30 research outputs found

    Efekti insekticida na jagodinu biljnu vaš, Chaetosiphon fragaefolii (Cockerell) na otpornim i osetljivim genotipovima jagode

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    Strawberry aphid, Chaetosiphon fragaefolii (Cockerell), is the most important vector of strawberry virus. Breeding of genotypes resistant to this pest is an important preventive control measure, which can be compatible with rational insecticide application. The aim of the paper was to determine effects of dimethoate and deltamethrin on C. fragaefolii populations reared on two strawberry genotypes different in susceptibility: susceptible strawberry cultivar Čačanska rana and medium resistant hybrid, zf/1/94/96 (Senga Fructarina x Del Norte). Lower toxicity of deltamethrin was observed (laboratory assay) as well as lower biological efficacy of dimethoate at lower concentrations (field trial) for specimens from C. fragaefolii population reared on susceptible strawberry cultivar Čačanska rana.Biljna vaš jagode, Chaetosiphon fragaefolii (Cockerell), najvažniji je vektor virusa jagode. Gajenje genotipova jagode otpornih na ovu štetnu vrstu je značajna preventivna mera zaštite, koja može da bude kompatibilna sa racionalnom primenom insekticida. Cilj rada je bio da se utvrdi delovanje dimetoata i deltametrina na populacije C. fragaefolii gajene na dva genotipa jagode različite osetljivosti: osetljiva sorta jagode čačanska rana i srednje otporni hibrid, zf/1/94/96 (Senga Fructarina x Del Norte). Utvrđena je niža toksičnost deltametrina (laboratorijski biotest) i manja biološka efikasnost dimetoata pri nižim koncentracijama (ogled u polju) za jedinke populacije C. fragaefolii gajene na osetljivoj sorti jagode čačanska rana

    Cost-effectiveness analysis of tocilizumab in combination with methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis: A Markov model based on data from Serbia, country in socioeconomic transition

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    Background/Aim. Recent studies have shown that biological treatments for rheumatoid arthritis can change the course of rheumatoid arthritis and improve functional ability of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. In spite of this fact, use of biological therapy is still limited by high prices of these medicines, especially in countries in socioeconomic transition. The aim of our study was to compare costeffectiveness of a combination of tocilizumab and methotrexate with methotrexate alone for rheumatoid arthritis in Serbia, a country in socioeconomic transition. Methods. For the purpose of our study we designed a Markov model using data on therapy efficacy from the available literature, and data on the costs of health states calculated from records of actual patients treated in the Clinical Center Kragujevac, Serbia. The duration of one cycle in our model was set at one month, and the time horizon was 480 months (40 years). The study was done from the social perspective, and all the costs and outcomes were discounted for 3% per year. Results. Treating rheumatoid arthritis with diseasemodifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) alone was more cost-effective in comparison with a combination of biologic treatment with tocilizumab and DMARDs. The total costs for treating a patient with DMARDs for one year were on average 261,945.42 RSD, or 2,497.70 Euro and the total costs for treatment with tocilizimab plus DMARDs were on average 1,959,217.44 RSD, or 18,659.20 Euro. However, these results are susceptible to changes in costs and treatment effects of tocilizumab in patients with more severe forms of rheumatoid arthritis. Conclusion. Our results show that the use of tocilizumab for rheumatoid arthrits in economic environment of Serbia is not cost-effective. Use of tocilizumab for treating rheumatoid arthritis can become affordable, if costs of its use become lower. In order to start using expensive biologic medicines in patients in transitional countries, special strategy and pricing policy of international pharmaceutical companies are necessary, which would include calculation of prices of biologic medicines on the basis of local pharmacoeconomic studies

