52 research outputs found

    Effect of Nanoparticles Surface Charge on the Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Roots Development and Their Movement into the Root Cells and Protoplasts

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    Increasing usage of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) in different industrial areas inevitably leads to their release into the environment. Thus, living organisms, including plants, may be exposed to a direct contact with nanoparticles (NPs). Despite the growing amount of research on this topic, our knowledge about NPs uptake by plants and their influence on different developmental processes is still insufficient. The first physical barrier for NPs penetration to the plant body is a cell wall which protects cytoplasm from external factors and environmental stresses. The absence of a cell wall may facilitate the internalization of various particles including NPs. Our studies have shown that AuNPs, independently of their surface charge, did not cross the cell wall of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) roots. However, the research carried out with using light and transmission electron microscope revealed that AuNPs with different surface charge caused diverse changes in the root’s histology and ultrastructure. Therefore, we verified whether this is only the wall which protects cells against particles penetration and for this purpose we used protoplasts culture. It has been shown that plasma membrane (PM) is not a barrier for positively charged (+) AuNPs and negatively charged () AuNPs, which passage to the cell

    Stability and instability processes in the calli of Fagopyrum tataricum that have different morphogenic potentials

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    The morphogenic callus (MC) of Fagopyrum tataricum contains a large amount of flavonoids, especially rutin, and exhibits a high level of antioxidant activity. A non-morphogenic callus (NC) may appear on the surface of the MC after two to three years of cultivation and is then subjected to a consistently high level of oxidative stress. The elucidation of the molecular background of this instability is essential for gaining a better understanding of the somaclonal variation mechanisms in tissue cultures that have different morphogenic potentials. Thus, in this study we show that continuous oxidative stress in a NC might be connected with a rapid senescence process and as a result, in the upregulation of the genes that are connected with the telomere complexity, ethylene biosynthesis and the expression of DNA methyltransferases. Moreover, we analysed the presence of the hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins in the calli and demonstrated the differences between the MC and NC. The LM2 antibody can be useful as a marker of the cells in the MC that are embryogenically determined, while the MAC207 antibody seems to be a positive marker of a MC as its signal was absent in the NC. This study also provides the first report on the effect of trichostatin A on the DNA methyltransferases and demethylases in a MC

    Diverse influence of nanoparticles on plant growth with a particular emphasis on crop plants

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    The article describes the current knowledge about the impact of nanoparticles on plant development with a particular emphasis on crop plants. Nanotechnology is an intensively developing field of science. This is due to the enormous hopes that have been placed on the achievements of nanotechnology in various areas of life. Increasingly, it has been noted that apart from the future benefits of nanotechnology in our everyday life, nanoparticles (NPs) may also have adverse effects that have not been sufficiently explored and understood. Most analyses to date have been focused on the influence of nanomaterials on the physiological processes primarily in animals, humans and bacteria. Although our knowledge about the influence of NPs on the development of plants is considerably smaller, the current views are presented below. Such knowledge is extremely important since NPs can enter the food chain, which may have an influence on human health

    Fate of neutral-charged gold nanoparticles in the roots of the Hordeum vulgare L. cultivar Karat

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    Nanoparticles (NPs) have a significant impact on the environment and living organisms. The influence of NPs on plants is intensively studied and most of the data indicate that NPs can penetrate into plants. The studies presented here were performed on the roots of Hordeum vulgare L. seedlings using neutral-charge gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) of different sizes. In contrast to the majority of the published data, the results presented here showed that during the culture period, AuNPs: 1/did not enter the root regardless of their size and concentration, 2/that are applied directly into the cells of a root do not move into neighbouring cells. The results that were obtained indicate that in order to extend our knowledge about the mechanisms of the interactions between NPs and plants, further studies including, among others, on different species and a variety of growth conditions are needed

    Organ and tissue-specific localisation of selected cell wall epitopes in the zygotic embryo of Brachypodium distachyon

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    The plant cell wall shows a great diversity regarding its chemical composition, which may vary significantly even during different developmental stages. In this study, we analysed the distribution of several cell wall epitopes in embryos of Brachypodium distachyon (Brachypodium). We also described the variations in the nucleus shape and the number of nucleoli that occurred in some embryo cells. The use of transmission electron microscopy, and histological and immunolocalisation techniques permitted the distribution of selected arabinogalactan proteins, extensins, pectins, and hemicelluloses on the embryo surface, internal cell compartments, and in the context of the cell wall ultrastructure to be demonstrated. We revealed that the majority of arabinogalactan proteins and extensins were distributed on the cell surface and that pectins were the main component of the seed coat and other parts, such as the mesocotyl cell walls and the radicula. Hemicelluloses were localised in the cell wall and outside of the radicula protodermis, respectively. The specific arrangement of those components may indicate their significance during embryo development and seed germination, thus suggesting the importance of their protective functions. Despite the differences in the cell wall composition, we found that some of the antibodies can be used as markers to identify specific cells and the parts of the developing Brachypodium embryo

    Gold Nanoparticles-Induced Modifications in Cell Wall Composition in Barley Roots

