211 research outputs found

    Mapiranje kriminala u funkciji unapređenja partnerskih odnosa policije i zajednice

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    Information exchange is one of the key aspects of good police - community partnership. Having this in mind, the paper highlights the importance of crime mapping in informing and mobilizing community members to achieve a common goal - improving safety and quality of life in the community. By combining information from different sources, according to the old adage according to which 'a picture is worth a thousand words', crime maps easily inform citizens about crime and other issues relevant to their safety, allowing them to spot problems, identify their causes and - through team work with the police - ensure their solving and reducing risk factors. Pointing to one of the possible areas of crime maps' application in police work, the paper affirms the necessity of integrating them into everyday police practice.U kontekstu unapređenja proaktivnog rada policije naročito je značajno postojanje dobrih partnerskih odnosa policije i zajednice. Kako je jedan od ključnih aspekata izgradnje partnerskih odnosa razmena informacija, u radu se ukazuje na značaj kartografskih prikaza kriminala u informisanju i mobilizaciji članova zajednice ka ostvarivanju zajedničkog cilja − unapređenju kvaliteta života u zajednici. Objedinjujući informacije iz različitih izvora, a shodno pravilu da 'slika vredi više od hiljadu reči', kartografski prikazi kriminala jednostavno i brzo informišu građane o kriminalu i drugim dešavanjima od značaja za njihovu bezbednost, omogućujući im da uoče probleme, prepoznaju njihove uzroke i efektivno i efikasno deluju sa policijom u cilju njihove eliminacije. Ukazujući na jednu od mogućih oblasti primene kartografskih prikaza kriminala u policijskom radu, u radu se afirmiše neophodnost njihove implementacije u domaću policijsku praksu

    Mesto izvršenja krivičnog dela u teorijskim promišljanjima o kriminalitetu

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    A great deal of time and effort has been invested in trying to understand crime, most notably examining why some people engage in criminal behavior and others do not. Theories which place offenders in the center of their research focus have dominated in criminology for a long time. However, in recent decades theoretical approaches whose focus is space and time where victims (targets) and offenders converge during the commission of the offense, increasingly come to the fore. These approaches, which all share common interest in understanding how the environment shapes criminal activity, belong together under the umbrella of what is called environmental criminology. Environmental criminology seeks to explain how the environment affects the creation of crime opportunities and offender decision making regarding committing crime, in an attempt to establish patterns of offender's and victim's behavior in relation to environment (space) where they meet and where the offense is executed. In addition to highlighting the essential characteristics of different theoretical approaches that now constitute the environmental criminology (e.g. routine activity theory, rational choice theory, crime pattern theory, CPTED etc.), this paper also shows how situational (micro) context of the crime came into the focus of theoretical thinking about crime. In this context, the paper starts from the ideas of the so called. Cartographic and Chicago School and design theorists, in the aftermath of World War II, who inspired the research about crime and place that lead to the emergence of the environmental criminology in the early 80's of last century. By providing a significant contribution to understanding the dynamics of performing criminal activities, theoretical approaches of the environmental criminology are significant factor in designing effective methods in combating (preventing) crime today. Practical application of crime prevention through environmental design, situational crime prevention, hotspot policing, geographic profiling, etc., confirms this.Poslednjih decenija sve više do izražaja dolaze teorijski pristupi u čijem fokusu se nalazi geoprostor (mesto) na kojem dolazi do interakcije izvršioca i žrtve (mete) prilikom izvršenja krivičnog dela. Ovim pristupima je zajedničko interesovanje ka razumevanju načina na koji geoprostor 'oblikuje' kriminalnu aktivnost. Oni teže da istraže kako okruženje utiče na stvaranje prilike i donošenje odluke kod učinioca da se izvrši krivično delo, odnosno pokušavaju da objasne obrasce ponašanja učinioca i žrtve u geoprostoru gde se oni susreću i gde se izvršava krivično delo. U radu se pokazuje kako je mesto izvršenja dolazilo u fokus teorijskih promišljanja o kriminalitetu, počev od radova predstavnika tzv. 'kartografske' i 'čikaške škole', kao i 'teoretičara dizajna' u periodu nakon II svetskog rata, koji su inspirativno delovali na autore koji će rezultatima svojih istraživanja omogućiti nastanak kriminologije životne sredine osamdesetih godina prošlog veka. Takođe, u radu se navode i bitna obeležja osnovnih (teorijskih) pristupa koji konstituišu ovaj teorijski pravac u kriminologiji i ukazuje na njihov značaj u usmeravanju napora koji se preduzimaju u cilju suprotstavljanja kriminalitetu