    Značaj prvog prolećnog tretiranja voćaka i vinove loze

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    Treatment of fruit trees and grape vines at the onset of the growing season is a highly important operation in fruit and grape production, leading to a reduction in the reproductive potential of a large number of pests as well as to a decrease in pathogen inoculum density. Timely inspection of fruit trees and grape vines over the winter indicates the need for early spring treatments at the bud swell and bud burst stages. During the 2011-2012 period, winter inspections were performed to determine the presence of harmful overwintering insects and mites in apple plantings in the Town of Čačak. Results show a high abundance of Aphididae, Geometridae and Acarinae.Tretiranje voćaka i vinove loze u vremenu kretanja vegetacije je veoma značajna mera u tehnlologiji proizvodnje voća i grožđa. Ovim tretiranjem se na početku vegetacije smanjuje potencijal razmnožavanja velikog broja štetočina i količina inokuluma prouzrokovača bolesti. Blagovremeno sprovođenje zimskih pregleda voćaka i vinove loze ukazuje na potrebu sprovođenja prvih prolećnih tretiranja u fenofazi bubrenja i pucanja pupoljaka. U periodu 2011-2012. godine zimskim pregledima utvrđivano je prisustvo prezimljavajućih formi štetnih insekata i grinja u zasadima jabuka na teritoriji Grada Čačka. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na visoku brojnost Aphididae, Geometridae i Acarinae

    Istraživanje novog tehničko-tehnološkog rešenja u zasnivanju voćnjaka kombinovanim oruđem rigoler –razrivač u obradi zemljišta

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    Modern agriculture requires the use of modern technology, with new technical and technological solutions. Basic agro-technical operation in phase of establishing orchards and vineyards that requires large amounts of energy is plowing, for its specificity called rigoling. Trenching phase consumes greatest portion of energy int he processing and preparation of land in general and especially for the establishment of cultural agricultural fruit-grape production. There are more operational technologies, and this paper analyses classical technology, and combined technology using rigoler and plowing tools for soil cultivation. When classic technologies are applied, soil is cut and sectioned, moved and crushed, thus creating loose soil layer. The depth of processed soil is different for different fruitgrape crops, depending on the needs of the root system, as penetration depth and the breadth of development, ranging between 60 and 100 cm. Such technology moves active soil layer to the inactive bottom of the furrow, while inactive soil layer is removed to the surface. This technology has to be defined for different soil types. Combined technical-technological solution using a rigoler with built-in plow enables the achievement of working depth required by the root system, but the inactive soil layer is not moved to the surface of the plowed soil. The lower topsoil layer is only shaken and broken. Work technology combining rigoler and plow in one pass, can significantly increase technological production, while saving significant amounts of energy. This technology should be applied to avoid unnecessary expenditure of energy.U radu su prikazani rezultati ostvarenih vučnih otpora pri rigolovanju zemljišta sa plugom rigolerom na dubini od 60 cm, 70 cm, 80 cm i 90 cm, kao i vučni otpori rigolera sa dodatnim radnim organom u obliku dleta. Dodatkom dleta, dubina rigolovanja po varijantama rada, povećana je za 10 cm, 15 cm i 20 cm. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da na povećanim dubinama rigolovanja, specifičan otpor zemljišta ima nepromenjenu vrednost kao i pri samom rigolovanju. Ovo se postiže time što je odnos povećane dubine rigolovanja veći od povećanog vučnog otpora sa dodatkom dleta. Ekonomičnost upotrebe dleta je do 70 cm rigolovanja i 20 cm dubine rada dleta. Iznad 70 cm rigolovanja primena dleta se ekonomski smanjuje, jer se na toj dubini ispunjava agrotehnički zahtev

    Pojava, štetnost i suzbijanje krompirovog moljca (Phthorimaea operculella)

