125 research outputs found


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    This paper deals with a top down design of an example multiplexer cell that exhibits high immunity to Side Channel Attack (SCA). Four different solutions of the encrypted multiplexer cell are revised, and the best design adopted. The post-layout simulations prove resistance of the multiplexer logic cell to the SCA. Since the physical layout structure and the functionality of this kind of design is based on symmetry, concerns were expressed as to what will be the effectiveness of the method under real production conditions. To get a proper answer to that, the adequacy of the chosen design for the multiplexer cell, which uses the "No Short-circuit Current Dynamic Differential Logic" (NSDDL) method, is confirmed by observing a Normalized Standard Deviation (NSD)


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    This paper shows a detailed statistical characterization of a specific system configuration consisting of one multibranch maximal-ratio-combining (MRC) and one selection-combining (SC) micro-level base station, and SC back processing unit at macro level. Primarily, the scenario of the independent and identically distributed generalized-K fading channels is investigated. After that, the correlated branches at SC-based micro-level are assumed. The outage probability and the error probability performance for both cases are defined. According to the presented analytical analysis, numerical results are obtained. Also, the impact of the number of MRC and SC input branches, the impact of the fading/shadowing factor, the predefined outage threshold, the average signal-to-noise ratios and the correlation coefficient on the specified system performance is shown. Simulations validate the accuracy of the proposed analytical analysis


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    In this paper, a physical layer security analysis of wireless sensor network in the presence of an attacker, employing opportunistic scheduling approach, is presented. The intended as well as unintended transmission paths experience the Weibull fading. A novel analytical expression for the intercept probability is derived. In order to emphasize the advantages of the opportunistic scheduling approach, a comparative analysis with round-robin and optimal scheduling schemes is also given. The impact of a number of active sensors and the impact of fading channel conditions over main and wiretap channels on the intercept probabilities is obtained. The accuracy of theoretical results is confirmed by independent Monte Carlo simulation results

    Performance analysis of EGC combining over correlated Nakagami-m fading channels

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    In this paper, performance analysis of diversity technique with equal gain combining method (EGC) with two branches for the detection of signals in wireless communication systems is presented. In the following analysis, it is assumed that the fading via channels is Nakagami-m correlated. The first order statistical characteristics of the system are analysed. Useful formulae for the probability density function (pdf) and cumulative distribution function (CDF) of EGC output SIR are derived, and the effects of the fading severity on the output signal are observed

    Efikasnost i sigurnost 4% artikaina sa epinefrinom za gornji prednji i srednji alveolarni nervni blok primenom kompjuterski kontrolisanog sistema i standardnog pristupa za primenu anestetičkog rastvora - prospektivna, randomizovana, kontrolisana, dvosturko slepa, ukrštena klinička studija