    Obuka policajca pripravnika

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    Over the basic police training, prospective police officers are trained to perform duties defined in the job description of general services police officer. However, regardless of the quality of the training curriculum, the realistic environment could never be simulated in the classroom setting. For probationary officers, there will always be a period of 'adjustment' to the police service. This 'adjustment' period will allow them to get introduced to the field work and learn how to perform assigned duties independently. What we have here is vocational (field) training. The paper discusses the importance of such training in creating a profile of a competent police officer; it offers explanation why mentoring (FTO) is a cornerstone of every solid police training program and how the status of the probationary officer in our police service can come in the discrepancy with the essence of the concept of probation.Tokom trajanja osnovne policijske obuke kandidati za buduće policajce osposobljavaju se za obavljanje poslova koji proizlaze iz radnog mesta policajca opšte nadležnosti. Međutim, koliko god da je program obuke dobar, učionica nikada neće moći da simulira realno okruženje. Uvek će postojati potreba za periodom 'adaptacije' tokom kojeg će se policajci pripravnici uvoditi u praksu i osposobljavati za samostalan rad. Reč je o stručnoj (pripravničkoj) obuci. U radu se govori o tome kakav značaj ona ima za formiranje dobrog policajca, daje se odgovor na pitanje zašto se u osnovi svakog dobrog programa osposobljavanja pripravnika nalaze dobri mentori, i kako status našeg policajca pripravnika može doći u nesklad sa suštinom instituta pripravništva

    Mapiranje kriminala u funkciji unapređenja partnerskih odnosa policije i zajednice

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    Information exchange is one of the key aspects of good police - community partnership. Having this in mind, the paper highlights the importance of crime mapping in informing and mobilizing community members to achieve a common goal - improving safety and quality of life in the community. By combining information from different sources, according to the old adage according to which 'a picture is worth a thousand words', crime maps easily inform citizens about crime and other issues relevant to their safety, allowing them to spot problems, identify their causes and - through team work with the police - ensure their solving and reducing risk factors. Pointing to one of the possible areas of crime maps' application in police work, the paper affirms the necessity of integrating them into everyday police practice.U kontekstu unapređenja proaktivnog rada policije naročito je značajno postojanje dobrih partnerskih odnosa policije i zajednice. Kako je jedan od ključnih aspekata izgradnje partnerskih odnosa razmena informacija, u radu se ukazuje na značaj kartografskih prikaza kriminala u informisanju i mobilizaciji članova zajednice ka ostvarivanju zajedničkog cilja − unapređenju kvaliteta života u zajednici. Objedinjujući informacije iz različitih izvora, a shodno pravilu da 'slika vredi više od hiljadu reči', kartografski prikazi kriminala jednostavno i brzo informišu građane o kriminalu i drugim dešavanjima od značaja za njihovu bezbednost, omogućujući im da uoče probleme, prepoznaju njihove uzroke i efektivno i efikasno deluju sa policijom u cilju njihove eliminacije. Ukazujući na jednu od mogućih oblasti primene kartografskih prikaza kriminala u policijskom radu, u radu se afirmiše neophodnost njihove implementacije u domaću policijsku praksu

