5 research outputs found

    Utjecaj promjenjivog kontaktnog tlaka i promjenljive visine zateznog rebra na duboko vučenje limova od Al legura

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    The process of deep drawing is influenced by many factors. During the forming process, only two of those factors can be controlled. They are blank holding force and drawbead height. Realisation of such control requires relatively complex computerized apparatus. For this experimental research, electro-hydraulic sheet-metal strip sliding device has been constructed. Basic capacity of realized device is obtaining contact pressure and drawbead height as functions of time or stripe displacement. Additional features consist of the ability to measure drawing force, contact pressure, drawbead displacement etc. Presented in the paper are the results of influencing of increasing and decreasing drawbead height functions in combination with increasing-decreasing function of contact pressure. Stripe material is aluminium alloy AlMg4,5Mn0,7 sheet metal. Contact condition are additionally influenced by application of mineral oil or completely dry tool and stripe surfaces. Drawbead geometry, with rounding radii of 2 and 5 mm, is also varied. The accomplished results indicate that simultaneous effects of variable drawbead height, variable contact pressure, tool geometry and appropriate friction conditions can influence the plastic flow process in line with desired change of forming force.Na proces dubokog vučenja utječe više faktora. Tijekom trajanja procesa oblikovanja moguće je upravljati samo s dva faktora. To su sila držanja i visina zateznog (vlačnog) rebra. Ostvarivanje takvog upravljanja zahtjeva relativno složenu kompjutoriziranu aparaturu. Za ovo pokusno istraživanje razvijen je elektro-hidraulički uređaj za klizanje traka od lima s kompjutorskim upravljanjem. Njegova osnovna karakteristika je ostvarivanje kontaktnog tlaka i visine zateznog rebra, kao funkcijskih ovisnosti o vremenu, odnosno hodu trake. Pored toga, moguće je mjeriti vučnu silu, silu pritiska, pomak rebra itd. U radu su izloženi rezultati ispitivanja utjecaja opadajuće i rastuće ovisnosti visine rebra u kombinaciji s rastuće-opadajućom funkcijom kontaktnog tlaka. Materijal trake je legura aluminija AlMg4,5Mn0,7 debljine 0,9 mm. Na kontaktne uvjete se dopunski utječe s dva tipa trenja. U prvom slučaju površine su suhe, a u drugom se primjenjuje podmazivanje odgovarajućim mineralnim uljem. Geometrija rebra se mijenja preko polumjera zaobljenja 2 i 5 mm. Ostvareni rezultati pokusa pokazuju istodobno djelovanje promjenljive visine rebra, promjenljivog kontaktnog tlaka, geometrije rebra i odgovarajućih uvjeta trenja, mogu utjecati na proces plastičnog tečenja u skladu sa željenom promjenom sile oblikovanja


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    Tehnologije plastičnog ablikovanja (TPO),u savremenoj industrijskoj proizvodnji dominira u odnosu na ostale tehnologije, prije svega u industrijski razvijenim zemljama.U cilju zaštite kako ograničenih resursa tako i zaštiti čovjekove okoline, neminovno je usaglašavanje ove tehnologije sa savremenim zahtjevima uvođenja tzv. “čistih“proizvodnih postupaka i tehnologija. U ovom radu dat je savremeni pristup modeliranja sistema TPO sa posebnim osvrtom na tehnologije oblikovanja na završnu formu (Net shape forming, NSF)koje omogućavaju uštedu u materijalu i ekoliški su prihvatljive.Osim ekoloških aspekata u oblasti TPO, ukazano je na značaj izbora sredstava za podmazivanje kako sa tehnološkog tako i sa ekološkog stanovišta.Takođe se, pored navedenih pregleda izučavanja u ovoj oblasti, navode i rezultati sopstvenih istraživanja, sa preporukama za korišćenje ekoloških komponenti obradnih procesa, u različitim postupcima TPO - pri hladnom kovanju, preradi limova i sl

    On the Al-Mg alloy sheets for automotive application: Problems and solutions

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    Aluminium alloys suitable for automotive application were reviewed briefly as well as the reasons for the future wider application of Al-Mg type alloys. Basic problems related to the limited consumption of Al-Mg type alloy sheets in automotive applications as the appearance of stretcher-strain markings and paint baking - induced softening considered. Also, the current knowledge on the promising approaches to overcome those problems was estimated


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    Sheet metal forming, especially deep drawing process is influenced by many factors. Blank holding force and drawbead displacement are two of them that can be controlled during the forming process.For this purpose, an electro-hydraulic computerized sheet-metal strip sliding device has been constructed. The basic characteristic of this device is realization of variable contact pressure and drawbead height as functions of time or stripe displacement. There are both, pressure and drawbead, ten linear and nonlinear functions. Additional features consist of the ability to measure drawing force, contact pressure, drawbead displacement etc.The device overview and first results of steel sheet stripe sliding over rounded drawbead are presented in the paper