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    The increased use of nanoparticles (NP) in different industries inevitably results in their release into the environment. In such conditions, plants come into direct contact with NP. Knowledge about the uptake of NP by plants and their effect on different developmental processes is still insufficient. Our studies concerned analyses of the changes in the chemical components of the cell walls of Hordeum vulgare L. roots that were grown in the presence of gold nanoparticles (AuNP). The analyses were performed using the immunohistological method and fluorescence microscopy. The obtained results indicate that AuNP with different surface charges affects the presence and distribution of selected pectic and arabinogalactan protein (AGP) epitopes in the walls of root cells

    Nanoparticles - plant interaction : what we know, where we are? Author:

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    In recent years; the interaction of nanoparticles (NPs) with plants has been intensively studied. Therefore, more and more aspects related to both the positive and negative impact of NP on plants are well described. This article focuses on two aspects of NP interaction with plants. The first is a summary of the current knowledge on NP migration through the roots into the plant body, in particular, the role of the cell wall. The second aspect summarizes the current knowledge of the participation of the symplast, including the plasmodesmata (PD), in the movement of NP within the plant body. We highlight the gaps in our knowledge of the plant–NP interactions; paying attention to the need for future studies to explain the mechanisms that regulate the composition of the cell wall and the functioning of the PD under the influence of NP

    Morpho-histological analysis of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) plants after treatment with juglone

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    Juglone is a substance that limits plant growth and has a toxic effect on plant development. In this study, we analyzed the influence of juglone at two different concentrations (10-3 M and 10-4 M), which were applied to different parts of Solanum lycopersicum L. plants (root system, stem after decapitation, and surface of a younger leaf or after autografting) for a short period of time (7 days), on the morphology and histology of stems. At a lower concentration, juglone had positive effects on plant growth, which resulted in an increase in interfascicular cambial cell divisions, faster development of a continuous cambium layer along the stem circumference, and development of fibers. Additionally, under the influence of juglone, the number of developing leaves increased and adventitious roots developed. The results are discussed based on the current literature concerning the reaction of plants to juglone and to stress conditions

    Spatial distribution of selected chemical cell wall components in the embryogenic callus of Brachypodium distachyon

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    Brachypodium distachyon L. Beauv. (Brachypodium) is a species that has become an excellent model system for gaining a better understanding of various areas of grass biology and improving plant breeding. Although there are some studies of an in vitro Brachypodium culture including somatic embryogenesis, detailed knowledge of the composition of the main cell wall components in the embryogenic callus in this species is missing. Therefore, using the immunocytochemical approach, we targeted 17 different antigens of which five were against the arabinogalactan proteins (AGP), three were against extensins, six recognised pectic epitopes and two recognised hemicelluloses. These studies were complemented by histological and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analyses. We revealed that the characteristic cell wall components of Brachypodium embryogenic calli are AGP epitopes that are recognised by the JIM16 and LM2 antibodies, an extensin epitope that is recognised by the JIM11 antibody and a pectic epitopes that is recognised by the LM6 antibody. Furthermore, we demonstrated that AGPs and pectins are the components of the extracellular matrix network in Brachypodium embryogenic culture. Additionally, SEM analysis demonstrated the presence of an extracellular matrix on the surface of the calli cells. In conclusion, the chemical compositions of the cell walls and ECMSN of Brachypodium callus show spatial differences that correlate with the embryogenic character of the cells. Thus, the distribution of pectins, AGPs and hemicelluloses can be used as molecular markers of embryogenic cells. The presented data extends the knowledge about the chemical composition of the embryogenic callus cells of Brachypodiu

    Cell Wall Epitopes and Endoploidy as Reporters of Embryogenic Potential in Brachypodium Distachyon Callus Culture

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    Effective regeneration of callus tissue into embryos and then into whole plants is essential for plant biotechnology. The embryonic potential is often low and can further decrease with time in culture, which limits the utilisation of calli for transformation procedures and in vitro propagation. In this study, we show that the loss of embryogenic potential in callus cultures of Brachypodium distachyon is progressive over time. Flow cytometry analyses indicated endoploidy levels increased in 60- and 90-day-old calli with effective loss of the 2C DNA content peak in the latter. Analysis of indolic compounds content revealed a decrease in 60- and 90-day-old calli compared to either freshly isolated explants or 30-day-old calli. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed a decrease in arabinogalactan proteins (AGP) signal with the time of culture, but extensin (EXT) epitopes either increased (JIM12 epitopes) or decreased (JIM11 epitopes). The transcript accumulation levels of AGPs and EXTs confirmed these results, with most of AGP and EXT transcripts gradually decreasing. Some chimeric EXT transcripts significantly increased on the 30th day of culture, perhaps because of an increased embryogenic potential. Selected somatic embryogenesis-related genes and cyclins demonstrated a gradual decrease of transcript accumulation for YUCCA (YUC), AINTEGUMENTA-LIKE (AIL), BABY BOOM (BBM), and CLAVATA (CLV3) genes, as well as for most of the cyclins, starting from the 30th day of culture. Notably, WUSCHEL (WUS) transcript was detectable only on the 30th and 60th day and was not detectable in the zygotic embryos and in 90-day-old calli