    Harmonizacija evropskih modela obuke granične policije

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    Establishing the European border police model, adopting the European principles for the control and protection of the state border, harmonizing the regulations with those that exist in the EU become an imperative for all those who want to join the EU. At the same time this is preferable if we take into account that the cooperation among different national police organization would be easier and more effective if it is based on the same or very similar structural, operational and training/education criteria. But if the system of common attitudes and beliefs already exists (represented in the European police culture), this process will go much easier and faster. In addition, the existence of the common cultural bases is necessary as far the legislation is concerned since the cultural differences can lead to different ways the law is enforced. In order to reach the European police culture, the border police officers from various countries should be given an opportunity to exchange their knowledge and experience, to learn one from another and one with another. One of the ways to achieve that is the joint training. The institutionalized joint training is a good starting point as far as the different training systems’ harmonization is concerned, but the essential requirements are to create a common curriculum and establish common training standards. Namely, the harmonization of different training systems means that we need to determine common core of tasks, skills and issues that need to be addressed by basic and specialized border police training. Only this can make police training programs compatible. In order to achieve this, we should answer the following question: What kind of knowledge and skills (competencies) should a graduate acquire from the training program? Our ultimate goal should be that every border police officer, trained at any national training centre in Europe, is able to perform his duties efficiently anywhere along the European borders. In other words, if we talk about police training, we should seek to establish common training standards. Training standards should be defined using benchmarks of best practices elsewhere. Furthermore, the defining of common training standards is closely connected to the development of the core curriculum for all border police officers in Europe. The establishing of common training standards and the development of a core curriculum are a necessary prerequisite for the international border police cooperation. Without such a common denominator, it would be hard to remove obstacles disturbing the successful police cooperation process. The fact is that at this moment we are still far from the so-called European border police training model, although the necessity for that is explicitly stated in many documents and international initiatives. What is missing is more knowledge, ideas and sources of integration. Therefore, the necessity for the European border police academy is explicitly stressed in this paper the institution which will unite all efforts regarding the harmonization of the European models for the border police training, the organization which will induce a great number of the European countries to join the common project - creating the border police training system for the 21st century.Uspostavljanje evropskog modela granične policije, usvajanje evropskih principa kontrole i zaštite državne granice i harmonizacija propisa s onima koji postoje u Evropskoj uniji postaju imperativ za sve one koji teže priključenju Evropskoj uniji. To je i poželjno ako se ima u vidu da će saradnja iz- među policijskih organizacija različitih država biti mnogo lakša i efektivnija ako su one zasnovane na istim ili sličnim organizacionim strukturama, procedurama postupanja i standardima policijske obuke i obrazovanja. Polazeći od toga, predmet ovog rada jeste približavanje (harmonizacija) različitih modela obuke pripadnika graničnih policija. U radu se polazi od toga da izgrađen sistem zajedničkih kulturoloških osnova oličen u evropskoj policijskoj kulturi čini proces harmonizacije (približavanja) različitih modela obuke pripadnika graničnih policija lakšim i bržim. U vezi s tim, u radu se ukazuje na značaj zajedničke obuke za izgradnju evropske policijske kulture i sprovođenje procesa harmonizacije. Kako približavanje (harmonizacija) različitih sistema obuke podrazumeva da treba da odredimo koji su suštinski zadaci, znanja i veštine koji treba da budu uzeti u obzir prilikom koncipiranja osnovne i specijalističke obuke pripadnika granične policije, u radu se ukazuje i na značaj uspostavljanja zajedničkih standarda obuke i izrade zajedničkog kurikuluma. Činjenica je da smo u ovom trenutku još daleko od tzv. evropskog modela obuke granične policije, iako je takva neophodnost izričito navedena u mnogobrojnim dokumentima i međunarodnim inicijativama. Ono što nam nedostaje jeste veći stepen inte- gracije resursa, znanja i ideja. Zbog toga se u ovom radu ističe neophodnost stvaranja Evropske akademije za obuku pripadnika graničnih policija, ustanove koja će objediniti sve napore ka harmonizaciji (približavanju) evropskih modela obuke pripadnika granične policije, i koja će animirati veliki broj ev- ropskih država da uzmu učešće u zajedničkom projektu - stvaranju sistema obuke granične policije za 21. vek

    Analitička interpretacija temporalnih karakteristika krivičnih dela sa nepoznatim vremenom izvršenja - aoristička analiza

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    If we tend to fully understand the dynamics of crime, in addition to the analysis of its spatial distribution, equal attention should be paid to its temporal characteristics because time is an important component in the understanding of criminal occurrence. However, for some types of crime, it is sometimes difficult to reliably determine the exact time of their occurrence (e.g., burglary, vehicle theft etc.). The inability to do so severely limits analyses of the temporal dynamics of crime, which in turn is a serious limitation factor in devising effective strategies of crime prevention. In cases where the exact time of crime occurrence is not possible to be determined, a temporal dimension of criminal activity cannot be ignored because of its importance. Therefore, we should strive to calculate probability that an event occurred within given temporal parameters or provide an approximation. One of the most reliable methods is aoristic analysis. This paper describes aoristic analysis and gives a practical example of its application to the distribution of burglaries in one of the Belgrade's municipalities (Zemun), in 2012.Ako se teži potpunom razumevanju dinamike geoprostora na kojem se učestalo manifestuju krivična dela, osim analize geo- prostorne distribucije, pažnju bi trebalo posvetiti i temporalnim karakteristikama krivičnih dela. Međutim, kod nekih vrsta krivičnih dela teško je pouzdano utvrditi vreme izvršenja (na primer, krivično delo krađe). Nemogućnost utvrđivanja tačnog vremena izvršenja ozbiljno limitira validnost istraživanja vremenske dinamike kriminalne aktivnosti i predstavlja jedan od osnovnih razloga njene nedovoljne istraženosti. U situacijama kada precizno vreme izvršenja nije moguće saznati, temporalna dimenzija kriminalne aktivnosti, zbog njenog značaja, ne sme biti zanemarena. Treba težiti, što je moguće pouzdanijoj, aproksimaciji (približnom određenju) nepoznatih vremena izvršenja. S tim u vezi, u radu se opisuje metod aorističke analize, a na praktičnom primeru krivičnih dela krađe iz stanova na teritoriji opštine Zemun tokom 2012. godine pokazuje se njegova primena

