75 research outputs found

    Monitoring of Soft Fruit Mother Plantings Aimed at Control of Phytophthora fragariae, Causal Agent of Root Rot

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    Phytophthora fragariae was first detected in the Republic of Serbia in 2002, and it has been included in A2 quarantine list of damaging organisms since 2003. The project titled ‘Monitoring of soft fruit mother plantings aimed at the control of Phytophthora fragariae, causal agent of root rot’ was realized over 2004 – 2005 aiming at determination of population rate of the pathogen and the control of raspberry planting material. Over that period, the total 388 samples were tested. Collected samples were analyzed by PCR. The presence of Phytophthora fragariae was detected in 156 samples


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    The flight phenology of the raspberry cane midge Resseliella (Thomasiniana) theobaldi Barnes (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) was monitored over three successive years (2006-2008) in a raspberry orchard of the Fruit Research Institute Čačak, at the 'Zdravljak' site. This was the first time that large white delta traps baited with the raspberry cane midge sex pheromone were used. No insecticides were used during the monitoring period. Throughout the period, over three growing seasons, the midge presence was detected from April-May to September-October. During the three years, there were variations in the numbers of midges caught per trap, as well as those in the total numbers of midges trapped across years and peak numbers per trap. The highest total number (2,419) of midges during the season and the highest number of midges per trap in a sample (729) were recorded in 2007. The earliest maximum catch per trap (729) occurred on 11 May, 2007

    Do stone size and impaction influence therapeutic approach to proximal ureteral stones?

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    Background/Aim. Primary therapeutic approach to lumbar ureteral stones is still contraversial. The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of stone impaction and size on the effectiveness of proximal ureteral stone lithotripsy. Methods. A total of 123 patients with proximal ureteral stones were investigated in this prospective study performed in a 10- month period. The patients were divided into the group I - 86 patients treated with extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) and the group II - 37 patients treated with 'Swiss' Lithoclast. In the group I, 49 stones (57%) were classified as impacted, while 20 stones (23.3%) were larger than 100 mm2. In the group II, 26 stones (70.3%) were impacted, and 11 stones (29.7%) were larger than 100 mm2. Stones were defined as impacted by the radiographic, echosonographic as well as endoscopic findings in the group II of patients. Stone size was presented in mm2. Chemical composition of stones were almost the same in both groups of the patients. Results. Generally, there was no statistically significant difference in the treatment success between the groups. However, stones larger than 100 mm2 were statistically more successfully treated endoscopically, while there was no statistical difference in the treatment success of impacted stones between these two groups. Conclusion. ESWL can by considered as primary first therapeutic approach in treatment of all proximal ureteral stones except for stones larger than 100 mm2 that should primarily be treated endoscopically

    Proizvodnja i potrebe za predosnovnim sadnim materijalom krompira u Republici Srbiji i Republici Srpskoj

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    Pre-basic seed potato material is used for basic seed (elite) and certified seed potato production. At this moment all basic seed material is imported into Republic of Serbia and Republic of Srpska, despite the fact that the method of in vitro tissue culture production of virus-free seed potato has been developed in both countries and there is a continuous demand for pre-basic and basic seed potato. Current total production is significantly lower than actual requirements. In the 80s and 90s of the previous century two modern facilities for production of virus-free seed potato and certified seed were built in Sokolac (Republic of Srpska) and Guča (Republic of Serbia). Although facilities were well-equipped, seed potato production was permanently ceased in 2000. The presence of high infection pressure dominated by potato virus Y is shown in the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Srpska. This paper gives an overview of pre-basic seed potato material production in both countries over the last two decades.Predosnovni sadni materijal su zdrave krtole koje služe za proizvodnju osnovnog sadnog materijala krompira (elita), a na bazi toga i certifikovanog sadnog materijala krompira. Iako u Republici Srbiji i Republici Srpskoj postoje stalne potrebe za pred-osnovnim i osnovnim semenskim krompirom, kao i dva centra za njegovu proizvodnju, osnovni sadni materijal (elita) se uvozi iz Holandije i drugih zemalja zapadne Evrope. Potrebe za pred-osnovnim odnosno osnovnim sadnim materijalom (elita) su znatno veće nego što je trenutna potrošnja. Osamdesetih i devedesetih godina prošlog veka osnovana su dva savremena centra u Sokolcu (Republika Srpska) i u Guči (Republika Srbija) sa ciljem proizvodnje pred-osnovnog semenskog krompira, odnosno elite i certifikovanog sadnog materijala. Iako su oba centra bila dobro opremljena, proizvodnja bezvirusnog krompira je trajno obustavljena. U radu je dat pregled dosadašnjih istraživanja o proizvodnji pred-osnovnog sadnog materijala krompira, uz pokušaj pronalaženja odgovora na pitanje zašto je proizvodnja u ovim zemljama ugašena

    Sustainable agriculture and environmental protection

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    Human population growth caused the World Commission on Environment and Development to call attention to necesity of changes in strategies for attaining security in food production and conservation of natural resources and enviromental protection. Sustainable agriculture goals may be shortly abridged to stable market supply by biologically quality food, on employment of rural population and suppressing of poverty, as well as natural resources management and environment protection on local and global level. For the system of such sustainable and organic agriculture, ecology provides basic conditons through the development of diversified agroecological systems. Integration of plant and animal biodiversity which improves ineractions and sinergy is the advantage. It enables biological regulation of harmfull organisms, nutrition circling, biomass production and accumulation. The end result is improvement of economical and ecological agroecology system maintenance. In accomplishing these aims new initiatives in education, application of economical stimulations and development of relevant new technologies are included