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    Bacground/Aim. The efficient dental anesthesia, which is related to the clinically adequate depth, duration and the width of anesthetic field, is an important prerequisite for successful dental treatment. The aim of this study was to investigate and compare the pulpal anesthesia and cardiovascular parameters after the anterior middle superior alveolar (AMSA) nerve block with 4% articaine with epinephrine administered by conventional cartridge-syringe and computer-controlled local anesthetic delivery system (CCLADS). Methods. This controlled double-blind cross-over randomized clinical study included 38 healthy volunteers. Efficacy of pulpal anesthesia after the AMSA nerve block was evaluated by measuring a success rate, onset and duration of pulpal anesthesia, using an electrical pulp tester. The parameters of cardiovascular function (systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart rate) were monitored noninvasively. Results. Successful pulpal anesthesia of all tested teeth was obtained in 57.9% participants with CCLADS and in 44.7% participants with conventional syringe. The onset time was not significantly different between two investigated groups. The pulpal anesthesia duration was not significantly different neither within nor between investigated groups. The systolic and diastolic blood pressures were significantly decreased in both investigated groups, in comparison with the baseline values. Heart rate significantly decreased within CCLADS from 10th to 30th minute when compared to baseline. Conclusion. The efficacy of pulpal anesthesia and safety of cardiovascular profile of 0.6 mL of articaine with epinephrine (1:100.000) delivered with CCLADS were improved in comparison to the conventional syringe delivery. Significant changes of cardiovascular function were not observed.Uvod/Cilj. Efikasna zubna anestezija u pogledu klinički adekvatne dubine, trajanja i širine anestetičkog polja je važan preduslov za uspešno zubno lečenje. Cilj rada bio je ispitivanje i upoređivanje parametra anestezije zubne pulpe i kardiovaskularnih parametra posle gornje prednje i srednje alveolarne (AMSA) sprovodne anestezije postignute 4% artikainom sa epinefrinom, primenom standardne karpulbrizgalice i kompjuterski kontrolisanog sistema za primenu anestetičkog rastvora (CCLADS). Metode. U ovom randomizovanom, prospektivnom, kontrolisanom, dvostruko slepom ukrštenom kliničkom istraživanju učestvovalo je 38 ispitanika. Kvalitet anestezije zubne pulpe posle AMSA anestezije praćen je na osnovu uspešnosti, latentnog perioda i trajanja anestezije zubne pulpe, primenom električnog pulp-testera. Parametri kardiovaskularne funkcije (sistolni i dijastolni krvni pritisak, srčana frekvencija) praćeni su neinvazivno, primenom aparata za monitoring. Rezultati. Uspešna anestezija zubne pulpe svih ispitivanih zuba bila je prisutna kod 57,9% ispitanika posle kod CCLADS i kod 44,7% ispitanika posle primene standardne karpul-brizgalice. Latentni period i trajanje anestezije zubne pulpe nisu se značajno razlikovali između ispitivanih grupa. Sistolni i dijastolni pritisak bili su značajno sniženi u praćenim vremenskim intervalima u odnosu na početne vrednosti. Srčana frekvencija je bila značajno snižena kod CCLADS grupe od 10 do 30 minuta u odnosu na početne vrednosti. Zaključak. Kontrolisanom kompjuterizovanom primenom (CCLADS) 0,6 mL 4% artikaina sa epinefrinom (1:100,000) za AMSA sprovodnu anesteziju, postignut je bolji kvalitet anestezije zubne pulpe u odnosu na primenu artikaina sa epinefrinom standardnom karpul brizgalicom. Nisu uočene bitne promene funkcija kardiovaskularnog sistema

    Uticaj deficita lakopristupačne vode u zemljištu na prinos i evapotranspiraciju kukuruza

