130 research outputs found

    Nalaz virusa žućenja žila brÅ”ljana u Jugoslaviji

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    English ivy (Hedera helix L.) plants with symptoms of vein clearing on the leaves have recently been found in the surroundings of Split (Croatia, Yugoslavia). These symptoms are characteristic of some diseases which are caused by rhabdoviruses. Therefore, we prepared ultrathin sections of leaves with vein clearing symptoms and we found rhabdoviruses in these leaves. The rhabdovirus particles were located in the cytoplasm. They were 60 to 70 nm wide but the length of virus varied greatly. Afterwards, we succeeded in transmitting this virus mechanically by means of corresponding buffer solution and sodium ascorbate to a suitable test According to these data wre could conclude that the rhabdovirus found is ivy vein clearing virus which has been first detected and described in Italy. Yugoslavia is the second state in which this rhabdovirus has been found.Primjerci brÅ”ljana (Hedera helix L.) sa simptomima prosvjetljavanja lisnih žila nađeni su nedavno u okolici Splita. Ti su simptomi karakteristični za neke bolesti koje izazivaju rabdovirusi. Zbog toga smo priredili ultratanke presjeke kroz listove s prosvjetljavanjem žila i pronaÅ”li smo rabdoviruse u tim listovima. Cestice rabdovirusa nalazile su se u citoplazmi. Bile su 60 do 70 nm Å”iroke, ali je dužina virusa bila vrlo različita. Poslije toga uspjeli smo prenijeti taj virus mehanički pomoću odgovarajuće puferske otopine i natrijeva askorbata na pogodnu pokusnu biljku. Na osnovi tih podataka mogli smo zaključiti da nađeni rabdovirus pripada virusu prosvjetljavanja žila brÅ”ljana (ivy vein clearing virus) koji je najprije nađen u Italiji. Jugoslavija je druga zemlja u kojoj je taj virus otkriven

    Thermal treatment of kaolin clay to obtain metakaolin

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    U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja dobijanja metakaolina termičkim tretmanom domaće kaolinske gline. Polazna sirovina je bila kaolinska glina sa ležiÅ”ta Vrbica (Aranđelovački basen), čiji je sadržaj kaolinita oko 80% i gubitak žarenjem 12,33%. Diferencijalnom termičkom analizom (DTA/TGA) utvrđeno je da do dehidroksilacije i transformacije kaolinita u metakaolinit dolazi u opsegu temperature 450-700Ā°C. Proces kalcinacije je praćen termičkim tretmanom kaolinske gline u laboratorijskim uslovima na temperaturama 550, 600, 650 i 700Ā°C, različito vreme: 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 i 180 min. Kao glavni kvantitativni kriterijum za ocenu ponaÅ”anja kaolinita u procesu kalcinacije, koriŔćen je stepen dehidroksilacije materijala, Dtg. Optimalni parametri procesa kalcinacije, pri kojima je postignut stepen dehidroksilacije 0,97, jesu: temperatura 650Ā°C i vreme zagrevanja 90 min. Transformacije kaolinita u metakaolinit potvrđene su rendgenskom strukturnom analizom i IR spektroskopijom polazne gline i termički tretiranih glina. Na difraktogramima termički tretiranih glina nisu uočeni karakteristični pikovi kaolinita, dok IR spektri pokazuju odsustvo karakterističnih veza kaolinita. Pucolanska aktivnost metakaolina, određena direktnom metodom, pri optimalnim uslovima kalcinacije iznosi 0,65 g Ca(OH)2 / g metakaolina. Na osnovu ovih istraživanja može se zaključiti da je kaolinska glina sa nalaziÅ”ta Vrbica pogodna za proizvodnju metakaolina, odgovarajuće pucolanske aktivnosti, a koji se može primenjivati u svojstvu dopunskog cementnog materijala u sistemima na bazi cementa.The metakaolin was produced by thermal treatment (calcination) of the starting high-quality kaolin clay from Serbia. The optimal calcination parameters, for which nearly complete dehydroxylation of the material was achieved, are: temperature 650Ā°C and heating time of 90 min. The conversion of the kaolinite to metakaolinite was confirmed by XRD and IR analyses of the starting and thermally treated kaolin samples. The pozzolanic activity was determined by Chapelle test. The obtained value 0.65 g Ca(OH)2/g of metakaolin indicates that produced metakaolin may be used as supplementary cementitious material