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    Potato tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), is a damaging pest occurring in warm, tropical and subtropical regions. In the last several years, it has also been present in Serbia, causing serious damage to potatoes. Its harmfulness involves damage to potato tubers which renders them useless for marketing, leading to complete yield loss. This pest is also important in terms of the complexity of its control. In Serbia, until five years ago, this pest was known only through literature. The first official data on its presence in Serbia i.e. in the Leskovac region date back to 2011. The potato tuber moth was first recorded in 2008 (Leskovac), and its presence in other areas of Serbia was first reported in 2011. During 2015, extensive damage from this insect was recorded on the potato crop in Čačak, particularly in the lowlands, where potatoes are intensively grown for high yields, as well as in other parts of the country. This pest requires complex control practices. It is only through the use of both preventive and direct control measures by all potato growers on a large scale that success in pest control and damage reduction can be expected.Krompirov moljac, Phthorimaea operculella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), je štetočina toplih, tropskih i subtropskih regiona sveta. U poslednjih nekoliko godina je prisutan i u Srbiji gde pričinjava velike štete na krompiru. Štetnost moljca se ogleda u oštećenju krtola koje postaju tržišno neupotrebljive do potpunog propadanja celokupnog prinosa. Ova štetočina je značajna i po složenosti njenog suzbijanja. Kod nas se o ovoj štetočini do pre pet godina znalo samo iz literature. Prvi zvanični podaci o prisustvu štetočine kod nas, na području Leskovca, potiču iz 2011. godine. Prvi nalaz moljca potiče iz 2008. godine (Leskovac), a prema nekim podacima štetočina se javlja od 2011. godine i u drugim područjima u Srbiji. Tokom 2015. godine evidentirane su ogromne štete na krompiru od ovog insekta na teritoriji Čačka, posebno u ravničarskom delu gde se intenzivno gaji krompir i gde se postižu visoki prinosi, kao i u drugim delovima Srbije. Suzbijanje ove štetočine je veoma složeno. Samo primenom svih, preventivnih i direktnih mera od strane svih uzgajivača krompira, na većem području, se mogu očekivati rezultati u suzbijanju štetočine i smanjenju šteta

    Komponente prinosa pasulja u zavisnosti od primene Guanita i mikrobioloških đubriva

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    The research was done in Bačka Topola on calcareous chernozem in the year 2016 by the principals of organic bean breeding technology. The experiment had a split-plot arrangement, with large plots as varieties, and subplots as various fertilizer treatments. Pelleted organic fertilizer and microbiological fertilizers did not contribute to a statistically significant increase of yield components and yield. There were differences between the applied varieties. The variety Zlatko gave better results by means of examined characteristics. The variety Zlatko has shown it self as better for organic production in comparison with the autochthonous variety which was chosen for examination.Istraživanje je sprovedeno u Bačkoj Topoli na karbonatnom černozemu u 2016. godini po principima organske tehnologije gajenja pasulja. Ogled je bio postavljen po modelu podeljenih parcela gde su velike parcele bile sorte, a potparcele – tretman različitim đubrivima. Peletirano organsko đubrivo i mikrobiološka đubriva nisu doprinela statistički značajnom povećanju komponenti prinosa i prinosa. Razlike između upotrebljenih sorti su postojale. Kod svih ispitivanih svojstava sorta Zlatko je dala bolje rezultate. Za organsku proizvodnju pokazala se boljom sorta Zlatko u odnosu na autohtonu sortu koja je izabrana za istraživanje

    Silicon modifies leaf nutriome and improves growth of oak seedlings exposed to phosphorus deficiency and Phytophthora plurivora infection

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    Beneficial effects of silicon (Si) on plants have primarily been studied in crop species under single stress. Moreover, nutrient acquisition-based responses to combination of biotic and abiotic stresses (a common situation in natural habitats) have rarely been reported, in particular in conjunction with soil amendments with Si. Pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.), one of the ecologically and economically most important tree species in Europe, is facing a severe decline due to combined stresses, but also problems in assisted regeneration in nurseries. Here, we studied the effect of Si supply on the leaf nutriome, root traits and overall growth of 12-weeks-old oak seedlings exposed to abiotic stress [low phosphorus (P) supply], biotic stress (Phytophthora plurivora root infection), and their combination. The application of Si had the strongest ameliorative effect on growth, root health and root phenome under the most severe stress conditions (i.e., combination of P deficiency and P. plurivora root infection), where it differentially affected the uptake and leaf accumulation in 11 out of 13 analysed nutrients. Silicon supply tended to reverse the pattern of change of some, but not all, leaf nutrients affected by stresses: P, boron (B) and magnesium (Mg) under P deficiency, and P, B and sulphur (S) under pathogen attack, but also nickel (Ni) and molybdenum (Mo) under all three stresses. Surprisingly, Si affected some nutrients that were not changed by a particular stress itself and decreased leaf Mg levels under all the stresses. On the other hand, pathogen attack increased leaf accumulation of Si. This exploratory work presents the complexity of nutrient crosstalk under three stresses, and opens more questions about genetic networks that control plant physiological responses. Practically, we show a potential of Si application to improve P status and root health in oak seedlings, particularly in nurseries

    Silicon modulates root phenomics and leaf ionomics in oak under Phytophthora infection and low phosphorus conditions

