171 research outputs found

    Selected B vitamins and their possible link to the aetiology of age-related sarcopenia: relevance of UK dietary recommendations.

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    The possible roles of selected B vitamins in the development and progression of sarcopenia are reviewed. Age-related declines in muscle mass and function are associated with huge and increasing costs to healthcare providers. Falls and loss of mobility and independence due to declining muscle mass/function are associated with poor clinical outcomes and their prevention and management are attractive research targets. Nutritional status appears a key modifiable and affordable intervention. There is emerging evidence of sarcopenia being the result not only of diminished anabolic activity but also of declining neurological integrity in older age, which is emerging as an important aspect of the development of age-related decline in muscle mass/function. In this connection, several B vitamins can be viewed as not only cofactors in muscle synthetic processes, but also as neurotrophic agents with involvements in both bioenergetic and trophic pathways. The B vitamins thus selected are examined with respect to their relevance to multiple aspects of neuromuscular function and evidence is considered that requirements, intakes or absorption may be altered in the elderly. In addition, the evidence base for recommended intakes (UK recommended daily allowance) is examined with particular reference to original datasets and their relevance to older individuals. It is possible that inconsistencies in the literature with respect to the nutritional management of sarcopenia may, in part at least, be the result of compromised micronutrient status in some study participants. It is suggested that in order, for example, for intervention with amino acids to be successful, underlying micronutrient deficiencies must first be addressed/eliminated. This article has been accepted for publication and will appear in a revised form, subsequent to peer review and/or editorial input by Cambridge University Press, in Nutrition Research Reviews published by Cambridge University Pres

    Experimental evidence of the tonic vibration reflex during whole-body vibration of the loaded and unloaded leg

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    Increased muscle activation during whole-body vibration (WBV) is mainly ascribed to a complex spinal and supraspinal neurophysiological mechanism termed the tonic vibration reflex (TVR). However, TVR has not been experimentally demonstrated during low-frequency WBV, therefore this investigation aimed to determine the expression of TVR during WBV. Whilst seated, eight healthy males were exposed to either vertical WBV applied to the leg via the plantar-surface of the foot, or Achilles tendon vibration (ATV) at 25 Hz and 50 Hz for 70s. Ankle plantar-flexion force, tri-axial accelerations at the shank and vibration source, and surface EMG activity of m. soleus (SOL) and m. tibialis anterior (TA) were recorded from the unloaded and passively loaded leg to simulate body mass supported during standing. Plantar flexion force was similarly augmented by WBV and ATV and increased over time in a load- and frequency dependent fashion. SOL and TA EMG amplitudes increased over time in all conditions independently of vibration mode. 50 Hz WBV and ATV resulted in greater muscle activation than 25 Hz in SOL when the shank was loaded and in TA when the shank was unloaded despite the greater transmission of vertical acceleration from source to shank with 25 Hz and WBV, especially during loading. Low-amplitude WBV of the unloaded and passively loaded leg produced slow tonic muscle contraction and plantar-flexion force increase of similar magnitudes to those induced by Achilles tendon vibration at the same frequencies. This study provides the first experimental evidence supporting the TVR as a plausible mechanism underlying the neuromuscular response to whole-body vibration

    Direct muscle electrical stimulation as a method for the in vivo assessment of force production in m. abductor hallucis

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    © 2020 Elsevier Ltd In vivo assessment of the force-generating capacity of m. abductor hallucis (AbH) is problematic due to its combined abduction-flexion action and the inability of some individuals to voluntarily activate the muscle. This study investigated direct muscle electrical stimulation as a method to assess isometric force production in AbH about the 1st metatarsal phalangeal joint (1MPJ) at different muscle-tendon lengths, with the aim of identifying an optimal angle for force production. A 7 s stimulation train was delivered at 20 Hz pulse frequency and sub-maximal (150% motor threshold) intensity to the AbH of the left foot in 16 participants whilst seated, and with the Hallux suspended from a force transducer in 0°,5°,10°,15° and 20° 1MPJ dorsal flexion. Reflective markers positioned on the foot and force transducer were tracked with 5 optical cameras to continuously record the force profile and calculate the external 1MPJ joint flexion moment at each joint configuration. A parabolic relationship was found between AbH force production and 1MPJ configuration. The highest 1MPJ joint moments induced by electrical stimulation were found between 10° and 15° of Hallux dorsal flexion. However, the joint angle (p < 0.001; η2 = 0.86) changed significantly across all but one 1MPJ configurations tested during the stimulation-evoked contraction, resulting in a significant change in the corresponding external moment arm (p < 0.001; η2 = 0.83). Therefore, the changes in joint geometry during contraction should be accounted for to prevent an underestimation of the resulting joint moment. We conclude that direct muscle electrical stimulation combined with dynamometry offers a robust method for standardised assessment of AbH sub-maximal isometric force production

    Low-frequency accelerations over-estimate impact-related shock during walking.