    Compressive strength and microstructure of ordinary cured and autoclaved cement-based composites with mechanically activated kaolins

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    The effects of two different mechanically activated kaolins, AKV (61% kaolinite, 14% quartz and 16% mica) and AKG (51.6% kaolinite and 40.6% quartz) on the compressive strength of cement composites and microstructure of pastes were investigated. Composite mixtures, in which 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50% of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) was replaced by AKV or AKG, were prepared with w/b of 0.5, and exposed to different curing conditions (ordinary curing for 28 days and autoclaving). Factors affecting microstructure were investigated on pastes by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Differential thermal analysis/thermal gravimetry (DTA/TG) analyses, Mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) and Scanning electron microscopy with Energy-dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS). AKG composites exhibited higher compressive strengths under both curing conditions. Positive autoclaving effects on strengths were predominantly pronounced at the higher cement replacement levels. Comparison of the autoclaved and ordinary cured paste microstructure, revealed more intensive pozzolanic reaction during autoclaving conditions (CH content near zero) and higher total porosity. The negative effect of hydrogarnet on the strength was compensated by the formation of the crystalline tobermorite. Obtained results revealed that mechanically activated kaolin, with high content of quartz, could be a promising pozzolanic addition, even at high cement replacement levels (30ā€“50%), especially when autoclaving curing conditions were applied. Ā© 2018 Elsevier Lt

    Attitudes and Knowledge of Nurses on Organ Legacy and Transplantation

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    Introduction Nurses represent an important link in mediating between the potential donors and their relatives'consent to organ and tissue transplantation.The message of the Health Department to potential donors about the importance of organ donation was supported by the Serbian Orthodox Church, the army and other institutions through media campaigns. Nurses could contribute to this action by their personal example. Objective The aim of this study was identification and bivariate analysis of nurse attitude about organ donation, their knowledge about the importance of transplantation as treatment methods, as well as the connection between work experience and education level with the formation of attitudes and new skills. Methods In this cross-sectional study, 291 nurses from the Clinical Center of Serbia, Belgrade, filled in the questionnaire on the effect of correlation between the length of the service and level of education on knowledge and attitudes toward organ transplantation and organ donation. Results Out of 291 respondents, 67.4% have completed the nursing school and 32.6% have higher education. The majority (63.9%) of respondents knew that the EEG was the most valid method for determining brain death. The question regarding the possibility of buying organs was answered correctly by 68.7% of respondents. A large majority (91%) would accept organ transplant, if needed, but only 32.0% would be organ donors, and only 0.3% owned a donor card. In contrast, one third of nurses were already blood donors. Conclusion In case of necessary transplantation, nurses would accept someone else's organ, though they do not possess donor cards, but just few would donate their organs. It is possible that prejudice arises from ignorance and distrust in the health policy of the Republic of Serbia. However, besides negative attitude, nurses have expressed interest in learning and professional development in the area of transplantation

    Tumori ovarijuma u adolescentkinja i mladih žena

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    Phenomenon of heterogeneous ovary tumors is probably the result of activity of the whole series of various factors, which play significant role in genesis, development and classification of tumors, In the age of puberty and adolescence, as a transitional period from childhood to adulthood, it is not rarely seen that due to the influence of hormone regulation, social environment and psychophysical stability, the break of correlation of the mentioned factors can imperil reproductive health of young people. That is the moment when the illnesses of reproductive system become noteworthy for the first time. Thus the immense role of juvenile gynecology is to preserve reproductive health of adolescent girls by preventive health education. The most frequent illnesses of ovary are in tight connection with ovary tumor changes, which could have influence on the normal function of the ovary.Pojava raznovrsnih tumora ovarijalnog porekla, verovatno je posledica delovanja čitavog niza različitih faktora, koji imaju značajnu ulogu u pojavi, razvoju i klasifikaciji tumora. U pubertetu i adolescenciji, kao prelaznom periodu iz detinjstva u zrelo doba, pod uticajem hormonske regulacije, socijalne sredine i psihofizičke ravnoteže, najčeŔće može doći do prekida korelacije pomenutih faktora, a Å”to može da ugrozi reproduktivno zdravije mladih. Bolesti reproduktivnog sistema tada prvi put postaju značajne. Zato je značaj i uloga juvenilne ginekologije da preventivno zdravstveno-vaspitnim radom i pravovremenim lečenjem sačuva reproduktivno zdravlje adolescentkinja, jer najčeŔća oboljenja ovarijuma su u tesnoj vezi sa tumoroznim promenama, koji mogu da utiču na normalnu funkciju ovarijuma

