23 research outputs found

    Major characteristics of mixed fir and beech virgin forests in the National park Biogradska Gora in Montenegro

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    In order to manage forest ecosystems at a sufficiently high biodiversity level it is necessary to study the ecological, structural and production characteristics of virgin forests. The research was directed towards identifying the characteristics of mixed fir and beech forests (Abieti-Fagetum s. lat.) in the area of the strict reserve of the National Park Biogradska Gora in Montenegro. Basic characteristics of these forests were researched in the process of definition of forest types. In this manner, it is for the first time that a realistic base for typological management of forests and forest ecosystems with similar ecological and structural characteristics was provided for the specific sites

    Anatomsko 3D modeliranje specifičnih bioloŔkih struktura

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    Mechanical behavior of biological structures is a common subject of scientific research. The results of such investigations offer the precise insight into the biomechanical properties of biological structures and are usefull for predicting their behavior when subjected to loading. Although, such biomechanical investigations were conducted on experimental animals nowadays are very popular investigations concerning mathematical experimental models. The most common is the finite element method analysis. A digital model of a structure of interest has to be created for an investigation with the finite element method. Once the digital model is created with the use of computer technology numerous changes of elements and structures are possible, with different applications of the simulated load. The aim of this paper was to to present the development of our own three-dimensional tooth model created for finite element analyses of intact tooth behavior under functional loading. Also, the idea was to evaluate the possibility for using finite element analysis in veterinary biomechanical research. Our own 3D model was created using computer software according to available literature data, and facts gained from freshly extracted intact teeth and plaster models. It is necessary to emphasize that FEM is an effective tool that has been adapted from the engineering arena to biomechanic research and has the potential to contribute to the growing scientific basis of knowledge in veterinary dentistry.Mehaničko ponaÅ”anje bioloÅ”kih struktura je vrlo čest predmet naučnih istraživanja. Rezultati takvih istraživanja pružaju precizne podatke o biomehaničkim karakteristikama bioloÅ”kih struktura i kao takvi su korisni za predviđanje ponaÅ”anja struktura kada su izložene opterećenjima. Iako su za sprovođenje takvih istraživanja često koriŔćene ekesperimentalne životinje, u novije vreme sve su čeŔća takva istraživanja na matematičkim modelima. Pri tome primat ima metoda konačnih elemenata. Da bi se sprovelo istraživanje metodom konačnih elemenata potrebno je napraviti digitalni model strukture koja je predmet istraživanja. Jednom napravljen matematički digitalni model omogućuje primenom računara beskonačan broj promena oblika pojedinih elemenata i struktura, ali takođe i bezbroj simulacija aplikacija sila. Cilj ovog rada bio je prikazati način dobijanja trodimezionalnog modela zuba potrebnog za sprovođenje analiza ponaÅ”anja zuba nakon okluzalnog opterećenja metodom konačnih elemenata kao i proceniti mogućnost primene ove metode u biomehaničkim istraživanjima u veterinarskoj nauci. Na osnovu podataka iz literature, analizom morfologije ekstrahovanih zuba i plastičnih zuba u odgovarajućim kompjuterskim programima izvrÅ”eno je kreiranje sopstvenog modela intaktnog zuba. Posebno treba istaći da je MKE vrlo efikasan istraživački alat koji je preuzet iz inžinjerskih oblasti i ima potencijala za Å”iru primenu u veterinarskoj nauci, posebno stomatologiji.

    Identifikovanje karakteristika difuzije kroz gleđno tkivo zuba mačke oÅ”tećenog resorptivnim procesom