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    During gait, a failure to acknowledge the low-frequency component of a segmental acceleration signal will result in an overestimation of impact-related shock and may lead to inappropriately drawn conclusions. The present study was undertaken to investigate the significance of this low-frequency component in two distinctly different modalities of gait: barefoot (BF) and shod (SHOD) walking. Twenty-seven participants performed five walking trials at self-selected speed in each condition. Peak positive accelerations (PPA) at the shank and spine were first derived from the time-domain signal. The raw acceleration signals were then resolved in the frequency-domain and the active (low-frequency) and impact-related components of the power spectrum density (PSD) were quantified. PPA was significantly higher at the shank (P<0.0001) and spine (P=0.0007) in the BF condition. In contrast, no significant differences were apparent between conditions for shank (P=0.979) or spine (P=0.178) impact-related PSD when the low-frequency component was considered. This disparity between approaches was due to a significantly higher active PSD in both signals in the BF condition (P<0.0001; P=0.008, respectively), due to kinematic differences between conditions (P<0.05). These results indicate that the amplitude of the low-frequency component of an acceleration signal during gait is dependent on knee and ankle joint coordination behaviour, and highlight that impact-related shock is more accurately quantified in the frequency-domain following subtraction of this component

    Repeated sprint training in normobaric hypoxia

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    Repeated sprint ability (RSA) is a critical success factor for intermittent sport performance. Repeated sprint training has been shown to improve RSA, we hypothesised that hypoxia would augment these training adaptations. Thirty male well-trained academy rugby union and rugby league players (18.4±1.5 years, 1.83±0.07 m, 88.1±8.9 kg) participated in this singleblind repeated sprint training study. Participants completed 12 sessions of repeated sprint training (10×6 s, 30 s recovery) over 4 weeks in either hypoxia (13% Fi,O2) or normoxia (21% Fi,O2). Pretraining and post-training, participants completed sports specific endurance and sprint field tests and a 10×6 s RSA test on a non-motorised treadmill while measuring speed, heart rate, capillary blood lactate, muscle and cerebral deoxygenation and respiratory measures. Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Level 1 test performance improved after RS training in both groups, but gains were significantly greater in the hypoxic (33±12%) than the normoxic group (14±10%, p<0.05). During the 10×6 s RS test there was a tendency for greater increases in oxygen consumption in the hypoxic group (hypoxic 6.9±9%, normoxic (-0.3±8.8%, p=0.06) and reductions in cerebral deoxygenation (% changes for both groups, p=0.09) after hypoxic than normoxic training. Twelve RS training sessions in hypoxia resulted in twofold greater improvements in capacity to perform repeated aerobic high intensity workout than an equivalent normoxic training. Performance gains are evident in the short term (4 weeks), a period similar to a preseason training block

    Gastrocnemius medialis contractile behavior during running differs between simulated Lunar and Martian gravities

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    The international partnership of space agencies has agreed to proceed forward to the Moon sustainably. Activities on the Lunar surface (0.16 g) will allow crewmembers to advance the exploration skills needed when expanding human presence to Mars (0.38 g). Whilst data from actual hypogravity activities are limited to the Apollo missions, simulation studies have indicated that ground reaction forces, mechanical work, muscle activation, and joint angles decrease with declining gravity level. However, these alterations in locomotion biomechanics do not necessarily scale to the gravity level, the reduction in gastrocnemius medialis activation even appears to level off around 0.2 g, while muscle activation pattern remains similar. Thus, it is difficult to predict whether gastrocnemius medialis contractile behavior during running on Moon will basically be the same as on Mars. Therefore, this study investigated lower limb joint kinematics and gastrocnemius medialis behavior during running at 1 g, simulated Martian gravity, and simulated Lunar gravity on the vertical treadmill facility. The results indicate that hypogravity-induced alterations in joint kinematics and contractile behavior still persist between simulated running on the Moon and Mars. This contrasts with the concept of a ceiling effect and should be carefully considered when evaluating exercise prescriptions and the transferability of locomotion practiced in Lunar gravity to Martian gravity

    Lower body acceleration and muscular responses to rotational and vertical whole-body vibration of different frequencies and amplitudes

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from SAGE Publications via the DOI in this recordThe aim of this study was to characterise acceleration transmission and neuromuscular responses to rotational (RV) and vertical (VV) vibration of different frequencies and amplitudes. Methods - 12 healthy males completed 2 experimental trials (RV vs. VV) during which vibration was delivered during either squatting (30°; RV vs. VV) or standing (RV only) with 20, 25, 30 Hz, at 1.5 and 3.0 mm peak-to-peak amplitude. Vibration-induced accelerations were assessed with triaxial accelerometers mounted on the platform and bony landmarks at ankle, knee, and lumbar spine. Results At all frequency/amplitude combinations, accelerations at the ankle were greater during RV (all p < 0.03) with the greatest difference observed at 30 Hz 1.5 mm. Transmission of RV was also influenced by body posture (standing vs. squatting, p < 0.03). Irrespective of vibration type vibration transmission to all skeletal sites was generally greater at higher amplitudes but not at higher frequencies, especially above the ankle joint. Acceleration at the lumbar spine increased with greater vibration amplitude but not frequency and was highest with RV during standing. Conclusions/Implications - The transmission of vibration during WBV is dependent on intensity and direction of vibration as well as body posture. For targeted mechanical loading at the lumbar spine, RV of higher amplitude and lower frequency vibration while standing is recommended. These results will assist with the prescription of WBV to achieve desired levels of mechanical loading at specific sites in the human body.London South Bank UniversityAge U