    Prevalencija karijesa kod bolesnika hospitalizovanih zbog shizofrenije

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    Background/Aim. It is considered that over 450 million people worldwide suffer from some form of mental disorder. Previous studies in other countries have shown that schizophrenia is among the most frequent. Oral health is significant for general health and should not be separated from mental health. Studies in other countries have shown an increased incidence of carious and extracted teeth, and less incidence of filled teeth in this group of psychiatric patients. The aim of this study was to establish condition of the existing teeth, to determine the prevalence of caries and to consider possible risk factors that contribute to the current oral health status of hospitalized patients with schizophrenia. Methods. The study comprised 190 patients with schizophrenia, hospitalized at the Clinic for Psychiatric Disorders 'Dr. Laza Lazarević' in Belgrade, and 190 mentally healthy patients at the Clinic for Periodontology and Oral Medicine, Faculty of Dental Medicine in Belgrade. The decayed, missing, filled (DMF) index, sociodemographic and economic characteristics were registered in both groups, as well as characteristics of the primary disease of hospitalized patients with schizophrenia. Results. The value of DMF index (representing the sum of carious, extracted and filled teeth), in the hospitalized patients with schizophrenia was 18.57 Ā± 7.07 and 12.47 Ā± 5.64 in the healthy group (p = 0.000). The structure of the DMF index in the study group showed that caries and extracted teeth dominated with 88.1%; in the control group, filled teeth dominated with 55.6%, which was a statistically significant difference for all the three observed variables. Conclusion. Hospitalized patients with schizophrenia had twice as many caries and extracted teeth, and five time less filled teeth than healthy people. The patient's age and taking antiparkinsonics were established as predictors of the increased DMF index in hospitalized patients with schizophrenia.Uvod/Cilj. Smatra se da preko 450 miliona ljudi Å”irom sveta pati od nekog oblika mentalnog poremećaja, a istraživanja sprovedena u drugim zemljama pokazala su da je shizofrenija među najzastupljenijima. Oralno zdravlje zauzima značajno mesto u celokupnom zdravlju čoveka i ne treba ga razdvajati od mentalnog zdravlja. Istraživanja sprovedena u drugim zemljama pokazala su povećanu zastupljenost karijesnih i izvađenih zuba, a manje plombiranih zuba kod ove grupe psihijatrijskih bolesnika. Cilj studije bio je da se istraži stanje prisutnih zuba, odredi prevalencija karijesa i ispitaju mogući faktori rizika koji doprinose postojećem stanju oralnog zdravlja kod bolesnika hospitalizovanih zbog shizofrenije. Metode. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 190 bolesnika sa shizofrenijom, hospitalizovanih na Klinici za psihijatrijske bolesti 'Dr Laza Lazarević' u Beogradu i 190 mentalno zdravih ispitanika, pacijenata Klinike za parodontologiju i oralnu medicinu StomatoloÅ”kog fakulteta u Beogradu. Ispitanicima obe grupe registrovane su vrednosti KEP indeksa, sociodemografske i ekonomske karakteristike, a bolesnicima hospitalizovanim zbog shizofrenije i karakteristike primarne bolesti. Rezultati. Vrednost KEP indeksa kod bolesnika hospitalizovanih zbog shizofrenije iznosila je 18,57 Ā± 7,07, a kod zdravih osoba 12,47 Ā± 5,64 (p = 0,000). U strukturi indeksa koji pokazuje zbir brojeva karioznih, ekstrahovanih i plombiranih zuba (KEP) kod bolesnika sa shizofrenijom, dominirali su karijesni i ekstrahovani zubi - 88,1%, a u kontrolnoj grupi plombirani zubi - 55,6%, Å”to je bila statistički značajna razlika za sve tri posmatrane varijable. Zaključak. Bolesnici hospitalizovani zbog shizofrenije imali su dvostruko viÅ”e karijesnih i izvađenih zuba, a pet puta manje plombiranih zuba od zdravih osoba. Kao prediktori povećanog KEP indeksa kod bolesnika hospitalizovanih zbog shizofrenije ustanovljeni su starost ispitanika i koriŔćenje antiparkinsonika

    Bakterije u ksilemu listova Å”ećerne repe napadnutih gljivicama Cercospara beticola Sacc.