    The importance of plant genetic resources in agroecosystem

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    Monitoring and conservation of plant genetic resources are essential for the development of modern agricultural production. Biodiversity of plant resources in agriculture is a biological basis for ensuring quality world food, acting as the basis for creating new varieties through conventional crossing process or application of biotechnology. Since the laboratory and field experiments can not assume all the possible interactions that may occur in the ecosystem, monitoring is necessary in natural environment, bringing to light the necessity of collaborative interdisciplinary involvement and research

    Aktuelni problemi u zaštiti voćaka i vinove loze

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    In this article the actual and economically important diseases, insect pests and integrated pest management (IPM) of fruit and grapes in Serbia were discussed. Different pest management measures were suggested, as well. In the pome fruits group the resistance of Ventura inaequalis to fungicides and fire blight were pointed as an actual problem. In stone fruits production it was stressed that the Plum pox virus (PPV) is still the biggest problem in Serbia. In the field of insect pests it was pointed out that apple codling moth resistance is emerging. Phytophthora root rot, which was the biggest problem in small fruit production in the last decade, was successfully controlled by production and planting healthy raspberry plants. In grapevine production the biggest problem emerged with Bois Noir phytoplasmas appearance. By taking preventive control measure the disease is under control. But, the ESCA complex diseases are getting more important. These diseases in Serbian grapes production need more attention.U radu je ukazano na aktulene i ekonomski značajne bolesti, štetočine i probleme integralne zaštite voćaka i vinove loze u našoj zemlji. Istovremeno, predložene su i mere njihovog rešavanja u datom trenutku. Kod jabučastih voćaka ukazano je na problem rezistentnosti V. inaequalis prema fungicidima i na bakterioznu plamenjaču. Kod koštičavih voćaka najznačajniji problem je virus šarke šljive (PPV). Od insekata posebno je istaknut problem suzbijanja smotavaca, grinja i minera na jabuci. Fitoftoroza maline, aktuelna poslednje decenije, zahvaljujući rigoroznim merama kontrole sadnog metarijala je stavljena pod kontrolu. U vinogradarstvu je aktuelno prisustvo fitoplazmi i sušenje čokota vinove loze. Odgovarajućim merama kontrole fitoplazmoze vinove loze se uspešno kontrolišu, dok se problem sušenja čokota kod nas ne proučava, čemu bi hitno trebalo posvetiti odgovarajuću pažnju

    Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura, 1931) (Siptera: Srosophilidae) - nova invazivna vrsta u Srbiji

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    During October and November 2014, a survey was conducted in order to establish the presence of the invasive pest Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura, 1931) on the territory of Serbia. Survey revealed the presence of this fly in four districts (Rasinski, Mačvanski, Raški and Pčinjski), in sampled raspberry and blackberry ripe fruits, as well as in common fig and grape. Collected fruits were used for the rearing of Drosophilid larvae to adults, which were subsequently subjected to morphological and molecular characterization. The presence of D. suzukii was confirmed in all surveyed districts, as well as in Zemun (City of Belgrade). This is the first report of the highly invasive fruit pest D. suzukii on the territory of Serbia.Tokom oktobra i novembra 2014. godine, sprovedena su istraživanja u cilju utvrđivanja prisustva i rasprostranjenja invazivne štetočine Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura, 1931) na teritoriji Srbije. Prisustvo ove mušice je utvrđeno u okviru četiri okruga (Rasinski, Mačvanski, Raški, Pčinjski), u uzorkovanim plodovima maline, kupine, smokve i grožđa. Iz plodova su odgajene Drozofilidne larve do adulta koji su zatim analizirani morfološki i molekularno. Prisustvo D. suzukii je utvrđeno na svim lokalitetima u okviru četiri okruga, kao i na teritoriji grada Beograda (Zemun). Ovo je prvi nalaz invazivne štetočine voća D. suzukii na teritoriji Srbije

    Aktuelna istraživanja u oblasti zaštite voćaka

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    The study results of new economically important causal agents of diseases and fruit pests were presented. Over 20 types of Erwinia amylovora have been isolated and identified on pome fruits. The most frequent peach, apricot, and plum diseases are the following: brown fruit rot, drying of small branches and canker. The importance of virus free planting material and resistant cultivars was emphasized. Using the nested PCR and PCR-RFLP methods showed the presence of Phytophthora fragarie var. rubi on three raspberry cultivars. Cecidial raspberry drying is one of the most economically harmful disease. Bacterial raspberry blight was described for the first time in Serbia. Acarology studies are directed towards the following: mechanisms of plant resistance, resistance of mites towards acaricides, efficacy of biopesticides and development of molecular methods for the faster identification of species. The increase in the population of Lymatria dispar, Cacopsylla pruni and Carcopidae was assessed in orchards.Prikazani su rezultati istraživanja novih bolesti i štetočina voćaka sa posebnim osvrtom na: molekularnu detekciju patogena, Pseudomonas syringae na koštičavom voću, sojeve Erwinia amylovora na jabučastim voćkama, prouzrokovače mrke truleži (Monilinia spp.) i rak rana (Leucostoma spp.) na koštičavim vrstama voćaka, molekularne metode za utvrđivanje prisustva Phytophthora fragariae var. rubi na malini, cecidoizno sušenje maline, prouzrokovača bakteriozne plamenjače maline (Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae), akarološka istraživanja, kao i na porast brojnosti Lymantria dispar, Cacopsylla pruni i cikada penuša (Cercopidae), zaštitu voćaka u organskoj proizvodnji