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    Various factors have been suggested in the pathogenesis of feline resorptive lesions, such as periodontal disease, dietary factors, mechanical stress, developmental tooth defects, breed and viral disease, although none of these factors have been definitively proven to be the direct cause. It was recently published that normally enamel in cats is significantly thinner at the cemento-enamel junction, and both enamel and dentine are significantly less mineralized than elsewhere on the tooth. However, it is still unclear what anatomical features of the tooth surface are associated with a predisposition for resorptive lesions, and what is the initiating cause for the clastic activity afterwards. The present study was undertaken with the aim to describe enamel properties of transport and distribution of organic molecules in intact feline teeth and teeth affected with resorptive lesions. The results indicate that damaged enamel is prone to a greater bilateral diffusion process, leading to continuous disruption of the enamel structure. Also, teeth that are subjected to occlusal stress are at greater risk of destruction because micro fractures produce disarrangements in feline dental tissue diffusion homeostasis. The relationship between these features with feline dental resorptive lesions requires further studies.U patogenezi dentalnih resorptivnih lezija u mačaka pominju se različiti etioloÅ”ki faktori kao Å”to su oboljenja parodontalnih tkiva, faktori načina ishrane, mehaničko opterećenje, defekti nastali u toku razvoja zuba i virusna oboljenja. Ni za jedan od navedenih faktora do sada nije potvrđeno da je direktan uzročnik lezija. Nedavno je objavljeno da je gleđ u mačaka na gleđno-cementnoj granici značajno tanja od ostale gleđi, kao i da su gleđ i dentin tog područja mnogo manje mineralizovani nego na ostalim delovima zuba. Ipak nije potvrđeno da li postoje i posebni anatomski delovi zuba koji imaju predispoziciju za nastajanje resorptivnih lezija i Å”ta je inicijalni faktor za kasnije aktiviranje odontoklasta. Istraživanje je sprovedeno sa ciljem da se ispita distribucija i transport organskih molekula intaktne gleđi zuba mačke i gleđi koja je zahvaćena resorptivnim procesom. Rezultati istraživanja prikazuju da je oÅ”tećena gleđ podložnija intenzivnijem bilateralnom procesu difuzije, koja dovodi do kontinualnog oÅ”tećivanja strukture gleđi. Zubi koji su izloženi okluzalnom opterećenju su takođe pod većim rizikom od propadanja jer mikropukotine koje nastaju usled koncentracije napona uzrokuju poremećaj homeostaze dentalnih tkiva. Utvrđivanje povezanosti faktora difuzije i mehaničkog opterećenja zahteva dodatna istraživanja

    Biomehanički aspekt nastajanja dentalnih resorptivnih lezija u mačaka

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    Feline dental resorptive lesions affect more than one third of all adult domestic cats and continue to be an enigma in the veterinary dental science although different theories about the pathogenesis of these lesions have been proposed. Recently, a hypothesis was introduced that local mechanical trauma could be an important factor in the initiation of feline dental resorptive lesions and that there is a correlation between the occurrence of resorptive lesions and occlusal trauma in cats. The aim of this study was to analyze stress distribution in feline tooth during occlusal loading in order to accept or reject the hypothesis that dental resorptive lesions in cats might be caused by occlusal trauma. A solid model of feline tooth had to be created in order to perform the investigation. The idea was to gain data for tooth displacement (deformation) and stress and strain distribution under loading generally for any feline tooth using the finite element method. The results of the study contribute to the theory that occlusal overload might be one of the causes in multifactorial resorptive lesions in cats. Succession of tensile and compressive stresses and tooth displacement during occlusal loading might be a contributive factor in the pathogenesis of feline resorptive lesions. However, further research is required to confirm this statement.Dentalne resorptivne lezije kod mačaka su vrlo čest nalaz, i mogu se uočiti u viÅ”e od jedne trećine domaćih mačaka. One su i dalje enigma u veterinarskoj stomatologiji iako je do sada postavljeno mnogo teorija o njihovom nastanku. Nedavno je predložena hipoteza da je lokalna mehanička trauma veoma značajan faktor u inicijaciji dentalnih resorptivnih lezija u mačaka i da postoji veza između nastajanja lezija i postojanja okluzalne traume. Cilj ove studije je da se analizira distribucija napona i deformacija unutar bilo kog zuba mačke tokom okluzalnog opterećenja, kako bi se potvrdila ili odbacila hipoteza da je okluzalna trauma mogući etioloÅ”ki faktor u nastajanju dentalnih resorptivnih lezija u mačaka. Za sprovođenje ovog istraživanja bilo je potrebno krerirati matematički model bilo kog zuba mačke. Osnovna ideja je bila analizirati distribuciju napona i pomeranja tokom okluzalnog opterećenja pomoću metode konačnih elemenata. Rezultati ove studije daju doprinos teoriji da okluzalno preopterećenje može biti etioloÅ”ki faktor nastajanja dentalnih resorptivnih lezija u mačaka. Naizmenično smenjivanje zateznog i kompresionog napona u strukturama zuba tokom mastikacije može imati uticaja u patogenezi dentalnih resorptivnih lezija u mačaka