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    The fungus Cercospora beticola causes a large number of spots on the leaves of sugar-beet which considerably diminish the yield. In order to establish whether the apparently healthy leaf parts among the spots were altered, these leaf parts were investigated by means of electron microscope. The investigated places were from two to three nm away from the spot margins which were of a red brown colour. In the xylem of these parts numerous bacteria and some fungal hyphae were found. In the apparently healthy leaf parts which were 5 mm away from leaf spots, we could find neither bacteria nor fungi. Obviously the bacteria entered the healthy tissues through the spot but they could not spread very far from it. This investigation was carried out in October 1978, that is at the end of the growing season of sugar-beet. It would be interesting to investigate whether bacteria appear in other stages of cultivation in order to ascertain their role on the decay of sugar-beet.Gljivica Cercospora beticola stvara na listovima Å”ećerne repe mnogobrojne pjege koje znatno smanjuju prirod. Da bi se ustanovilo da li se u mjesecu listopadu alteriraju prividno zdrava područja listova između pjega, istražena su elektronskim mikroskopom ta područja. Ta su mjesta na listovima bila 2 do 3 mm udaljena od ruba pjega koji je bio crvenosmeđe obojen. Istraživanja su pokazala da se u tim područjima nalaze samo u ksilemu mnogobrojne bakterije i poneke hife vjerojatno od vrste C. beticola. U zdravim područjima listova, koji su bili joÅ” viÅ”e udaljeni od pjega, nismo mogli pronaći ni gljivinih hifa ni bakterija. Na osnovi tih zapažanja može se zaključiti da je sigurno da bakterije ulaze u prividno zdrava tkiva lista kroz pjegu, ali se ipak ne mogu u znatnijoj mjeri udaljiti od područja pjege

    A preliminary evaluation of normative and realistic needs for prosthetic treatment among frail elderly patients in Serbia

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    Background/purpose: Common to all frail elderly patients in Serbia is the fact that only little or no attention is given to their dental care. A normative need for prosthetic treatment exists for all partially edentulous and edentulous patients who lack adequate prosthetic devices. The realistic need for treatment means the opportunity to perform the treatment that will be beneficial for each patient individually. The goal of this study was to determine the normative and realistic needs for prosthetic treatment among frail elderly patients in Serbia. Materials and methods: The study involved 117 elderly and frail patients provided service at the Geriatrics Institute in Belgrade, and among families in suburban municipalities. We determined the patients' dental status, cognitive status, general health condition, and desire for treatment. Results: Results showed that 82.9% of patients had normative need for prosthetic treatment. Realistic need for prosthetic treatment was significantly lower-that is 19.7% to 28.2% of patients can be provided appropriate prosthetic treatment in order to improve their oral functionality and quality of life. Conclusion: Although realistic need for prosthetic treatment is significantly lower than normative need, treatment shouldn't be denied to patients who can receive it, especially when the treatment recommended is less invasive

    Bleeding gastroduodenal ulcers in patients without Helicobacter pylori infection and without exposure to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

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    Background/Aim. A high risk of bleeding in Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori)-negative, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID)-negative ulcers highlights the clinical importance of analysis of the changing trends of peptic ulcer disease. The aim of the study was to investigate the risk factors for ulcer bleeding in patients with non-H. pylori infection, and with no NSAIDs use. Methods. A prospective study included patients with endoscopically diagnosed ulcer disease. The patients were without H. pylori infection (verified by pathohistology and serology) and without exposure to NSAIDs and proton pump inhibitors (PPI) within 4 weeks before endoscopy. After endoscopy the patients were divided into 2 groups: the study group of 48 patients with bleeding ulcer and the control group of 47 patients with ulcer, but with no bleeding. Prior to endoscopy they had completed a questionnaire about demographics, risk factors and habits. The platelet function, von Willebrand factor (vWF) and blood groups were determined. Histopathological analysis of biopsy samples were performed with a modified Sydney system. The influence of bile reflux was analyzed by Bile reflux index (BRI). Results. Age, gender, tobacco and alcohol use did not affect the bleeding rate. The risk of bleeding did not depend on concomitant diseases (p = 0.509) and exposure to stress (p = 0.944). Aspirin was used by 16/48 (33.3%) patients with bleeding ulcer, as opposed to 7/47 (14.9%) patients who did not bleed (p = 0.036). Abnormal platelet function had 12/48 (25.0%) patients who bled, as opposed to 2/47 (4.3%) patients who did not bleed (p = 0.004). Patients with BRI < 14 bled in 79.2%, and did not bleed in 57.4% of the cases (p = 0.023). There was no statistical difference between groups in regards to blood groups and range of vWF. Antrum atrophy was found in 14/48 (29.2%) patients with bleeding ulcer and in only 5/47 (10.6%) patients who had ulcer without bleeding (p = 0.024). Conclusion. Abnormal platelet function, aspirin use and antrum atrophy were the risk factors for ulcer bleeding in non-H. pylori, non- NSAIDs ulcer disease

