961 research outputs found

    Studi formulativi di terbinafina per uso oftalmico: messa a punto di un collirio e valutazione della stabilita

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    Le infezioni fungine sono relativamente rare nei pazienti con un sistema immunitario normale, mentre diventano molto pericolose e potenzialmente letali in soggetti immunocompromessi a causa, per esempio, dell’AIDS, di una terapia anticancro, oppure in pazienti in cura con agenti immunosoppressori in seguito ad un trapianto d’organo, ecc. Le infezioni fungine a livello oculare sono estremamente difficili da trattare e l’ideale sarebbe utilizzare farmaci antifungini somministrati per via topica, dato che la somministrazione per via sistemica di dosi attive a livello oculare può portare a gravi effetti collaterali. Quindi, oggigiorno, parte della ricerca è incentrata nello sviluppo di nuove forme farmaceutiche oftalmiche a base di farmaci antifungini con un’adeguata efficacia terapeutica. In questo lavoro di tesi è stata studiata la messa a punto della formulazione di un collirio a base di Terbinafina cloridrato, antifungino allilamminico inibitore della squalene epossidasi dei miceti, attualmente presente in commercio in forma di compresse e crema, ed utilizzata per infezioni cutanee. La prima parte del lavoro ha riguardato la messa a punto del metodo analitico, con convalida dello stesso. La parte analitica ha rivestito una grande importanza nel lavoro poiché la terbinafina è un farmaco scarsamente solubile in acqua, dove doveva essere formulato, ed era necessario poter rilevare anche piccole differenze di solubilità nelle prove formulative. Sono state effettuate prove di solubilità in varie condizioni di pH utilizzando un opportuno sistema tamponante (tampone Sorensen fosfato). Dopo aver scelto il pH ottimale per la soluzione sono stati addizionati diversi tensioattivi (quali il Lutrol F127, Cremophor RH40, Vitamina E TPGS, Polivinilpirrolidone K30 e Tween 80) a diverse concentrazioni, con lo scopo di ottenere una formulazione con una più elevata quantità di farmaco in soluzione. Le formulazioni migliori dal punto di vista delle caratteristiche chimico-fisiche, quali solubilità, pH ed osmolarità, sono state confezionate in flaconi chiusi, mantenute in stabilità a temperatura ambiente ed a 4 °C, ed analizzate a vari intervalli di tempo per valutarne la stabilità. Alcune delle formulazioni hanno mostrato risultati promettenti, dal punto di vista della concentrazione di attivo e della stabilità, e saranno sottoposte a studi più approfonditi compresi test in vivo quali tollerabilità e farmacocinetica

    The circulation of European educational theories and practices : the Algerian experience

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    This article sets out to explore the historical development of educational provision in modem Algeria. It argues that despite the country's formal political independence, and despite the authorities' attempts to celebrate national identity, Algeria is still characterised by the wholesale adoption of European educational theories, policies and practices, even though these fail to connect with indigenous realities and needs. The article considers the tensions between fundamentalism on the one hand, and westernisation on the other, claiming that both positions fail to respond to the question of Algerian identity and to the development of an effective educational system that reflects that identity.peer-reviewe

    Coworker Informal Accommodations As A Solution To Work Interfering With Family And Family Interfering With Work In Team-based Jo

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    The current study builds on prior research that has identified informal work accommodations to family as a valuable means for balancing competing work and family responsibilities. As organizations increasingly capitalize on team-based work designs, it is important to consider the informal ways in which interdependent coworkers constructively assist one another in the management of work interfering with family (WIF) and family interfering with work (FIW). The intent of this thesis is to develop a better understanding of the effects of the coping mechanisms employees in team-based jobs utilize to reduce work interfering with family. Thus, this thesis examined (a) the relationship between people working in team-based job designs and WIF and FIW (b) the effects of moderating variables, such as job interdependence, specialization, and cohesion on the Coworker Informal Work Accommodations to Family (CIWAF) and work interfering with family and the CIWAF and family interfering with work relationships. Three convenience samples were employed; each completed a survey packet including the CIWAF, WIF, FIW, job interdependence, specialization, and cohesion measures. Hypothesized relationships considering the effects of the composite CIWAF construct on WIF and FIW were not supported. Employees in interdependent job designs experienced more WIF than employees in less interdependent job designs. Follow up analyses considering the 6 CIWAF subdimensions showed consistent results. The three more common CIWAF behavior engaged in by employees in an attempt to reduce WIF were CIWAF - CWM (Continuing Work Modifications), - STM (Short-Term Work Modifications, and - HB (Helping Behavior). Although hypotheses were not supported, results suggest that CIWAF behaviors are an option employees consider to reduce WIF. Implications for theory and practice are discussed

    Pentingnya Guru Bimbingan dan Konseling Dalam Mendampingi Masalah Nilai Akademik Rendah Pada Siswa

