bi se ukazalo da oralne manifestacije mogu nastati usled virusne infekcije SARS-CoV-2. Metode: Do relevantnih informacija koje su bitne za rad, došli smo pretragom dostupne elektronske baze podataka PubMed-a i Google Scholar. Rezultati: Utvrđena je raznovrsna lokalizacija oralnih lezija kod obolelih od KOVID-19: sluzokoža jezika (dorzuma i bočne strane jezika), bukalna sluzokoža, tvrdo i meko nepce, unutrašnja strana usana i gingive. Najčešće su evidentirane ulceracije u različitim delovima usne duplje. Još uvek je kontraverzno pitanje da li su oralne lezije kod infekcije SARS-CoV-2 virusa nastale kao posledica primarnog dejstva samog virusa ili kao sekundarna manifestacija infekcije. Visoka zastupljenost receptora za angiotenzin-konvertujući enzim 2 na oralnim epitelnim ćelijama jezika i pljuvačnih žlezdi ukazuje da usna duplja može biti posebno podložna infekciji SARS-CoV-2. Disfunkcija čula ukusa je najčešći oralni simptom kod pacijenata obolelih od KOVID-19. Zaključak: Oralne lezije, kserostomija, poremećaji čula ukusa mogu se javiti kod pacijenata kod kojih je dijagnostikovana infekcija KOVID-19, zbog čega je bitno načiniti iscrpan intraoralni pregled da bi se utvrdile promene u usnoj duplji i primenila adekvatna terapija.Introduction:In addition to the characteristic clinical picture of respiratory infection, patients with COVID-19 can also be diagnosed with oral manifestations. Aim: The aim of this study was to review current literature for the prevalence of changes in the oral cavity i.e., the presence of oral symptoms in patients with COVID-19, in order to indicate that oral manifestations may occur due to viral infection with SARS-CoV-2. Methods: Important information relevant to the study was obtained by searching the available electronic PubMed and Google Scholar database. Results: Oral lesions were found in different locations in patients with COVID-19: tongue mucosa (dorsum and lateral sides of the tongue), buccal mucosa, hard and soft palate, inner lip and gingiva. The most common were ulcerations in different parts of the oral cavity. It is still unclear whether oral lesions in SARS-CoV-2 virus infection were a consequence of the primary effect of the virus itself or a secondary manifestation of the infection. The high presence of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 in oral epithelial cells of the tongue and salivary glands indicates that the oral cavity may be particularly susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Taste disorder is the most common oral symptom in patients with COVID-19. Conclusion: Oral lesions, xerostomia, taste disorders can occur in patients diagnosed with COVID-19. Therefore, a comprehensive intraoral examination is necessary in order to determine changes in the oral cavity and apply proper treatmen

    Head and Neck Cancer Surgery in Elderly: Complications and Survival Rate

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    The number of aged patients with head and neck cancer is increasing. The aim of this study was to evaluate the outcome of elderly patients with head and neck cancer undergoing surgery. Retrospective analysis of a series of 1509 consecutive patients separated in two groups regarding their age: younger than 70 and older than 70 years, with head and neck tumors treated surgically was performed. Pre-existent comorbid conditions, immediate and long-term surgical and medical complications were analyzed. Postoperative surgical and medical complications were scored according to their severity. During the ten years period the group of patients older than 70 years comprised of 356 patients, or 23.6%. Primary site tumor distribution was similar in both patients groups. Cancer stage grouping was equally distributed between older patients and the other patients. We found the biggest incidence of postoperative complications for hypopharyngeal, than laryngeal, and oropharyngeal cancer. Swallowing difficulties were documented in 16.5% for hypopharyngeal, 10.0% for laryngeal, and 7.3% for oropharyngeal site. Aspiration was present in 3.1% to 1.8%, respectively. Survival rate was similar for different cancer locations, and was more influenced by the advancement of tumor. Postoperative complications are related to tumor location, and extent of the disease. According to the results of our study head and neck cancer in elderly should be treated by conventional protocols