    Kompjutersko modeliranje specifičnih bioloŔko-strukturnih odlika zuba

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    Biomechanical experimental studies are often a subject of interest to many researchers. The results of such investigations give a full insight of complex structural behavior under loading, visualize potential material weaknesses and evaluate if mechanical factors play a substantial role in the pathogenesis of the lesions of the investigated biological structure. The use of FEM enables most of the researchers to abandon the experimental animal models and expand the investigation on computational models, analyzing stress and strain distribution as an indicator of structural biomechanical behavior. The aim of this paper was to present computational modeling of any (human or animal) intact tooth behavior under loading and evaluate the intact tooth stress and strain distribution pattern. For the investigation to be carried out a mathematical model of an intact tooth had to be created. The difference in stress concentration, when masticatory forces are acting lateraly comparing to the ones acting vertically, can be attributed to the basic mechanical principle of leverage which states that forces concentrate at or near the fulcrum. When subjected to lateral loading, tooth with its root acts as a simple lever that fulcrums near the cervical region. This paper offers the new approach in veterinary dental scientific research. Once when a mathematical model is made, it is possible by changing the parameters to investigate different clinical situations. With increasing popularity of veterinary dentistry, the FEM/computational analyses could became a useful tool in biomechanical veterinary dental research due to its noninvasiveness.Biomehanička eksperimentalna istraživanja pružaju potpuni uvid u kompleksno ponaÅ”anje bioloÅ”kih struktura pod opterećenjem, vizualizuju potencijalna slaba mesta u samom materijalu i analiziraju da li mehaničko opterećenje igra ulogu u nastajanju pojedinih patoloÅ”kih lezija. Primena MKE omogućuje istraživačima da napuste istraživanja na eksperimentalnim životinjama, i da se fokusiraju na kompjuterske modele i analizu distribucije napona i deformacija koji su pokazatelji biomehaničkog ponaÅ”anja strukture. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se prikaže ponaÅ”anje kompjuterskog modela intaktnog zuba nakon opterećenja i evaluira distribucija napona i deformacija. Da bi se sprovelo ovo istraživanje bilo je potrebno kreirati digitalni model bilo kog zuba (ljudskog ili životinjskog). Razlike u distribuciji napona kod lateralnog opterećenja u odnosu na vertikalno mogu se pripisati jednostavnom mehaničkom principu poluge, koji kaže da se sile koncentriÅ”u na mestu oslanjanja. Kada je zub izložen lateralnim silama, on se ponaÅ”a kao jednostavna poluga čiji je oslonac u cervikalnom delu. Ovaj rad unosi novi pristup u istraživanjima u veterinarskoj stomatologiji. Jednom izrađen model, omogućava da se menjanjem parametara ispituju i analiziraju različite kliničke situacije. Sa narastajućom popularnoŔću veterinarske stomatologije analize MKE mogu postati veoma koristan alat u biomehaničkim istraživanjima, posebno zbog svoje neinvazivnosti