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    Pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) is the most abundant deciduous tree species in Europe with high economical and ecological importance. Different species of Phytophthora are considered as one of the most important factors responsible for deterioration of oak forest, causing serious root damage not only in the forest trees, but also in the nurseries. Oak seedlings were grown in plastic pots with extremely low phosphorus (P) soil (1.5 mg kg-1 total P; no available Olsen-P detected). Silicon (Si) and P were supplied as Na2SiO3 (300 mg Si kg-1 dry soil) and KH2PO4 (180 mg P kg-1 dry soil), respectively. Four treatments (-P/-Si, -P+/Si, +P/-Si, and +P/+Si) were used in the experiment. After two months of experiment, a half of the plants in each treatment were root-inoculated with Phytophthora plurivora. After further four weeks, the first symptoms of P. plurivora infection appeared in leaves (e.g., leaf necrosis and wilting). Plants were then carefully removed from the pots, divided into roots and shoots, and the roots were scanned and analyzed by the WinRHIZO® software. Foliar concentrations of Si, P, K, Ca, Mg, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn were determined by ICP-OES, while the concentrations of N and S were determined by CHNS Analyzer. The addition of Si obviously improved root health status (e.g., decreasing de number of lesions and necrosis intensity) in the infected plants grown under -P conditions, which was followed by an increased foliar P concentration. The Si supply significantly increased the root variables (e.g., total root volume, root length, and area of thin roots) in both -P and +P plants inoculated with P. plurivora. Therefore, P. plurivora infection and supply of P and Si modulated the nutrient uptake and thereby changed the leaf ionomics, especially for infected -P plants supplied with Si (e.g., significantly increased B, Cu, and Si foliar concentrations and decreased Fe, Mn, Ca, Mg, K, and S foliar concentrations). Furthermore, Si fertilization significantly declined loses in plant dry biomass caused by P. plurivora infection and/or P deficiency, showing biomass comparable to non-infected +P plants

    Suzbijanje zelene vaši jabuke (Aphis pomi De Geer) u organskoj proizvodnji

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    The efficacy of different methods for controlling populations of green apple aphid (Aphis pomi De Geer) in organic apple orchard was compared over three consecutive years. The following three control methods were tested: a) predator activity (Coccinela septempunctata), b) predator activity (C. septempunctata) + selective spraying of trees with infestation level exceeding 10% with a botanical insecticide (NeemAzal T/S), and c) predator activity (C. septempunctata) + total spraying of all orchard trees with the botanical insecticide (NeemAzal T/S). In terms of maintaining a biological balance within an orchard, the combination of natural regulation by C. septempunctata and selective spraying of individual trees with NeemAzal T/S proved to be the most efficient method.Upoređivana je efikasnost različitih metoda suzbijanja populacija zelene vaši jabuke (Aphis pomi De Geer) u organskom zasadu jabuka tokom tri godine. Ispitane su tri metode suzbijanja: a) aktivnost predatora (Coccinela septempunctata), b) aktivnost predatora (C. septempunctata) + selektovno prskanje stabala sa preko 10% zaraženosti botaničkim insekticidom (NeemAzal T/S) i c) aktivnost predatora (C. septempunctata) + prskanje svih stabala u voćnjaku botaničkim insekticidom (NeemAzal T/S). Sa stanovišta održavanja biološke ravnoteže u voćnjaku, najefikasniji metod predstavljala je kombinacija prirodne regulacije putem vrste C. septempunctata i selektivnog prskanja pojedinačnih stabala preparatom NeemAzal T/S

    Control of green apple aphid (Aphis pomi De Geer) in organic apple production

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    The efficacy of different methods for controlling populations of green apple aphid (Aphis pomi De Geer) in organic apple orchard was compared over three consecutive years. The following three control methods were tested: a) predator activity (Coccinela septempunctata), b) predator activity (C. septempunctata) + selective spraying of trees with infestation level exceeding 10% with a botanical insecticide (NeemAzal T/S), and c) predator activity (C. septempunctata) + total spraying of all orchard trees with the botanical insecticide (NeemAzal T/S). In terms of maintaining a biological balance within an orchard, the combination of natural regulation by C. septempunctata and selective spraying of individual trees with NeemAzal T/S proved to be the most efficient method