    Neke mogućnosti analize geoprostorne distribucije krivičnih dela u radu policije

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    Crime does not occur randomly. It tends to concentrate at particular places for reasons that can be explained in relation to victim and offender interaction and the opportunities that exist to commit crime. If the police knew where crime is concentrated (where are the hotspots) resources could be directed in order to take proactive actions. In order to identify hotspots, spatial distributions of crimes should be examined. Patterns in data must be identified, and underlying (spatial) processes must be understood in order to be effective in crime prevention. This could be achieved using spatial analysis techniques. In cases where spatial distribution is not complex and visually overwhelming the simple 'eyeball method' should be sufficient. But in cases where spatial distribution of a large number of crimes (events) is present, the spatial statistics is needed. Spatial statistics help cut through some of the subjectivity to get more directly at spatial patterns, trends, processes, and relationships. Today, the most commercial GIS solutions already have more or less developed statistical capabilities. In cases where built-in GIS statistical capabilities are not sufficient to satisfy particular research need, they must be supplemented by specialized statistical software. An example of the usage of spatial statistics is shown on the practical example using commercial robberies dataset in one of Belgrade's municipalities. The crime distribution is assessed using centro graphic measures (mean center, center of minimum distance, standard deviation ellipse). Centro graphic measures allows us to visualize a complex spatial trend, how quickly the mean center moves, and where it moves, is there changes in dispersion and/or orientation of the crime distribution etc., providing valuable information about the spatial processes promoting this crime shifts. The level of clustering was assessed calculating nearest neighbor index and finally clusters (i.e. hotspots) were identified using kernel density tool. Kernel density maps provide a realistic and accurate image of the location and shape of the hot spot distribution. In order to achieve complete understanding of the dynamics of crime activity at the hot spots, the analysis of spatial distribution isn't enough. Spatial analysis should be accompanied with analysis of time distribution of crimes at hot spots. This paper concludes that spatial analysis and spatial statistics techniques must be used in everyday crime mapping efforts aimed to provide analytical support to police decision making from tactical to strategic level.Skup svih krivičnih dela na nekom geoprostoru formira određenu geoprostornu distribuciju. Ona nije slučajna već je u velikoj meri uslovljena karakteristikama geoprostora na kojem se manifestuje. Vršenje krivičnih dela podrazumeva postojanje pogodnih prilika, pri čemu niti su prilike podjednako distribuirane u geoprpostoru, niti su konstantne u vremenu. Tako su neki geoprostori ugroženi vršenjem krivičnih dela, dok su drugi manje ili više bezbedni. Ako bi policija poznavala ugrožena područja i objekte, mogla bi na te prostore da usmeri raspoložive resurse i da efikasnije proaktivno deluje. Odgovor na pitanje kakve su karakteristike geoprostorne distribucije krivičnih dela, gde se grupišu lokacije krivičnih dela (žarišta) i kakvi su odnosi geoprostorne distribucije krivičnih dela i drugih činilaca okruženja, moguće je dobiti vršenjem geoprostornih analiza. U radu se ukazuje na pojam i značaj geoprostorne analize, specifičnosti metoda statistike koje se koriste u radu sa geoprostornim podacima i na praktičnom primeru analize geoprostorne distribucije krivičnih dela pokazuju neke od njenih mogućnosti u policijskom radu