    Contractile behavior of the gastrocnemius medialis muscle during running in simulated hypogravity

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    Vigorous exercise countermeasures in microgravity can largely attenuate muscular degeneration, albeit the extent of applied loading is key for the extent of muscle wasting. Running on the International Space Station is usually performed with maximum loads of 70% body weight (0.7 g). However, it has not been investigated how the reduced musculoskeletal loading affects muscle and series elastic element dynamics, and thereby force and power generation. Therefore, this study examined the effects of running on the vertical treadmill facility, a ground-based analog, at simulated 0.7 g on gastrocnemius medialis contractile behavior. The results reveal that fascicle−series elastic element behavior differs between simulated hypogravity and 1 g running. Whilst shorter peak series elastic element lengths at simulated 0.7 g appear to be the result of lower muscular and gravitational forces acting on it, increased fascicle lengths and decreased velocities could not be anticipated, but may inform the development of optimized running training in hypogravity. However, whether the alterations in contractile behavior precipitate musculoskeletal degeneration warrants further study

    The biomechanical characteristics of wearing FitFlopâ„¢ sandals highlight significant alterations in gait pattern: a comparative study.

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    BACKGROUND: The net contribution of all muscles that act about a joint can be represented as an internal joint moment profile. This approach may be advantageous when studying footwear-induced perturbations during walking since the contribution of the smaller deeper muscles that cross the ankle joint cannot be evaluated with surface electromyography. Therefore, the present study aimed to advance the understanding of FitFlopâ„¢ footwear interaction by investigating lower extremity joint moment, and kinematic and centre of pressure profiles during gait. METHODS: 28 healthy participants performed 5 walking trials in 3 conditions: a FitFlopâ„¢ sandal, a conventional sandal and an athletic trainer. Three-dimensional ankle joint, and sagittal plane knee and hip joint moments, as well as corresponding kinematics and centre of pressure trajectories were evaluated. FINDINGS: FitFlopâ„¢ differed significantly to both the conventional sandal and athletic trainer in: average anterior position of centre of pressure trajectory (P<0.0001) and peak hip extensor moment (P=0.001) during early stance; average medial position of centre of pressure trajectory during late stance; peak ankle dorsiflexion and corresponding range of motion; peak plantarflexor moment and total negative work performed at the ankle (all P<0.0001). INTERPRETATION: The present findings demonstrate that FitFlopâ„¢ footwear significantly alters the gait pattern of wearers. An anterior displacement of the centre of pressure trajectory during early stance is the primary response to the destabilising effect of the mid-sole technology, and this leads to reductions in sagittal plane ankle joint range of motion and corresponding kinetics. Future investigations should consider the clinical implications of these findings

    Training Regimes and Recovery Monitoring Practices of Elite British Swimmers

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    Consistent prescriptions for event-specific training of swimmers are lacking, which points to likely differences in training practices and a potential gap between practice and scientific knowledge. This study aimed to analyze the distance-specific training load of elite swimmers, derive a consistent training sessions’ description and reflect on the current recommendations for training and recovery. The individual training regimes of 18 elite British swimmers were documented by surveying four swim and two strength and conditioning (S&C) coaches. The annual and weekly training load and content were compared between swimmers competing in sprint, middle and long-distance events. Thematic analysis of the surveys was conducted to identify key codes and general dimensions and to define a unified classification of the swimming and S&C training sessions. Weekly training loads and content of the swim (ƞ2 - effect size; p = 0.016, ƞ2 = 0.423) and S&C (p = 0.028, ƞ2 = 0.38) sessions significantly differed between the groups. Long-distance swimmers swam significantly longer distances (mean ± SD; 58.1 ± 10.2 km vs. 43.2 ± 5.3 km; p = 0.018) weekly but completed similar number of S&C sessions compared to sprinters. The annual swimming load distribution of middledistance specialists did not differ from that of long-distance swimmers but consisted of more S&C sessions per week (4.7 ± 0.5 vs. 2.3 ± 2.3; p = 0.04). Sprinters and middle-distance swimmers swam similar distances per week and completed similar number of S&C sessions but with different proportional content. Whereas all coaches reported monitoring fatigue, only 51% indicated implementing individualized recovery protocols. We propose a consistent terminology for the description of training sessions in elite swimming to facilitate good practice exchanges. While the training prescription of elite British swimmers conforms to the scientific training principles, recommendations for recovery protocols to reduce the risk of injury and overtraining are warranted
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