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    Guru bimbingan dan konseling sangat berperan penting di sekolah karena guru BK dapat membantu siswa dalam mengatasi masalahnya, seperti masalah akademik rendah atau prestasi belajar rendah. Melihat banyaknya siswa SMA Negeri 1 Langke Rembong yang berprestasi belajar rendah, sedangkan hanya seorang guru BK disitu, peneliti tertarik meneliti peran guru BK di sekolah itu. Permasalahan siswa lebih sering ditangani bagian kesiswaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagimana peran guru BK di SMA Negeri 1 Langka Rembong dalam mengatasi nilai akademik rendah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, dengan subjek penelitian terdiri atas satu guru BK dan dua siswa kelas XI-IPS1 yang mengalami nilai akademik rendah. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guru BK di SMA Negeri 1 Langke Rembong telah membantu kedua siswa ini memecahkan masalah prestasi belajar rendah. Guru BK ini membimbing, mengawasi belajar siswa sehingga mereka dapat belajar dengan lebih baik dan meningkat pula prestasi belajarnya. Kedua siswa ini menyatakan bahwa guru BK membantu dengan sungguh-sungguh

    Teaching English in a multilingual context : the Algerian case

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    In Algeria, the educational system, as much as the use of languages (foreign and national) are the preserve of politicians. Thus, these thorny domains are rarely dealt with in a way that avoids increasing the level of sensitivity about them, leading to a deepening social fracture. If the debates, more often than not, verge on partisanship rather than objectivity, it is because of the scramble for power between French- and Arabic-speaking intellectual communities. Politics rules even when the concern is that of the technicians or the experts in education or didactics. In a situation where the French language has lost much of its ground in the sociocultural and educational environments of the country, the introduction of English is being heralded as the magic solution to all possible ills-including economic, technological and educational ones. The whole process is being implemented with an immediate result: the popular vernaculars are outlawed, French is being compartmentalised in domains which are decreasing in number, while foreign languages are being called upon to supposedly help Arabic come to terms with the demands of a globalised and technological world. Language policy is not planned according to objective and realistic criteria. It is mostly the outcome of individual or group political take-over. The educational system is also taken hostage by jingoistic attitudes expressed in hasty and unrealistic educational reforms. This is no less the case of English teaching and its early introduction in the primary level, a roundabout way to end the influence of French inside and outside the school system.peer-reviewe

    Adoption Behavior of E-Money Usage

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    Utilization of e-money as efficient and convenience payment method in Indonesia has been introduced since 2007. The growth of e-money card usage increased up to 53% in 2012, but the individual adoption is still low compared to total population of Indonesia. The objective of this study is to examine factors affecting customer adoption behavior of e-money and to examine the difference in intention to use/reuse e-money between adopter and non-adopter. The in-depth interview showed that risk and security were not the main consideration for using e-money; this result contradicts with the result of similar previous research in e-payment. Meaning, that in Indonesia consumers were not afraid of losing money while using emoney for transaction. The questionnaire based on the modification of Technology Adoption Model and indepth interview results. Sample of 143 respondents were taken to test the hypotheses, and analyzed using multivariate analysis methods. The results of the study-enhanced understanding of adoption behavior of emoney by describing perceived benefit as factor that influence intention to use/reuse e-money in Indonesia. This study also contributed in managerial practice that there are differences intention to use/reuse e-money between adopters and non-adopters due to lack of information of the products

    Text Frame Detector: Slot Filling Based On Domain Knowledge Bases

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    In this paper we present a systemcalledText Frame Detector(TFD) whichaims at populating a frame-based ontologyin a graph-based structure. Our systemorganizes textual information into frames,according to a predefined set of semanti-cally informed patterns linking pre-codedinformation such as named entities, sim-ple and complex terms. Given the semi-automatic expansion of such informationwith word embeddings, the system can beeasily adapted to new domains

    FRAQUE: a FRAme-based QUEstion-answering system for the Public Administration domain

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    In this paper, we propose FRAQUE, a question answering system for factoid questions in the Public Administration domain. The system is based on semantic frames, here intended as collections of slots typed with their possible values. FRAQUE is a pattern-base system that queries unstructured data, such as documents, web pages, and social media posts. Our system can exploit the potential of different approaches: it extracts pattern elements from texts which are linguistically analysed by means of statistical methods. FRAQUE allows Italian users to query vast document repositories related to the domain of Public Administration. Given the statistical nature of most of its components such as word embeddings, the system allows for a flexible domain and language adaptation process. FRAQUE’s goal is to associate questions with frames stored into a Knowledge Graph along with relevant document passages, which are returned as the answer. In order to guarantee the system usability, the implementation of FRAQUE is based on a user-centered design process, which allowed us to monitor the linguistic structures employed by users, as well as to find which terms were the most common in users’ questions
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