    EpidemioloŔko istraživanje lajŔmanijaze u Crnoj Gori 1992-2013. godine

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    Introduction The diseases caused by Leishmania are spread worldwide and represent a significant public health problem. Objective The aim of this study was to present the results of epidemiological surveillance of leishmaniasis in humans in Montenegro in the period from 1992 to 2013. Methods The study was planned and realized as a descriptive epidemiological study. The sample included patients of leishmaniasis in Montenegro in the period from 1992 to 2013. The health and demographic data were collected from medical records. The disease was microbiologically proven in the patients. For statistical analysis the Ļ‡2-test was used, which examined the significance of the incidence rate. Results During this period, 66 cases of leishmaniasis were identified (40 men and 26 women) aged 0 to 62 (mean 15.61Ā±16.76 years). A visceral form of the disease was diagnosed in 65 (98%) patients, and one patient was diagnosed with cutaneous leishmaniasis. The average incidence rate for the abovementioned period is 0.48 per 100,000 inhabitants. The highest average incidence rate was identified in patients up to seven years of age (3.50 per 100,000 inhabitants). The highest average incidence rates of leishmaniasis were identified in the coastal region of Montenegro, while seasonal distribution indicates that the disease occurs throughout the year with predominance in late spring and summer. Conclusion The research has shown that Montenegro is among the countries with low incidence of leishmaniasis. Nevertheless, because of leishmaniasis re-emergence in the entire Mediterranean Basin, a comprehensive research of ecological and epidemiological characteristics of leishmaniasis, including better monitoring and notification system, is required.Uvod Oboljenja izazvana lajÅ”manijama su rasprostranjena Å”irom sveta i značajan su zdravstveni problem. Cilj rada Cilj rada je bio da se predstave rezultati epidemioloÅ”kog istraživanja lajÅ”manijaze kod ljudi na području Crne Gore u periodu 1992-2013. godine. Metode rada Istraživanje je planirano i realizovano kao deskriptivna epidemioloÅ”ka studija. Uzorak istraživanja su činili oboleli od lajÅ”manijaze u Crnoj Gori od 1992. do 2013. godine. Zdravstveni i demografski podaci prikupljeni su iz medicinske dokumentacije. Kod svih obolelih bolest je mikrobioloÅ”ki dokazana. Za statističku analizu rezultata koriŔćen je Ļ‡2-test, kojim je ispitana značajnost stopa incidencije. Rezultati U navedenom periodu od lajÅ”manijaze je obolelo 66 osoba (40 muÅ”karaca i 26 žena) starih do 62 godine (prosečno 15,61Ā±16,76 godina). Kod 65 (98%) bolesnika dijagnostikovan je visceralni oblik oboljenja, a kod jednog bolesnika kožni tip lajÅ”manijaze. Prosečna stopa incidencije bila je 0,48 obolelih na 100.000 stanovnika. NajviÅ”a prosečna stopa incidencije bila je u uzrastu do sedam godina (3,50 na 100.000 stanovnika). Prosečne stope incidencije lajÅ”manijaze s najviÅ”om vrednosti bile su u priobalju Crne Gore, dok sezonska distribucija ukazuje na to da se bolest javlja tokom cele godine s predominacijom s kraja proleća i na leto. Zaključak NaÅ”e istraživanje je pokazalo da je Crna Gora među državama s niskom stopom incidencije obolevanja od lajÅ”manijaze. Ipak, zbog ponovnog pojavljivanja ove bolesti u Mediteranskom basenu i značaja za narodno zdravlje, potrebno je sveobuhvatno istraživanje ekoloÅ”kih i epidemioloÅ”kih odlika lajÅ”manijaze, uključujući bolji monitoring i sistem registracije
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