281 research outputs found

    Mobilizing The Local Church

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    ...We need to understand what it is we actually want to do in missions, lest we waste time and energy. And the response immediately come. How can you ever waste time and energy? I mean, if you\u27re doing evangelism, any activity at all that is evangelism can\u27t possibly be wasted time and energy

    The Local Church In The World Conquest

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    ...Now, what I would like to do with you today, I would like for us to talk about the task remaining, and I would like to have us do just a little bit of missions education. And what I\u27m going to do with you this morning, even if it doesn\u27t teach you anything, is something that you can do in the church. And, by the way, is something that is desperately needed in the church. And I find once we do it is profoundly motivating

    The nature of the emission-line nebulae in powerful far-infrared galaxies

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    The authors discuss their program of narrow-band (H alpha + (NII)) imaging of a sample of 30 powerful far-infrared galaxies (FIRG's) chosen to have far-infrared spectral energy distributions similar to the prototype FIRG's Arp 220, NGC 3690, NGC 6240, and M82. The emission-line nebulae of these IR color-selected sample (ICSS) galaxies as a class are both impressively large (mean half light radius, r approx. 1.3 Kpc, and mean diameter, D approx. 16 Kpc) and luminous (L sub TOT approx. 10(exp 8) solar lumninosity; uncorrected for internal extinction). The mean total H alpha + (NII) luminosity of the FIRG's is comparable to that found for pairs of optically selected interacting galaxies (Bushouse, Lamb, and Werner 1988), but is a factor of approx. 5 greater than that of isolated spirals (Kennicutt and Kent 1983). Only approx. 25 percent of the nearby (z approx. less than 0.10) FIRG's have morphologies suggesting that large HII-regions contribute significantly to their emission-line appearance. The broad-band morphologies of our IR color-selected galaxies fall into three major categories. Nearly 75 percent are single galaxy systems, with the remaining FIRG's being either multiple nuclei systems, or members of interacting pairs. Since the authors saw few (10 percent) currently interacting FIRG's, yet many (80 percent) with highly distorted continuum morphologies, their IR color criteria may be preferentially selecting galaxies that have undergone highly inelastic, rapidly merging interactions

    Status of fusion research and implications for D/He-3 systems

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    World wide programs in both magnetic confinement and inertial confinement fusion research have made steady progress towards the experimental demonstration of energy breakeven. However, after breakeven is achieved, considerable time and effort must still be expended to develop a usable power plant. The main program described is focused on Deuterium-Tritium devices. In magnetic confinement, three of the most promising high beta approaches with a reasonable experimental data base are the Field Reversed Configuration, the high field tokamak, and the dense Z-pinch. The situation is less clear in inertial confinement where the first step requires an experimental demonstration of D/T spark ignition. It appears that fusion research has reached a point in time where an R and D plan to develop a D/He-3 fusion reactor can be laid out with some confidence of success

    A Sample of 669 Ultra Steep Spectrum Radio Sources to Find High Redshift Radio Galaxies

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    Since radio sources with Ultra Steep Spectra (USS; alpha <~ -1.30; S ~ nu^alpha) are efficient tracers of high redshift radio galaxies (HzRGs), we have defined three samples of such USS sources using the recently completed WENSS, TEXAS, MRC, NVSS and PMN radio-surveys. Our combined sample contains 669 sources with S_1400 > 10 mJy and covers virtually the entire sky outside the Galactic plane (|b|>15). For our 2 largest samples, covering declination > -35, we selected only sources with angular sizes Theta < 1'. For 410 sources, we present radio-maps with 0.3" to ~5" resolution from VLA and ATCA observations or from the FIRST survey, which allows the optical identification of these radio sources. We find that the spectral index distribution of 143,000 sources from the WENSS and NVSS consists of a steep spectrum galaxy and a flat spectrum quasar population, with the relative contribution of flat spectrum sources doubling from S_1400 >0.1 Jy to S_1400 >2.5 Jy. The identification fraction of our USS sources on the POSS (R <~ 20) is as low as 15%, independent of spectral index alpha < -1.30. We further show that 85% of the USS sources that can be identified with an X-ray source are probably contained in galaxy clusters, and that alpha < -1.6 sources are excellent Galactic pulsar candidates, because the percentage of these sources is four times higher in the Galactic plane. Our sample has been constructed to start an intensive campaign to obtain a large sample of high redshift objects (z>3) that is selected in a way that does not suffer from dust extinction or any other optical bias [abridged].Comment: 28 Pages, 12 PostScript figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics Supplements. Appendices B, C & D available on http://www.strw.LeidenUniv.nl/~debreuck/paper

    Space fusion energy conversion using a field reversed configuration reactor: A new technical approach for space propulsion and power

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    The fusion energy conversion design approach, the Field Reversed Configuration (FRC) - when burning deuterium and helium-3, offers a new method and concept for space transportation with high energy demanding programs, like the Manned Mars Mission and planetary science outpost missions require. FRC's will increase safety, reduce costs, and enable new missions by providing a high specific power propulsion system from a high performance fusion engine system that can be optimally designed. By using spacecraft powered by FRC's the space program can fulfill High Energy Space Missions (HESM) in a manner not otherwise possible. FRC's can potentially enable the attainment of high payload mass fractions while doing so within shorter flight times