    Mechanical ventilation in patients with most severe forms of influenza a H1N1

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    Background/Aim. Pandemic of A H1N1 influenza is noted for its rapid spreading and life-threatening consequences like acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) which requires mechanical ventilation (MV) and intensive therapy (IT). The aim of the study was to determine the significance of mechanical ventilation application in the presence of comorbidities on the outcome of the disease and patients with severe forms of acute influenza caused by A H1N1 virus. Methods. Five patients with acute respiratory failure caused by A H1N1 influenza that required MV were included in the study. Course and outcome of the treatment were monitored in relation to age and sex of the patients, concomitant diseases, time of influenza beginning, a time of admittance in an intensive care unit, a time of an endotracheal intubation and MV beginning, MV duration and occurrence of secondary infections. Results. Three patients were on a very prolonged MV (39, 43 and 20 days, respectively) and they all survived. Two patients with a significantly shorter duration of MV (14 and 12 days, respectively) died because of a very severe clinical course and concomitant diseases. Unexpectedly, we found a positive correlation between duration of MV and survival although two patients, who were on MV for the longest period of time (43 and 39 days, respectively), developed, as a complication, secondary bacterial pneumonia. Conclusion. Intensive therapy of patients with ARDS due to A H1N1 influenza virus requires MV which should be carried out according to guidelines of international expert forums. That is in accordance with our unexpected observation on negative correlation between duration of MV and fatal outcome. Intensive treatment of these patients, specially MV, can be very prolonged and, therefore, requires specialized teams of anesthesiologists, separate, isolated intensive therapy units and high level of medical staff protection, as was the case in this study, so no member of medical staff was infected

    Metodologija integrisanog istraživanja u procesu digitalne dokumentacije arhitektonskog nasleđa

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    The paper presents an overview of the results based on the integration of traditional (analogue) and instrumental (digital) methods of heritage surveying. The thematic framework was stimulated by participation at the professional workshop in Lizori, in Italy, held in June 2018.. This specific methodological framework of integrated research, uses different tools, in the function of morphological specifications of different parts of a historical building. The very nature of architectural heritage requires the integration of different methods in order to achieve an adequate level of accuracy. The project of digitization of the Lizori village aims to present, on the one hand, an almost unknown historical heritage through multimedia presentation, and on the other hand, set up an information tool for restoration, maintenance and valorization.Rad predstavlja prikaz rezultata zasnovanog na integraciji tradicionalnih (analognih) i instrumentalnih (digitalnih) metoda snimanja nasleđa. Tematski okvir rada je podstaknut učeŔćem na stručnoj radionici u Lizoriju (Lizori), u Italiji, održanoj u junu 2018. godine. Ovaj specifični metodoloÅ”ki okvir integrisanog istraživanja koristi različite alate, u funkciji morfoloÅ”kih specifikacija različitih delova istorijske građevine. Sama priroda arhitektonskog nasleđa nalaže integraciju različitih metoda u cilju postizanja adekvatnog nivoa tačnosti. Projekat digitalizacije zaseoka Lizori ima za cilj da, sa jedne strane, predstavi gotovo nepoznato istorijsko nasleđe kroz multimedijalnu prezentaciju, a sa druge strane, postavi alat za informisanje za restauraciju, održavanje i valorizaciju

    Procena uspeŔnosti terapije jednostranom kompleksnom skeletiranom parcijalnom protezom - petogodiŔnja klinička studija