    Koncept rada policije na kriminalnom žarištu

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    Crime also does not occur randomly. It tends to concentrate at particular places for reasons that can be explained in relation to victim and offender interaction and the opportunities that exist to commit crime. These concentrations or clusters of crime are commonly referred to as hotspots. There is no single universally accepted definition of a hot spot. A hot spot can be a single location that produces a large volume of calls (e.g., a bar); a cluster of locations, such as some residences across several contiguous blocks experiencing burglaries; or an area. Also, there is no universal or standard numerical threshold that can be used to define the number of crimes that need to have occurred in an area for the area to be defined as 'hot'. Hot spots policing refers to the concentration of police resources in small discrete areas such as addresses, street blocks, or clusters of addresses or street blocks. Research showed that focused police activities on crime hot spots can reduce crime problems. One of the most thorough evaluations of the effectiveness of focused police efforts to prevent crime in hot spot areas was examined by E. Braga who reviewed all available academic studies evaluating hot spots policing programs. The results of this systematic review support the assertion that focusing police efforts on high-activity crime places can be used to good effect in preventing crime. As soon as these findings showed that the focus of police efforts on crime hot spots presented a new and promising approach for police practice as they enable police commander to focus resources into the areas of highest need, new dilemma emerged. How would one know if crime prevention benefits gained at hot spots would not simply be displaced to other areas close by? Today, the growing body of research evidence suggests that focused crime-prevention efforts do not inevitably lead to the displacement of crime problems, rather, when displacement was measured, it was quite limited and often unintended crime prevention benefits were associated with the hot spots policing programs.Kriminalna žarišta informišu da se na određenom vremenu i u određenom prostoru učestalo vrše krivična dela. Suštinu koncepta rada policije na žarištima čini fokusiranje policijskih resursa na deo prostora na kojem se krivična dela manifestuju u većem obimu, nego što je to slučaj sa manifestacijama kriminaliteta u okruženju tog prostora. Na taj način, umesto da se teži policijskoj sveprisutnosti na širem prostoru, resursi se dovode na mesto i u vreme izvršenja krivičnih dela u cilju njihovog sprečavanja. U radu se ukazuje na probleme u definisanju kriminalnih žarišta, ukazuje na činioce koji su omogućili nastanak i implementaciju ovog koncepta u policijsku praksu, kao i na najznačajnija empirijska istraživanja koja su potvrdila njegovu efikasnost. Takođe, autor ukazuje i na problem premeštanja kriminaliteta, koji preti da dovede u pitanje pozitivne efekte (usmerenog) policijskog postupanja na žarištu

    Koncept rada policije na kriminalnom žarištu

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    Crime also does not occur randomly. It tends to concentrate at particular places for reasons that can be explained in relation to victim and offender interaction and the opportunities that exist to commit crime. These concentrations or clusters of crime are commonly referred to as hotspots. There is no single universally accepted definition of a hot spot. A hot spot can be a single location that produces a large volume of calls (e.g., a bar); a cluster of locations, such as some residences across several contiguous blocks experiencing burglaries; or an area. Also, there is no universal or standard numerical threshold that can be used to define the number of crimes that need to have occurred in an area for the area to be defined as 'hot'. Hot spots policing refers to the concentration of police resources in small discrete areas such as addresses, street blocks, or clusters of addresses or street blocks. Research showed that focused police activities on crime hot spots can reduce crime problems. One of the most thorough evaluations of the effectiveness of focused police efforts to prevent crime in hot spot areas was examined by E. Braga who reviewed all available academic studies evaluating hot spots policing programs. The results of this systematic review support the assertion that focusing police efforts on high-activity crime places can be used to good effect in preventing crime. As soon as these findings showed that the focus of police efforts on crime hot spots presented a new and promising approach for police practice as they enable police commander to focus resources into the areas of highest need, new dilemma emerged. How would one know if crime prevention benefits gained at hot spots would not simply be displaced to other areas close by? Today, the growing body of research evidence suggests that focused crime-prevention efforts do not inevitably lead to the displacement of crime problems, rather, when displacement was measured, it was quite limited and often unintended crime prevention benefits were associated with the hot spots policing programs.Kriminalna žarišta informišu da se na određenom vremenu i u određenom prostoru učestalo vrše krivična dela. Suštinu koncepta rada policije na žarištima čini fokusiranje policijskih resursa na deo prostora na kojem se krivična dela manifestuju u većem obimu, nego što je to slučaj sa manifestacijama kriminaliteta u okruženju tog prostora. Na taj način, umesto da se teži policijskoj sveprisutnosti na širem prostoru, resursi se dovode na mesto i u vreme izvršenja krivičnih dela u cilju njihovog sprečavanja. U radu se ukazuje na probleme u definisanju kriminalnih žarišta, ukazuje na činioce koji su omogućili nastanak i implementaciju ovog koncepta u policijsku praksu, kao i na najznačajnija empirijska istraživanja koja su potvrdila njegovu efikasnost. Takođe, autor ukazuje i na problem premeštanja kriminaliteta, koji preti da dovede u pitanje pozitivne efekte (usmerenog) policijskog postupanja na žarištu