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    An investigation was carried out at Rimski Šančevi experiment field of Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad on calcareous chernozem soil on the loess terrace, in the period 2000-2007, and included irrigated variant (T1) and non-irrigated i.e. control variant (T0). NS-640, maize hybrid from the FAO maturity group 600, was analyzed. Readily available soil water deficit (RASWD) in the layer of 60 cm in the course of growing season and actual evapotranspiration (ETa) were calculated by the water balance method. Water consumption for potential evapotranspiration (ETm) in individual months and the growing season were calculated by the bioclimatic procedure, using hydrophytothermic indexes. The correlation analysis revealed highly significant dependences of maize yield (Y) on RASWD (r = -0.941) and the amount of precipitation (P) in August (r = 0.931). Statistically significant dependence was also found between Y and RASWD (r = -0.765) and P (r = 0.768) in July and August. The obtained results indicate that maize production in Vojvodina under the rainfed conditions is unreliable, and that it is correlated with weather conditions, especially with the amount and distribution of precipitation. The statistically significant correlation obtained between Y and ETa (r = 0.755) confirms that water supply is the basic prerequisite which allows the other production factors to be realized. Significantly higher maize yields in the T1 variant (13.517 t ha-1) in relation to the T0 variant (11.210 t ha-1) indicate clearly that under the climatic conditions of Vojvodina high and stable yields of maize can be achieved only in irrigation.Eksperimentalna istraživanja su obavljena na oglednom polju Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad na Rimskim Šančevima, na zemljištu tipa karbonatni černozem lesne terase u periodu 2000-2007. U ogledu su bile zastupljene varijanta sa navodnjavanjem (T1) i kontrolna varijanta bez navodnjavanja (T0). Analiziran je hibrid kukuruza NS-640 grupe zrenja FAO 600. Deficit lakopristupačne vode u zemljištu (DLPVZ) u sloju do 60 cm u periodu vegetacije, kao i utrošak vode na stvarnu evapotranspiraciju (ETa) obračunate su vodnim bilansom. Utrošak vode na potencijalnu evapotranspiraciju (ETm) u pojedinim mesecima i vegetacionom periodu obračunate su bioklimatskim postupkom primenom hidrofitotermičkih indeksa. Korelacionom analizom utvrđena je visokosignifikantna zavisnost prinosa kukuruza (Y) od DLPVZ (r = -0,941) i količine padavina (P) u avgustu (r = 0,931). Takođe je utvrđena statistički signifikantna zavisnost Y od DLPVZ (r = -0,765) i P u julu i avgustu (r = 0,768). Dobijeni rezultati potvrđuju činjenicu da je proizvodnja kukuruza u Vojvodini, u uslovima prirodne obezbeđenosti biljaka vodom, nesigurna i da je u korelaciji sa vremenskim uslovima pre svega sa količinom i rasporedom padavina. Ostvarena statistički signifikantna korelacija (r = 0,755) između prinosa kukuruza i utrošene vode na stvarnu evapotranspiraciju (ETa) potvrđuje da poljoprivredi Vojvodine nedostaje voda kao pokretač ostalih faktora proizvodnje. Signifikantno veći prinosi kukuruza na varijanti T1 (13,517 t ha-1) u odnosu na T0 varijantu (11,210 t ha-1) jasno ukazuju da se u klimatskim uslovima Vojvodine mogu postići visoki i stabilni prinosi kukuruza samo u uslovima navodnjavanja


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    In this paper we have analyzed macro-diversity (MD) system with one macro SC diversity (MD SC) receiver and two micro MRC (mD MRC) receivers over correlated Gamma-shadowed k-µ fading channel. The average bit error probability (ABEP) is calculated using the moment generating function (MGF) approach for BDPSK and BPSK modulations. Graphical representation of the results illustrates the effects of different parameters of the system on its performance as well as the improvements due to the benefits of a combined micro and macro diversity. The obtained analytical expressions are used for the GPU-enabled mobile network modeling, planning and simulation environment to determine the value of Quality of Service (QoS) parameter. Finally, linear optimization is proposed as an approach to improve the QoS parameter of the fading-affected system observed in this paper


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    This paper analyzes a performance of uplink power-domain non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) system with 2K users in which a resource allocation is taken into consideration. Since the power allocation and user pairing are tightly intertwined, they are considered as a hybrid issue. Accordingly, High-High/High-Low user pairing process precedes date rate-based power allocation. Derived closed-form expressions for the outage probabilities and the sum data rate for uplink power-domain NOMA system over a composite Fisher-Snedecor (F) fading channel are used for an extensive performance evaluation. The impact of different fading/shadowing channel conditions, various users’ positions and their number on the performance metrics is examined. Presented results have high level of generality since the F fading model provides accurate characterization of the multipath/shadowing conditions in numerous communication scenarios of interest

    Analysis the effects of techno-economic parameters on the economy of underground mining in Jama Bor

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    When a new mining method is designed, it is necessary to define the optimal parameters of method. Applicability of a method in certain conditions is tested through determination of each relevant method parameter. Their values have to be acceptable. This paper presents a case study for analyses of parameters related to the ore body Borska Reka. The analysis was focused on determination the share of costs in the final price, ore value and copper production economy

    Analysis of block stability for semi - level caving method with lateral loading

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    In the current conditions for global underground mining, with the new ore deposits lying deeper and deeper, with reduced ore grades, the bulk mining is a necessity. Only high production level provides chances for positive economic results of underground mining. The high productive mining methods enable significant reducing of costs per ton of excavated ore. Different variants of block methods belong to this group of bulk mining methods. One of them, named the semi - level caving, is present in this paper, with analysis of its block and drawbells stability