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    Introduction Removable partial denture (RPD) is common treatment option for unilateral partially edentulous patients not indicated for implant therapy. Unilateral complex partial denture (UCPD) could be an alternative approach to RPD treatment, but there is lack of evidence about UCPD treatment outcomes during the long-term clinical performance. The aim of this study was to use periodontal, prosthodontic and participant satisfaction measures to evaluate the long-term clinical performance of UCPD. Material and methods This 5 year follow-up clinical study evaluated pocket probing depth (PPD) and vertical clinical attachment loss (CAL-V) of direct abutment (DA), indirect abutment (IA) and control teeth (CT). Also complications and failures of UCPD were analysed using questionnaire of participant satisfaction with UCPD (stability, comfort and manipulation). Results Evaluation of data showed that CAL-V and PPD significantly increased over time for DA, IA and CT (p lt 0.0001), but the tooth function (DA, IA and CT) did not significantly influence changes in PPD and CAL-V. The fracture of one abutment tooth and increase of the number of artificial teeth deformations (p=0.039) were observed after 5 years. Participant satisfaction with denture after 1 year and 5 years vs. 7 days was significantly improved. Conclusion Despite limitations of this clinical study and assuming regular oral maintenance with proper indication, UCPD might be considered as good treatment option for Kennedy II rehabilitation in patients not indicated for implant therapy or who cannot tolerate extensive RPD design.Uvod Parcijalna skeletirana proteza (PSP) najčeŔća je terapijska opcija kod jednostrane krezubosti kada nije indikovana implantoloÅ”ka terapija. Jednostrana kompleksna parcijalna skeletirana proteza (JKPSP) predstavlja alternativu konvencionalnoj PSP, jedino Å”to ne postoje evidentni podaci o uspeÅ”nosti terapije nakon duže kliničke upotrebe. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se na osnovu analize objektivnih pokazatelja, odnosno analize periodontalnih i protetskih parametara, kao i na osnovu subjektivnih ocena pacijenta, izvrÅ”i provera uspeÅ”nosti JKPSP retiniranim atečmenom tipa reze sa oprugom nakon petogodiÅ”njeg praćenja. Materijal i metod Kod deset ispitanika oba pola izvrÅ”eno je praćenje gubitka vertikalnog pripoja gingive i dubine parodontalnih džepova, kod primarnog retencionog zuba (PRZ), sekundarnog retencionog zuba (SRZ), koji su bili u sastavu JKPSP i kontrolnog zuba (KZ) suprotne strane vilice. Takođe, analizirani su protetske komplikacije (fraktura zuba, gubitak veÅ”tačkih zuba) i zadovoljstvo pacijenata na osnovu popunjenih upitnika, gde su oni ocenjivali stabilnost, komfor i rukovanje JKPSP. Rezultati Nakon analize dobijnih podataka uočeno je da se vrednost dubine parodontalnih džepova i gubitak vertikalnog pripoja gingive kod PRZ statistički značajno razlikuju u odnosu na SRZ i KZ (p lt 0,0001). Zabeležene protetske komplikacije u vidu frakture retencionog zuba i deformacije veÅ”tačkih akrilatnih zuba nisu bile statistički značajne posle pet godina praćenja. Zadovoljstvo pacijenata JKPSP posle prve godine i posle pet godina noÅ”enja se značajno popravilo u odnosu na prvih sedam dana posle predaje. Zaključak Nezavisno od ograničenja ove kliničke studije, uzimajući u obzir adekvatnu indikaciju i pravilno održavanje higijene, JKPSP se može smatrati dobrom opcijom za rehabilitaciju krezubosti Kenedi II klase kod pacijenata kod kojih nije indikovana terapija implantatima, odnosno koji ne prihvataju prisustvo velike spojnice. Pacijenti su bili zadovoljni protezama, njihovim komforom i lakoćom rukovanja protezama.

    Efikasnost i sigurnost 4% artikaina sa epinefrinom za gornji prednji i srednji alveolarni nervni blok primenom kompjuterski kontrolisanog sistema i standardnog pristupa za primenu anestetičkog rastvora - prospektivna, randomizovana, kontrolisana, dvosturko slepa, ukrŔtena klinička studija