    Dozvoljeni i nedozvoljeni pritisak na osumnjičenog tokom procesa saslušanja

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    In majority of cases during the interrogation process, a suspect would not say the truth about the facts that could lead to his/her sentence. This is normal and expected behaviour of every person in such a situation. As a consequence of this, law enforcement officers cannot come to the truth and sometimes use forbidden methods and means. Forbidden means and methods used in the course of interrogation have changed through history but the essence is the same - they endanger both physical and psychological integrity of a person, and sometimes they can go as far as to take the most valuable thing away from a person, i.e. his/her life. Namely, in contrast to methods and means used to obtain statements in inquisitorial procedure, and which were ones of the most inhuman in history, today's development of science and technology enabled some new, more subtle but not less brutal methods which imply the use of various electric and electronic devices and psycho-pharmaceuticals. Although they cause great suffering and pains, they most often do not leave any visible traces of their application, the consequence of which is that their use is hard to prove. The application of forbidden methods and means during interrogation not only violates the rights of a person, but there is a serious risk that the person would admit to committing a crime that it actually did not. In order to prevent this there are many legal regulations of internal laws, as well as international documents trying to ensure the establishing of truth in a humane and socially acceptable manner. However, do such regulations deprive police and legal institutions entirely of the possibility to influence a suspect in order to persuade him/her to cooperation? In its nature the interrogation represents so-called coercive communication and accordingly certain "pressure" on the suspect makes an integral part of it. Thus every initiation of verbal content to the suspect (questions, comments..) influences to a certain degree the intellectual, willing or emotional aspects of his/her personality and represents a certain form of "pressure". If the "pressure" is such that violates freedom and rights of the suspect, then it is legally forbidden, as a rule, and in that case the obtained statement would not have any significance and the law enforcement officers that applied such pressure might take the consequences for their conduct. Therefore, certain intensity of "pressure" on the suspect must be present during interrogation. Where the limit between allowed and forbidden "pressure" on the suspect during interrogation is and when we could say that a suspect's statement has been given willingly are the questions to which the author attempts to give answers. Suspect's free will is not an absolute category so law enforcement officers may use many various tactical procedures to "pressurize" the suspect's will during interrogation in order to get the truth. However, this "pressure" has limits and some of them are determined by the appropriate provisions of the Constitution, as well as by the appropriate provisions of other legal acts (first of all Criminal Procedure Act) that must be in accordance with it. In all other cases that are strictly forbidden by the law, the limit of "pressure" on the suspect is set by basic rights and freedoms belonging to every person as a human being. Anyone who dares cross that limit must take consequences, and the statement obtained in such a manner must not have any validity. In addition to this, all other evidence which might have been obtained legally but based on the illicitly-obtained statement must not have any validity but they also must be rejected as a "fruit from a poisoned tree".Osumnjičeni tokom saslušanja u najvećem broju slučajeva neće istinito da iskazuje o činjenicama koje mogu voditi njegovoj osudi. To je normalno i očekivano ponašanje svakog čoveka koji se nalazi u takvoj situaciji. Kao posledica toga, pripadnici policije u nemogućnosti da dođu do istinitog iskaza pribegavaju katkad primeni nedozvoljenih metoda i sredstava. Autor pravi kratak osvrt na neke od zakonom izričito zabranjenih metoda saslušanja (mučenje, narkoanaliza, obmana, pretnja, lobotomija i hipnoza) i izvodi zaključak da nijedna država koja pretenduje da bude savremena, demokratska i pravna ne sme dozvoliti da se do istine dolazi na način koji je u suprotnosti sa pravnim i etičkim standardima savremenog društva. Međutim, autor ističe da sloboda volje osumnjičenog nije apsolutna kategorija i da izvesno "pritiskanje" volje osumnjičenog tokom saslušanja mora postojati. Pružajući odgovor na pitanje kada se za neki iskaz može reći da je dobrovoljno dat, on nastoji da ukaže gde je granica između dozvoljenog i nedozvoljenog "pritiska" na osumnjičenog tokom procesa saslušanja