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    Bacground/Aim. The efficient dental anesthesia, which is related to the clinically adequate depth, duration and the width of anesthetic field, is an important prerequisite for successful dental treatment. The aim of this study was to investigate and compare the pulpal anesthesia and cardiovascular parameters after the anterior middle superior alveolar (AMSA) nerve block with 4% articaine with epinephrine administered by conventional cartridge-syringe and computer-controlled local anesthetic delivery system (CCLADS). Methods. This controlled double-blind cross-over randomized clinical study included 38 healthy volunteers. Efficacy of pulpal anesthesia after the AMSA nerve block was evaluated by measuring a success rate, onset and duration of pulpal anesthesia, using an electrical pulp tester. The parameters of cardiovascular function (systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart rate) were monitored noninvasively. Results. Successful pulpal anesthesia of all tested teeth was obtained in 57.9% participants with CCLADS and in 44.7% participants with conventional syringe. The onset time was not significantly different between two investigated groups. The pulpal anesthesia duration was not significantly different neither within nor between investigated groups. The systolic and diastolic blood pressures were significantly decreased in both investigated groups, in comparison with the baseline values. Heart rate significantly decreased within CCLADS from 10th to 30th minute when compared to baseline. Conclusion. The efficacy of pulpal anesthesia and safety of cardiovascular profile of 0.6 mL of articaine with epinephrine (1:100.000) delivered with CCLADS were improved in comparison to the conventional syringe delivery. Significant changes of cardiovascular function were not observed.Uvod/Cilj. Efikasna zubna anestezija u pogledu klinički adekvatne dubine, trajanja i Å”irine anestetičkog polja je važan preduslov za uspeÅ”no zubno lečenje. Cilj rada bio je ispitivanje i upoređivanje parametra anestezije zubne pulpe i kardiovaskularnih parametra posle gornje prednje i srednje alveolarne (AMSA) sprovodne anestezije postignute 4% artikainom sa epinefrinom, primenom standardne karpulbrizgalice i kompjuterski kontrolisanog sistema za primenu anestetičkog rastvora (CCLADS). Metode. U ovom randomizovanom, prospektivnom, kontrolisanom, dvostruko slepom ukrÅ”tenom kliničkom istraživanju učestvovalo je 38 ispitanika. Kvalitet anestezije zubne pulpe posle AMSA anestezije praćen je na osnovu uspeÅ”nosti, latentnog perioda i trajanja anestezije zubne pulpe, primenom električnog pulp-testera. Parametri kardiovaskularne funkcije (sistolni i dijastolni krvni pritisak, srčana frekvencija) praćeni su neinvazivno, primenom aparata za monitoring. Rezultati. UspeÅ”na anestezija zubne pulpe svih ispitivanih zuba bila je prisutna kod 57,9% ispitanika posle kod CCLADS i kod 44,7% ispitanika posle primene standardne karpul-brizgalice. Latentni period i trajanje anestezije zubne pulpe nisu se značajno razlikovali između ispitivanih grupa. Sistolni i dijastolni pritisak bili su značajno sniženi u praćenim vremenskim intervalima u odnosu na početne vrednosti. Srčana frekvencija je bila značajno snižena kod CCLADS grupe od 10 do 30 minuta u odnosu na početne vrednosti. Zaključak. Kontrolisanom kompjuterizovanom primenom (CCLADS) 0,6 mL 4% artikaina sa epinefrinom (1:100,000) za AMSA sprovodnu anesteziju, postignut je bolji kvalitet anestezije zubne pulpe u odnosu na primenu artikaina sa epinefrinom standardnom karpul brizgalicom. Nisu uočene bitne promene funkcija kardiovaskularnog sistema

    Genetički resursi i oplemenjivanje krmnih biljaka u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori

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    Review and results of research focusing on genetic resources and improvement of forage plants in Serbia and Montenegro (SMN) are presented in this paper. SMN is extremely rich on natural (native/autochthonous) genetic resources of different forage species. Great number of cultivars of perennial grass and leguminous plants as well as annual forage plants were created in SMN as a result of research work carried out over several decades. Domestic cultivars of forage plants have first of all high productive potential for yield of forage and quality of dry matter.U ovom radu dat je pregled i rezultati istraživanja na genetičkim resursima i oplemenjivanju krmnih biljaka u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori (SCG). SCG predstavlja izuzetno bogat izvor prirodnih (autohtonih) genetičkih resursa naročito vrsta krmnih biljaka. Veći broj gajenih sorti krmnih biljaka za stočnu hranu ima svoje srodnike u prirodnim livadskim zajednicama. U viÅ”e decenijskom radu na oplemenjivanju krmnih biljaka stvoren je veliki broj sorti viÅ”egodiÅ”njih trava i leguminoza i jednogodiÅ”njih krmnih kultura sa visokim proizvodnim potencijalom za prinos krme vrlo dobrog kvaliteta suve materije